The World's Largest Dungeon ... part one

Game Master Mina Seewicket

A large party of mostly an Half-Orc family has been asked to conquer the vastness of a dungeon in order to become the leader of the clan. Players should be able to go from 1-20 level in this campaign based on the World's Largest Dungeon books.

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Winter Witch 3

Going to be a slow monday

Stealth: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Inititve 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15

Perception 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Initiative 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (14) - 1 = 13

Grandma, taking one more glance back at the orcs, is able to see a creature sneaking around the corner from the north side of the room. The animal looks like a large, earless cat, almost 5 feet in length. It is nearly 40 feet away from Grandma and Jangis. Upon discovery the cat pulls the skin back from its face revealing the musculature and bony structures of its skull. It then emits a loud screech directed at Jangis but easily heard by all; the sound bouncing off of the stone walls.

Jangis , please make a Charisma based Will save

M 1/2 Orc Cave Druid

Retching and hearing the screech, Dhrek leaves god awful smelling room to see what is making that awful screech. Seeing a cat like creature exposing its flesh and bone is a bit unsettling at first, but having already emptied his stomach contents, stares, and tries to recall if he has seen something like this before.

Hoping Know Dungeon is what i seek this is my roll..and i suppose I'll need initiative eventually too
Know Dungeon : 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23

That doesn't sound promising

Zierka turns around looking out the doorway.

Initiative 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17

Winter Witch 3

Perception to hear the creature.
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24

Init when needed
Init: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18

Dhrek Ghawn wrote:

Retching and hearing the screech, Dhrek leaves god awful smelling room to see what is making that awful screech.

Dhreck will be unable to do the following actions
Seeing a cat like creature exposing its flesh and bone is a bit unsettling at first, but having already emptied his stomach contents, stares, and tries to recall if he has seen something like this before.
Until he has somewhat recovered

Hoping Know Dungeon is what i seek this is my roll..and i suppose I'll need initiative eventually too
Know Dungeon : 1d20 + 7
Initiative: 1d20 + 3

Through effort and stumbling Dhreck is able to leave the room. While there is relief by leaving the room, Dreck is still incapacitated. He can barely hear anything over his own noises. He leans up against the wall hoping that this will end soon.

I will hold the Initiative roll if it become necessary

Male Half-Orc Summoner 1

Trying to get away from the stench, Gromor staggers out of the room also, with Fang right behind him.

And for future use, here is my imitative if needed1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11

Gromor and Fang join Dhreck outside hugging the walls. It appears that Fang is recovering a little quicker than the others. While still unable to function in any manner, the rat is begining to pull itself together.

Male Half-Orc Guide Skirmisher Ranger 1

I believe the DC is based on the Charisma of the critter? My Will save is still just a straight up Will?

Will: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18

Male Half-Orc Fighter 1

Groltsch empties the contents of his stomach onto the floor and walls. "What the he.. blarrrgggghhh.. is that smell?"
Groltsch wiping the tears from his eyes and trying to cover his nose to keep the stench out slowly stumbles out of the room.

Female Half-Orc Oracle (Seer) 1

I just want to point out that Grandma can't see beyond 30'. Therefore, if she is the only person who spotted the krenshar, then it gets a surprise round. However, things get different when she can see it.[/ooc

"Lie," Grandma barks, pointing at the beast.

[ooc]Casting commandBon the beast, ordering it to Fall. Will save against a DC15 to negate, otherwise it will drop prone. It may still act normally while prone but will incubate usual penalties.

Winter Witch 3

"Quickly everyone, get into formations as we are not alone here, And I am not talking about those orcs from earlier."

Female Half-Orc Oracle (Seer) 1

It is impressive how much an iPhone can mess up a post! Does it all make sense?

Winter Witch 3

I can read it with some simple corrections, Another reason portable why I don't like portable devices for net browsing and posting.

Thanks for the reminder Grandma, I forgot about your limited vision. You are correct I should have had a surprise round. My mistake so I will play it as is.

Jangis , while slightly startled by the screeching sound coming from behind him, he was not phased.

Grandma wrote:
"Lie," Grandma barks, pointing at the beast.

The strange catlike beast hears her and

Will : 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19

resists her command with a slight shake of its head.

Jangis it is your move. You are aproximately 40 feet south of the beast. Grandma is nearby you.

Groltsch finally leaves the stinky room and begins his recovery.

Zierka leaves the room to investigate the sound she heard.

What is that thing?

Zierka wrote:

Zierka leaves the room to investigate the sound she heard.

What is that thing?

Zierka enters the previous room passing her troubled brothers. She can easily see Jangis and Grandma ahead to the north, but the creature she heard is out of her sight range. Her black and white scene fades to total black before it reaches it.

Winter Witch 3

Anna follows Zierka out of curiosity and to help out.

Male Half-Orc Guide Skirmisher Ranger 1

Jangis springs into action, screaming out, "GHAAAAWWWWNNN!" as he draws his axe and closes with the beast.

Charge! 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Damage 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

Male Half-Orc Fighter 1

I assume that Groltsch has the nauseated condition. He will just continue suffering until you determine his stomach settles.

Male Half-elf Bard 1

Tanlen looks up from his finds as a horrible screech echos through the room, making him wince in pain. First my nose, then my ears, he thinks, I'm sure that whatever made that noise is going to assault my eyes next.

He hurries back out to the main room, still holding the dagger and necklace in one hand, and the pebble-light in the other. As he approaches the door, he calls out "What was that? Did something attack those orcs?"

Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6 if needed.

Male Lizardman Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager/Urban) 1 & Fighter (Unarmed) 1/Dual-Cursed Oracle (Battle Mystery) 2 HP 30/30; AC 20 FF 18 T 12 CMD 21; Fort +8 Ref +5 W 0; Init +2 Per +5

Rulgha will head back to the room with his Axe drawn ready to hit something if needed.

Jangis springs into action, screaming out, "GHAAAAWWWWNNN!" as he draws his axe and closes with the beast.

Charge! 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Damage 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

The cat moves quickly but is unable to avoid the hit by Jangis. While barely making it through the defenses, he hits the creature solidly doing substantial damage, but not fatal. In response the earless cat attacks back.

To hit bite: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9 To hit claw: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8 To hit claw: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

It is obvious that the blow has strongly effected it. Its weak attempts to attack Jangis all fell short.

Grandma it is your turn, the two combatants are aprox 20' north of you. The krenshar is obviously hurt badly.

Farther south, Groltsch and Fang have gotten themselves together recovering slightly. You are now in the sickend condition. Take a -2 penalty on all attack, damage, saving throws, and skill checks. Gromor and Dhreck are still heaving, although it looks like Dhreck is getting somewhat better.

The family has all left the stinking room. Grandma can be seen but Jangis moved forward out side of their vision. The sound of Jangis in combat can be heard.

Winter Witch 3

Where am I in position to others

Anna Bridgette wrote:
Where am I in position to others

Anna, has just come out of the room, gathered with the rest of the Ghawn family, with the exception of Grandma and Jangis. If you were facing north, Grandma Ghawn would be at your 11 oclock approximately 45 feet away. Somewhere, just north, north west of there, just out of sight range (beyond 60 feet) Jangis is fighting something.

Winter Witch 3

I move to a space next to grandma

Perception check to see what is going on
Perception:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18

@ Anna You can move toward the area Grandma is located, but it is currently her move, and she may not be there by the time you get there.

As you approach where Grandma (is/was) the scene comes better into view. With your low light vision and light spell, you can see Jangis just up ahead, engaged in a battle with an earless cat like creature. Jangis does not look to be injured and the cat seems to be just hanging on to life with a large axe wound clearly evident.

M 1/2 Orc Cave Druid

*heave* *heave* thinking I should have known better than that...but you usually don't find rooms like that so close to the entrances

Just letting you know still watchin' :)

Male Half-Orc Guide Skirmisher Ranger 1

Jangis unleashes a frenzy of attacks at the cat, clawing with his axe, and biting with his tusks.

Dice for when it's my turn:

Primary Axe: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
Secondary Axe: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
Damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Bite: 1d20 ⇒ 1
Damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Grandma found it hard to believe her command spell had no effect on the creature and watched as her grandson Jangis dispatched it. Anna's light provides enough light in the area for the three of them to see the dark black coat, now covered in red blood, of the earless cat.

Dhreck recovers enough to just seem sickened like Groltsch and Fang. -2 penalty on rolls Gromor is still having troubles but is showing signs of recovery.

Generally, Anna and Grandma are halfway between the orcs and the southern door, Janigis is approx 20 feet North West of them near the corner. The rest of the Ghawn family is outside of the southern door. Rulgha and Zierka fully functional, Groltsch, Fang and Dhreck sickened and Gromor nauseated. You have the choice of continuing in round play or just waiting for recovery of members and starting from there. I will take rolls from Jangis, Grandma, and Anna if they are investigating the battle area.

M 1/2 Orc Cave Druid

Votes for waiting until we all feel better *retch*

Winter Witch 3

Anna stands beside Grandma and READIES to cast ray of frost if the creature charges towards or moves closer to them.

Anna is hoping the others recover quickly.

Votes for waiting until they are feel better, but doing it in character.

What knowledge check is needed to identify the creature?

Zierka moves toward Grandma.

Is everything alright over here?

Winter Witch 3

Anna replies to Zierka "No, we have company, and not the friendly kind."

Knowledge Arcana, and Survival would be acceptable checks.

Gromor is the last to recover. It takes him about a min to stop heaving and another 4 to fully get over the sickness. Anna and Zierka are close by Grandma and Jangis is near the beast.

You have the opportunity to move where you would like to cover the last 5 min.

M 1/2 Orc Cave Druid

What is that thing?
Survival :1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21

Dhreck moves up toward Jangis. Throught the light cast by Anna, he can easily see tracks in the dust on the dungeon floor from the animal heading up and around the north corner.

M 1/2 Orc Cave Druid

Spotting the the tracks, weakly he says"It went that way." pointing around the north corner

Male Lizardman Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager/Urban) 1 & Fighter (Unarmed) 1/Dual-Cursed Oracle (Battle Mystery) 2 HP 30/30; AC 20 FF 18 T 12 CMD 21; Fort +8 Ref +5 W 0; Init +2 Per +5
Dhrek Ghawn wrote:
Spotting the the tracks, weakly he says"It went that way." pointing around the north corner

"Let's get that thing!"

Male Half-elf Bard 1
Dhrek Ghawn wrote:
Spotting the the tracks, weakly he says"It went that way." pointing around the north corner

Did it go that way or come from that way? I thought it was dead here.

Tanlen approaches the corpse warily. It's rather ugly, and covered with blood. Still, it might be identifiable.

Bardic Knowledge (arcana): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

I was under the impression it was dead as well.

Tanlen "The other half" Ghawn wrote:
Dhrek Ghawn wrote:
Spotting the the tracks, weakly he says"It went that way." pointing around the north corner

Did it go that way or come from that way? I thought it was dead here.

Tanlen approaches the corpse warily. It's rather ugly, and covered with blood. Still, it might be identifiable.

Bardic Knowledge (arcana):1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

Tanlen approaches the dead creature and looks it over. He does not know much about it but recognizes it as a krenshar. A strange creature that resembles a large but earless hunting cat, save that it can retract the fur and skin on its face to reveal the glistening skull and musculature underneath. Combined with its strange, keening wail, this horrifying display is enough to paralyze prey and send formidable opponents running.

M 1/2 Orc Cave Druid

being sick and all it was an easy mistake
Seeing the dead corpse Oh its dead..sorry..this puking is throwing me off...then its lair must be this way
Damn stinky fungus

Female Half-Orc Oracle (Seer) 1

Grandma approached the corpse of te krenshar and poked it with her quarterstaff. Grunting in satisfaction, she hon led back to the orcs.

"That was what you were afraid of?" she sneered at them.

Been sick, better now.

Monday morning recap.

So far the Ghawn family has entered the dungeon; encountered 4 defeated orcs; inspected the southernmost room, half the family becoming sick; Jangis has encountered and defeated what Tanlen described as a krenshar with some “moral support” from Grandma. The krenshar tracks could be easily seen by Dhrek coming from around the corner where he and “party 1”’ had entered into this room. There are 3 unexplored doors. Grandma believes, from her previous encounter with the orcs, that one measly krenshar could not have created the type of wounds that they have or caused their defeated condition. Some of the Ghawn family remains outside of the southern door while the rest are near the dead krenshar.

Male Half-Orc Fighter 1

Groltsch wanders over and takes a look at the corpse of this strange cat. "Well something tells me that this thing won't be alone in here so we need to be extra aware of the surroundings. I suggest we find them before they have a chance to hunt us down. Lets get moving Ghawns!"

Winter Witch 3

Anna sees the corpse and says
"I think we should move in formation, so if we get ambushed from the front of the back healing can be provided."

we are at 7 players
if healers are in the middle healing can be made easy and they are protected a 2 by 4 formation should work.

Female Half-Orc Oracle (Seer) 1

Sounds like a plan!

"Good thinking," Grandma says to Anna.

Male Half-Orc Summoner 1

Walking over to the rest of his family by the dead cat, Gromor says" Yes, a formation would be a good idea, and so would following this creature's tracks to it's lair."

Male Half-elf Bard 1

Moving away from the dead krenshar ("I recognize it - it's a Krenshar. Just a weird hunting cat.") and the beaten up orcs, Tanlen checks to see if either of his finds is magical (Detect Magic for 3 rounds on them, and Spellcraft (necklace 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13, dagger 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24) to identify them if they are magical).

As the Ghawns begin forming into a marching order, he drops the dagger and necklace into his pack, checks to make sure his gauntlet is tight and his rapier is loose, and moves up to the front.

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