The World's Largest Dungeon ... part one

Game Master Mina Seewicket

A large party of mostly an Half-Orc family has been asked to conquer the vastness of a dungeon in order to become the leader of the clan. Players should be able to go from 1-20 level in this campaign based on the World's Largest Dungeon books.

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"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

survival check 15+: you notice that this cave shows signs of recent activity.

perception 15+: you identify that the light source is by torch.

entering the cave, the smell of mold thickens. black and green mounds of mold cover the top and upper sides of the caves walls, and the flicker of light makes the mold appear to move in a sickly ungulating motion, as if its swallowing down the wall.
rounding the corner, you see a large round room, easily capable of holding a group your size. at the far back, bathed in torchlight, you see a whizened old orc sitting on a rickety chair, greatsword on his lap.
ahh family, come in, come in. take a spot, get comfy. i have information to relay, and a quest to give you he wheezes.

Winter Witch 3
The Grandma Ghawn wrote:
"Come on," she grumbled, "Let's not keep his majesty waiting."

[Anna's thoughts of Grandma Ghawn's words, were "So this must be his majesty of the Ghawn Family?" ]

Male Half-Orc Guide Skirmisher Ranger 1

Take 10 on the Survival and Perception checks, get 17 and 16 respectively.

"Careful," Jangis starts. "Something's been through here. There's a torch up ahead. Hopefully it's just the big guy, but it can't be too bad, they like the light, come on!"

He heads up front ahead of everyone. "Hey, where's Baby Bro?"

Jangis enters the chamber, finds a place toward the back of the pack while listening to his patriarch, and leans back against the rougn cavern wall. "Good to see you too, Gramps. Would you like some extra salt, fresh from the mine?"

M Half Orc Rogue/1

Here I am, Glawng says as he pops up suddenly next to Jangis. Glawng take his place nearby Jangis; the brother he feels closest too. “A quest, you hear that! Maybe slay a dragon, rescue a princess or overthrow a Gnoll horde. Must be something huge to have the whole family here. “ Glawng was bubbling over with excitement. This was just the thing he was looking for. There were bound to be riches that could place the family back in good standing. Glawng looked for Grandma to see what her reaction was going to be.

Male Halfling Empty Handed Monk

"Hey Gramps, I love what you've done with the place." Dric says as he moves a rock to get a place without undulating moss. "Can't say I like the moss, but it might make a nice pillow in the right pack. So what'cha got for us?"

Male Half-Orc Wizard 1

A quest? I hope this isn't like the last quest to find a bottle of elf wine ...

Perception1d20 ⇒ 15 Survival 1d20 ⇒ 8

Someone put up a light on purpose, so they meant to invite outsiders and family. Interesting.

Jam roar finds a comfy rock where his back is to the wall and he see all the exits. He might not have learned magic at school, but at least his education wasn't wasted.

"This must be a mighty quest to require so many. What would you have us do?"

Male Half-Orc Fighter 1

Seeing the old guy visibly relaxes Groltsch. He reaches into his pack and pulls out some nuts and cheese and begins munching on them, hoping to calm the rumbles, offering to anyone else that wants some. "So this is a good ol' fashioned family gathering with a purpose other than eating and brawling." Groltsch gives Dric beside him a little punch and shove (just like old times). "Do tell, what is this important quest for us?"

M 1/2 Orc Cave Druid

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
Survival: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

Seeing the torchlight "Hey Who's that in there?
Seeing the whizened old orc Is that you Gramps?
Recognizing him he takes a seat on a rock....

Winter Witch 3

[Anna stands at the back wall, and is listening and observing everyone]

Male Half-Orc Summoner 1

Sitting down with Fang, Gromor Ask "What information is it that you must relay, and what short of quest do you have that would require so many of us?"

M 1/2 Orc Cave Druid

Yeah What we doin' here?

Female Half-Orc Oracle (Seer) 1

"You ox-brained good for nothing," Grandma swore as she swept into the room, "What are you up to now?" Most of the older family members know that the ageing half-orc is only patriarch due to the fact he is ten months older than Grandma.

Perception 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Survival 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

Perception1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10 Survival1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

Zierka strolls slowly into the cave not sure what to expect. As she gets closer to the light and fire, she recognizes grandpa Ghawn.

"Grandpa. I should have known it was you. You always did have like to put out an air of mystery."

She takes a seat near the fire and listens intently.

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

aye, a quest. more like, taking control of the family. I am way too old to continue leading the family in all things, from wealth management to fighting. so now, with the younger crowd before me, i invite you on your quest.
those of you who do not wish to do this, leave now and keep going. Never again say that you are a ghawn, never again claim to be orc, never again think of us as family, you will be cast out.

Female Half-Orc Oracle (Seer) 1

For a moment, Grandma stood there dumbfounded. Here was her brother, admitting that he could no longer lead the family! It only took her a moment to recover.

"Off the chair then, you longtusk," Grandma used a sly insult in naming her brother, "Your time has passed and it is my turn now!"

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

Shut your mouth, you old hag. it doesnt work that easily. if you want this chair, you have to live to earn it, just like i did. You were, as your so fond of saying, 10 minutes younger than me. but that 10 minutes was enough to grant me into those that would challenge grandpa ghawn, you young ghawns know him as "sofar 'the great' ghawn". he was one of those that helped build this city to greatness. but was he mentioned? no.
He had a gathering just like this, all those years ago. he told all 30 of us who showed the exact same line. "go forward and lead, or be banished". only 1 turned away, and i havent heard from again. The rest of us went down this tunnel. I alone survived.
through this tunnel leads to a most horrific dungeon the world has every seen. although i have gone down and lived, i will tell you, i havent seen all of it. I found a small pathway back to the surface, and since i alone survived, Sofar Ghawn gave me the mantle of command.
Now it is my time to pass it on to the survivor of this quest. This dungeon is massive, complex, and incredibly rich beyond belief, in coin, jewels, and items.
you all seem skeptical, which is fine. but you wont be by the end of the day.
if you are ready, walk past me and head down the tunnel

Winter Witch 3

[Anna's intrigued at what his majesty has said]

M Half Orc Rogue/1

Not be a Gahwn?!, might as well say not be a person. It is bad enough to be seen as an outcast among many of the population but to compound that with being an outcast to the family was unthinkable. Glawng looked at those assembled here; no wonder there was not much extended family if Grandpa Ghawn was the only survivor. If it was a small pathway that needed to be found, Glawng was sure he would be the one to find it. The Ghawn clan was never one to back down from a challenge, as much of a blessing as curse, and Glawng was certain many here would take the test.
Making sure he was not the last to accept, Glawng Ghawn adjusted his pack and headed past the elder Ghawn, putting on a false bravado, hoping he would not be the only one to take this path, and not wanting to glance back to find who else would follow. He walked several paces beyond Grandpa, clearly separating himself from those who would wish to remain behind. He peered down the tunnel, standing, waiting for those others that would join him on the quest. The impetuous youth did not even think of asking Grandpa what kind of horrors might be awaiting. He only saw the adventure in front of him.

Male Half-Orc Fighter 1

"Well I have to go underground for a little bit anyhow so it might as well be like this, with lots of family. That seat will be mine, so I guess I will see you in a little while." Groltsch heads past the old guy and deeper into the cave.

Male Lizardman Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager/Urban) 1 & Fighter (Unarmed) 1/Dual-Cursed Oracle (Battle Mystery) 2 HP 30/30; AC 20 FF 18 T 12 CMD 21; Fort +8 Ref +5 W 0; Init +2 Per +5

"Wait for me!"

Pushing his way from the back comes one of the younger Ghawns, barely of age if he even is. Rulgha has weird things happen to him all of the time so he usually keeps to himself and no one noticed he was even in the room.

"I'm not waiting until I am old and grey to get a chance to do this, I'm coming!"

As he moves past the old man his quiver falls to the floor and bounces and rolls impossibly across the room. Embarrassed Rulgha reclaims his quiver and moves down the town to join Glawng and Groltsch

Male Half-Orc Wizard 1

Jamroar takes his time standing up and getting his gear into order as the others jostle their way to the front of the line.

As the crowd thins out, Jamroar walks up to the old Ghawn and speaks.

"I just have one question: If this is a family rite, why did you invite outsiders? Are they mere cannon fodder, or will we be staying in there long enough to breed?"

Jamroar doesn't sound angry or intrigued by the options. He's just curious about what is going on.

Winter Witch 3

[at hearing Jamroar's words, she was a little disappointed at him, but after hearing him say Breed, she did not know what to feel]

Male Half-Orc Summoner 1

For Gromor, it was not a difficult choice. Even if he were to meet his death in the tunnels, he'd much rather do that than go on alone in the world separated from his family. So he got up and walk past the elder Ghawn and entered the tunnel.

Male Half-Orc Guide Skirmisher Ranger 1

"Yeah, who is she?" Jangis replies. "Did you want to adopt her or something? You didn't arrange a marriage for us and forgot to tell us, huh?"

Winter Witch 3
Jangis Ghawn wrote:
"Yeah, who is she?" Jangis replies. "Did you want to adopt her or something? You didn't arrange a marriage for us and forgot to tell us, huh?"

[After hearing his words, she disliked him even more now, but was more interested in "His Majesty's" reason for calling her, and with a general cover the bases invitation.]

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

ha ha ha ha. that is funny, little Jangis. no no, she is here for reasons unknown to her, but very well known to me. and Jamroar, you can try to breed with her, if you dare, but she isnt a petite flower, so id make sure to carry protection. hahahahahahaha

Winter Witch 3
ha ha ha ha. that is funny, little Jangis. no no, she is here for reasons unknown to her, but very well known to me. and Jamroar, you can try to breed with her, if you dare, but she isnt a petite flower, so id make sure to carry protection. hahahahahahaha

[After hearing his reply, she was both curious for the reason and at the same time knew she would not like the answer, and he was on the money of she not being an easy target, for there were others before, and all regretted it.

But she was torn whether to ask for why she was called or not]

1d20 ⇒ 4

[She decided not to.]

M Half Orc Rogue/1

Glawng was glad there were a few more joining him in the tunnel, but concerned that several of his siblings had not yet moved forward. Even more disconcerting, Grand Gahwn was still in the back. The young Ghawn would feel at a loss without her direction. She always seemed to know what to do before the question was even asked. Additionally Jangis, Jamroar, and Zierka were still on the other side of elder Ghawn. Glawng was less certain about his choice with them not here, but would never back out once committed. That would seem cowardly, something no Ghawn was ever accused.

M 1/2 Orc Cave Druid

This is how you get to be patriarch?? All I have to do explore and survive a big cave to be family leader? I can do this I've been exploring caves for years
Seeing some of the others already head past Granpa, Dhrek gets up and walks past Granpa further down the tunnel.
AS he passes Granpa "I'll see you when I get out and bows to Grandpa
Well are the rest of you coming...or are you not Ghawns
And goes further in
Wondering why is the 1/2 elf important?

Zierka ponders the info given. She had originally planned to go out into the world at large and leave her family behind. Possibly forever. However, the thought of becoming the matriarch of the family felt suprisingly right. She could bring them out of seclusion and raise them up as respected members of the community. Well, some of them anyway.

She gathers her belongings and steps forward heading into the cave to join her kin.

Male Half-Orc Wizard 1

Jamroar shakes his head at the patriarch's comments and the reaction from Anna.

"You know none of us would put up with that kind of brutality. Fine, then, keep your secrets. We'll find out inside the cave. Just one last question. How long did it take you to find your way out again?"

Female Half-Orc Oracle (Seer) 1

Grandma's hands tighten around her quarterstaff at Grandpa's comments. She knew she would come out of the dungeon and rule the family, and would ensure that the old half-orc will get his comeuppance.

"Come on then," she snarled at the younger Ghawns, "Let's get this over and done with!"

Winter Witch 3

[Anna's opinion of Jamroar is better now, and really dislikes the old man, thinking, if she still had the "Femina Auctus Adultus ac Adulescentia" she would make the old man wear it and get his just desserts for that comment]

[she starts to follow Jamroar as he leaves through the opening into the dungeon, when she passes the old man]
"Well at least someone is a gentleman, unlike someone else, and if I find a copy of the "Femina Auctus Adultus ac Adulescentia" I guarantee someone will be wearing it." [while looking at the old man]

[as she entered the passage she was hoping not to fall under "suspension bridge theory."]

Male Half-Orc Guide Skirmisher Ranger 1

"Right behind you, Grand. Let's put that time in the salt mines to use."

Jangis rights himself, shoulders his double axe, picks up the Ghawn family battle horn, and heads on in.

Winter Witch 3

[Anna, hopes to run into allies along the way, and a few good pieces of treasure.]

Male Half-Orc Fighter 1

Groltsch looks at those around him, concentrating on the counting going on in his head then yells back down the tunnel. "What the hell is taking you so long? Are you Ghawns or not? If you are not coming I expect to see none of your cowardly asses ever again."

Male Halfling Empty Handed Monk

"Groltsch, you know very well I can't stand donkeys. There about the only thing as stubborn as a Ghawn." Dric says he heads for the tunnel. "Don't see why any of us would bring one of the blasted things down in this dungeon anyway..."

He seems to have completely misunderstood what his brother was saying.

Winter Witch 3

[Anna quietly laughs at the pun]

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

the decent into the dark is with peril. razor sharp rocks, slippery stones, and low over hangs that appear out of nowhere surround you with danger as you descend into the dank underworld. Just as you are about to give up and turn on your fellow dungeon crawler to claim the top job, you see a hint of civilization. a squared stone, a brick, scratching on the wall, until the tunnel opens into a large yet low room.
Looking about, you see that you have ntered a large square chamber hewn completely from stone. you notice two iron doors, one to your left side, and one to your front. otherwise, there is nothing of interest.

Winter Witch 3

[at seeing this Anna says]
"Well, look at this. Two doors, two options, Should we go as one group or split into 2 groups?"

Male Half-Orc Wizard 1

Jamroar casts Detect Magic and concentrates, turning in slow circle to cover the whole room in an attempt to detect magical auras in the cave and doors. If he finds one, he'll stop and concentrate to study it further.

Spellcraft if needed1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11

Then Jamroar looks closely at the doors to see if there difference between them that might suggest the best route.

Perception1d20 + 0 ⇒ (18) + 0 = 18 and Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27

"I'm certain we'll take different doors. I can't imagine all of us agreeing on just one of them."

Male Half-Orc Guide Skirmisher Ranger 1

Jangis crouches at the doors and starts sniffing, looking for evidence of travel to or from each door.

Tracking: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

M Half Orc Rogue/1

Glawng joins his siblings looking for any differences in the two doors, traps, or anything else hidden.
Perception 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31.

Let me get a good look at these. I've got a good eye for doors and things that might be attached to them.

Male Half-Orc Summoner 1

Watching his brother scan the doors, Gromor says"Brothers, why do you examine the doors so closely, surely there is no need to fear them."

Winter Witch 3

[Anna replies to Gromor's question]
"Actually some doors are rigged with the most ingenious traps."
[she pauses for a second and continues]
"In fact a trap maker only known as Grimtooth, came up with some of the deadliest traps ever seen, a few Examples are "The Poison Door," where the door is hollow and filed with a deadly gas and the door knob is the release mechanism as it acts like a cork on a bottle, another is "The Avenging Treadmill," which stops a party from running away and injuring them."

Male Half-Orc Summoner 1

"But how can you be so sure that these doors are trapped? Form what we were told, it seems that on the other side of the doors are more deadly than any trap you can put on the entrance, making it pointless to trap them." Gromor replies to Anna.

Winter Witch 3

[her reply]
"You never know when your going to face a trail in life, now do you?"

Male Half-Orc Summoner 1

"I guess that would be true." after waiting a few seconds "I do wish they would hurry up though, I'd perfer to get this trial over and done with."

Male Half-elf Bard 1

Tanlen finally manages to catch up to everyone else, after staying behind to try and pry more of the story out of the patriarch, then falling further behind in the passage. He looks around at the room in surprise. "Huh. I certainly wasn't expecting this."

Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12
Knowledge (Dungeoneering, History): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17, 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

After looking around, he turns to the orcish ones and asks to the room in general "Is this the first time you've heard of this place? Have any of you been in these caves before?"

OOC: Tanlen's a distant relation via one of the human ancestors of the Ghawn family. He showed up recently to learn about this side of the family tree, and tagged along when everyone was called to the cave (or he may have gotten a scroll himself.) He's been there, just quiet up until now.

Winter Witch 3

[Anna turns her head to see who said that, and sees it's a half-elf, and is surprised at this]

1d20 + Int + Wis vs DC: 19 = cha score, sorry but bards are stereotypically pretty boys
1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 4 + 1 = 10

[she blushes, goes up to him slowly and says in a nervous voice]
"Hi, nice to meet you, I am Anna Bridgette and you are?"

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