The World's Largest Dungeon ... part one

Game Master Mina Seewicket

A large party of mostly an Half-Orc family has been asked to conquer the vastness of a dungeon in order to become the leader of the clan. Players should be able to go from 1-20 level in this campaign based on the World's Largest Dungeon books.

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Winter Witch 3

So are we going through the door or staying put?

Male Half-Orc Guide Skirmisher Ranger 1

Jangis sniffs the air one more time. "I don't think there's anything else in here, just dead stuff. I'm going to open that door. Who wants to stop me?"

Male Half-elf Bard 1
Jangis Ghawn wrote:
Jangis sniffs the air one more time. "I don't think there's anything else in here, just dead stuff. I'm going to open that door. Who wants to stop me?"

Tanlen goes to stand next to the door and gives it a once-over. Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29

Assuming nothing on the door:

"I'm certainly not going to try. Have at it." Tanlen motions towards the door.

Just so we remeber, the doorway to the north is open.

WLD DM wrote:
Tanlen, sensing noting peculiar about the door, reaches for the ring pull and pulls it open to reveal a 25’ x 35 foot room. You see an open doorway to your left. The body of an orc, his arm outstretched toward the door you are standing in, lies slumped near the middle of the room. A lone spear, its shaft broken, lays in one of the corners.

Map 4

I will use Tanlen's perception score for entering the room. I need perception roll from Jangis upon entering.

Male Half-Orc Guide Skirmisher Ranger 1

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

Jangis and Tanlen enter the room to the north, Jangis in the lead and Tanlen just behind. The room was slightly smaller than the one they had just left. Jangis moves into the room by about 10 feet when he hears Tanlen shout at him in alarm. Tanlen noticed, when he entered the room, something disguising itself on the ceiling, near the middle of the room. perception check 25 needed It had tentacles and looked a bit like a disfigured squid. It was as grey as the stone from which it held. Tanlen was barely able to register the movement of the creature toward Jangis when his light spell extinguished and his whole world became dark.
Jangis hearing Tanlen’s warning looks up to see the creature coming from the room’s ceiling, opening like a hideous octopus with thin, hook-lined tentacles connected by a fleshy web. Jangis registers the sudden change in light, but with his dark vision it does not seem to hinder his ability to see.

Taking rolls in Knowledge Arcana, Knowledge Dungeoneering.
Obviously waiting for its prey, the creature attacks Jangis.
To Hit 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
It just makes it through his defenses and delt a blow to his head.
Damage 1d4 ⇒ 4.
[b]The creature then tries to wrap its tenticles about Jangis' head and squeeze.

CMB 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
It is unable to find a firm hold.

Grandma, third in line, and not too far from Tanlen is able to witness the scene from the door way. She watches as the creature falls from the ceiling onto her grandson. More obviously, she notes that the light spell of Tanlen went out, and Tanlen is looking around as if in the dark. Like Jangis, Grandma can still see with her darkvision.

It is Jangis, Tanlen and Grandma's move. Others are welcome to join as desired. Standing before the door is Grandma, right inside the door, in darkness, is Tanlen, 5 feet farther in is Jangis.

M 1/2 Orc Cave Druid

Being behind Grandma i suppose i can see it.
Dungeon Know:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
What is that thing? Thinking this is definitely not like ANY cave I've been in before and tries to attack the creature with his quarterstaff
Attack Creature:1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
Damage:1d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Sadly Seems Like he is no help this round. Tho hopefully I realize what it is and get some questions on it

Dhrek, looking through Grandma and Tanlen is able to see this squid-like dark-skinned creature and recognizes it as a darkmantle, a subterranian predator that attacks by dropping onto its prey.

Though small creatures, darkmantles are strong for their size, and make natural grapplers due to their tentacles and cloak-like skin. Typically attacking by dropping from above, creating a slam attack and then will attempt to grapple and constrict using their tentacles; a darkmantle that misses will usually fly back up to the roof and try again. They can also cause darkness once per day. Darkmantles can easily see in the dark due to their bat like sonar.

Dhrek is too far away for his quarterstaff to even hit his intended target. But fearing for his relatives life, he pokes is stick at it.

Both Grandma and Dhrek can see the size of the room. The door on the other side is open.

Map 5

Being at the rear of the group, Zierka is anxious to see what is happening in the other room. Let's all move in if possible. I'd hate to lose someone this early in the game.

Male Lizardman Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager/Urban) 1 & Fighter (Unarmed) 1/Dual-Cursed Oracle (Battle Mystery) 2 HP 30/30; AC 20 FF 18 T 12 CMD 21; Fort +8 Ref +5 W 0; Init +2 Per +5
Zierka wrote:
Being at the rear of the group, Zierka is anxious to see what is happening in the other room. Let's all move in if possible. I'd hate to lose someone this early in the game.

Rulgha moves in with the rest of the group

M 1/2 Orc Cave Druid

"Darkmantle on Jangis...lets get it" Yells Dhrek He scans the ceiling for more, and if not seeing more he moves in to try and help Jangis

Monday morning recap.

The Ghawn has begun exploring the mysterious dungeon. After defeating a krenshar, the family entered a room containing one dead orc with strange attack markings on him. With no more inforamtion revealed by the dead orc, Jangis, Tanlen enter the open door to the north with Grandma close behind. Just a few steps into the room and Jangis is attacked by what Dhrek idntifies as a darkmantle. Jangis has a one of these creatures on his head and it is trying to grapple its arms around him. The Ghawn family worried about Jangis is about to enter the room.

I am waiting for Jangis, Tanlen, and Grandma actions. This will be followed by a darkmantle action, and the Ghawn family entering into the room.

I will also take percetion checks from Dhrek and Knowledge Planes from those who have it.

Male Half-Orc Guide Skirmisher Ranger 1

Knowledge(Dungeoneering): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

"EAT ME, WILL YOU?" Jangis shouts. He opens wide and bites right back.

Declaring guide focus against the darkmantle, Bite attack.

Attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
Damage: 1d4 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9

Mmmm.... Cave sushi.

Male Lizardman Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager/Urban) 1 & Fighter (Unarmed) 1/Dual-Cursed Oracle (Battle Mystery) 2 HP 30/30; AC 20 FF 18 T 12 CMD 21; Fort +8 Ref +5 W 0; Init +2 Per +5

Knowledge (Planes) 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24

Male Half-elf Bard 1

Tanlen, blinded by the loss of his light, backs up to where he remembers the wall to be, and begins singing an orcish song about a battle on a moonless night. Inspire Courage grants a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls.

Bardic Knowledge (planes): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23

Male Half-Orc Fighter 1

Sorry for some reason it wasn't pulling this game into my "focus" threads. Where can I come back in to this?

Jangis was sure he had had worse tasting meals, but could not remember exactly where. With one vicious bite, he was able to split the darkmantle in twain. It falls limply to the floor.

Tanlen had just backed up and started singing when he felt a darkmantle fall upon him. He noticed a bit of a "fiendish" quality about these creatures.

To hit 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

It missed and headed back toward the ceiling. Close enough for Tanlen and or Jangis to take one swipe at it.

Tanlen remember you are basically in the "blinded" condition in this room for purposes of attacks.

Grandma, just outside of the door saw the darkmantle fall from its hiding place right above the door she was entering.

The rest of the Ghawn family, are making their way into the room pass Grandma and Tanlen, trying to see what is going on and how they may help. An open door on the other side of the room appears to be the only way out.

M 1/2 Orc Cave Druid

Perception 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

Male Half-elf Bard 1

As he has not yet had a chance to draw his rapier, Tanlen punches blindly up at the tentacles above him with his spiked gauntlet. I'm not sure whether I can even take attacks of opportunity while blind, but in any case: Concealment: 1d100 ⇒ 2 < 50%, miss completely.

@ Tanlen Probably not when blind. However since it came down and touched you, I thought I might give you an opportunity to touch it back since you will obviously know where it is.

Male Half-elf Bard 1
WLD DM wrote:
@ Tanlen Probably not when blind. However since it came down and touched you, I thought I might give you an opportunity to touch it back since you will obviously know where it is.

Fair enough. Should I roll a regular attack roll to hit it, then, and ignore the miss chance? Or just wait for my next action?

Male Half-Orc Guide Skirmisher Ranger 1

Jangis grunts. "They keep droppin', I keep eatin'!"

Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Damage: 1d4 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

When given a chance, he pulls out his axe and prepares to hit the next one that approaches.

Male Half-Orc Fighter 1

After fighting another bout of the sickness that got to him earlier Groltsch finally makes his way in to the room and rushes to the front.
"What the hell are these things?"
How high are the ceilings? With the 10' reach of the bardiche I am wondering if I am able to find and strike them above us.
Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20

Male Half-elf Bard 1
Jangis Ghawn wrote:

Jangis grunts. "They keep droppin', I keep eatin'!"

Attack: 1d20+5
Damage: 1d4+6

When given a chance, he pulls out his axe and prepares to hit the next one that approaches.

Not that one more point is likely to make you hit, but you do have +1 to both attack and damage right now.

Tanlen "The other half" Ghawn wrote:
WLD DM wrote:
@ Tanlen Probably not when blind. However since it came down and touched you, I thought I might give you an opportunity to touch it back since you will obviously know where it is.
Fair enough. Should I roll a regular attack roll to hit it, then, and ignore the miss chance? Or just wait for my next action?

Tanlen feeling the darkmantle touching him, tries to hit it. The darkness prevented him from actually hitting it. He contiues to sing his song to his brethern hoping it will help them defeat this creature.

TANLEN SAIDFair enough. Should I roll a regular attack roll to hit it, then, and ignore the miss chance? Or just wait for my next action?

Tanlen feeling the darkmantle touching him, tries to hit it. The darkness prevented him from actually hitting it. He contiues to sing his song to his brethern hoping it will help them defeat this creature.

The Ghawns slowly file into the room. The darkmantle hangs to the fifteen foot ceiling trying to hide itself in the corner.

Winter Witch 3

Assuming the whole group has filed into the room
I have light on my cestus to see, and have low light vision

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22

Male Half-Orc Fighter 1

"You need to learn to see like a Ghawn, put that damn light out!" Groltsch growls at Anna.

If the ceiling is 15'high, I occupy the bottom 5' square, it occupies the top 5' square, that leaves 5' in between which means I should be able to strike with my reach weapon correct? Maybe at a penalty to attack since it is not usually used to strike enemies above?

Male Half-Orc Guide Skirmisher Ranger 1

Jangis looks into the darkmantle's corner and snarls. "Ooh, yeah, you're hungry, aren't you? Well COME ON THEN, TAKE A BITE O' THIS! TAKE A BIG BITE!"

Male Half-elf Bard 1

I'm not going to be around for the next few days. If WLD DM (or anyone else) wants to NPC me until Saturday night, here's my automation script:

  • If it might be dangerous or hidden, roll 1d20+11 for Perception.
  • If it's unknown, roll 1d20+3 for all knowledge checks.
  • If it's attacking, sing for one round to grant everyone +1 to attack and damage, then just stay away from it for two rounds (Lingering Song keeps the effect up without using up rounds). Repeat until combat is over.

    If no one wants to roll for me, I'll just follow along in the middle of the party and take no actions.

  • Do we need to roll iniative?

    Zierka wrote:
    Do we need to roll iniative?

    It is Ghawn's iniative at this point for those that have stated they entered the room. The Darkmantle is in the south east corner on the ceiling.

    Male Half-Orc Guide Skirmisher Ranger 1

    I ready an action to strike when it gets in range.

    Male Half-Orc Fighter 1

    WLD DM:
    Can you answer my question that is spoilered in my previous post about reach please?

    Groltsch Ghawn wrote:
    ** spoiler omitted **

    Groltsch Ghawn:
    The length of your weapon combined with your arm could reach the Darkmantel in the corner, however at this distance you would not do much but poke at it.

    Male Half-elf Bard 1
    Tanlen "The other half" Ghawn wrote:
    I'm not going to be around for the next few days. If WLD DM (or anyone else) wants to NPC me until Saturday night, here's my automation script:

    I'm back, and appear to have not missed much.

    Tanlen "The other half" Ghawn wrote:
    Tanlen "The other half" Ghawn wrote:
    I'm not going to be around for the next few days. If WLD DM (or anyone else) wants to NPC me until Saturday night, here's my automation script:
    I'm back, and appear to have not missed much.

    I'm just waiting for some players to act.

    Male Half-Orc Summoner 1

    Gromor and Fang will also ready actions to attack if the darkmantle comes in range.

    I went to Vegas for the weekend, and forgot to let you guys know. Sorry.

    After Zierka enters the room, and sees the beast on the ceiling, she loads her crossbow and prepares to fire.

    I assume with the move and the loading of the crossbow, I will have to wait until the next round to fire.

    M 1/2 Orc Cave Druid

    Seeing it in the corner Dhrek pulls out his sling and will take a shot at it
    Sling Attack:1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14
    Sling Damage:1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

    Sorry For Delay, I was also on vacation, tho in Memphis

    Monday morning recap.

    Ghawn family has started exploring the vast dungeon complex. They have met their first real foe, a pair or fiendish darkmantles. The first one attacked and damaged Jangis right before he ripped it apart with his bite. The second cast a darkness spell putting the room in darkness. Tanlen, not having dark vision is blinded and barely missed by the darkmantel's attack. Tanlen remains singing against the wall. The darkmantle retreated back to the ceiling of the room. The rest of the Ghawn family starts to enter the room. Dhrek shot his sling at it and just missed. Anna entered the room and was also immediately put into darkness her magical light extinguished. Anna you are currrently in the blinded condition.

    Dhrek just missed the darkmantle hanging on the ceiling. It is startled with the stone hitting nearby and flys down trying to hit Tanlen again.

    1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
    It missed. and attempts to make it back to ceiling.
    Awaiting readied actions from Jangis, Gromor, and Fang. Since we have not established exact positions in the room, take a -1 on attack since we are somewhat confined and in each other's way.

    Male Half-Orc Guide Skirmisher Ranger 1

    Readied attack

    Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
    Damage: 1d8 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

    Male Half-elf Bard 1

    Lacking anything else to do, Tanlen begins groping his way along the wall towards where the door ought to be. He also draws his rapier and prepares to stab wildly upwards if he gets gnawed on again. While he doesn't continue on with the next verse of the song, the Ghawns can hear the tune continuing in their heads and remain inspired.

    Everyone still has the +1 to attack and damage rolls for the next two rounds.

    Male Half-Orc Fighter 1

    With a reach weapon and combat reflexes Groltsch should be able to get an AoO as the darkmantle comes into the area to attack Tanlen. Let me know if you disagree.
    Groltsch steps forward to swipe at the beast as it swoops in to attack his newly discovered half-brother.
    Bardiche Attack: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 6 + 1 = 21, Damage: 1d10 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 6 + 1 = 15

    M 1/2 Orc Cave Druid
    "Tanlen wrote:

    Everyone still has the +1 to attack and damage rolls for the next two rounds.

    Darn I forgot about that +1

    Groltsch waits for the right moment and, like his brother Jangis, does not hit lightly. The darkmantle splits in two. Darkness remains hanging in the room. A sound of weapon hitting flesh, and the wet thud of the creatures flesh hitting the gorund is the only evidence that Tanlen has of his attacker's demise.

    I haven't done so yet so lets dole out some exp. 60 exp for all for the two encounters and a couple room explorations. Extra 25 to Jangis who has been in the middle of both battles. Remember we are on the slow progression. There are many battles to come.

    The rest of the Ghawns make it into the room. There is an open door to the north and the rest of this room appears to be bare.

    Winter Witch 3

    I recast light on my cestus to see.

    Anna attempts to cast light on her cestus but the dark lingers in the room keeping her light spell from working.

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