Ruhk "The Dandy" |

Ruhk shrugs, he was not well informed enough to know if it was a common thing not to divide spoils near the dead.
She had according to Velnik wanted the group to have her things, so sharing them next to the grave did not strike Ruhk as inappropriate.
Then again, he was not a religious man like Vestilet, so he decided to simply accept it.
Out of a sense of curiosity, Ruhk then casts Detect magic on the pile.
No matter what he may or may not detect, he then points to the Falcata, tries to speak, (which comes out as a strangled croak) and indicates himself.
At Alendrethalas question, Ruhk merely indicates Velnik with his thumb, he would know after all.
Casting Detect Magic.

DM Locke |

@Ruhk: the falcata radiates a faint air of magic; the other two items do not. A DC 18 spellcraft check should reveal it's secrets...
@ Inwe: Velnik nods his thanks to you. That's all one can ask for, lass. I know Mielikki is a friend to the elven Gods; I'm sure they'll let her know one of her followers is coming home. With that he walks away quickly, wiping away a tear.

Alendrethala Lossëhelini |

The elven mage thanks Ruhk deeply, then checks the blade.
Spellcraft to identify 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15
Assuming Ruhk already told Alendrethala the falcata is magical
F***ing dicebot.If Alendrethala has time she will prepare and cast Identify which will give her another +10.May i assume she had the time to and roll again at +20?

Kathai Lli |

People may notice that Kathai has returned to camp without fanfare and has been mostly keeping to herself. Anyone who asks a direct question gets her typical smile and enthusiastic answer. Anyone who asks what's wrong is told that nothing is wrong with the same cherubic smile that seems etched on her face. But the fact that she doesn't offer up anything of her own would be a strong indicator to the observant that the day's impact has had a huge effect on her.
Unless prompted, she mostly just sits around, waiting for the caravan to resume it's journey.

DM Locke |

@ Alendrethala & Ruhk - Your magic and deductive skills reveal the sword to be a +1 blade; the studded leather is masterwork and the composite longbow is a +2 strength bow.
Velnik yells out: We leave at first light! Get some rest, those who can, I intend to make time up tomorrow, even if we have to speed by a burning orphanage! Velnik seems to think twice about his analogy. Well, perhaps not a burning orphanage, but we must make up time! He stops briefly to pat Kathai Lli on the shoulder, then is off to make ready for the trip.
Say your goodbyes to Natasha and the village, and divide the spoils of your battles, tomorrow you're off down the Soldier's road, towards Krennasar.

Kathai Lli |

Kathai lifts her head, claps her hands together, and hops up from where she was moping. The big grin has returned, but she shifts frequently to keep people from noticing her watery eyes.
"So, what's this about spoils? I like spoils. What do we have? Anything good? Anything for me?"

Ruhk "The Dandy" |

Hearing Kathai's question Ruhk nods and indicates the small pile with one hand.
He then shrugs and let's Kathai judge for herself if any of it is useful for her.
Doubt it myself, too small to use any of these things. She did good in battle however, mustn’t underestimate her...

Alendrethala Lossëhelini |

Maybe he got wounded in his throat
Not sure what Ruhk means, and having said she isn't using them, Alendrethala hands over to the man the dagger and the falcata.
"Hope you were asking me to give you these, or else feel free to do whatever suits you once you have them.I'm more at my ease with rods and wands"

Ruhk "The Dandy" |

Ruhk looks confused, then he shakes his head and begins to hold the dagger towards Alendrethala, after a moment he thinks on what she said, shrugs and tosses the weapons into the pile instead.
I was only asking if they were carrying the same enchantment, but I guess I can ask again later...once I CAN acctually ask again.

Lockjaw Stoneshield |

"You heard the man, we ready to move out in the morning?"
Lockjaw's gruff demeanor hasn't softened, though you notice his table manners have improved slightly.
Not sure what all the noise is about.

Kathai Lli |

Kathai holds up the dagger. "Well, I already have a short sword, but since it's too small for any of you to use as anything but a dagger, I guess I could put it to good use."
Kathai's egocentrism aside, would I be able to wield it as a short sword, or would I be stuck using it as an oversize dagger?

Kathai Lli |

Kathai slides the snake-handled "short sword" off the wagon and onto her belt.
"Welcome to your new home, Slither. How does it feel?"
In a high-pitched, bad impersonation of a ventriloquist, she mumbles out the side of her mouth...
"Why, quite comfy Kathai! I think we're going to be great friends!"
She pets the sheath lovingly, then looks up and winks at everyone. She walks off whistling, ready to continue the journey.

DM Locke |

My friends,
First, let me express my profound apologies for letting this game die and for leaving you all in the dark for so long. I had high hopes for the game and its longevity; and despite my missteps, I felt I was doing my best to entertain everyone involved. Despite what has transpired in my life, I acknowledge that orphaning this game was entirely my fault and that I should have handled things better. You all deserved better. But I would like to explain what happened.
My wife, my best friend, passed away in late january due to a ruptured brain aneurysm. She had been complaining of headaches for some time, and had been prone to migraines in particular. She was unwell during the christmas season, complaining of headaches, nausea, dizziness and such. Neither of us took it seriously enough. I woke up in the middle of the night on december 28th and found I was alone in bed. I got up to find out what Katherine was up to; she would often stay up later than I would, watching TV or whatever. I found her on the couch; I figured she was sleeping. But she was pale, her breathing shallow, and she wasn't responding to anything I did to try and wake her. I never got to speak to her again. She spent almost a month on life support machines before the end. I won't go into what that time was like; suffice to say, it was the hardest time of my life.
After Katherine passed away, I lost my ability to cope with life. I couldn't work, I barely went out except to get food. I ended up losing my job; a great job as a security consultant for a major bank. I lost touch with friends and family. Things that used to give me pleasure didn't matter any more. I had to sell the house we had waited so long for, I couldn't live there any longer and I needed the money. I finally reached out for help from veterans' affairs in late may, and things have started to level out.
I know this is really heavy stuff, and I hate to lay it on you guys. It's still no excuse for just abandoning you; I wish I had at least taken a few moments to let you know what was going on, maybe pass the game to someone else. I just wanted you to know what had happened that caused me to disappear like that.
Apologies again.