Vestilet |

Vestilet thinks on what Kathai Lli says for a moment before speaking once again "I cannot do much unless the prisoner asks. I have my orders." He watches as Natasha takes the prisoner to the steam once more "If anything you say is true mind following them, to make sure nothing happens."

Lockjaw Stoneshield |

Lockjaw grunts in compliance at Natasha's snarl.
As if I'd be interested in some hairless human woman.
Lockjaw moves towards the others guards and begins casually picking his teeth with this battleaxe, making clear that any of them wishes to get closer to the women will have to contend with 16 stone of dwarf.

Kathai Lli |

I was afraid he was gonna say that. Oh Dad, what have I stepped in this time?
"As far as getting the prisoner to ask, I think that can be arranged. She'll take just about any offer at this point. As far as following Natasha down to the stream again, I have one question. In order to get this information, I had to pretend to enjoy the idea of ripping out Jaseera's insides with my blades. Natasha's response was to offer to let me whip the girl. As soon as I go down there, she's going to ask if I came to take her up on the offer. What should I do?"

Vestilet |

I was afraid he was gonna say that. Oh Dad, what have I stepped in this time?
"As far as getting the prisoner to ask, I think that can be arranged. She'll take just about any offer at this point. As far as following Natasha down to the stream again, I have one question. In order to get this information, I had to pretend to enjoy the idea of ripping out Jaseera's insides with my blades. Natasha's response was to offer to let me whip the girl. As soon as I go down there, she's going to ask if I came to take her up on the offer. What should I do?"
Vestilet shakes his head after hearing Kathai Lli speak before answering "Do what you think is best. Pain will only last a moment but death can be much longer. I would also not see Natasha attack you for thinking something was wrong." He answers with a sad look on his face.
Sorry,I posted an answer but site went down when I went post.

Inwë Lossëhelini |

"It sounds to me as though Natasha needs to be convinced that their might be some doubt about the prisoners guilt". "Though it is beyond my power, there are spells available to determine the truth of her circumstances". "Perhaps some of her Bling could be sold off, to help pay for the cost of this spell".

Ruhk "The Dandy" |

Brushing his hands clean from dirt, Ruhk nods in satisfaction.
Digging graves might not be rewarding work in itself, but there was a certain satisfaction in doing aa physical chore, and doing it well.
Looks like almost everyone is having a chat, should I join them?
After pondering it for a moment, he decides to not do that, if they need him, they will find him.

Kathai Lli |

Due to the holidays I will be out of touch until monday. Rather than hold up the scene, I went with this…
Kathai nods to Alendrethala. "While I don't think Jaseera's in any danger as Natasha seems keen that she make it long enough to be interrogated, we should at least cover our bets. We'll make it up as we go along."
She turns to go down to the stream, when suddenly she turns pale and swoons. She drops to one knee and dry heaves.
I'm over doing it. I haven't recovered from the fight yet.
She glances up at Alendrethala and shakes her head. "I… I can't. I'm physically healed but… I don't have the energy. I used it all up telling the story. I'll try to make it down there, but we don't have time for you to wait on me…"
Kathai closes her eyes a moment, then they fly open.
"Heh… no reason not to use it. Head down to the stream. Get me some fresh water. Congratulations, you have a perfect excuse…"
Then her eyes roll back just a little and she falls back against the grass…

DM Locke |

As Alendrethala approaches the stream, she finds the prisoner in the water, naked, trying as best she can to wash herself under Natasha's withering gaze. Natasha stands on the bank of the stream, whip in hand, watching the prisoners every move.
The other young ranger, Velma, is there too. She has her bow out and an arrow nocked, doing her best to be vigilant.
Perception DC 15:
Natasha turns quickly at the sound of Alendrethala's approach. What are you doing here? Seeing your towel and change of clothes, she rolls her eyes and shakes her head. This isn't a girls outing at the stream, elf. This prisoner is dangerous; stay away from her! Take your bath another time!

Alendrethala Lossëhelini |

Perception 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
More and more weird
"I'ld have no problem in waiting a bit more, but Kathai has become ill and she asked me if i could come here as soon as possible, so to take her some fresh water when i return to the caravan."
"but forgive me, i cannot restrain from asking. What she has done to be so dangerous ? To me she looks harmless and lovely, am i right?"
How large is this stream? Does it look like there is room for Alendrethala without being too close to the prisoner?

DM Locke |

Natasha shakes her head. Don't be fooled by how she looks, elf. This one is more dangerous than you could imagine. Run along now!
@ Alendrethala - it's american thanksgiving, so the other players aren't likely to post much over the next couple of days. If you want to RP a scene with one of the NPCs, we can do that - but I wouldn't expect too much activity from the other players till monday. Having said that, happy thanksgiving to all!

Alendrethala Lossëhelini |

Once she is back to the wagons Alendrethala hurries to Kathai with the water and the news.

Lockjaw Stoneshield |

Sorry, figured since Lockjaw is guarding the ladies there's nothing for him to do until the river is done.
Lockjaw continues to pace back and forth, occasionally spitting at the end of his arcs.

Inwë Lossëhelini |

Inwe follows her sister at a distance, keeping an eye on her, but not being obvious. She looks for a place in the river that will have a clear view of the moon tonight, so that she might properly give thanks, and pray for wisdom from Sehanine.
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24 Perception

Kathai Lli |

Kathai sits up and lets some of the water run down her face. The rest she gulps down greedily. The moment's respite seems to have done her well.
"That… sounds interesting. I don't quite know what to do with that. I'm great at getting people to listen to what I have to say, but I'm learning that I'm a fairly terrible judge of character. By Bane's Blade, I'm trusting you guys because we almost died together. The only reason I know I can trust Jaseera's story is because Natasha confirmed it.
She pauses and takes a deep breath.
"Sorry. I usually don't doubt myself like this. The… events of the day have me a little rattled. I usually have someone with me when making a play on a mark, someone to keep an eye out and let me know to bail before it goes south. I feel like I've been diving into armies of goblins all day without knowing if my sword is real or a toy."
WHY am I telling her this?!? Shut up shut up shut up!
Kathai shakes her head, as if to dispel unpleasant thoughts. Her eyes harden a bit. She stands up.
"Right. Job to do. We've got mysteries aplenty and my dad would be apalled to find me wasting time whining about self doubt instead of solving them. I'm going to get something to eat. We'll wait until Velma's alone and then… um… hopefully by then one of us will have a plan. If we don't have one by then, we'll wing it. Who's on board?"

Alendrethala Lossëhelini |

"Count me in, unfortunately i'm a disaster in sentimental or personal relationships.You should have seen the time i tried a spell i was experimenting.It was meant to clean clothes istantly....but something went terribly wrong and instead my clothes vanished all at once, leaving me completely naked.And the other students in the hall were all boys, i was so embarassed i spent a week reclused in my private rooms.To think now it is exhilarating, but i found it very difficult to approach a boy since then"
"And i don't know why i told you this now"

DM Locke |

Sorry folks, had a bit of a stomach bug for a couple of days there.
I'm advancing the timeline of the game to nighttime. Once again around the campfire. You seven have your own fire; owing each other your lives has drawn you together, and you have a certain respect from the caravan folk now. Natasha has her own small fire by the cart, keeping away to herself. Velnik and Velma are at a fire with a number of other caravan personnel. Everyone is girding themselves for a long day tomorrow; Velnik wants to try and make up for lost time.
I've brought you all together so that everyone can participate in making a plan; I want everyone to feel included with the whole prisoner subplot.

Ruhk "The Dandy" |

Ruhk once more begins to sharpen his axe, making sure that it is ready if another battle comes.
From time to time he looks up, scanning the others for any sign of irritation at the noise he makes.
I'll try...by Tempus, I'll try...

Lockjaw Stoneshield |

"Ye know, fer being so big you sure spend a lot of time sharpening that axe. You sure you're usin' it right?"
Lockjaw spits to the side and turns back to the group.
"So udder'n splashing around what'd you learn in that foul water?"

Kathai Lli |

With everyone together, Kathai goes through the motions once more, informing Ruhk and even the smelly dwarf about how they are caught in a moral quagmire. This time she tiptoes around how she came by the information, knowing Lockjaw might be obligated to reveal her deception to Natasha.
@Lockjaw - "I know you were paid by Natasha to do a job, but I would hope you would reconsider, knowing that if you follow through, this poor girl will likely be murdered in the most gruesome way possible."
Then she sits back and lets Alendrethala tell her part of the tale. Her piece said, she waits to see how the reactions of the others.

Alendrethala Lossëhelini |

Better i keep my voice low
"I cannot be sure of course, but at the stream i clearly saw Velma staring at the prisoner with something more in her eyes then simple devotion to duty.I think that ranger girl has a crush on the prisoner and even though i know this is nothing of our business, i suggested that maybe we can exploit this feeling
I can't believe i'm saying such horrible things

Ruhk "The Dandy" |

Ruhk looks at Lockjaw and frowns.
What to do? Maybe...yes...I'll try that.
"Well, sharp for cutting, blunt for picking teeth."
Nodding to himself, Ruhk inspects the edge of his axe, satisfied he puts it down and instead focuses on the conversation.
"Something more than devotion to duty? Like she knew she was royalty and had loyalty to her status?"

Alendrethala Lossëhelini |

Alendrethala cannot make a DC25 perception, even on a natural 20
The elven girl looks at Ruhk a bit astonished, trying to figure whether he is serious or not.
But she cannot answer openly, so Alendrethala walks to the man, her lips closing his left ear. Then she whispers "Velma wants to have sex with the prisoner.Is it clear now?"
The girl blushes and bows while stepping back, waiting for the man's reaction.
"My....apologize for being so rude"

Ruhk "The Dandy" |

And Ruhk cannot succeed either.
Ruhk looks at Alendrethala and raises an eyebrow in surprise.
Is she...Ah, it must be that elven sense of humour again.
"Good joke, very droll.
Afterwards he scratches the back of his head and tries to chuckle a little.
"Sorry, not used to..Humour."

Inwë Lossëhelini |

Wringing the dampness from her hair after her moonlight bath, and prayer session, Inwe stops for a moment and listens. Hurrying to where she sees her sister and Ruhk talking by the fire, she leans in close.
"Get the others". "I heard a muffled scream from behind the wagon". , she nods her head in the direction of Natasha's wagon, and heads in that direction.

Ruhk "The Dandy" |

Ruhk quickly leans forward and puts one hand on Vestilets wrist, and the other on Inwes.
He quickly lets go and looks a little guilty, trying to speak haltingly.
"Investigate first...going in with...drawn weapons...might give the...wrong impression. Send some in...Stealthily."
He glances over at Kathai.
"Some like...you."