The Way of the Monstrous (Inactive)

Game Master Stalwart

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Azure_Zero wrote:

Question what is the point buy?

What about templates from Bestiaries or other sources?

Have a few ideas floating using Savage Species,

Same setup of how, just what;

  • Succubus (w/o Half-Dragon),
  • Frost Giant (w/o Half-Dragon)
  • Nymph (w/o Half-Dragon)
  • Titan(Elysian)

  • I think human -> Monster CR? + half-dragon template CR 2 is cool but can get a bit crazy CR wise

    Human ->. Gold Dragon CR5 + Mighty Template CR5 = CR 10
    Say, you can see where that ends in like CR high.

    Some thing to think about if the GM limits CR

    Saying that I think Templates is a great way to go GM

    Most core monster types are there and they are made to add to PCs.
    would be a great half way house to Full Monster later on V levels

    kind of say, you get to Full Monster form say level 3 to 5

    Also you could go the
    Race Builder root I have used this to do a very similar type game. I did it because it became very apparent that not all Monsters are made equal. Some are SO powerful other felt left out.

    "Ill take this form and killed them with this, my initi is +15, who's next?"

    Rest of party HUMM? we will just stay here till your down.
    What I am saying and I don't mean to be rude here to other players
    is. This kind of game is like a magnet to Power Gamer's, your Ideas for game play may get lost wile player/s struts their Mega Monster PC build around every plot point of Action [PPA] I know this because I leaned the hard way as a GM.

    So one way to go is to hand over a Stat build 21 points
    Then say 21 RP points to spend in race builder
    To make a monster in.
    Things out side race builder can be looked at for RP point cost by the GM etc.

    In this way all players start with a some what level playing pitch.
    [its never perfect but its about as good as you can do I found]

    Then at leveling
    players can take a Class level or say Fixed RP points to carry on building in race builder.

    As I said its not perfect and some hate the idea as a player as it limits their PC build. But a GM has I feel, to think past that to a party that works and every one gets to be in the plot point of Action . PPA's

    Here is a test for level 1 say

    Race builder of Gold Dragon Level 1 21RP spend:

    race type
    Dragon (10 RP)

    A dragon is a reptilian creature with magical or unusual abilities.
    A dragon race has the following features:
    Dragons have the darkvision 60 feet racial trait.
    Dragons have the low-light vision racial trait.
    Dragons are immune to magical sleep effects and paralysis effects.
    Dragons breathe, eat, and sleep.

    Size Medium (0 RP)
    Medium races have no bonuses or penalties due to their size. A Medium creature has a space of 5 feet by 5 feet and a reach of 5 feet.

    Speed Normal (0 RP)
    The race has a base speed of 30 feet.

    Stats Flexible (2 RP)
    Modifiers: Members of this race gain a +2 bonus to any two ability scores.

    Flight (4 RP)
    Prerequisites: None.
    Benefit: Members of this race have a fly speed of 30 feet with clumsy maneuverability.
    Special: This trait can be taken more than once. For each additional 2 RP spent, the race's fly speed increases by +10 feet, and the maneuverability improves by one step.

    Breath Weapon (1 RP)
    Prerequisites: Aberration, construct, dragon, humanoid (reptilian), monstrous humanoid, or outsider (native) with ties to an elemental plane.
    Benefit: Choose one of the following energy types: acid, cold, electricity, or fire. If the creature is an outsider (native), it must have ties to an elemental plane, and it must pick an energy that corresponds to the plane it has ties to (acid [earth], cold [water], electricity [air], or fire [fire]). Then pick either a 15-foot cone or a 20-foot line. Once per day, as a standard action, members of this race can make a supernatural breath weapon attack that deals 1d6 points of the damage type chosen in the area chosen. All creatures within the affected area must make a Reflex saving throw to avoid taking damage. The save DC against this breath weapon is 10 + 1/2 the user's character level + the user's Constitution modifier. Those who succeed at the save take no damage from the attack.
    Special: You can take this trait more than once. Each time you do so, the cost of this trait increases by 1 RP. When do, you can augment the breath weapon in the following ways (augmentations marked with an asterisk

  • can be taken more than once).

    Extra Breath*: The member of this race can use its breath weapon an additional time per day.
    Increased Area: Increase the cone's size to 30 feet or the line to 50 feet.
    Increased Damage*: Increase the damage by an additional d6.
    Powerful Breath: The breath weapon deals half damage on a failed saving throw.

    Energy Resistance (1 RP) [Must be same as Breath weapon type]
    Prerequisites: Dragon
    Benefit: Pick one of the following energy types that corresponds to the Breath weapon type: acid (earth), cold (water), electricity (air), or fire (fire). Members of this race have resistance 5 to the corresponding energy type.

    Claws (2 RP) [Only in Dragon form]
    Prerequisites: None.
    Benefit: Members of this race receive two claw attacks. These are primary natural attacks. The damage is based on the creature's size.

    Bite (1 RP) [Only in Dragon form]
    Prerequisites: Small or larger size.
    Benefit: Members of this race gain a natural bite attack, dealing damage equivalent to that of a creature two size categories lower than normal for their size (1d2 for Small races, 1d3 for Medium, etc.). The bite is a primary attack, or a secondary attack if the creature is wielding manufactured weapons.
    Special: This trait can be taken up to two times. The second time it is taken, the bite damage increases by one size category.

    And so a 21 RP point spend, with stats to add.

  • Thing is with pulling in lost of differing ideas of CR and Level conversion's you will get uneven power levels for PCs, that can be a real problem for a GM making Challenges that fit ALL PCs in play.
    Its what Pathfinder is good at, leveling out the Challenges because, GM needs to know they are not

    1: making it to easy for some PCs
    2: Making it to hard for some PCs
    3: Targeting powerful PCs very encounter over weaker ones to keep a game even.

    This is where I hit problems, because I let in uneven levels of PC, the strong PCs did not like it when strong bad guys kept targeting them over weaker PCs. I found it best to even put the PCs from the Get go now.

    I don't mean to teach your Granny to suck eggs etc. just trying to port some thing I picked you running a game like this that had problems GM.


    GM Capt Wombat wrote:


    What of this GM
    We get say Stat build 21 points + 21 RP points to use in Race Builder
    To make out monster. Things out side race builder can be looked at for RP point cost.

    This say all players start with a some what level playing pitch.

    Then at leveling players can take a level or say more RP points to carry on building.
    What of this GM
    We get say Stat build 21 points + 21 RP points to use in Race Builder
    To make out monster. Things out side race builder can be looked at for RP point cost.

    This say all players start with a some what level playing pitch.

    Then at leveling players can take a level or say more RP points to carry on building.

    Not bad, but the Savage-Species covers converting CR into class levels, but does not cover templates (though Races of the Dragon had one for Half-Dragon)

    The Savage-Species link covers half-dragon. which I was going to use.

    I think it would be better to have a Point-Buy to RP conversion rate, and not one for one, I did the math earlier and it's either 2:1 or 3:2.

    Yep that works as long is it go's both ways, its always hard to work out
    what things cost that fall out side race builder in terms of RP cost.

    The key point I'm trying to make is to have a even pitch V PC power levels.
    Having James bond and Superman on the same team is a problem when it comes to fighting Gelaticus, That WPPk not going to do any thing. hehe

    Cap Wombat

    @Azure_Zero Looked at that great link, I'm with you on this one,
    If all PCs that as a starting point it would work well to level things.

    I think a True Gold Dragon as a PC would be ideal,
    I was looking for that before going for Gold Dragon.

    Page 44 Savage Species Gold Dragon Then the Level we start at + Stat spend and Coin.

    Monkeygod wrote:

    Thinking of making an Agathion, based on either a panther or wolf, that are tasked with hunting down rogue celestials and escaped fiends and bad guys.

    Thinking they are probably the most active on the material plane. This would play into my origin.
    Just curious, will this be in Golarion, some other established setting or your very own creation?

    Sorry I missed you back there. Interested in seeing your origin, and tying it to the campaign. If I don't end up going with Golarion, it will be very close, to accommodate the origin stories of those who set theirs in Golarion.

    Finally had a chance to look at that Savage Species project several of you have been linking to. Very nice, and saves me a lot of work with this available. I'm still not abandoning the idea of using eidolon builds and race points for those who want to with monsters either not provided yet, or those who want to start with a character class.

    But Cydrius and houstonj have it right: I'm not worried about the crunch yet. Don't try to wow me with a character build. I'm first looking for a backstory/origin that makes me say, "I want to see this tale." I'll say several of you have knocked it out of the park. Others aren't quite there yet.

    Think I'm going to alias.

    Would to make an Azlanti, as it would be really good to have the +2 bonus to all stats(I will write as if I did, but I can change that easily enough), but I could probably make due with some sort of Aasimar.

    Origin so far

    Shinari was always used to be being better than the other children in his village. He was faster, stronger, tougher, smarter, more insightful, and could often talk his way out of trouble.

    Sadly, this made him few friends, as most kids hated him. Shunned, ostracized, even mocked, Shinari was an incredibly lonely child. This was compounded by not having any other siblings.

    This all changed when he was about right, when a new family moved into the small town. They had a little girl his age, who had a slight red tint to her skin, and tiny horns. A Tiefling they called her, and she too was treated as some sort of freak.

    The Exchange

    Leopaldon, LN construct with a mermaid strapped to his chest. I went a little overboard with this concept and kept things pretty vague, but I think this would be a very interesting character to play.

    So there's a lot to say about this character. I had this idea of what if Calvin grew up to be the evil megalomaniacal villain we always knew he would be and brought Hobbes along for the ride? What role would Hobbes play in all of this? I then thought wouldn't be cool if there were a clockwork mage that was a living prison and its prisoner was its arcane bond. I threw this story together with that stuff in mind. I really don't know how people will interact with this thing but he was fun to think up.


    Once upon a time there lived a little miss who grew bored of the rag dolls and velveteen animals her parents brought her. To remedy her distaste in these toys, she set out to build herself the best toy money could buy, a toy better than money could buy. With broken timepieces and fixed instruments she constructed a clockwork boy.

    At first the boy was a simple creature, performing simple tricks to impress his little miss's parents and company, but in short time (and in no small part thanks to the little miss's insistence that he help her with her homework) he became her greatest apprentice. Whether mixing potions or testing out a wand, the boy was always there to help his mistress learn the secrets of the arcane and the ways of magick. She would wax philosophical to him and he would respond in kind, and as much as she would build onto him so that he could grow, he would help her ideas grow and he saw his influence in her. For much of their early life together they were inseparable.

    Though as time marched steadily forward, her heart began to descend into darkness. When she didn't have him sitting for days in the corner with her other toys, She would dress him up to scare the other children, sometimes giving him horns or attachments that belched smoke upon her command, anything to show off how power over her construct. Her constant alteration and deconstruction of him eventually took its toll, until he stopped looking like a boy at all. Throughout her descent, he stayed loyal and he continued his role as her confidant and only friend.

    The girl was soon a woman, a hated and feared woman who wielded the power of the arcane to subjugate those around her and rule over them. From her shadow the once clockwork boy watched her rise in power and saw many an adventurer fall before her and her followers' might. He himself had grown with her, becoming a monstrous thing, a reflection of all the anger and hate she brought on the world. He remained her loyal friend - her only friend - who gave her a cool head when she became hot with anger, reasoning her away from impulsive decisions and toward sound ones, and generally being her one true friend even though she turned against the world and it against her.

    This all changed on a day the once clockwork boy would rather forget. There was an unusual storm, and unseasonably warm weather. She came bursting into her chambers, their shared chambers, and conjured up a circle in the middle of the floor. Inside the circle sat a mermaid, a beautiful creature that the once clockwork boy had read about with his mistress when they were both young. His mistress demanded the mermaid tell her the secrets to stop aging. The mermaid insisted she did not know, and the once clockwork boy himself was also confused. As the demands became more ridiculous, and the situation scarier, he began to put together what this creature was to his mistress.

    She was a vessel of the gods, given mysterious power over time and tide. In the shallows where his mistress stole her from, she was an evil creature, drowning those who wandered too far out onto the ice and was generally a local legend in the village near the pond. They knew of these things, these oracles who - should they become powerful - would stop aging. His mistress meant to steal her mysterious powers away. He knew it was fool's errand, one did not simply steal the power of the gods from a mortal. His mistress was convinced otherwise. She turned to her once clockwork boy and told him that she had a role for him, one he was the most fit for. Over the next few weeks she began crafting him into a new form, one that would be his final form under her: a prison for this creature.

    She bound the two together, the mermaid and the once clockwork boy, turning his body into a stake on which she hung the mermaid and his mind into an asylum in which she imprisoned her. The once clockwork boy was now a cell, one that would imprison the mermaid until she revealed the secrets of time to his witch of a mistress.

    Not soon after the ordeal though, his mistress was ambushed. They came with their pitchforks, their magic, their swords and their bows and stormed the tower that the mistress had made her home. The once clockwork boy, now prison, could not save her, and she died in a battle of epic proportions, having been slain by the lucky ones who stormed the tower. Once she died, he went into to shock, having lost the only creature he ever loved. He went into stasis, and was surprisingly passed over by those who would loot the tower. He remained this way for centuries, and when the tower crumbled he fell with it.

    Though he was in stasis, he still could dream, and in his dreams he found his prisoner. Stuck within this prison of his mind he eventually built a world with the reluctant mermaid, who for much of their time in stasis together was vindictive and spiteful of him. Though she eventually warmed to him and together they probed the mysteries of time. In her he found an apprentice, someone to pass on his arcane knowledge to and learn of the divine. Even though he was in stasis, he remembered the books and tomes he and his mistress went through together and found himself constantly going through them, learning and relearning. Then one day he woke up, and it was gone.

    Some thoughts on crunch
    I'm pretty sure he will be a crafting focused wizard who will eventually build a TARDIS machine that he can use study the nature of time at some mythic point that probably will never be reached in the game we play. That being said I'd also love access to time mystery revelations, I'd even trade out the wizard bonus feats for access to one or two of them and the wizard capstone for the time mystery capstone. Everything else we could hash out later.

    [b]More story stuff[/]
    I got a little lazy with the last bit of story but pretty much when he awakens from stasis its like he has done a hard reset and forgot most of the arcane knowledge that he acquired, this will let him be level appropriate. I'm going to play around with the race builder stuff and see if there's anything I can make that matches with this idea.

    I do love the thought of him strolling into town with a bound blue mermaid on his chest.

    Also as far as appearances go, I'm pretty set on him looking a lot like Mateus from FFXII but more construct-y. Here's a picture
    Leopaldon is the thing the mermaid is tied to.

    DM Stalwart wrote:
    @Campbell: To be honest, I'm not sure how a body-hopper/shapechanger will fit with my theme, but a strong background or character can get me behind it. Go for it, or if you want to submit something more conservative, do that too.

    I'm a medical student and have finals all next week and you will probably have made a decision by then. I can't build three character backstories during finals week. If you find you're interested enough to pursue the characters, let me know which you prefer and I'll see what I can do.

    I make very strong characters that I put a great deal of effort into. While I do not have the time to work up three characters right now, you can see some of my other characters here: Ravana, Shen Hua, Alhandra.

    Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

    My humble submission on a human becoming a monster.

    She was your standard run of the mill farmer's daughter, well except for the fact she was blind. Then the slavers came and captured them all. Most of the outlying farms had been raided. The slavers were transporting them to the selling markets when she heard a man nearby saying he was a traveling wizard. Calling out to him she begged him to buy her and her family. She told him she would do anything; endure any hardship if he would. This stopped the wizard and he moved over asking if she would endure even experiments that would transform her beyond being human. She agreed hastily. So he bought them and told her parents to farm for him to pay off their debts.

    For a couple of years she endured the painful transmutations and experiments. When it was over all there was just her and the disappointed wizard. He couldn't figure out how to cure her blindness nor did any of his experiments with her ever last more than a month or two. The only thing that had permanently stayed with her was the strange teeth she had grown in one of the last experiments. They were a set of elongated paired canines on the top and bottom of her mouth. Dissatisfied he told her to go farm with her parents to pay off her debts.

    Another thing about the experiments was the side effect of the hunger. It was slight at first but it kept growing. She was able to keep control of it. She found herself preferring raw meats more often. Things were going fine until something attacked a local a village while she was visiting with her parents. At this point the hunger had gotten almost beyond her control. Running with her parents she tripped over something she couldn't see and the next thing she knew she was being bitten by something. Her reaction surprised even her and she bit back with a snarl her teeth sinking through hide and fur. She kept her teeth in the creature and something else took over, her hunger. Her teeth stayed in the creature as she held onto it as she drank from it similar to a vampire, only she didn’t actually swallow the blood. The blood funneled through her teeth to a new organ her body had acquired unknown to them. The beast eventually broke free and ran away its owner having been run off by villagers and its own strength drained. Feeling satisfaction and her hunger satiated she laid there injured but not caring. That gnawing feeling finally having been satisfied, she stood and licked her lips suddenly realizing what she was doing. Immediately she threw up but no blood came up. The whispers soon surrounded her and she heard the word monster and accusations. She reached out calling to her parents. Soon they came to her but she could tell they hesitated touching her and soon they were leading her home. Over the next week she felt her parents wariness and she heard them talking in whispers about what had happened in the tower and how she had changed. She had started to feel pain but didn’t want to tell them. Her head was throbbing; mostly her sinus’s and ears. One morning she walked out for breakfast smelling the food cooking, it smelled better than it ever had before. Her mother screamed in horror nearly deafening her. Her ears had always been fine-tuned but this was even more so. Covering her ears she heard her father come in and he shouted also. It seemed her ears had changed, becoming more like the beasts she had bit and though her eyes had always been blind, now they didn’t look human, but instead, beastial in nature.

    Within a week the local priest was there insisting she was possessed and demanded an exorcism. Two weeks passed and her parents, with pressure from the town agreed. Problem was, she wasn’t possessed, she was hungry. The exorcism went and nothing seemed to work. The priest in his anger struck her and she bit him. Unlike before she was able to control her hunger but the large holes in his flesh made him shout and condemn her as a monster that had to be put down. She was locked up to be burned the next day. Her father and mother helped her escape, saying they know this was the wizard’s fault and didn’t blame her. They gave her the little savings they had and an old cloak telling her to run. So she did, blind, beastial, with only her sharp hearing and scent the first clue to what was happening to her, she ran for her life. This now cursed existence, on the run, trying to hide what she is even as the hunger grows inside of her, ever gnawing at her to consume more, to evolve….to become something more. If only she could come across a creature that could let her see, or end her hunger….something to stop all of it.

    I know you asked for not a lot of various abilities but this idea came up when I realized others had similar ideas to mine. I've always been a fan of a little bit of randomness so in a way she is based of mongrelmen in the fact she could be a combination of anything but the only way for that to happen is to consume the blood/essence of a creature through her modified teeth. She is not undead nor does she actually gain anything extra like a vampire does when she bites and drains. It just allows her to change. For now she mostly looks normal. A human, but as time progresses and she loses control of her hunger she will become more and more beastial. If this idea is not to your liking I have another but I wanted to run this by you first since it didn't meet your qualifications specifically in the possibility of scattered abilities. She is actually blind and eventually the plan is to gather abilities to augment the fact she can’t see. I know all the negatives this will give her but I am willing to work with it if you are. If this does not meet your satisfaction I have a second idea.

    Boy such a lot of good entries. Looks like a hard choice for the dmdm.

    Ok all new back-story, just how dos someone become a gold Dragon

    Origin: Sphene Axinite Clinohumite -

    braking the rules of the street:

    She was a criminal,

    "Take what you can, when you can" that was her motto, you lean things like that on the streets. Your learn lots of the thing, like “No one’s ever coming to help you” you leaning to do things on your own, to move fast, think fast, to spot trouble before it comes and most of all, to stay alive. Simple rules kept you alive.

    1: Keep out the laws way,
    2: Always keep an eye on your back.
    3: Only trust the ones you known and even then not 100%
    4: Always have a plan to get away.
    5: Most of all never ever stick your neck out for anyone!.

    Simple ideas to keep you alive on and in the unforgiving streets, the bars, inns and black markets of any city. She knew this; she had been to a few. Life for her had started with old Meg, a washer woman down by the river huts. Meg was not her mother; meg was just the old lady that found her, a few days old and dying. Why old Meg has not just let the river take the child she thought she knew. Meg had been lonely, life washing rags for coppers; dos not lead to a fun social life. Sphene was raised by Meg, her Life washing tags, picking rags from trash bundling rags up. That all ended with the bad winter, Meg was old and old bones find the cold hard. One frosty morning Sphene had awakened to find old Meg as cold as the ice on the water coop. Two days she had sat with her, looking at the still body, but in the end hunger and driven her outside and into the streets. She thinks she was six or seven. Begging for anything to eat, sleeping in doorways. She had found a broken down house. More street kids inside, a pack it did not take long for who to work out that a pack had places for everyone, even someone at the bottom. They stole, they begged, the conned and tricked. They did what they needed to, older kids showed your ones. She grew and leaned, the rules of the street. At 11 she spent some time in a city orphanage, I run in with the law got her that. She leaned to read and write but soon the creepy headmaster of its school drove her out. She knew the type. You did when on the streets, then ones walking looking for the weak and young to exploit.
    So more time living day to day, It was chance meeting that got her a brake. An older street girl she had known from the house days. An upmarket Bathhouse was looking for girls, about her age, they were to fetch and carry for the paying guests. She had gone and was given a bed in a room with nine others. The work was hard the food bad but they trained you to be courtesans for a year. The ones who had the skill and wit would carry on; the ones that failed would have a life of cleaning and scrubbing. She was smart, she did well. Now the fact she could read and write paid off. The bath house paid, she worked. That all ended with the war, cities have wars “Turf wars”. The bathhouse was on one gangs Turf, another wanted it, fights and then a fire, no more path house. She was out on the street again. But now she had skills, she found a place, get what she needed and worked marks. She had it a few times in the bath house. Too much drink and small pinch of this powder and a costumer was fast asleep. So she dressed as a high class lady, went out and when some gent wanted to take her to see his paintings. She happy went, a few hours later letting herself out whit whatever she could carry. But you have to keep moving, doing this in the same town or city was not a good idea. Best do two of three then move on. This is how she had spent the last few years. To keep up appearances she had paid for classes in talking, manners and customs. She knew what she was, she was a criminal. But she never went out of her way to hurt others; she only robbed the well off. She kept away from politics and religions, a fools game both. She did what she had always done and looked after number one. That was until she broke one of her own rules. Why she had done it she had been racking her brains over for weeks. Madness?, getting soft?, or just plain stupidity.
    It had been a dark night, the true dark of the moons they said. A good night to rob a mark, and a good mark she had found, fat drunk, rich and dripping gold. A few drinks, and small drop of that, one Inn room later and he was sleeping of a hangover from hell and she was outside walking down the street with her hand tucked in her hand-muf holding a good 2lb of solid gold chain. Not bad for one nights work and would pay for the trip out of town.

    Then a sound, coming from the door to a temple no less, small but looked well made. She did not recognise to whom, which was not surprising as she kept away from gods and there places as much as she could. Then again the sound like Clanking, “what was that??”. She did not know why but she crept up to the open temple door way. She spotted it was damaged, someone or thing had gone to town on it and take of this mounts. Right there, that’s when she SHOULD have just walked away. She kept thinking that. But NO she had to do on, may be it was the idea of loot, everyone knew temples where loaded. The street was empty, that was to be expected this time of night. So dumb as a fish, she snuck in, slipping into the shadows, no one is sigh, and that sound again. “Thunk! Thunk!” A dull metallic thudding. She walked deeper in, one Colom then the next then..

    Body’s lots of body’s she could see them piled up, persist and high up ones by the looks of them, now dead, arms legs heads missing. She also spotted what had done it, Big black shifting dark, hard to see its true form, and the feeling it was giving off, not good not good at all. But it was what it was doing that shocked her. This temple had a goddess statue, she knew because the black thing now held it one the floor and was trying to drive a very large Black spike into its heart. All this was shocking but nut as shocking as what she could see the statue doing. It was screaming! Silently screaming, eyes wide and terrified, that look , the look she had seen before on street kids, that look of pain and suffering, of powerlessness or hopelessness . She had feat rage; a life time of feeling just like that will do that. Rage, she had done something so stupid so so stupid. Taking her hand rapped In a gold chain she had run up to the thing of darkness and hit it, wiping it with the chain. As hard as she could, to make it stop to push it back. She was a fly and it a great giant, but as soon as the gold touched it, it had screamed!!. A Terrifying bellow of a scream that shuck the very stones of the temple, It span and screamed at her face, a vast mouth open to the vastness of space was in front of her. At that moment she knew she was to die. It hit her like the fly she was, sending her crashing off to the left, but the chain was still in it. She was flung around rapping around its neck. Shaking his head violently, he arm popped as it dislocated, Bones cracked. Like a rag she was tossed about, then slimed into its side as the chain raped once more around it and held her tight. It burned her, the darkness of it new was seeping away into the night air, and with each bellow of darkness it burned cold into her flesh. It shrank screaming smaller and smaller until nothing was left, just her and the chain and the statue. The statue that was now getting up, it looked wounded, she looked on, but one eye could not see, she could feel blood seeping out of her body, her flesh cracked and broken. She knew Shock was keeping the pain away, ‘not long now’. Stupid way to die, saving a statue, one that was coming to stand over her as she gasped for breath. She tied to tilt her head to look up into its hard gold face. I woman, a goddess maybe, she did not know or care, death was coming and it was her own stupid fault.

    The goddess statue looked down at her a pained look one its face,
    “Your no one of mine, strange, your no ones, a free agent yet her you are saving me?”
    It knelt down next to her, looking closer.
    “I see your soul child; you have done things that would never make you mind yet…”
    It stood back up and looked around its eyes locked onto an object close to temple altar.
    “No mortal magic can heal what has been done to your body child, and this night I need all my power to defend my temple with in this realm for each is being attack as this one was. But I owe you child for giving me a chance others more powerful would not.”
    The statue talked over to the object a large gold egg.
    “This was a gift to the temple by a very great and wise friend; It’s sterile, lacking the spark of life. I do not think she will mind now if I used to pay someone for a giving their life in a selfless act.
    “What she on about, she was dying that’s all that was happening, not mortal magic, just great, she was going to die, that what you get for forgetting the rules of the street, stick your neck out and you lose your head.” The pain came, she gasped then it started to get dark.
    ‘so stupid, stupid… stupid… stupid..’
    She died.

    There was warmth, it was warm, a beat, content and pounding, she was warm, it was dark and there was no pain. Slowly her thoughts came back to her, they jumped around. A room full of children, repeating words, Rags lots of wags, an old woman’s face, a man drunk falling over. Looking at a river with the sun on her face. Then shock! The temple, pain, burning a gold face, she had to get out brake out get away. A crack, then more, she pushed and pushed, the pain. She gasped for air, falling onto hot solid ground. She was wet, liquid was falling off her and onto the ground. She pushed up on her legs all four of them. ‘What! It was dark but she could see, legs, scales legs with scales, golden scales she moved fell, got up and fell again; no one was around her, a cave, a hot cave. Light was coming into the cave, up ahead. Falling and getting up she moved, She felt odd, something on her back, pulling her down, she flexed it and it stopped, one step two. Soon she was at the light looking over a wild valley. ‘where the hell am I?, what am I?’ she looked about, something moved close to her left a rabbit. Hells balls she was hungry, she tried to move to get it but her body was so odd. She just fell down onto the grass and rested. ‘What had the b!*!@ goddess done to her, she was a monster, no man would look at her now, no mark to take, hell how would she even get into town looking like this. She need to find out more, find out just what the hell she was and how she could fix this.

    I put lost of hooks in it for story and a chance for her to meet others she knows from a murky past. Also a kind of bigger story going on.

    All good fun, she now starts from a richer past life.

    Here's Xane to show at least a character concept.

    Much cheers to all.

    @Shinari/monkeygod: I think your background got cut off. Tiefling/ aasimar/azlanti aren't monstrous enough.

    @Taco: Pretty wild concept.

    @Campbell: understood. Best of luck to you on your finals.

    @Jazzai: Let me see if I understand what you're going with. At each level, you take on aspects of one of your more recent "kills" with your build points. Am I right?

    @Chillblame: agreed

    @Sphane/Wombat: wow.

    @Xane: You might want to reread the first post.

    Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

    That is correct. Those would be the only "traits" She could pick up unless something comes up or the party "donates" to her "evolution" possibilities.

    The main drive of the character is really trying to figure out how to control the hunger and maybe eventually control what she takes in or loose herself to the "beast" she could become.

    If you do not like that I have another character concept in the wings.

    DM Stalwart wrote:
    @Xane: You might want to reread the first post.

    Sorry, just showing a 'Monstrous' character I have running in a game.

    Though, I must admit, I have no real idea for a character back story for your campaign.

    A Drider is a creature that has been 'changed monstrously' by a society. The legend of the Scilla (And the classical Medusa) are types of changes wrought by gods on beings/people.

    What I posted above was a work in progress, I just wanted to get something up so you can see what I am writing up so far.

    @Xane/,: I see now. I didn't realize Xane and , were the same person. If you want to ignore the "how's" and the "why's" of the background and at least give me a "who" and a "what", I'll have something on which to base my decision. (I mean, I at least want to know who this human is as a person before he or she gets changed, and also let me know what monster he/she becomes.) You're absolutely right: driders, scillas, medusae, etc., are all good candidates, since they have precedent.

    @Monkeygod: Understood.

    @Jazzai: Cool concept. Imaginative. I'm not going to stop your from posting your other idea, though.

    The Exchange

    So I'm bending the rules quite a bit with the character I submitted because he was never a human to begin with. I would argue though that he was a person just like the other characters with his own hopes dreams and fears (most of which revolved around being a good friend).

    Also if the mermaid strapped to him is too wild, I think it would also work out if his front were a sarcophagus that housed her, he might even be a bit more socially acceptable if that were the case. I'm flexible.

    *Bows* To DM Stalwart.

    I apologize for the confusion. It's something I've manged to do to my DM CaptainWombat as well. *Blushes*

    My point is kind of that...the person the creature was might not be current.

    Perhaps such a thing might be portrayed as flash-backs...or night-mares?

    For our perusal, please look at Grrazz => Grrazz game

    There is another example of a 'monster' character I am playing.

    I apologize for my 'vagueness'...I am just kind of finding 'coming to' a character (Or concept) for your game offering up too much choice. =D

    @DM Stalwart
    what about templates?
    what would be the CR limit of Templates you'd allow with Savage Species?

    @,: Sorry, didn't expect too much choice to be a bad thing. :)

    @Azure: I'm hoping the flexibility of either using eidolon build rules, Savage Species type progressions or race build rules will provide everyone with all the options they need. Consequently, whatever it is within a template should be available anyway -- you just need to level up and accrue the build points for it. I doubt we'll need to go the template route.

    I'll go with a base of Titan(Elysian),
    then I'll breakdown a few templates into RP bundles.

    I'll be studying and taking an Exam tomorrow (Saturday) so I won't have time to work on it, though on Sunday I can.

    , wrote:
    I apologize for the confusion. It's something I've manged to do to my DM CaptainWombat as well. *Blushes*

    Only now and then

    Grand Lodge

    Just a post to remind Dm that I'm still alive and interested =P I faded into obscurity there.

    Count me on the "still interested" boat too. I'm really excited to see where this campaign could go.


    It feels very easy to get lost behind all the people trying to define mechanical process options or playing with multiple character possibilities.

    Shadow Lodge

    is this still open
    I'd like to play as some kind of vampire like thing, who is also a caster

    Lord Foul II wrote:

    is this still open

    I'd like to play as some kind of vampire like thing, who is also a caster
    I'll save our DM the trouble:
    DM Stalwart wrote:
    Prohibited type: Undead. Too cliche. Really. It's my campaign, don't try.

    'Es not dead! 'Es only pinein' for the fjords!

    "Tied after a long Sqwark"

    This, is an ex-parrot!

    'Es not dead! 'Es simply pinein'! Notorius fer pinein' them Seconds!


    All right! Enough of that. It's getting silly!

    I'm officially closing submissions as of Midnight tonight, EST (this being Saturday for those of you not in the Western Hemisphere).

    I'll then spend Sunday agonizing over the decision, and will have my announcement by the end of Sunday. Monday morning at the latest. Then we'll work on builds and finalizing getting everyone together (which will take some doing, but I'm confident it will work) and then we'll get this show on the road.

    Thanks for all your interest, and letting me know you're still around!


    Thank you Master DM. Best of luck to all.

    Good luck everyone, I look forward to playing this if I'm picked.

    But then that's what fey enchantments are for, aren't they?

    This is an Ogre Warpriest I've made. The Ogre is straight out of Adv Race Guide and doesn't have racial hit die. The Warpriest is right out of the Advanced Class Guide Playtest, which is free to get on

    Yakamo Hideori fought in the Battle of the Forest of Spirits during Chun Ye's brief attempt to annex the resource rich area. A famed samurai, Hide was cut down by archers after being surrounded by Oni spirit cavalry. Barely alive, his body lay upon the field for over six hours as the battle continued. The effluvia and viscera of the dead deeply infected his wounds and guaranteed his death regardless of healing or magic.

    Hide was found later that night after the Oni had carried the day. On the brink of death, his soul hung beside the border of Pharasma's realm, known as the Shadowlands in Tian Jya. There, it was captured by an Oni Fleshweaver. Using a soultube (Ultimate Equipment), the famed samuri's soul was captured and put into the body of an oni chosen for sacrifice by the oni general.

    Hide was released the next day to wander the world unfettered, until such time that he realizes there is no place for him outside of the Forest of Spirits. Immortal, the most powerful oni are in no hurry to retrieve their newest slave, preferring to have his strength, skills and spirit intact.

    In the twenty years since then, Yakama no Oni has wandered throughout Golarion. Two years ago he crossed into Avistan by means of the northern route in Rostland. He currently wanders, a lost soul, searching for a reason to avoid the Forest of Spirits but afraid he won't be able to find one.

    Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

    Here is my second submission. Background is below.

    Sine, as her mother called her loved playing in her mother’s garden. It was beautiful, exotic and more than any girl could ask for, to play out various fantasies. Her mother was and alchemist and was teaching her how to extract plant essences to do various potions and extracts. One day a salesman that normally brings more plants for her mother’s greenhouse and garden, came with something new for them to look at. He had gotten an exotic otherworldly plant that he was having trouble keeping alive. With her expertise he asked her to take care of it in exchange for some rare plants that she was interested in. Agreeing her and her mother started to work on the plant trying to find the soil it needed and trying various extracts and elixirs on it to keep it from dying. This went on for a week but nothing seemed to work and the large flower bud plant was dying. Frustrated to no end her mother had given up since nothing seemed to work.

    Sine didn’t give up. It was a beautiful bud and she didn’t want to see it die. She fell asleep beside it after a long day of tending it and wanting a nap. Having a strange dream of being surrounded by dirt and water soaked to the core. Waking up she looked at the bud and grinned. They hadn’t tried burying the entire bud and over watering it. She knew it was dangerous but she tried it. Later that evening, her mother found her watering a large hole happily.

    “Dear, what happened to you?” Her mother asked.
    She turned to look at her mother. “Nothing, I think I figured out how to keep it alive.” Her head cocked at her mother’s look. “Why do you ask?”

    “Well dear your hair….has changed.” She said and would walk over stroking her hair. Over the next couple of weeks she and her mother watched as she started to change more and more taking on plant like features but the biggest change came when her legs merged into a long serpentine form. More and more she was looking like a plant like lillend. Another thing they discovered is the further away from the bud she had planted, the weaker she felt. Now, the distance was still considerable but it made them realized this transformation was linked to that strange bud and its life was dependent upon her life.

    When the salesmen returned for the bud her mother told him it didn’t survive. The salesmen didn’t believe her but she sent him on his way. Later that week disaster struck. During the night a mercenary team hired by the salesman came in the house and killed her mother, nearly killed her and destroyed the greenhouse looking for that bud.

    The only reason she survived was because they had transplanted the bud further away. It took her weeks to recover and make her way to where the bud was buried and ran. Promising herself, the soul of her mother, and those helpless plants she would find her revenge and kill this man. Now, the question was, continue embracing the transformation and new desires that were awakening in her or keep her humanity.

    As for type she can be any of four types. I know you said maybe to plant so I will leave that decision to you. The original type is plant, but she can be fey, monstrous humanoid, or outsider. I actually have what I am building her up to if you wish to see it. Here is my other idea.

    I would like to run a Prototype kind of monster (from the games of the same name in XBox 360). One that revolves around being a parasite to a human host that gives it all sorts of evolved powers at the expense of forcing the host to (eventually) serve an ulterior purpose. The biggest difference would be that I would like the parasite to be plant based rather than aberration based. The idea is that one of those alien Moonflowers swallowed a plant enthusiast alchemist (think poison ivy prior to being greenified) who instead of being turned into some kind of clone was instead implanted with a parasite. The idea being that whatever (whoever) sent the Moonflowers to Galorion would need an agent that could blend in with the natives.

    That is the biggest difference. Where it gets similar is that the host would not be immediately aware that he is harboring this parasite within him. When he does figure it out, he does not know its true nature, much like the protagonist in the game. Game wise, it would work exactly like the Gillman trait "Servitor" which means there are key triggers that will force him to act in a certain way or to a specific goal.

    The shape shifting protagonist had many strange weapons at his disposal, some of which can be easily duplicated in the eidolon evolutions alone:
    claws = claws
    hammerfist = slam with improved damage
    whipfist = tentacle with reach x2
    Other abilities that are easily replicated in the advanced race guide or eidolon evolutions:
    fast healing (although limited in amount of damage healed or circumstances in which he heals, like needing direct sunlight or limited to half his hitpoints)
    vulnerability (in the game it was a kind of anti-virus, but that can be easily replaced with fire or some other element poisonous only to plants)

    In the newest game, the protagonist had another tentacle attack that entangled and ripped apart enemies in a really dramatic fashion. The closest equivalent I could find was the "Entrap" UMA and tie it to a shorter range tenticle/slam attack (or require multiple hits). It doesn't rip apart anything and depending on the DC, it could be difficult to entangle anything but if it works (twice in a row) then it is a show stopper.

    The shape shifting aspect of the game was probably my favorite bit as it allowed the protagonist to assume the shape of nearly any humanoid he had encountered (and consumed) and pass off as them, adding a great stealth element to the character. What was even more interesting is that at times it was clear he didn't have quite a lot of control over it as sometimes his form would shift and churn into weird shapes or colors and his voice would revert back to his own when he wasn't paying attention to it. Thankfully, Pathfinder has an ability just like that with its "alter self" spells and spell-like abilities (though you would have to add the whole "consuming" part to it).

    Another convenience is that the eidolons have a limited number of natural attacks allowed that will gradually increase over time. This means that much like the protagonist in the game, he will have to gradually evolve his monstrous abilities rather than get it all in one giant, disgusting package.

    <Backstory> Bramble Brewers are alchemists who have an affinity with plant life - both in its growth and its destruction. However, their training can be quite hazardous if the pupil doesn't show any natural talent. So it was for the half-elf, Jeram, who found his aptitude for the art did not match his fervor. Traveling with his master to all of the exotic jungles and forests of the world, he was often regulated to talking mule or memo taker. Far be it for him to learn something by having it dictated to him, he often decided to go out on late night "walks" and gather some plants and knowledge on his own. One such night while traveling in the untamed jungles of the Mwangi Expanse proved to be his undoing. It is there that he encountered a copse of breath taking flowers with an unearthly glow. His master would have been able to immediately identify their danger but the apprentice had no such experience or knowledge. He walked into that jungle during a sweaty spring night. It wasn't until a heat stroke inducing summer that he finally walked out. His rags for clothes and a single sling backpack with his name on it being his only worldly possessions. He feels tired and confused most of the time he is awake, and he has strange and vivid nightmares of even stranger jungles in his sleeping hours. Even on nights when he goes without sleep at all, he still falls into a dazed as the vision of the strange jungle realm enters his mind. Thankfully those events are becoming more rare but behind the smiling face and cheerful demeanor, Jarem knows that there is something wrong with him and as he makes travel back to more civilized lands, he finds himself unable to remember of the exact details of how he got there or where he is going. <Backstory end>

    @Nice one Felix. I'm currently working on a Base Class that emulates much of this, you can find my blog post about it HERE

    @DM Stalwart: I'm going to withdraw from this recruitment due to time and an inability to grasp the campaign setting - I'm just not sure where this is at which unfortunately has hampered my ability to get a lock on a character. happily other folks have provided dxcellent backstories and suitably monstrous characters...
    Thanks for considering my concept - I would say Felix has a much better and more developed Plant concept.

    Shadow Lodge

    Cydrius wrote:
    Lord Foul II wrote:

    is this still open

    I'd like to play as some kind of vampire like thing, who is also a caster
    I'll save our DM the trouble:
    DM Stalwart wrote:
    Prohibited type: Undead. Too cliche. Really. It's my campaign, don't try.

    dang, dragon also works

    Hmm or better yet, depending in how custonized we're going something reminiscent of the protagonist of the game "infanous" at will low tier ranged lightning attack, low tier fast healing with other abilities gained later like limited flight, shock punches, the ability to drain life and energy from downed opponents, a lay on hands type power

    Oceanshieldwolf wrote:

    @Nice one Felix. I'm currently working on a Base Class that emulates much of this, you can find my blog post about it HERE

    I spotted someplace some one working on a Summoner Symbiont that was kind of like yours. Cool ideas

    Name to be decided later, using place holder for now.
    Rough draft as I've been busy today.
    Vita was an ordinary human who was captured and sold as a young adult to some wacked out wizard who loved doing hybrid experimentation on living things and this

    included humans.
    She was forced to do work in his labs for years as slave labour cleaning, cooking, sewing and other menial tasks. Then one day as she was setuping up the Dunk

    lab for one of the old fart's experiments. When a party of Adventurers knocked down the door behind her, effectively pushing her and the contents of the table

    next to her into the Dunk pool.
    Not knowing what knocked her into the pool she swam into one of the roof grated dunking pools to listen in.
    The adventurers were their to stop the old fart's experiments. Turns out over the past six months he had ordered a lot kidnapping from the closest village and

    then experimented on them.
    After the Adventurers finished killing all the experiments, the Old fart, and all the old fart's slave labour, she decided to wait a few hours before coming out

    to be safe.
    She got together what she could from the lab and it's living spaces and started walking. After a week of walking she came to a hamlet and sold a few of the things she salvaged, and looked for a job.

    Not knowing that the liquid in the dunking pool and the contents that got spilled in were genetic material and various creature essences.

    Race: Titan(Elysian) as a base race and class,
    and I'll add to it slowly other creatures, Succubi, Nymphs, Angels, Dragons etc.

    Alignment will start at NG, and may shift.

    Time is officially up, so I'll be announcing my selections tomorrow.

    I'm in the process of finishing up my background, I was out most of the day and night. Its taking on a bit of a life of its own, but I'm liking it a lot so far.

    You can expect a more fleshed background and data, tomorrow when I have the time.

    And, backstory complete! Now to hope I get chosen!!

    Such suspense...

    I appreciate your waiting on me. (Sunday's my game night, so that was an expected delay.)

    Thank you everyone who expressed interest in this campaign, but it's an unfortunate reality that only a small handful can be picked. The players and characters I've selected for this are:

    Seiomi: Lillin, Harpy oracle
    Doomed Hero: Kane Ravencourt, Gargoyle paladin
    Cydrius: Peacock of Thistlefeather, Fey
    Captain Wombat: Sphene, Gold dragon
    Jazzai: Blind girl wild card

    Congratulations to all of you for coming up with my favorite concepts and backstories. What's more, I believe this bunch of misfits can form a pretty decent group that's more than the sum of its parts.

    I'll see each of you in the discussion section I just created, so we can get to work on finalizing your monsters.

    I'm not going to make any promises about the second campaign, but I'm not going to rule it out either. There's still several concepts that break my heart that I couldn't include. If this one gets off the ground and things work well (and GMing an online game doesn't overwhelm me), then I'll probably PM the runners-up to see if they're still up for it. Don't hold your breath, but don't forget about me, either.

    Thanks a bunch, everyone.


    Well nice to so meany good ideas
    Comisis guys who did not get picked, best of look in other games

    But Have a look at

    Game like this one looking for players

    Not the same but similar

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