Male Fey Human Sorcerer (Fey Bloodline) 2 | AC 13 T 13 FF 10 | HP 20/20 | DR 5/Cold Iron, Cold/Elec Res. 10 | F +3 R +4 W +4 (+4 to saves vs. Mind Affecting) | Init+9 | Perc. +1, Low Light Vision | Magic
Trazzle, The Shatterproof Wit
Male Goblin Witch/Trap Breaker Alchemist 17, Tier 3 Trickster Archmage | Tricks and Status | HP: 221 | AC: 50, T: 28, FF: 33 | Fort: +21, Ref: +26, Will +22 | CMD: 39 | Init +14, Perception +37. +46 vs. traps, Sense Motive +34