The Tethyr Chronicles, part one: The gathering storm (Inactive)

Game Master JohnLocke

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Greetings all!

I've been hoping to run a PBP campaign set in the classic Realms for some time - and that time is now! I'm accepting applications for characters, game scheduled to begin on October 31st, 2011. I'll go over what to expect in this game, and then give you information about what the rules are, what resources can be used, and specific applications requests.

So - the Realms, classic style. It's 1357DR - no time of troubles, no spellplague. No Cyric, Kelemvor, or NG Midnight posing as Mystra. Bane, Myrkul and Bhaal are alive and well and scheming, as always. The other powers are there, too - valiant Torm, ascendant Lathander, vigilant Helm and Selune, beacon of hope in the night, are just a few of those who oppose the dark powers. The Gods are at once omnipresent and remote, supporting those of their followers who follow their tenets and shunning the faithless.

There are great, powerful characters inhabiting the Realms - Elminster the Sage of Shadowdale, Khelben in the distant metropolis of Waterdeep, The Simbul, Drizzt - but this isn't their story. It's yours. You may meet some important, powerful characters, but there won't be any deus ex machina here - you are the heroes of this tale.

I've chosen ancient, troubled Tethyr as the setting for this campaign - a realm split by years of civil war, unable to defend its borders against foreign incursion and monstrous infestation. The people tire of conflict and dream of peace - perhaps your heroes can herald in a new era of hope? Tethyr is also home to numerous ruins and dungeons - a place where one can find their fortune. How the campaign unfolds will depend on you, and the style of play the group prefers.

So, I'm looking for between four and six heroes to play this game. Here's the details:
- 25 point buy
- no traits
- all core races and classes accepted. In game terms, there won't be any difference between, for example, a moon elf and a sun elf, or a gold dwarf and a shield dwarf, except for flavour and background.
- APG, UM and UC content accepted. 3.5 realms products are acceptable, as well, though not everyone will have access so we'll proceed on a case by case basis. I'll also be making some spells from the spell compendium available
- the ninja, samurai and gunslinger can be discussed on a case by case basis; fitting them into Tethyr is possible, though may need some work to retain verisimilitude.
- all characters start at 1st level
- maximum starting gold
- max starting hit points; at each level up, you'll roll for HP, but you're guaranteed a minimum of average for your Hit die (4 for d6, 5 for d8, 6 for d10, 7 for d12)
- regular posting is asked for; at least once a day, please
- to help combats along, I'll be rolling initiative for all characters and using google docs to provide rudimentary maps. If you don't post regularly, I'll take actions for your character in the interest of making sure things don't bog down
- we'll be using the boards' built in dice roller; be advised, in the interest of narrative and mystery, sometimes I may not make all my dice rolls visible to you
- I'd prefer to have players familiar with the Realms, but new players who want to experience a different world are welcome as well

So, if you're interested in playing, please post a character, along with a brief background (including your patron God and how your character views said God). If you need help with the setting, or perhaps how your character can fit into Tethyr, please don't hesitiate to ask questions - we can work together on it.

Submissions will close and candidates selected on monday, october 24th. Happy gaming all - and thanks for reading!

That looks all kinds of awesome. As a hardcore Realms fan, I'm itching to jump in at any chance to play on this beloved setting. Will dust off the ole' Lands of Intrigue box and come up with a character ASAP. Do I need to provide full sheet or a simple Race+Class+Alignment+Feats+Skills will do?

Rune wrote:
That looks all kinds of awesome. As a hardcore Realms fan, I'm itching to jump in at any chance to play on this beloved setting. Will dust off the ole' Lands of Intrigue box and come up with a character ASAP. Do I need to provide full sheet or a simple Race+Class+Alignment+Feats+Skills will do?

Hey Rune,

Just simple will do for now. Am looking forward to your submission!

I would love to play;however,I'm not very familiar with the realms setting.Could I have a little more backstory,or a link where I could find some? Also,can you list the gods and their domains?

I offer to your consideration Cedric Tallhart, halfling cavalier:

Cheerful and dedicated, Cedric Tallhart was a typical lightfoot halfling, a mix of performer and con artist, wandering the roads of Tethyr with his family until they were assaulted by a greedy lord's swordsmen bent on collecting taxes that weren't owed. Trusting in the halfling's mild manners and simple nature, they went around taking whatever looked valuable until they were challenged by an armored knight of the Champions Vigilant. The knights fended off the armed men and sent the halflings on their way, also inspiring a young halfling. When Cedric and his family finally returned to the Purple Hills, he immediately set off to squire for the Arvoreen's Marchers, against his family's wishes. He's currently working hard to prove himself worthy of a full knighthood, and is expecting to take a quest to prove his valor and mettle.

Physical: Cedric is a tall halfling with chestnut brown curly hair and dark green eyes. He typically dresses in greens, browns and silver, and is seldom seem without the company of Valor, his white-and-grey colored wolfhound.

Personality: He's usually cheerful, corteous and courageous, but having grown among wanderers who depended on their wits and schemes to survive through a tough year imprinted on him some not so chivalrous traits. He's acutelly aware about gold (looking to acquire more in an effort to survive possible hard times and care for his family), finds difficult to resist a promise of a good night (drinking and enjoying himself with his companions) and is easily short-term distracted (generally daydreaming and planning for the future).

His manners and easy smile wins friends easily, and his term as a squire in the Arvoreen's Marchers has brought out a leadership trait previously hidden. He loves teaching, from the names and calls of different birds to the military drills so important to Arvoreen's faithful.

Character Sheet:
Cedric Tallhart NG Halfling Cavalier (Strategist) 1
Abilities Str 15, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 07, Cha 16
Feats Mounted Combat
Trained Skills Bluff, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Ride
Mount A trained wolfhound (wolf stats) called Valor
Favored Class Cavalier (+1 skill point)
Patron God Arvoreen (with a strong bent towards Helm)

Also, would like to ask: Do you have any qualms about people submitting more than one character? :)

Would I be able to play an Artificer?I'm not sure if they fit into the Forgotten Realms area.

I wouldn't be going straight artificer,however.

Shadow Lodge

Will pop in my interest to play PF in the Realms. Thinking druid of Mielikki. Focus on summoning. Will have something up over the weekend.

@sphar: There are quite a few resources for the realms available on the web; unfortunately, many have integrated the 4th edition changes to the setting, which quite significantly changed the realms. This site is pretty good:

Forgotten Realms Help

It will give you a pretty good idea of the setting, though some of the information is a bit inaccurate as the site is 15 years ahead of this game, in terms of lore. Still, a good read. Also has a list of Gods, but don't get hung up on their domains lists.

Also, if Artificer is what you want to play, submit the character and we'll take a look at him/her. There's no good reason that character can't be integrated into the setting.

@Rune: By all means, if you've got more than one character, then send em in, I'll be looking forward seeing all submissions.

Very interested as well, love the Realms.
Will wait to see what applications will be submitted to decide what to play.Thinking of a female elf magus (or bladesinger, as elven warrior mages are called in the Realms)

Edit:for reference,i'll use the 3rd ed book Forgotten Realms setting,but i think Bhaal was already dead at that time

Interesting, I'll have to dig up my old "Lands of intrigue" box for 2nd edition Forgotten realms and have a read, but I am definalty interested. Probbly be playing something that mixes martial and arcane abilties, a magus or eldrich knight maybe?

@ Gandal, BoggBear - Magi are more than welcome! Please note that I've seen a lot of builds integrating the dervish dance feat on these boards the past few months; technically, that feat is Golarion-specific and not necessarily Realms compatible. However, if you find it's really integral to your character concept, and can flavour it accordingly (e.g., a Calishite warrior or an elven bladesinger) then I'm sure we'll find a way to make it work.

@ BoggBear - Lands of Intrigue is a great resource; however, keep in mind that boxed set was current to 1370DR, when a new King and Queen had largely brought order back to Tethyr. You're going to be in ... less settled times, so to speak :-)

@ All - I'd prefer to see at least a few traditional party roles filled - a dedicated divine caster, and an arcane caster, along with a Rogue or suitable fill-in, would be classes that find favour. Having said that, if the final submissions I get are just too good to pass up, then we'll see if there's another way to fill any potential holes in the team.

I love the Realms and this game seems pretty cool. I have aa couple of ideas; a bounty hunter, a ranger specialized in hunting bandits, rogue soldier and others that put the good people of the Forest Kingdom at risk. or a Cleric of Tyr, trying to keep justice alive in a land where the powerful don't hace time for it.

As a further note to all, a few notes about clerics which might pique your interest:

- all Realms clerics get their heavy armor proficiency back;
- the core rulebook spell-list is available to all clerics with only a few notable exceptions;
- APG, UM, UC, 3.5 Forgotten Realms spells and spell compendium spells are not automatically added to the cleric spell list - you gain access to an enhanced list via an initiate feat (to be discussed with potential cleric players) and via the choosing of two spells from the supplementary sources at each level up;
- while generally within one step of their Gods' alignment, there may be a few notable exceptions - Helm, for example, does not allow evil followers, so clerics must be of LN, LG or N alignment only. Neutral clerics of Helm, Torm, Tyr and Ilmater can only channel positive energy (though Tormish clerics can take the command undead feat - a special exception unique to that faith)
- all divine casters have a divine patron; Oracles are an exception, they may choose a deific alliance (such as the triad, or Silvanus' nature dieties, for example) or a divine theme which fits the players concept. They may worship another God entirely - such may be the fate of the Oracle: to love one God, but be bound to another. The workings of fate and free will in the Realms are sometimes beyond mortal comprehension.

Hope that helps a bit with any divine character submissions!

EDIT: Also, a few alignment guidelines: Mystra and Azuth and both LN Gods, but both accept worshippers of any alignment. Tempus is CN and accepts clerics of any chaotic alignment. Oghma is neutral and only accepts followers who are LN, N or CN. Silvanus only accepts N clerics and druids. Mask accepts any non-lawful alignment as clerics, despite being NE. The great elemental powers are all N, but accept worshippers of any alignment. Torm and Ilmater are both LG but accept priests of LG, LN and NG. Tyr accepts LG and LN. Helm is noted above. Other dieties generally follow the 1 step alignment guideline.

Dark Archive

*runs off to see if he can find his 1E box set, giggling gleefully*

Any comments on my guy, Locke?

Rune wrote:
Any comments on my guy, Locke?

He looks good, Rune! I'm glad you went with a halfling, the little folk are a large segment of Tethyr's population and deserve representation. One question: how would you feel about Cedric as a paladin, rather than a cavalier? With his background, I could see him going either way, really. Still, your choice, I'd really prefer everyone have a character they want to play and feel connected to.

EDIT: Cedric adds up to 24 points by my calculation. Only way to bring him up to 25 while keeping your other scores would be to take INT to 11.

Keddah wrote:
I love the Realms and this game seems pretty cool. I have aa couple of ideas; a bounty hunter, a ranger specialized in hunting bandits, rogue soldier and others that put the good people of the Forest Kingdom at risk. or a Cleric of Tyr, trying to keep justice alive in a land where the powerful don't hace time for it.

@ Keddah - I'd love to see both! Please see my post above for comments about clerics in this game.

I have a female Moon Elf Cleric of Sehanine Moonbow somewhere, that I only got to play a couple of times in RL. She was fun. I'll try to find her, dust her off, and put her in Hero Lab, as a Pathfinder character, and see how she turns out. If you're not using the Elven Pantheon she would work fine as a Cleric of Sune as well

scranford wrote:
I have a female Moon Elf Cleric of Sehanine Moonbow somewhere, that I only got to play a couple of times in RL. She was fun. I'll try to find her, dust her off, and put her in Hero Lab, as a Pathfinder character, and see how she turns out. If you're not using the Elven Pantheon she would work fine as a Cleric of Sune as well

@ Scranford - the elven pantheon is definitely welcome! Her clerics can be NG, CG, N and CN in alignment, and all her clerics get to add the 1st level wizard spell sleep and the 3rd level wizard spell deep slumber to their list of domain spells, in addition to domains chosen.

I'll go for a female moon elf wizard then. Expect a statblock soon

Gandal wrote:
I'll go for a female moon elf wizard then. Expect a statblock soon

@ Gandal...sisters with my Moon Elf Cleric perhaps??

New to PbP, but potentially interested. Not sure about the time commitment yet; got some thinking to do on that front.

More to the point, is there a forum post somewhere that would serve as a "Dummies guide to PbP functioning and etiquette?" That'd help me to decide whether I can put forth an application or not.

Dark Archive

Am a fan of the campaign setting; will follow the game's progress.

Feegle wrote:

New to PbP, but potentially interested. Not sure about the time commitment yet; got some thinking to do on that front.

More to the point, is there a forum post somewhere that would serve as a "Dummies guide to PbP functioning and etiquette?" That'd help me to decide whether I can put forth an application or not.

A couple of useful threads about PbP games, likes and dislikes, etc:

Paizo sticky

Hope that helps, even if they don't specifically target your questions.

Here's the crunch of the Ranger, I'm thinking of taking the skirmisher archetype since none of the nature oriented gods fit the idea I have for him. If that's alright DM I will get to the fluff soon.

A question, which domains/subdomains should I choose from for the Cleric of Tyr?


Male Half-Elf Ranger 1
CG Medium Humanoid (Elf, Human)
Init +4; Senses Low-light;
Languages Common, Elven, Halfling, Sylvan
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+4 Dex, +3 Studded Leather)
hp 11 (1 HD)
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +1
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)

Melee Dagger +3 (1d4+2/19-20) or
Melee Mace, Light +3 (1d6+2) or
Melee Sword, Short +3 (1d6+2/19-20) or
Ranged Dagger (Thrown) +5 (1d4+2/19-20) or
Longbow (Composite/Strength Rating+1) +5 (1d8+1/x3)
Base Atk +1; CMB +3 ; CMD +17

Abilities STR 14, DEX 18, CON 13, INT 14, WIS 12, CHA 10

Feats Armor Proficiency, Light, Armor Proficiency, Medium, Martial Weapon Proficiency, Point-Blank Shot, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Skill Focus (Survival)

Skills Climb +5, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (Geography) +6, Knowledge (Nature) +6, Perception +7, Ride +7, Stealth +7, Survival +8, Survival (Follow or identify tracks) +9, Swim +5

Possessions Backpack, Bedroll, Blanket, Case (Map or Scroll), Dagger, Flint and Steel, Ink (1 oz. Vial), Inkpen, Lantern (Hooded), Longbow (Composite/Strength Rating+1), Mace, Light, Map Maker&#39;s Kit, Oil (1 Pint Flask)(3), Parchment (Sheet)(5), Rations (Trail/Per Day)(5), Rope (Silk/50 ft.), Studded Leather, Short sword, 14gp, 8gp

Alright,my deity is going to be Corellon(I'm an elf,and he's the Elven god of crafts and war,both of which are part of the artificer)

I'll get my character up in a bit.By the way,do you want me to use the 3.5 artificer or the 3rd party Pathfinder artificer?

scranford wrote:
Gandal wrote:
I'll go for a female moon elf wizard then. Expect a statblock soon
@ Gandal...sisters with my Moon Elf Cleric perhaps??

To tell the truth i confused sun elf with moon :-)

but the idea is good

@ Keddah - Good looking ranger - choosing a skirmisher works fine for me! I'm eager to see what sort of background you'll come up with. Just for my information, what sort of God were you looking for for this character? As a half elf, you'd be able to choose freely from both the faerunian and elvish pantheons.

As for Tyr's domains - I'd rule that he has access to glory, good, law, protection, strength and war; and the defense, resolve and tactics subdomains. Clerics of Tyr add knowledge (local) and perception as class skills; the longsword is Tyr's favoured weapon.

@ sphar - use the PF version of the Artificer, please. Also, this sort of character could also be a follower of Gond, if human, or Flandal Steelskin, if a gnome.

Lots of elves being put up for consideration here!

An all elf party? This could get interesting. :D

Also,thanks for the link.I'm almost done statting out my artificer now.

Also,would it be alright for me to carry a few items that I have already crafted in my travels?

Here's my character,by the way.

Okay, this sounds fun. If you're okay with having a PbP n00b along with you, I'd love to be in. I'm a fast learner; I'm sure I'll pick it up quick.

I have a concept for a human two-weapon-using rogue that I've been wanting to work out for a while. I'm pretty sure it's not optimized, but... well, I don't care so much about optimization. Hope that's okay. :)

Can customize to either urban or wilderness adventures with skill points and archetypes; he's not that fleshed out in my mind. I'll have a look tonight or tomorrow morning and see if I can get some crunch together for him.

Kethrar wrote:

Also,would it be alright for me to carry a few items that I have already crafted in my travels?

Here's my character,by the way.

I'm still getting my feet wet with the artificer; are the items you want your power sword and battle harness? If so, that's fine with me.

I took a quick look at your characters' stats, to my math they came up to a 30 point buy. Could you go over them again and see if you can get them down to 25? Thanks!

@ Feegle - as long as any character you submit is something you want to play and can have fun with, then go for it! You're welcome to submit more than one character too. Experience in PbP isn't something that will come into the selection process :-)

Here are the basics of my Moon Elf Cleric. Still need to write background, and pick remainder of equipment, but will give you an idea.

Right, here is my Magus, ready for perusal.

Born to a half-elf and an elven woman Evenor was surprisingly well treated by her elven family. He grew up in Suldanesselar, an elven city inside the Forest of Thetyr. Since a young age he showed an interest in the arts of the bow and the hunt. He was trained to become one of the guardians of the city, a great honour in a city known for it's isolationism, when he was 20 he was assigned to a diplomatic mission to meet the Tethyrian king's representatives, it was a trap.

The party was ambushed a few miles away from Suldanesselar but had no trouble dispatching their enemies, yet, they decided to take a rest to tend their wounded. When in the morning of the next day they arrived to the rendez-vous they found nobody there, after a few inquiries they discovered there were no more Tethyrian kings to trat with, and so decided to retire back to Suldanesselar, away from the fickle minded humans matters.

But Evenor felt, for the first time in his life, the pull of his human blood, he needed to know more, not with decades of study, but by taking part in the now and then. He was allowed to stay but was warned that if he didn't come back to Suldanesselar in a fortnight he would be considered unclean and not allowed to enter the city again.

During that fortnight Evenor faced the horrors of war, saw the weak submitted to the will of the evil and undeserving but powerful, he saw a world imperfect that the good elves of Suldanesselar didn't care about. He was befuddled, he was angry, he was scared.

Yet he came back home, he met the clerics in search for an explanation but the one he as given sounded hollow, he asked his mother and she repeated the same words, he asked his father and... and while he repeated the same words he saw the fire in his eyes, his father was born to a human woman and felt for his half-kin, he understood.

That made Evenor convinced that he was right. During the night he left the city and went to nearest human village, there he found the location of their oppressors, a bunch of drunken bandits... and slayed them in their sleep. Since then he has been fighting to keep the weak safe from the evil, but with every night his arrows take a life he feels emptier in his soul...

Then one day...

@ Scranford - Inwe is looking good - one thing I couldn't track down, in her list of attacks a moonshaft is listed - what is that? Also, don't forget that sleep in one of her 1st level domain spells (as noted above)

@ BoggBear - Ruhk is looking pretty good, just a few things to note:
- his stats seem to add up to 30 points (not including the +2 to dex, of course) - it needs to be 25, could you re-check and adjust his stats?
- I note that you've taken a feat called cosmopolitan; I'm guessing it's from the 3.5 players guide to faerun. You've modified the feat a bit to grant +2 to two skills (sense motive and perception) rather than the orignals three skills (bluff, gather information and sense motive). Now, if you're certain that's integral to your character, I'll let it stand, though it doesn't make perception and sense motive class skills in any case. Though you've noted your character is Illuskan, don't feel that you can only choose from the Illuskan regional feats - choose freely, if you want to change the feat.
- don't worry overmuch about human regional speech - common will be enough to communicate with everyone you need to who is human. With your intelligence and rank in linguistics, you might want to diversify and take some non-human languages. Just a thought!
- are you sure about the two weapon fighting feat? With spell combat, your sword and spells can be wielded simultaneously; if you go longsword and short sword, you won't be able to cast until one of your weapons is dropped or sheathed. Once again, not a game-breaker, just a tip to take into account.

Inwë Lossëhelini wrote:
Here are the basics of my Moon Elf Cleric. Still need to write background, and pick remainder of equipment, but will give you an idea.

Still interested in having my wizard as sister ? We should think of a common background then. Will put to work on her at once.

Dotting for interest.

I love the forgotten realms. I've read most (if not all) of the books. I'm not going to submit a character because I don't want to play another low level game. I do want to read along as the story progresses though. Hence the dot. ;-)

Shadow Lodge

Forgotten Realms! Awesome!

Quick question, do you have ideas on mechanical implementation of a Dwarven Battle Rager? I'm thinking Barbarian <Armored Hulk>. Would this fit in with Tethyr at that time period? I haven't played FR in some time so I'll need to brush up on some specifics to come up with a good story for my submission, but I can do that tonight.

My first post failed so I'm just going to do a quick and dirty recap of his background.

Human Monk

During Celith's younger days he lived in Grandmaster Lou Ki's monestary which acted as an orphanage due to the high number of children orphaned by the war. But when Grandmaster Lou Ki died of (apparently) natural causes the monestary fell apart.

Celith like most of the now abondoned youth risks going Rogue if he doesn't start associating with better folk. He is very impressionable and while not pious he does recognize the gods and will likely adopt a patron deity as he matures.


Str 14
Dex 18
Con 10
Int 14
Wis 14
Cha 10


Unarmed Strike +4 1d6+2 -> Stunning Fist DC = 12
Sling +4 1d4+2
CMB +4


AC 17
Touch 17
Flat 12
CMD 19
Fort +2
Ref +6
Will +4

Trained Skills:

Acrobatics +8
Climb +6
Disable Device +5
Perception +6
Sense Motive +6
Stealth +8
Swim +6


Stunning Fist
Unarmed Strike
Agile Maneuvers
Weapon Finesse



DM Locke wrote:

@ Scranford - Inwe is looking good - one thing I couldn't track down, in her list of attacks a moonshaft is listed - what is that? Also, don't forget that sleep in one of her 1st level domain spells (as noted above)

@ BoggBear - Ruhk is looking pretty good, just a few things to note:
- his stats seem to add up to 30 points (not including the +2 to dex, of course) - it needs to be 25, could you re-check and adjust his stats?
- I note that you've taken a feat called cosmopolitan; I'm guessing it's from the 3.5 players guide to faerun. You've modified the feat a bit to grant +2 to two skills (sense motive and perception) rather than the orignals three skills (bluff, gather information and sense motive). Now, if you're certain that's integral to your character, I'll let it stand, though it doesn't make perception and sense motive class skills in any case. Though you've noted your character is Illuskan, don't feel that you can only choose from the Illuskan regional feats - choose freely, if you want to change the feat.
- don't worry overmuch about human regional speech - common will be enough to communicate with everyone you need to who is human. With your intelligence and rank in linguistics, you might want to diversify and take some non-human languages. Just a thought!
- are you sure about the two weapon fighting feat? With spell combat, your sword and spells can be wielded simultaneously; if you go longsword and short sword, you won't be able to cast until one of your weapons is dropped or sheathed. Once again, not a game-breaker, just a tip to take into account.

I think cosmopolitan is in the APG.

@ Balodek - sure, there's no reason I can think of why a battlerager shouldn't be able to integrate into the campaign - dwarven berserkers have ever been at the vanguard of their armies, I can see no reason why it would be any different in this time and place.

As for the mechanics - I think you've got the right idea with the armored hulk archetype. The APG and UC vastly increased the potential rage powers you get to choose from, as well - picking thematically appropriate ones can help solidify your concept. I look forward to seeing this stout warrior!

illuminar wrote:
DM Locke wrote:

@ Scranford - Inwe is looking good - one thing I couldn't track down, in her list of attacks a moonshaft is listed - what is that? Also, don't forget that sleep in one of her 1st level domain spells (as noted above)

@ BoggBear - Ruhk is looking pretty good, just a few things to note:
- his stats seem to add up to 30 points (not including the +2 to dex, of course) - it needs to be 25, could you re-check and adjust his stats?
- I note that you've taken a feat called cosmopolitan; I'm guessing it's from the 3.5 players guide to faerun. You've modified the feat a bit to grant +2 to two skills (sense motive and perception) rather than the orignals three skills (bluff, gather information and sense motive). Now, if you're certain that's integral to your character, I'll let it stand, though it doesn't make perception and sense motive class skills in any case. Though you've noted your character is Illuskan, don't feel that you can only choose from the Illuskan regional feats - choose freely, if you want to change the feat.
- don't worry overmuch about human regional speech - common will be enough to communicate with everyone you need to who is human. With your intelligence and rank in linguistics, you might want to diversify and take some non-human languages. Just a thought!
- are you sure about the two weapon fighting feat? With spell combat, your sword and spells can be wielded simultaneously; if you go longsword and short sword, you won't be able to cast until one of your weapons is dropped or sheathed. Once again, not a game-breaker, just a tip to take into account.

I think cosmopolitan is in the APG.

You are correct! BoggBear, my apologies, I was simply reading off the feats chart on page 152 of the APG, which led me to beleive the PF version only granted two additional languages. Illuminar, good catch, thank you!

Hey DM Locke, I have a character from a defunct PBP I would like to submit. He is built for Pathfinder but I can easily convert him to 3.5. (Edit - though it looks like you are sticking to Pathfinder after a second read of the post). Currently he is a second level Ranger/Sorcerer building towards Arcane Archer.

His backstory is included in the profile but here is the (even shorter) version. He was a Ranger who guarded the outskirts of Evereska from outsiders. He did not like the feeling of being apart from the world so he ventured away from his homeland to seek and confront evil which would threaten any goodly races.

DM Locke wrote:

@ Scranford - Inwe is looking good - one thing I couldn't track down, in her list of attacks a moonshaft is listed - what is that? Also, don't forget that sleep in one of her 1st level domain spells (as noted above)

@ BoggBear - Ruhk is looking pretty good, just a few things to note:
- his stats seem to add up to 30 points (not including the +2 to dex, of course) - it needs to be 25, could you re-check and adjust his stats?
- I note that you've taken a feat called cosmopolitan; I'm guessing it's from the 3.5 players guide to faerun. You've modified the feat a bit to grant +2 to two skills (sense motive and perception) rather than the orignals three skills (bluff, gather information and sense motive). Now, if you're certain that's integral to your character, I'll let it stand, though it doesn't make perception and sense motive class skills in any case. Though you've noted your character is Illuskan, don't feel that you can only choose from the Illuskan regional feats - choose freely, if you want to change the feat.
- don't worry overmuch about human regional speech - common will be enough to communicate with everyone you need to who is human. With your intelligence and rank in linguistics, you might want to diversify and take some non-human languages. Just a thought!
- are you sure about the two weapon fighting feat? With spell combat, your sword and spells can be wielded simultaneously; if you go longsword and short sword, you won't be able to cast until one of your weapons is dropped or sheathed. Once again, not a game-breaker, just a tip to take into account.

@ DM Lock. The Moonshaft is simply the faiths version of the Quarterstaff. It functions just the same, probably just cosmetically different.I can't figure out how to add spells to the Domain in Hero Lab just yet, but if I decided to take it instead of Featherfall. I'd just add it in..

@ Gandal. Sure sounds like fun. my email is scranford at earthlink dot net if you'd like to communicate offline.

Sorry sorry, It was meant to be 14 Con not 16, but you may have noticed all the calculations were with the real 14 con in mind?
I've changed from swords to axes since I feel it fits the thematic better.
The idea is that he will usually fight with the battleaxe in two hands so he can easily switch to one hand if he needs to cast a spell, and use two axes when the opponent seems more likely to fall to a quick series of attacks, or when he is out of spells.
I've also changed so he can speak Giant and Orc instead of two of the dialects.

JohnLocke wrote:
Kethrar wrote:

Also,would it be alright for me to carry a few items that I have already crafted in my travels?

Here's my character,by the way.

I'm still getting my feet wet with the artificer; are the items you want your power sword and battle harness? If so, that's fine with me.

I took a quick look at your characters' stats, to my math they came up to a 30 point buy. Could you go over them again and see if you can get them down to 25? Thanks!

Yes,the items I want are my Power Sword and Battle Harness.

Also,I'm counting racial bonuses in my ability that how you got 30? I counted it up again and got 25.

@ sphar: I calculated it thus-
STR 12 2 points
DEX 16 10 points (elf racial makes this 18)
CON 16 10 points (elf racial makes this 14)
INT 16 10 points (elf racial makes this 18)
WIS 12 2 points
CHA 7 -4 points

the total is 30, then.

@ BoggBear: Thanks for adjusting Ruhk - I agree, the axes make more sense for his theme.

@ Malstei: if you want to respec the character to 1st level then I'd be pleased to take the submission. He currently shows two class levels (ranger and sorcerer)

@ illuminar: thanks for submitting your Monk - many monastaries are run by various Illmatari sects, usually devoted to a specific saint. Saint Sollars and Saint Ramedar are two of the better known.

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