The Tethyr Chronicles, part one: The gathering storm (Inactive)

Game Master JohnLocke

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Greetings !

I'm very interested in joining up for a forgotten realms game. Have a vague idea of running a halfelven syntesist, if that would fit the game. However, most of my realm experience comes from running thru Baldur's Gate I & II (awesome games btw!) and a little from Icewind Dale, so I will have to read up on the fluff before fixing my backstory =)


DM Locke wrote:

@ illuminar: thanks for submitting your Monk - many monastaries are run by various Illmatari sects, usually devoted to a specific saint. Saint Sollars and Saint Ramedar are two of the better known.

Ok I'll go with Illmatari. For saints I'm going to skip the well knowns to play up the idea that Celith is from a very small order.

Okay, submissions so far:

Rune - Cedric Tallhart, halfling cavalier
Keddah - Evenor, half elf ranger
sphar - Kethrar, elven artificer
Scranford - Inwe Lossehelini, elven cleric
BoggBear - Ruhk "The Dandy", human magus
illuminar - Celith, human monk
Dennis Harry - Malstei Alenuath, elven ranger

Just a quick reminder, I'll be taking submissions until monday the 24th of october, so plenty of time to get in one or more characters. Please don't forget, in addition to rolling the character, that I'd like some background and, in particular, your characters relationship/feelings towards their God(s).

Gandal's wizard here. a lot of things still missing thou but am deadly tired,more to follow.
Only things sure on her background, she is the sister of Inwe Lossehelini but follows another god (Corellon Larethian)

edit:for cantrips, a wizard starts with all level zero spells in her spellbook (minus the ones from prohibited schools) but "all" includes also spells from APG and UM ? added only corebook spells so far

Hey DM Locke. I will re stat him for 1st level tomorrow and add some more info on his relationship with his God.

Shadow Lodge

Submission for Lockjaw Stoneshield.

Lockjaw Stoneshield:

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Armored Hulk) 1
CN Medium Humanoid (Dwarf)
Init +1; Senses Darkvision (60 feet); Perception +3
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16. . (+6 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 17 (1d12+4)
Fort +6, Ref +1, Will -1
Defensive Abilities Defensive Training
Spd 20 ft.
Melee Axe, Throwing +5 (1d6+4/20/x2) and
. . Gauntlet (from Armor) +5 (1d3+4/20/x2) and
. . Gauntlet, Spiked +5 (1d4+4/20/x2) and
. . Unarmed Strike +5 (1d3+4/20/x2) and
. . Waraxe, Dwarven +5 (1d10+6/20/x3)
Str 18, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +5 (+6 Overrunning); CMD 16 (17 vs. Overrun)
Feats Power Attack -1/+2
Skills Acrobatics -4, Climb -1, Escape Artist -4, Fly -4, Intimidate +3, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +1, Perception +3, Ride -4, Stealth -4, Survival +3, Swim -1
Languages Common, Dwarven
SQ Greed, Hardy, Hatred, Indomitable Stance (Ex), Rage (8 rounds/day) (Ex), Slow and Steady, Stability, Stonecunning +2
Combat Gear Axe, Throwing (3), Four-mirror armor, Gauntlet, Spiked, Waraxe, Dwarven;
Axe, Throwing - 0/3
Rage (8 rounds/day) (Ex) - 0/8
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Defensive Training (+4) +4 dodge bonus to AC against monsters of the Giant type.
Greed +2 to Appraise checks to determine the price of nonmagical goods that contain precious metals or gemstones.
Hardy +2 racial bonus to Poison, Spells and Spell-Like effects.
Hatred +1 racial bonus to attacks against Orcs and Goblinoids.
Indomitable Stance (Ex) +1 to Reflex vs trample & to hit, dam, and AC vs charging foe.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Rage (8 rounds/day) (Ex) +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 to Will saves, -2 to AC when enraged.
Slow and Steady Your base speed is never modified by encumbrance.
Stability +4 to avoid being bull rushed or tripped while standing.
Stonecunning +2 +2 bonus to Perception vs unusual stonework. Free check within 10 feet.
Rumors have it Lockjaw was born to wild dwarves, lost for too long in the wilderness and given to feral rages in order to survives. Others say he has been touched by the god Clangeddin Silverbeard himself, his rages a product of the deities attention at a young age. Most agree that the best way to deal with the dwarf now known as Lockjaw is to give him a hunk of meat or chair leg to chew on until there's something you need killed.

Not given to fancy speeches or pretty dress, Lockjaw considers water to be akin to poison, drinking it only if there are no other options. On at least one occasion he drank the squeezings from a bar rag on the theory that it contained at least some beer in it, and was therefore better than water. Needless to say he hasn't bathed in years, and considers his stench to be as powerful a weapon as his axe. Wearing cheap armor and drinking cheaper beer, Lockjaw wanders from town to town, looking for monsters to slay and bars to drink dry.

His nickname comes from the time his clan attacked a wild troll, with Lockjaw clamping on to the trolls leg and refusing to let go, even after the beast had knocked him unconscious and nearly killed him. Showing that same tenacity in battle, he refuses to give up until he is dead or the enemy is.

Standing 4'2" and weighing 185 pounds, his snarled brown hair goes from his eyes to his toes. It's likely he is a shield dwarf, but it's also possible that a gold dwarf lurks under the layers of grime. His wanderings have taught him a little of battle and much of humans, specifically that they can't brew beer to save his life. He refuses to drink human swill, and despite his gruff demeanor and hard drinking attitude, enters battle sober, singing his battle dirge and prepared for death.

None know the history of the dwarf Lockjaw, his past and disgrace a subject few would dare broach without several feet of steel wrapped around him. He seeks death in battle against a worthy foe, and refuses to throw his life away against those he considers unworthy.

I'm extremely interested. FR has always been my favorite campaign setting, though I got involved during the 2nd ed realms, so post Time of Troubles, not pre.

I assure you, I can post daily.

Now, without further ado, here is Mathias, back alley knife fighter

Male Human Rogue (Knife Master) 1
NG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +8; Senses Perception +5
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 10. . (+4 Dex)
hp 8 (1d8)
Fort +0, Ref +6, Will +1
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Dagger +4 (1d4/19-20/x2) and
. . Dagger +4 (1d4/19-20/x2) and
. . Unarmed Strike +4 (1d3/20/x2)
Special Attacks Sneak Attack +1d8/+1d4
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 13
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 14
Feats Improved Initiative, Rogue Weapon Proficiencies, Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +8, Bluff +5, Disguise +5, Escape Artist +8, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (Local) +6, Perception +5, Sense Motive +5, Sleight of Hand +8, Stealth +8, Use Magic Device +5
Languages Common, Elven, Halfling
SQ Hidden Blade +0, Trapfinding +1
Combat Gear Dagger, Dagger; Other Gear Pouch, belt (1 @ 4.7 lbs)
Dagger - 0/1
Dagger - 0/1
Hidden Blade +0 +0 bonus on Slight of Hand checks to conceal a light blade.
Sneak Attack +1d8/+1d4 +1d8 damage with a dagger-like weapon if you flank your target or your target is flat-footed.
Trapfinding +1 +1 to find or disable traps.
Mathias grew up extremely poor, being raised by his gambler father, who always thought that Tymora's luck was just one more game of bones away from him. He had even lost his mother to his father's compulsive habit, when she was battered in the streets as a warning to his father when they couldn't find him.

3 years ago, when he was 13, Mathias' father "sold" him to a crime boss to pay off a debt. Figuring Mathias for a useless peasant, the crime lord sent him to make money in one of the highest risk, and smallest gain, illicit activities, back alley knife fights.

Surprisingly Mathias survived and even won his first, and subsequent, matches. Over three years Mathias has become quite an adept knife fighter, his small form allowing him to move deftly and quickly, though Mathias can't help but think that more than a bit of Tymora's luck has to do with it.

Mathias recently decided he couldn't wait for Tymora to shine her luck on him and free him, and so took his fate into his own hands, made his own luck if you will. Just as his most recent match started, Mathias lept upon his opponent, killing him outright with a stab to the throat, and before the body had fully fallen, he was already rushing at the pursekeeper for the match, his opponent's dagger in his other hand, slashing him across the hand and stealing the purse.

He now lays in hiding, trying to figure out his next move.

Relationship to Tymora:
Mathias grew up hearing his father invoking Tymora and cursing Beshaba so much, that they just sort of became the basis for how he sees the world. Most of his life he has seen himself stuck under the misfortune of Beshaba, his life always seeming to turn for the worse every day. But he has seen and believes that Tymora shines on him even through her sister's curse. His lot has never been good in life, but he continually survives, and even succeeds, at some of those worst moments. He sees his escape as a possible change in his fortunes, to a life where Beshaba has much less influence than her sister.

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Ruhk will be a follower of Tempus (Tempos) by default, and have the same relationship with him as many Northmen, "He is my god, but he wants me to help myself, so I will thank him for his gifts when I get some, but not ask for any to be given to me."

@ Gandal - Thanks for the wizard, she looks good to go. Nice to see an evoker! I've seen tons of Treantmonk-esque God wizards in my RL games... will eagerly be awaiting her backstory!

@ Dennis - thanks, I'll be looking forward to seeing him!

@ all potential players: I'm toying with the idea of an "achievements" system (just like in numerous video games) to add a bit of fun to the game. For achieving certain story milestones, beating difficult odds, uncovering secrets, etc, I'd assign a reward which would give a small, usually situational bonus to the party. These would be secret and you'd only learn of them once you'd earned it. I've used these in my real life games and they've proved pretty popular. Would everyone be interested, or does it seem too cartoony and game-ish?

Alright going to give in. For awhile I have been wanting to make a paladin of Helm. Will work on him should be up in a bit.

Ah,I see.I guess my Con is 12.

@ Gandal: yes, for cantrips, you can have all of them, from core, APG, UC and UM, barring your opposed schools. At each level up, you can add two spells to your wizards list, as per usual; these spells can be chosen from core, APG, UC and UM; spells from 3.5 realms books and the 3.5 spell compendium may also be chosen on a case by case basis, and will certainly be found on scrolls and in other spellbooks throughout the game.

@ anyone playing clerics: the same goes for your orisons, though as only one extra 0-level spell has been presented, it isn't much of a boon. Keep in mind, as noted above, your spell list includes all core spells (minus certain exceptions, depending on faith) and two spells chosen from APG, UC and UM per level up. Spells from the 3.5 players guide to faerun and the 3.5 spell compendium may also be made available at level up, and will be available if you take an initiate feat for your faith. The story may also provide means to learn spells to add to your list.

Kethrar views Corellon primarily as the god of creation and magic.Kethrar take this is in a different way than most elves(as he does with all things),and believes Corellon would like his followers to mix magic with technology.

JohnLocke wrote:
Please don't forget, in addition to rolling the character, that I'd like some background and, in particular, your characters relationship/feelings towards their God(s).

While Celith calls Illmatari his patron deity, theologians might consider him to be on the outer edge of what Illmatari will put up with from his followers. In part this is because he is an inexperienced worshiper and commonly misapplies Illumatari's principles, but there is also a seed planted deep within him that blames Illmatari for not protecting people, himself included, from the atrocities of the war.

This leaves him in a state where he still looks to Illmatari for guidance, but his heart is not in it.

Of course Illmatari very likely guided Celith to Grand Master Lou Ki's monastery, instead of leaving him to die or otherwise succumb to the horrors on the streets, but in his youth Celith has yet to realize that possibility.

Here is Vestilet half-elf Paladin of Helm.

Back Story:

Vestilet is thought to be born in Cormyr. He was left as a baby in front of a church of Helm. All that was with the baby was a note that had his name and asking the priests to raise the child well. Knowing honor and duty they took to raising the child. They taught him the tenants of their faith instilling into the boy honor and duty. He took these lessons to heart protecting the weak for any who would harm them even as a child. He always stood up for the weaker children who were bullied.

Once he was old enough he decided to join the church itself feeling that it was his calling. With the help of his teachers he was able to become a squire and started to learn the ways of a Paladin. He trained hard to do the best he could so he would be a respected Paladin within the Church of Helm along with trying to be like Helm himself. He worked very hard as a squire. He was than able to become a paladin within the church of Helm. He decided to join the Vigilant Eyes of the Deity so he could better follow Helm's Will.

It has been some time since Vestilet has become a member of the Vigilant Eyes of the Deity. He has completed all his duties without fail and complaint. He is now traveling to help those in need such as he was taught and how he has acted for almost all his life. He believes it was his destiny to become on of the warriors for Helm, thinking it was a blessing that he was left at the church all those years ago.

Character Info:

Appearance: Vestilet is tall standing 6' 2” looking lean because of his elfish heritage weighing in at only 190 pounds. He has shoulder length dark colored hair and light blue eyes that seem very odd on his face. He has pale skin which never seems to darken under the sun. He weights dark gray or blue clothes that tend to have the symbol of Helm on them.

Personality: Vestilet acts in the same way as Helm does himself. He protects or helps others whenever he can. He does so without any thought of himself or thanks feeling it is just his duty. He is loyal to those he knows deserve it along with being very kind. He has a sweet spot on children because of his childhood and helps orphanages whenever he can.


str: 18
dex: 12
con: 13
cha: 16

Feat: Power Attack

Skills: Diplomacy: 7
Sense Motive : 4

Some Information and Questions:

If allowed I would like to use the alternate racial trait Ancestral Arms so I can use a bastard sword. Since he is a paladin of helm thought he should uses the weapon of his deity. If alternate racial traits are not allowed I will just use my first level feat to get prof. with the bastard sword. If archetypes are allowed I was thinking of taking both Oath of Vengeance and Divine Defender to fit better with the flavor and idea of Helm. I also had a question about alignment in Pathfinder paladins have to be lawful good but in the setting they could be of other alignments. I was wondering if I could make my character Lawful Neutral to better fit in with Helm? My hope is to have my character once he is high enough to have full plate looks very similar to Helm since he favors Helm greatly.

Hey DM Locke. I revised Mal's profile reducing him to first level and revising his history a bit. I did not purchase any equipment yet but his focus will be on ranged weaponry. He also has two character traits, not sure if you are doing traits but these were the ones I picked when I first designed him.

Done with everything, only background still missing.
A note about languages:in the Realms there is no "common" but Chondatan is widely spoken in most region of the Swordcoast, and since tethyr is among those, i assumed Chondatan to be the equivalent of Common. Let me know if i have to change it.

Edit: all the info i have on the setting are post Time of troubles. I could use some help with her backstory DM locke

Just added a few background notes under background spoiler in Alendrethala 's sheet, still much to do thou

JohnLocke wrote:

@ Gandal - Thanks for the wizard, she looks good to go. Nice to see an evoker! I've seen tons of Treantmonk-esque God wizards in my RL games... will eagerly be awaiting her backstory!

@ Dennis - thanks, I'll be looking forward to seeing him!

@ all potential players: I'm toying with the idea of an "achievements" system (just like in numerous video games) to add a bit of fun to the game. For achieving certain story milestones, beating difficult odds, uncovering secrets, etc, I'd assign a reward which would give a small, usually situational bonus to the party. These would be secret and you'd only learn of them once you'd earned it. I've used these in my real life games and they've proved pretty popular. Would everyone be interested, or does it seem too cartoony and game-ish?

I would love to see these achievements,great fun of videogames here :)

Always on rewards, how do you handle xp? it can be veeeeeery slow to level in pbp, and i would like to see the party grow.
I should be able to post at least once per day, usually during morning GMT+1 Italy time

Shadow Lodge

Forgot Lockjaw's interactions with the Gods. He believes in the Dwarven Pantheon, since they'd directly cracked his mind. His only worship of them usually comes in the form of using their body parts in his cursing. He considers all other deities of Toril to be imaginary, or at best the creation of the other races because they're jealous of Moradin and his family.

Good morning all, a status update on last nights' posts:

The following characters have been submitted so far:

Rune - Cedric Tallhart, halfling cavalier
Keddah - Evenor, half elf ranger
sphar - Kethrar, elven artificer
Scranford - Inwe Lossehelini, elven cleric
BoggBear - Ruhk "The Dandy", human magus
illuminar - Celith, human monk
Dennis Harry - Malstei Alenuath, elven ranger
Gandal - Alendrethala Lossehelini, elven wizard
Balodek - Lockjaw Stoneshield, dwarven barbarian
ChrisRevocateur - Mathias, human rogue
Mrdarknlight - Vestilet, half elf paladin

Looking good folks, thank you for your submissions so far, as for anyone else reading, submissions are still open, so if interested, give it a try.

Specific comments:

@ Balodek - thanks for your submission! Lockjaw looks like a bad dwarf to get on the wrong side of!

@ ChrisRevocateur - thanks for submitting Mathias! He's the only rogue I've gotten so far, and I really think there should be a skills based character in the group. I do note the lack of disable device on him, however; there should be someone in the party who can handle traps and locks.

@ illuminar - Just in case it helps your story any, Illmater is the god of suffering, endurance, martyrdom and perserverence, and is often worshipped by the poor and the disaffected. He makes perfect sense, given your characters' circumstances.

@ Mrdarknlight - I really like your paladin - the background is simple, yet evocative. Many children have been left at Helms' door, indeed! As for the bastard sword - sure, if you want the ancestral arms trait, you can use it for the bastard sword (normally an exotic weapon proficiency to use it one-handed). The bastard sword two handed is already covered under martial weapon proficiency, so it's a fair trade. You can definitely take archetypes, the only concern I'd have with the ones you've chosen is that you're giving up a couple of very strong abilities - your mercies, and your channel positive energy - which may be more useful generally. However, it is your character, and if you want him to play a certain way, then I'll support you and make sure your abilities get a chance to shine.

Paladins do need to be lawful good, however; it has always been such in the Realms. Within the confines of that alignment, however, I think you should still be able to play your character as you see fit - I don't subscribe to the lawful good = lawful stupid philosophy, so I'll definitely give leeway in how you play, as long as your character stays true to Helms' tenets - you must protect the weak, the unpopular, the injured, and the young and not sacrifice them for others. Stay true to that, as often as you can, and know that Helm does not discard his servants casually.

A few more notes:

@ Dennis Harry - thanks for reworking the character, hes looking good :-) One thing I noted - your choice of chosen foe is orcs - one thing I think this campaign is going to see is a lot of conflict against human groups who seek to destabilize or dominate Tethyr. You may wish to change your chosen enemy based on those parameters, but again, he's your character and if that's your choice I'll try and make sure it gets reflected in the story. One thing I forgot - we're not using traits in this campaign, so they would have to go to make the character viable. Sorry!

@ Gandal - I've never heard anywhere that there is no common tongue in the Realms - what's your source for that statement? From the earliest days of the original boxed set, there has been a common tongue - a desendant of the old trade language, thorass. Don't worry about being fluent in too many regional human tongues - if you need to speak to something on two legs, chances are good it knows at least rudimentary common.

As for your characters' backstory - we probably just need to figure out what sort of triggering event was needed. Many of Tehtyrs' elves reside in the forest tethir; perhaps a run in with expansionist woodcutters, rampaging followers of Malar, or coming face to face with human and demi-human suffering as a result of invasion, monstrous infestation, or civil war?

@ Everyone - more feedback about the possible inclusion of an achievements system would be appreciated - pro or against. Thanks!

Also, Gandal had a question about experience, and wanting to see character growth. I hand out experience at the end of each encounter, whether combat or social interaction. I may also give out ad hoc xp awards, though those are rare. I'll probably use the fast experience track for this PbP. I'm hoping to streamline combat by taking care of initiative for you, making sure a tactical map is available for all to see, and stepping in for characters who haven't posted in a while to ensure combats, and thus progression, aren't stunted. I'll encourage role-playing with xp as well, but if we've had three pages of players standing around doing little to nothing without some sort of forward progression, I'll do my best to nudge things along.

If, despite our best efforts, I'm not seeing enough progression in your characters over a certain period, I may move towards a landmark based progression system; that is to say, I'll advise characters to level up at set points in the story, to ensure you're moving forward and ready for challenges ahead.

DM Locke wrote:

@ illuminar - Just in case it helps your story any, Illmater is the god of suffering, endurance, martyrdom and perserverence, and is often worshipped by the poor and the disaffected. He makes perfect sense, given your characters' circumstances.

Yup and that's going to play into how Celith's piety developes.

One of the paths I might take, depending how the story unfolds is going to play into all of that. As Celith experiences events marked by each of Illmater's "domains" he will come to appreciate Illmater more and the somewhat cynical nature that he will start with will gradually go away.

The other major direction he could take, again depending on how things unfold, is to fall from Illmater and turn his back on the poor and disaffected for not being able to pick themselves up and raise above it all.

DM Locke wrote:

A few more notes:

@ Everyone - more feedback about the possible inclusion of an achievements system would be appreciated - pro or against. Thanks!

The devil is in the details. If by getting an achievement we get some sort of boon, like a hero point or something. That would be a nice way to encourage certain types of activity.

But in regards to getting achievements just to have them, I abstain. I'm neither for nor against it.

DM Locke wrote:

@ Mrdarknlight - I really like your paladin - the background is simple, yet evocative. Many children have been left at Helms' door, indeed! As for the bastard sword - sure, if you want the ancestral arms trait, you can use it for the bastard sword (normally an exotic weapon proficiency to use it one-handed). The bastard sword two handed is already covered under martial weapon proficiency, so it's a fair trade. You can definitely take archetypes, the only concern I'd have with the ones you've chosen is that you're giving up a couple of very strong abilities - your mercies, and your channel positive energy - which may be more useful generally. However, it is your character, and if you want him to play a certain way, then I'll support you and make sure your abilities get a chance to shine.

Paladins do need to be lawful good, however; it has always been such in the Realms. Within the confines of that alignment, however, I think you should still be able to play your character as you see fit - I don't subscribe to the lawful good = lawful stupid philosophy, so I'll definitely give leeway in how you play, as long as your character stays true to Helms' tenets - you must protect the weak, the unpopular, the injured, and the young and not sacrifice them for others. Stay true to that, as often as you can, and know that Helm does not discard his servants casually.

Cool thanks the idea of the character is he is trying his best to be like Helm. Why I asked about different alignment he will not be acting Lawful good will be acting more like lawful neutral to be like his deity. As for the archetypes I plan on using lay on hands for the character a lot. This is the reason I do not like channel energy on paladins. Looking over the mercies you are right they can be useful I was just trying to get Helm's flavor done right on the character since you know he is never without his armor. I will weigh in the pros and cons about losing mercy versus the ability I get in return for them. Though what you said was basically how I was going to play him.

Achievements System seem fine with me. There are already achievement feats within the game itself so not like it is a totally alien idea. Though I do suggest do not add any of the kill x number of monster ones unless it something like Balor or Ancient Dragons.

I like the idea of the achievements system. As PbP tends to be slow leveling anyway, these additional perks would be a bonus.



Here is a little blurb of what Gandal's character and I might be working on. Still waiting for his input, but before we go too far, maybe you could scan for possibility?

I’d been throwing around a couple of ideas. As the Moon Elves are curious wanderers, I thought maybe they had been sent by their village to the Starspire Mountains to investigate some leads in an old trade journal, which spoke of an ancient agreement between the Moon elves, and a lost Dwarven outpost in the mountains there. Maybe vague references to some strange metal, or gemstone with unique properties that the Dwarves needed help identifying or classifying. This was the only reference to the metal that could be found, and the two sisters were sent to research this occurrence. Maybe they are from an enclave in the Forest of Mir…There’s an elven City there, I can’t remember the name right now… and they are just now beginning their investigation when the events of the adventure take place?

Dark Archive


Kathai Lli, Halfling Rogue

(@ ChrisRevocateur – Sorry about posting another Tymora worshipping rogue. Not looking to compete, I built her before seeing your post.)

Kathai Lli swaggered through the tavern doors. Despite the “closed” sign on the front, eleven figures sat huddled around various tables. Despite the numbers, no one spoke.

“Lots of tall-ies in here,” she whistled. She noted the one other Lightfoot in the room. While the figure looked affable, he also seemed to carry a patronly quality around with him. Based on the livery, she was fairly certain the fellow rightsize was the likely owner of the wolfhound out front. Comparing attitude and profession, she decided it was best not to engage the fellow in conversation until she was sure they’d be working together.

Kathai found a seat by the fire and threw her feet up on the table. She had barely put her pipe in her mouth when a jovial face popped out of a side room, looked down at some parchment, and called out her name.

The Lightfoot slid off her oversize chair and sauntered off toward the room. She stopped for a moment, pulled out a tarnished gold coin, kissed its face, and slipped it back into her pocket. Carrying herself into the room as if all decisions were already made, she bowed courteously to the figure behind the desk.

“Kathai Lli, at your service. Traps disabled, artists conned, and backs stabbed. A one stop roguery shop, that’s me!”

The figure, known only as “Game Master”, indicated the open seat before him. Kathai took the invitation and hopped into the seat.

After taking a moment to look Kathai over, the Game Master finally deigned to speak. “First Question: I have an application for a rogue already. Why should I entertain you, the latecomer?”

“There’s nothing wrong with him! Except… well… Ok, I understand your desire for equal employment, but I think you’re going overboard with applicants that suffer from an Oversize Deformity. You really could use someone who can relate to Rightsize people.”

Seemingly confused by the response, the Game Master moved on. “Second Question: It says here that you come from a wealthy furniture merchant family. You could have followed in your father’s footsteps and been a fairly wealthy woman.”

“Merchants spend all their time charming gullible rubes. No challenge, no danger, and no satisfaction. I want to walk away from a job knowing I pulled one over on a professional. Preferably a jerk.”

“Third Question: How did you learn your thieving abilities?”

“When you spend your childhood helping your father craft doors and doorframes, you spend a lot of time working with the stereotypical retired adventurer turned locksmith who takes you under his wing and teaches you the trade yet somehow doesn’t want you to follow the same hard-nose life he led.”

“Fourth Question: We noticed you kissing a gold coin earlier. What was that about?”

“This old thing? See the Shamrocks on it? Tymoran holy symbol. We have a… business arrangement. I pretend to be her worshipper, and she pretends to be my patron. It’s kind of like the real thing, only less worship and more… mutual respect. I toss a few coins in her clergy’s coffers now and again, and when I fall she makes sure it’s on something soft. It’s worked so far, so I intend to keep honoring the arrangement.”

“Last Question: Where do you stand on the Civil War.”

“Professionally, I have no opinion. Personally, I never bet against someone good enough to be Elminsters personal servant.”

“Thank you, Ms. Lli, we’ll take your resume under advisement.”

Dark Archive

Kathai Lli - Continued


Kathai Lli CR 1/2
Female Halfling Rogue 1
NG Small Humanoid (Halfling)
Init +4; Senses Perception +6
AC 19, touch 15, flat-footed 15. . (+4 armor, +4 Dex, +1 size)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +1
Spd 20 ft.
Melee Shortsword +2 (1d4+1/19-20/x2) and
. . Unarmed Strike +2 (1d2+1/20/x2)
Ranged Crossbow, Light +3 (1d6/19-20/x2)
Special Attacks Sneak Attack +1d6
Str 12, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 15
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 14
Feats Childlike, Rogue Weapon Proficiencies
Skills Acrobatics +8, Appraise +6, Bluff +6, Craft (Carpentry) +6, Diplomacy +6, Disable Device +7, Disguise +6, Escape Artist +6, Perception +6, Ride +2, Sleight of Hand +6, Stealth +10, Swim -1
Languages Common, Elven, Goblin, Halfling
SQ Fearless, Trapfinding +1
Combat Gear Bolts, Crossbow (10), Chain Shirt, Crossbow, Light, Shortsword; Other Gear Artisan's tools: Craft (Carpentry), Backpack, Masterwork (3 @ 6.5 lbs), Caltrops, Holy symbol, wooden: Tymora, Peasant's outfit, Thieves' tools
Childlike +2 Disguise to pose as a human child, take 10 on Bluff checks to appear innocent.
Fearless +2 morale bonus vs Fear saves.
Sneak Attack +1d6 +1d6 damage if you flank your target or your target is flat-footed.
Trapfinding +1 +1 to find or disable traps.

Hey DM Locke. I will remove the traits from Mal's profile. I can change the favored enemy to human if it makes more sense for the campaign. Let me know if there is any more detail you need for his background.

Shadow Lodge

DM Locke wrote:

Specific comments:

@ Balodek - thanks for your submission! Lockjaw looks like a bad dwarf to get on the wrong side of!

Thank you. I've always loved Dwarf Battleragers, and Armored Hulk Barbarian is just too perfect to pass up.

As for the achievement system, I'm all for it.

@ Matthew Winn - Thanks for submitting Kathai - I loved your little interview vignette, very nice indeed!

@ Scranford - Gandal seemed to be going in a different direction, backstory wise, than you are. Perhaps you two could be long-lost, or otherwise estranged, sisters? Not that I don't like your backstory - both being dispatched together for a task - you might even want to take it a bit further, have your elves be outsiders altogether from Tethyr, thus providing another view of the events there.

Concept #2

Mikko Bari (The Bartender)

Fighter 0 / Rogue 1

Mikko runs a bar in Tymora called Low Key. Low Key is a place for halflings to hang out without the larger humans crowding them out. Unfortunately the place is on the verge of going under and Mikko may very well lose it.

As a innkeeper Mikko revers Cyrrollalee and while typically not overly pious, he's is concerned that his current luck might be due to a unknown slight he committed against Cyrrollalee.


HP 10
Str 14
Dex 16
Con 13
Int 14
Wis 10
Cha 14


Melee Dagger +3 (d3 +2)*
Melee Catch off Guard +3 (varies +2)*
Range Dagger +4 (d3 +2)*
CMB +1
*Sneak Attack +1d6


AC 17 (Stud. Leather, Dex, Size)
Touch 14 (Dex, Size)
Flat 14 (Stud. Leather, Size)
Fort +2
Ref +6
Will +1
CMD 14


Acrobatics +4 (Untrained, Dex, Armor Check)
Bluff +6
Diplomacy +6
Disable Device +7
Knowledge (Local) +6
Perception +6
Sense Motive +4
Sleight of Hand +6
Stealth +10

Craft (Brew) +6
Profession (Innkeeper) +4

JohnLocke wrote:

@ Matthew Winn - Thanks for submitting Kathai - I loved your little interview vignette, very nice indeed!

@ Scranford - Gandal seemed to be going in a different direction, backstory wise, than you are. Perhaps you two could be long-lost, or otherwise estranged, sisters? Not that I don't like your backstory - both being dispatched together for a task - you might even want to take it a bit further, have your elves be outsiders altogether from Tethyr, thus providing another view of the events there.

Am at work now. Will find an agreement once at home

Submiting my syntesist:


Alaric is a halfelf of slightly below average length and statue. He usually appears to wear an carefree expression and his face is never far from a smile or laugh. His eyes and hair are dark brown, cut to about his shoulders. The rest of his facial appearance is inherited from his elvish father, who he never met. He is usually seen wearing a dull blue coat, with matching breeches and a red cord warped around his right forearm.

He grew up in Athkatla, with his stepfather and mother, and three of their childes. As a spawn of one of his mothers youth romance with a Tethyrian elf, he is several years older then his siblings. His parents are merchants, and usually travels to Tradesmeet or even Baldur's Gate to the north to ply their trade, but X have never been south of the Small Teeth mountains before.

Alaric respects and revere Wakueen as the major deity of his home town, but he usually directs his prayers to Ilmater, who's teachings appeal to him more. During his younger days he spent lots of time pestering the priests of Ilmater in the temple at Wakueens promenade, but they took it in stride and tried to answer every question asked by the curious child - this is one of the reasons for Alaric's deep respect for Ilmater and his priests.

Lately Alaric has developed a strange talent for siphoning energy out of seemingly nowhere, and that combined with his knack for minor magic was bound to attract unwanted attention from the Cowled Wizards monitoring the mages of Akhkatla. Instead of waiting for the inevitable he decided to put his talents to good use and try to make his own luck. After saying goodbye to his family and friends he set out for Tethyr, mainly because he never travelled south, and maybe the slight hope of finding some of his elven relatives...



Half Elf Syntesist 1 (favored + 1/4 evo points)
N Medium humanoid (human, elf)
Init +1; Senses Perception + 3, Low light Vision


AC 11 [15], touch -II-, flat-footed 10 [14] ( +1 Dex, [+ 4 natural)
hp 9 (1d8+1) [+1d10+1]
Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +3


Speed 30 ft.
Melee Scimitar +1 1d6+2 18/30x2
[Scimitar +5 1d6+5, Claw +0 1d6+3 or Scimitar +5 1d6+7]
Ranged Javelin +1 1d6+2
[Javelin +2 1d6+5]
Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +5)
1st (2/day)— Mage Armor, Grease (DC 14)
0 (at will)— Mage Hand, Light, Message, Read Magic


Str 13 [18], Dex 12[12], Con 13[13], Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 18
Base Atk +0 [1]; CMB +1 [+5]; CMD 12 [16]
Feats Arcane Strike
Skills Perception +3, Use Magic Device +8, Spellcraft +6, Know (Geo) +6
Spell Like: Summon Monster I 7/day
SQ: Adaptability (Wpn Prof: Scimitar), Elven Immunities, Multitalented
(Summoner/Fighter), Elf Blood.
Evolutions (3p):
limbs (arms & legs)
Improved Natural Armor -1
Improved Stat: Str -2

Languages: Common, Elven, Thorass, ???
Money: 71gp 20sp 5cp
Scimitar, Javelin x3, Alchemist's Kindness x10, Backpack, Blanket, Winter, Chalk x5, Travelers Outfit, Explorer's Outfit, Flint and Steel, Hooded Lantern, Oil x4, Spell Component Pounch, Whetstone, Waterskin, Trail Rations x4
(light/medium/heavy) (50/100/150) [100/200/300]

The stuff in [ ] are for when he is melded. I'm going for a more energized or empowered mode with the melding, instead of that transformation into spookey alien thingy (so no huge racoonman with 3 arms). Still have one languages to decide if someone got an idea ?

Good afternoon all, just a quick update to reflect new character submissions:

Rune - Cedric Tallhart, halfling cavalier
Keddah - Evenor, half elf ranger
sphar - Kethrar, elven artificer
Scranford - Inwe Lossehelini, elven cleric
BoggBear - Ruhk "The Dandy", human magus
illuminar - Celith, human monk; AND Mikko Bari, halfling rogue
Dennis Harry - Malstei Alenuath, elven ranger
Gandal - Alendrethala Lossehelini, elven wizard
Balodek - Lockjaw Stoneshield, dwarven barbarian
ChrisRevocateur - Mathias, human rogue
Mrdarknlight - Vestilet, half elf paladin
Matthew Winn - Kathai Lli, halfling rogue
Saerdna - Alaric, half elf summoner (synthesist)

Thanks to all for your submissions! Reminder to all, and any new potential players, submission time is still open.

DM Locke wrote:

A few more notes:

@ Gandal - I've never heard anywhere that there is no common tongue in the Realms - what's your source for that statement? From the earliest days of the original boxed set, there has been a common tongue - a desendant of the old trade language, thorass. Don't worry about being fluent in too many regional human tongues - if you need to speak to something on two legs, chances are good it knows at least rudimentary common.

As for your characters' backstory - we probably just need to figure out what sort of triggering event was needed. Many of Tehtyrs' elves reside in the forest tethir; perhaps a run in with expansionist woodcutters, rampaging followers of Malar, or coming face to face with human and demi-human suffering as a result of invasion, monstrous infestation, or civil war?

Also, Gandal had a question about experience, and wanting to see character growth. I hand out experience at the end of each encounter, whether combat or social interaction. I may also give out ad hoc xp awards, though those are rare. I'll probably use the fast experience track for this PbP. I'm hoping to streamline combat by taking care of initiative for you, making sure a tactical map is available for all to see, and stepping in for characters who haven't posted in a while to ensure combats, and thus...

As for my sources....Italy started publishing TSR material quite late, and i started playing in 1986, and didn't know the setting.Saw something playing the Baldur's Gate series and Neverwinter Nights 1&2 and Icewind Dale 1&2.

Of course i lost all the books of 2nd Ed and only have material of 3rd ed. My primary source is the 3rd ed Forgotten Realms setting handbook, which is by far incomplete. Anyway i saw a lot of common languages in most of the main regions.

edit:will ask scranford, but not hard to say that what made Alendrethala change attitude happened during her adventuring with her sister. Mine was only a suggestion on a personal drama

There is a common language in the Realms

About Evenor's relationship with the gods, he has faith in the Seldarine and offers them prayers if the situation fits it, but his patron deity would be Hoar (he sees him as a deity of just punishment and poetic justice more than a vengeful god)

@Locke - I purposefully didn't take disable device, YET. Mathias hasn't had need or time to develop that skill, though I definitely intend on putting points in it later, depending on how Mathias' "career" goes. Rogues get enough skill points they can skip one or two key ones at first, only to fill them in later, and Disable Device didn't fit his background at all.

Also, I had noted that a skill character was the only one missing when I made my character. I was originally thinking a elven magus "bladesinger," but I love rogues too, so I thought why not.

I fear I've been outclassed by the halfling, but I won't withdraw, doing so would be against Mathias' character, he likes to push his luck, much like his dad.

ChrisRevocateur wrote:

@Locke - I purposefully didn't take disable device, YET. Mathias hasn't had need or time to develop that skill, though I definitely intend on putting points in it later, depending on how Mathias' "career" goes. Rogues get enough skill points they can skip one or two key ones at first, only to fill them in later, and Disable Device didn't fit his background at all.

I fear I've been outclassed by the halfling, but I won't withdraw, doing so would be against Mathias' character, he likes to push his luck, much like his dad.

@ChrisRevocateur - okay, that makes sense, just wanted to draw your attention to it. I see it was part of your plan all along!

DM Locke:
Scranford told me about your idea of the twins separated at birth (or something similar) and i'ld love it...the forced exile could be the trauma i spoke of, or the discover of the truth later on, your call

@ Gandal - okay, well, if you're both happy with that background, then we can run with it. Your lives could have taken very different paths; one given to a life of wealth and comfort, the other, to deprivation and loss... it's a little trite, perhaps, but the interplay between two sisters who have been separated longer than a human life could be very interesting. I'd prefer you work out between yourselves your backgrounds and personalities; for me, though, this looks like a winning combination.

I've fleshed out Ruhk's Background a bit, as well as his mannerisms.
I've also changed the alignment, I think it would be more fun to start out Neutral and work my way up to good along the way.

Ruhk "The Dandy" wrote:

I've fleshed out Ruhk's Background a bit, as well as his mannerisms.

I've also changed the alignment, I think it would be more fun to start out Neutral and work my way up to good along the way.

My favourite way of handling alignments!

@ BoggBear - nice work on Ruhk! I can see now where he gets his "Dandy" moniker, at least from the prospective of his people!

Exactly, he hates it himself, but it's stuck with him and became something of a wry calling card.

About the gods:

Cedric pays respect to Arvoreen, the halfling deity of protection, vigilance, and war, who preaches readiness and battle training for protecting one's home and land.

He truly admires Torm, though, and his followers' determination to not only protect and defend themselves, but go out there in the world and do good.

He'll probably experience a shift of faith from one deity to another, as he feels he's not suited to only stand around waiting for an attack. He would rather travel the land and seek to right wrongs, gaining prestige, glory and repaying the kindness that has been done to his family.

About paladin:
I think he has many chaotic traits that wouldn't lend themselves well for the paladin class (also, I hate detect evil).

@ Rune: Thanks for statting up Cedric - still need to see a few things, such as finished skills and HP, but he looks good. Just to note, your ability scores total up to 24; as I noted earlier, you'd probably want to make his INT 11, just to even out his point buy. Also, I note that he has changed his appreciation from Helm to Torm, despite the fact that it was a member of Helms' order who saved his family when he was younger. Did you want to change his background to having been saved by a member of Torms' knighthood (such as the Order of the Lion) or is this more a critique of what he views as Helms' lack of initiative?

EDIT: Also, am not sure which order Cedric belongs to - Shield or Sword would seem most appropriate.

Too busy to submit a character, but I might keep an eye on the game :)

DM Locke:

I was wondering if my explanation about how I saw the character helped you understand how I was playing on taking the character. As for the archetypes I gave it a lot of thought and I personally think giving up positive channel for extra smite would fit better with Helm than having it. My reason for this is he was both protect and enforcer. Using lay on hands I can protect along with helping others, smite is the only way a paladin can enforce well. I am still stuck on the mercies the ability I give up for it does indeed help others but it is bit short range. So I will have to give that more thought.

@ Mrdarknlight: Thanks for the update! As I said before, it's your choice how you want to build your character. The only thing I must note is, as a paladin, even one of a LN God, you'll need to remember that you've got to play him LG. If you're thinking that you might tend more towards LN, then maybe an inquisitor, or a cleric with the crusader archetype or holy warrior variant might be more what you're looking for.

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