The World's Largest Dungeon ... part one

Game Master Mina Seewicket

A large party of mostly an Half-Orc family has been asked to conquer the vastness of a dungeon in order to become the leader of the clan. Players should be able to go from 1-20 level in this campaign based on the World's Largest Dungeon books.

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Winter Witch 3
Gromor Ghawn wrote:
Walking over to the rest of his family by the dead cat, Gromor says" Yes, a formation would be a good idea, and so would following this creature's tracks to it's lair."

Anna replies"You may be correct in that, as I would not like to be the hunted or stalked while we wander this dungeon."

Tanlen inspects the necklace and the dagger. Neither radiate magic. The necklace is basically little shells strung together with a leather string, not something you would expect an orc to wear since they lead more toward teeth and bones. The dagger looks more cerimonial than useful as a weapon.

[/ooc] Anyone else want to give me knowledge Arcana check?[/ooc]

Male Half-Orc Fighter 1

"Someone with some good eyes up front, I will be right beside you to protect you."

I've lost track, what exactly does our party consist of at this point?

Winter Witch 3

Zierka: Inquisitor
GrandMa: Oracle(Seer)

Tanlen: Bard
Groltsch: Fighter
Dhrek: Druid(Cave)
Gromor: Summomer

Male Lizardman Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager/Urban) 1 & Fighter (Unarmed) 1/Dual-Cursed Oracle (Battle Mystery) 2 HP 30/30; AC 20 FF 18 T 12 CMD 21; Fort +8 Ref +5 W 0; Init +2 Per +5
Anna Bridgette wrote:


Zierka: Inquisitor
GrandMa: Oracle(Seer)

Tanlen: Bard
Groltsch: Fighter
Dhrek: Druid(Cave)
Gromor: Summomer

And me! Male Oracle of Life

Zierka will take her position at the rear of the group.

Winter Witch 3

sorry Rulgha, I missed you.

here is a proposed formation.

-->->Direction of walk-->-->

Male Half-Orc Guide Skirmisher Ranger 1

Hey! I'm still here. I'll gladly take point.

"Yeah, that stupid little kitty shouldn't be a problem, huh?"

Jangis hefts his axe and peers into the darkness ahead.

Winter Witch 3

sorry Jangis, I missed you.

new proposed formation.

-->->Direction of walk-->-->

Male Half-elf Bard 1
WLD DM wrote:
Anyone else want to give me knowledge Arcana check?

I'm not sure if you're asking me for an arcana check instead of the useless spellcraft ones or not. If so: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

Anna Bridgette wrote:

sorry Jangis, I missed you.

new proposed formation.

-->->Direction of walk-->-->

I'm not sure if I should be in the front row to spot traps, or if I'm too squishy... I think my AC is a point lower than it should be (I'll check when I get home), but it's definitely low. On the other hand it's easier to search for traps from the front row than the second. Any opinions from others? If I was in front, I'd want a space behind one of the strong ones that I could 5' step into, which would put two in the back row with Gromor.

Female Half-Orc Oracle (Seer) 1

Sounds like a plan!

Male Half-Orc Summoner 1
Anna Bridgette wrote:

sorry Jangis, I missed you.

new proposed formation.

-->->Direction of walk-->-->

I edited it just so we can see where Fang is, and i also aporve of this.

Winter Witch 3

then lets get moving

M 1/2 Orc Cave Druid

onward :)

The dungeon is awaiting your next move.

Male Half-Orc Guide Skirmisher Ranger 1

Map please?

Male Half-elf Bard 1
WLD DM wrote:

The dungeon is awaiting your next move.

Taking the lead, with Jangis at his side and Groltsch right behind, Tanlen leads the way down the passage that the krenshar appears to have come from, leaving the wounded orcs behind.

He travels down the passage, shining his pebble-light in front of him, looking for any signs of secret doors, trap floors, or other things of interest.
Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 12

Winter Witch 3

Anna recasts light on her cestus as needed, to see a little better as they walk forward.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

The map remains the same.

Map 3

The 4 Orcs are still in the NE corner. You may place the party where you want.

The krenshar tracks are easy to follow. It entered the L shape room from the same door as Tanlen's group and then walked to the Nort Western door. It paused here for a moment before heading south, following the wall trying to avoid detection as it approached Jangis.

Tanlen and Anna did not percieve anything out of the ordinary.

Female Half-Orc Oracle (Seer) 1

Grandma remains withinthe formation, unable to see farther than the others. Instead, she waits to see if more of the creatures attack them.

Winter Witch 3

anna keeps in formation, and uses the light to see better on her left side.

There are no signs or evidence of any other krenshars. The Ghawn family stands in fromation in the large L shaped room. There are two unopened doors to the north and one to the south. One room to the south has been expored and was found empty with signs of a battle.

Winter Witch 3

to the northern door

Male Half-elf Bard 1
Anna Bridgette wrote:
to the northern door

May as well.

Tanlen, as the one in front, leads the group to the northern door on the eastern wall. He looks it over (Perception 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23), then opens it and shines his light into the next room (assuming there's nothing wrong with the door)

Tanlen, sensing noting peculiar about the door, reaches for the ring pull and pulls it open to reveal a 25’ x 35 foot room. You see an open doorway to your left. The body of an orc, his arm outstretched toward the door you are standing in, lies slumped near the middle of the room. A lone spear, its shaft broken, lays in one of the corners.

Map 4

Winter Witch 3

I'll assume we entered in formation.

"What happened in here? We have an orc body in the middle, a broken spear in a corner, but no blood stains on the ground?"

Male Half-Orc Summoner 1

"I don't know, this place has offered many surprises and mysteries and we haven't even gone far into it."

as Gromor enters the room he will cast detect magic and scan the room.

Gromor casts detect magic. He senses a low level of magic permeating all around him but nothing seems to reach above the background level in this room or from the prone orc.

M 1/2 Orc Cave Druid

Dhrek in the back, "Well whats in this room?" trying to see past the others

Zierka follows the rest of the group and peers around seeing if she spots anything unusual. This dungeon seems to have all manner of strange sights.

Perception 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

Female Half-Orc Oracle (Seer) 1

Grandma moved towards the body to see if she could figure out the cause of death.

Heal 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

Grandma Ghawn leans down and begins to examine the orc corpse. It does not take her long to discover several holes in the neck, arm, and leg. Each hole also has up to eight smaller, rough punctures near it.

If Grandma points this out to the party, I will take Knowledge Arcana checks from those who have it.

Male Half-Orc Guide Skirmisher Ranger 1

Jangis steps forward, sniffs the air, and carefully looks around for any other details or traps that might have killed the orc.

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17

Male Half-Orc Fighter 1

With the discovery of another Orc, this one quite dead, Groltsch tightens the grip on his bardiche and scans around for what could have done this.
Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Winter Witch 3

I'll assume Grandma points it out
Anna looks looks at the orc body
"Well, this would explain the lack of blood stains on the ground, could be a giant parasites of some kind, giant leeches, or giant mosquitoes."

Female Half-Orc Oracle (Seer) 1

Grandma points out the strange marks on the orc's body.

"Any ideas what caused that?" she says, giving the half-elf who tried to talk over her a sidelong glance.

Winter Witch 3

I believe I gave a few possibilities.

The Ghawn family, having entered the room, discovered a lone orc on the ground. Strange pucture marks were discovered by Grandma. Many of the rest looked carefully around the room, but discovered nothing out of the ordinary, and notheing that would cause the wounds.

Still waiting Knowledge Arcana checks from any one who has it

Winter Witch 3

no ranks in it.

Male Half-Orc Guide Skirmisher Ranger 1

Knowledge(Dungeoneering) 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

Male Half-elf Bard 1

Bardic Knowledge (arcana): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4 - I'm sure I don't get anything.

M 1/2 Orc Cave Druid

Dhrek wonders too As he has 0 knowledge arcana

The Ghawn family stare at the wounds on orc, and while they have several theories, can not come up with a clear explaination. Even the bard does not remeber any tales or stories that would fit the circumstances.

I will need the single file marching order for going through doors or down hallways.

Winter Witch 3

-->->Direction of walk-->-->
--Fang-->Zieka->--Anna-->Rulgha->Groltsch---> Group 1
Gromor-->Dhrek->Grandma->Tanlen->Jangis---> Group 2

group 2 goes first than group 1. This OK?

M 1/2 Orc Cave Druid
Anna Bridgette wrote:

-->->Direction of walk-->-->

--Fang-->Zieka->--Anna-->Rulgha->Groltsch---> Group 1
Gromor-->Dhrek->Grandma->Tanlen->Jangis---> Group 2

group 2 goes first than group 1. This OK?

Fine by Dhrek

Female Half-Orc Oracle (Seer) 1

Fine by me!

Male Half-elf Bard 1
Anna Bridgette wrote:

-->->Direction of walk-->-->

--Fang-->Zieka->--Anna-->Rulgha->Groltsch---> Group 1
Gromor-->Dhrek->Grandma->Tanlen->Jangis---> Group 2

group 2 goes first than group 1. This OK?

Works for me, provided Jangis doesn't object. I'll be peering over his shoulder the whole time, after all. Luckily I'm not a halfling!

"Well, I don't know what happened to him, but stay alert or it might happen to us as well." Turning to Grandma, Tanlen asks "Did you see anything that might tell us where these orcs are from? Coins? Markings? I'm not as familiar with the area as you are, but even I could tell they aren't from around here."

As he speaks, Tanlen goes to examine the spear in the corner, looking for any of those markings. I may as well check, not that a spear's important enough to have a maker's mark. For all I know, these orcs carve the weapon's name on everything they fight with. Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13 to find anything noteworthy about the spear and its construction. Also detect magic long enough to make sure that the spear isn't magical. Always need to check!

Male Half-Orc Guide Skirmisher Ranger 1

Let's do this!

Tanlen walks over to the corner to investigate the broken spear. The spear appears to be well made and well used. There is evidence of recent sharpening. Unlike the necklace and knife he found earlier, this was at one time an instrument of battle. There are no distinguishing marks and it does not radiate magic. The shaft is broken similiar to what one would expect in a battle.

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