AC 12, Touch 12, FF 10
HP 12 (favored class: wizard +1 HP per level)
Saves Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +2
Initiative +2
CMB -1
CMD 11
BAB +0
Speed 30
Concentration check: +8 (+12 for casting defensively)
Skills: Intimidate +2, Linguistics +9, Spellcraft +9, Knowledge (Arcana) +9, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +9, Knowledge (Nature) +9, Knowledge (Planes) +9, Knowledge (Religion) +9
Feats: Level 1 - Combat Casting, Wizard 1 - Scribe Scroll
Arcane Bond: Toad familiar (+3 HP, always kept in hiding)
Traits: Focused Mind (You gain a +2 trait bonus on concentration checks)
Deft Dodge (You gain a +1 trait bonus on Reflex saves)
Heirloom item: A well-worn book Jamroar read often as a child and took with him to school. His parents said it was passed down from his grandfather, a powerful sorcerer. He had never heard of the spellcaster before they gave him the book or after.
Melee attacks
Greataxe -1 to hit (1d12-1, 20/x3)
Ranged attacks
Acid Dart +2 to hit (1d6+0, 20/x2) Eight casts per day
Specialist School: Conjuration
Opposition Schools: Necromancy, Enchantment
Summoner's Charm (Su): Whenever you cast a conjuration (summoning) spell, increase the duration by a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your wizard level (minimum 1). At 20th level, you can change the duration of all summon monster spells to permanent. You can have no more than one summon monster spell made permanent in this way at one time. If you designate another summon monster spell as permanent, the previous spell immediately ends.
Acid Dart (Sp): As a standard action you can unleash an acid dart targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. The acid dart deals 1d6 points of acid damage + 1 for every two wizard levels you possess. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier. This attack ignores spell resistance.