The Tethyr Chronicles, part one: The gathering storm (Inactive)

Game Master JohnLocke

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Female Halfling Rogue 1
Evenor wrote:
It will be good to have some keen eyes alongside says Evenor, but then continues in a patronizing tone And you can run back if we get in trouble, eh?

sense motive: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (20) + 0 = 20

Either missing the patronizing tone or ignoring it, Kathai just nods, never losing the smile that seems stuck to her face. She quickly checks to see that her crossbow is loaded (safety on) and that her shortsword is sharp.

Ready to go. Let's do this thing...

Male Half-Elf Paladin(Oath of Vengeance)
Lockjaw Stoneshield wrote:

"Ain't you been listening? She ain't paid me yet. What's your interest in the girl anyway?"

Lockjaw begins absentmindedly scratching himself during the conversation, a sight most of you probably wish you hadn't seen.

Vestilet shrugs "Not much really. I am more interested in the prisoner. I was given orders when I was sent on this trip about the prisoner." He than turns towards where Natasha walked off to once more.

I went with you were talking about Natasha when Lockjaw said girl.

Male Half-elf Ranger (Skirmisher) 1

Seeing that the rest of people are too busy arguing or just trying to get some sleep Evenor signals at the halfling girl to follow him. He tries to stay out the camp lights while paying attention to the surroundings So... what's your name girl?

Perception Check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

|| CMB +8 | CMD 18 | F +9 | R +3 | W +5 || HP 53/59 AC 21/10/21 || Paladin 5 || SR 10 Immune: Fear, Disease
Vestilet wrote:

I went with you were talking about Natasha when Lockjaw said girl.

It's entirely possible Lockjaw can't tell the difference or doesn't care about who is in the cage.

"Ain't much good with orders, 'cept the simple ones. Go there, kill that, eat this. Usually in that order."

Female Halfling Rogue 1
Evenor wrote:

Seeing that the rest of people are too busy arguing or just trying to get some sleep Evenor signals at the halfling girl to follow him. He tries to stay out the camp lights while paying attention to the surroundings So... what's your name girl?

Once out of the vicinity of camp, Kathai's smile disappears and she becomes noticeably more alert. She lowers her voice and creeps off to the side, slipping from shadow to shadow. She never really slips out of Evenor's sight, positioning herself so that he can see her, but attempting to remain unseen from any other eyes.

perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
stealth: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16 (really? Oi...)

Kathai. Pleased to meet you.
pronounced "Kath-hay".

She pauses for a moment, then looks Evenor dead in the eye. The Helmite has a point. Anyone who treats a prisoner that way either doesn't care if the prisoner is actually guilty, or has far too much personal stake to be allowed to act as caretaker. Something about this stinks to Helm's Heaven.

She cocks her head. Did she hear a sound? Eh, maybe just the wind...

Male Half-elf Ranger (Skirmisher) 1

I think you're right if she is guilty she must be punished though it mustI be fair and just, but arguing about it while surrounded by bandits won't get you anywhere but to Myrkul's city, maybe we could slip when that woman is sleeping and ask the girl for his side of events? Get her some food and water answers Evenor as he looks around attentive. She really knows how to avoid being detected, maybe I understimated her he looks at Kathai for a second I am Evenor, I must say it's not common to see one of your people traveling around in these times, those I've met seemed to stick together for protection

The night is still and clear. The full moon is bright and bathes all in a gentle, silver radiance. The caravan is stopped at the side of the road, and you are on a flat grassland, as far as you can see to the north, east and south. To the west is a stream, part of the red rivers network.

The night gives up no secrets; either no-one of note is out there, or you were unable to detect them.

The caravan has posted several guards at regular intervals; while most are no doubt stout warriors, none look particularily alert or vigilant.

Female Halfling Rogue 1
Evenor wrote:
I think you're right if she is guilty she must be punished though it mustI be fair and just, but arguing about it while surrounded by bandits won't get you anywhere but to Myrkul's city, maybe we could slip when that woman is sleeping and ask the girl for his side of events? Get her some food and water. I am Evenor, I must say it's not common to see one of your people traveling around in these times, those I've met seemed to stick together for protection

Kathai smirks.

Dad always said there were two types of fish in the ocean. Those that hide in a school of fish, which presents a bigger target for the sharks, and those that choose to swim where the sharks aren't. In short, Sharks don't bother with one small fish. It's not worth the energy.

I think we're clear here for now, so I think we should head back. If you want to keep a watch out for me when everyone's asleep, maybe I can slip up to this horribly evil prisoner and we can get to the bottom of this.

Kathai returns to the campfire, hops on her rock, and starts rubbing her hands to the heat. With a bright grin she looks at all the weary faces.

So who likes ghost stories?

Male Half-elf Ranger (Skirmisher) 1

Elven ghost stories are a sad affair of loss and mourning but I've heard younger races go for the shock value. That I would like to listen

Female Moon Elf Cleric of Sehanine Moonbow

After basking in the glow of the moon, and praying for her divine help for the coming day, Inwe, returns to camp. As she does so she runs across Evenor, and Kathai returning to camp as well.

"Isn't it a glorious night"? "Selune has never show more lovely than she does this evening". "Surely this is a sign that our mission is to go smoothly". "I thought I heard some signs of...well...disquiet from the camp while I prayed". "Is everything OK there"? The lovely, pale, willowy elf falls into step with the pair, the moons radiance seems to stick with her as she walks.

Female Halfling Rogue 1
Inwë Lossëhelini wrote:
"Isn't it a glorious night"? "Selune has never show more lovely than she does this evening". "Surely this is a sign that our mission is to go smoothly". "I thought I heard some signs of...well...disquiet from the camp while I prayed". "Is everything OK there"? The lovely, pale, willowy elf falls into step with the pair, the moons radiance seems to stick with her as she walks.

{time rewinding}

"Oh, nothing I'm too concerned about. A couple of the oversize tallies disagreeing about the treatment of the prisoner. What do you think?"

{back to post-ghost story comment}

Not wanting to disappoint Evenor, Kathai immediately leaps into a tale about her great uncle, a Calim tomb, a mummy that followed him all the way back to Zassesspur, and for some reason a wooden spoon. By the end, what starts out as a scary tale of doom morphs into a comedy as it's revealed the mummy followed him because Queen Nefertots thought her great uncle was in actuality her lost husband.

ok, so I just got a text telling me that the power that was back on is out again and will likely not be back until sunday. I will try to post at work, but no promises. I don't want to hold the game up, so just in case I'm not around to RP it:

later, when everyone is asleep (or at least most) Kathai (under watchful guard from Evenor) slips off to try and get the prisoner's side of the story.

Stealth: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

Male Magus 1 - HP 13/13 AC 15 TAC 12 FF 13 | Ft +4 Rf +2 Wi +2 | Init +2 | Perc +1 |

"I know a ghost story, my father told it to me when I was a little one.
Guildersmith the wizard once was told by an apprentice how an old wizard’s guild had fallen into ruins and was now haunted by one of the old teachers.
Guildersmith travelled to the school and set up a small campfire in the ruined classroom.
As the night slowly fell and darkness surrounded him, he could hear a soft moaning an old man with a severe bellyache.
Before him appeared an old man, translucent and glowing softly with an otherworldly light, madness in his eyes.
Guildersmith stood up, looked long and hard at the ghost and said.
"You are the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen...get out!"
And that was the night the old school stopped being haunted...."

Ruhk glares defiantly at the others.
"What? I never said it was a GOOD story..."

Opposed perception check vs stealth: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26 vs DC 38

Very stealthy!!

Kathai is able to sneak up to the wagon undetected; Natasha sleeps several feet away, her breathing light and regular, betraying no hint of wakefulness.

The wagon has a simple lock on it, Kathai will need to pick it to gain entrance to the prisoner. The lock's DC is 20

Whoa! guys i just got home from work and found 30+ posts to read :(

Alendrethala decided not to interfere in the discussion between the paladin of Helm and Natasha.She just kept playing with Nekat while putting away her stuff.

When Inwe comes back, she takes some more few steps toward the paladin and greets him.
"Hello sir. I don't think we have been properly introduced,i'm Alendretahala, a mage from Athkatla and for what is worth you have my simpathy and understanding.I'm against mistreating prisoners too"

Male Half-Elf Paladin(Oath of Vengeance)
Alendrethala Lossëhelini wrote:

Whoa! guys i just got home from work and found 30+ posts to read :(

Alendrethala decided not to interfere in the discussion between the paladin of Helm and Natasha.She just kept playing with Nekat while putting away her stuff.

When Inwe comes back, she takes some more few steps toward the paladin and greets him.
"Hello sir. I don't think we have been properly introduced,i'm Alendretahala, a mage from Athkatla and for what is worth you have my simpathy and understanding.I'm against mistreating prisoners too"

Vestilet turns to look at the elven woman that spoke to him. He salutes her before saying "I am Vestilet a follower of Helm from Cormyr." He than moves to the position he was in a few moments ago "I need no sympathy or understanding. I do what I think is right that is all. Though it seems as what happened with, my lord Helm people do not seem to agree with what I think is right."

Vestilet wrote:
"I need no sympathy or understanding. I do what I think is right that is all. Though it seems as what happened with, my lord Helm people do not seem to agree with what I think is right."

Alendrethala at first looks disappointed at the harsh answer, but she never stops smiling politely while continuing "I didn't thought you would've been so straight, but just as me you said what you think. Seems like i did a good choice joining this caravan for protection in this travel"

The elven girl then turns her attention to the tales being told not far away and takes her leave from Vestilet "Good night sir"

Male Half-Elf Paladin(Oath of Vengeance)
Alendrethala Lossëhelini wrote:
Vestilet wrote:
"I need no sympathy or understanding. I do what I think is right that is all. Though it seems as what happened with, my lord Helm people do not seem to agree with what I think is right."

Alendrethala at first looks disappointed at the harsh answer, but she never stops smiling politely while continuing "I didn't thought you would've been so straight, but just as me you said what you think. Seems like i did a good choice joining this caravan for protection in this travel"

The elven girl then turns her attention to the tales being told not far away and takes her leave from Vestilet "Good night sir"

Vestilet nods after Alendrethala speaks and salutes her as he goes to listen to the stories. He than looks up at the sky to see the stars before looking around the camp once more.

Was not going for a harsh answer, was going like when people say I need no thanks when you thank them. Figured it would be taken harsh though.

Vestilet wrote:

Was not going for a harsh answer, was going like when people say I need no thanks when you thank them. Figured it would be taken harsh though.

Neither Alendrethala took a real offense.I think it was just a typical conversation between a lawful PC and a chaotic one

|| CMB +8 | CMD 18 | F +9 | R +3 | W +5 || HP 53/59 AC 21/10/21 || Paladin 5 || SR 10 Immune: Fear, Disease

"The way the prisoner's been treated don't sit right with me, but a job's a job. Natasha has a bounty on her, difference does it make why?"

Where's some good dwarf beer when you need yer thinkin' bent?

Male Half-Elf Paladin(Oath of Vengeance)
Lockjaw Stoneshield wrote:

"The way the prisoner's been treated don't sit right with me, but a job's a job. Natasha has a bounty on her, difference does it make why?"

Where's some good dwarf beer when you need yer thinkin' bent?

Vestilet looks at Lockjaw "I know why Natasha has the prisoner. That is no reason for Natasha to mistreat her." He than shrugs before going on "Also I was taught to not let others be bullied so I try to stop it when ever I see it. I use to get beaten up by the bullies a lot because of that."

Female Halfling Rogue 1
DM Locke wrote:
The wagon has a simple lock on it, Kathai will need to pick it to gain entrance to the prisoner. The lock's DC is 20

Is there any way to communicate with the prisoner without actually entering the wagon? I want to talk to her, not let her out.

@ Kathai - Natasha did note earlier that the prisoner was bound and gagged. There are bars in the wagon door, but they cover a glass window. Getting in may be the only way to talk to her. You cannot really see anything inside the wagon, either.

It appears picking the lock may be the only way to communicate, at least with some form of discretion.

Female Halfling Rogue 1
DM Locke wrote:

@ Kathai - Natasha did note earlier that the prisoner was bound and gagged. There are bars in the wagon door, but they cover a glass window. Getting in may be the only way to talk to her. You cannot really see anything inside the wagon, either.

It appears picking the lock may be the only way to communicate, at least with some form of discretion.

you are absolutely right. She did. Apparently I was smacked by the Derp fairy

Kathai peers at the door, gently gauging it, taking care to note if if anything is out of place.

on the off chance you let player roll for themselves, my rolls are below. I understand most GM's like to make that roll secretly for the player. I know I do when I GM

Perception (trapfinding): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
Disable Device (trap): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

Assuming she finds nothing, or manages to disarm what she finds, or at least thinks she has, she takes one more look around, then slips her picks from their hiding place and proceeds to gently prod the locks.

Disable Device (lock): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

There's no trap - the lock is a simple iron padlock securing a chain, which is wound through the handles of the wagons door. You pick the lock without difficulty. If you want, you can open the door quietly and confront the prisoner within.

I'll try and do a better job of reiterating the circumstances around a notable action - like this - in the future. Hope you have your power back on, by the way!

Female Halfling Rogue 1
DM Locke wrote:

There's no trap - the lock is a simple iron padlock securing a chain, which is wound through the handles of the wagons door. You pick the lock without difficulty. If you want, you can open the door quietly and confront the prisoner within.

I'll try and do a better job of reiterating the circumstances around a notable action - like this - in the future. Hope you have your power back on, by the way!

power update for those interested in ooc discussion thread…

Kathai slips into the wagon and approaches the prisoner, gently shushing her, pulling food from various pockets of her jacket.

She pulls the prisoners gag down (assuming the prisoner is awake) and whispers You've got one minute to prove I'm not crazy for coming in here. Who's Natasha, why does she seem to have some personal vendetta against you? Here's your one shot to win a friend before what I can only presume is an execution based on what I've seen. Impress me.

For Kathai Lli:
The prisoner is desperate for the food. Thank you! Ilmater bless you, I thought that b!&%% was going to let me starve! She is a young woman, her dark skin and black hair hinting at a Calishite heritage. She is strikingly lovely; her fine features and large, brown eyes are marred, however, by a swollen left cheek and her eyes are red-rimmed and puffy from crying.

Please, you must free me, I'm no criminal! My name is Jaseera, I may be the last of Tethyr's royal line. I came to Myratma to try and gauge support for a royal claim to the throne, I just wanted to see if there was something I could do to bring some peace to this land. But I was betrayed! I was told by someone I could trust that I'd be taken discreetly to Zazesspur to meet with a secret group of royalist supporters. Natasha was to be my guard, but as soon as she had me alone, she struck me down, bound me, and turned my cart into a cage! Her lips quiver and tears run down her cheeks. Please, I'm a calishite princess, I know coming here was stupid, but I thought I could help! Natasha is an agent for an anti-royalist group called The Peoples Fist, they were largely responsible for the death of the royalty ten years ago, agitating the crowds and sending death squads to royal manors all throughout Tethyr! If she takes me to her people at Zazesspur, I'll face a future of torment and death. Please don't let her hurt me any more!

Roll a sense motive check, DC 15, please

Female Halfling Rogue 1

Aaaand here's where I discover a vital flaw in my character building skills. Really? A Grifter with no Sense Motive? Sophie Devareaux would disown me!

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (7) + 0 = 7

How many days left before we reach Zazesspur?

The route from Myratma to Zazesspur, via Saharkhan, is roughly 180 miles; Velnik estimated 16 or 17 days, depending on progress, though he proudly states he's made the run in 12 days.

For Kathai Lli:
You can't tell if the girl is lying or not. She certainly seems desperate, and she's not lying about the abuse. Her bare back shows countless stripes, some still fresh, likely from several different sessions under the lash. Her cheek is swollen, likely from a blow to the face.

Perception DC 10:

Jassera is dressed in a red, strapless ballgown, with a daringly low back and a full taffeta skirt. Though now torn and stained, it is clearly of great value. On her slender wrist is a diamond bracelet, and upon her throat an expensive lace choker with a catseye stone. In her jet black hair, worn up in a simple yet elegant style, is an electrum tiara. Her earrings are of similar quality and of great value. If she were a thief, why would these rich trappings still be on her? Why has Natasha left her dressed in this manner?

Perception DC 15:

Jassera, though slender, looks like she has a physique not unaccustomed to physical activity. Her slender arms, though largely covered by black opera gloves, show a wiry muscularity you wouldn't expect from a calishite princess.

Female Halfling Rogue 1

Kathai leans close enough to Jassera to violate personal space and sniffs her like she's trying to pick up a scent. She clenches her jaw a little and squints.

DM Locke:
[b]Ok kiddo. I'm not quite ready to believe you, but I'm definitely willing to look into it. You keep quiet about this, and if your story pans out I'll see what I can do.[b] Kathai feeds the girl the food that she brought and lets her have a few gulps from her waterskin. Meanwhile, she looks around the wagon. She examines the make of the wagon (no k: eng, but I do have Craft: Carpentry) for weak points such as bad wood or poorly constructed joints, rugs that could hide an escape door (present or "to be made when no one's looking") or other aspects that could aid escape if it should come to it (in addition to already knowing the makeup for the lock on the door).

Craft (Carpentry): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
Perception (girl): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
Perception (wagon): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

Finally, she puts the gag back in the girl's mouth and slips out of the wagon, making sure everything is exactly as she left it. She creeps back out to the edge of camp, sidles up to Evenor and motions for him to follow as quietly as possible as she moves outside to where no one can overhear.

For Kathai:
The wagon is a coach type carriage, one door on the left side, and quite solidly built, from good materials. It's common for such types of coach to have a compartment under the seat, where items can be hidden, and perhaps a false floor as well. Worth checking, if you've the time; Jassera is bound, wrist to ankle, and cannot move off the seat or give you a good look at the floor. Natasha has her geat stored on the roof, due to lack of extra space.

Everyone else has gone very quiet!

Female Moon Elf Cleric of Sehanine Moonbow

I had assumed we were all sleeping while this caper was being pulled off.

And i live more or less on the opposite side of the planet :( besides i thought everyone else was telling ghosts tales or sleeping by now

Male Half-elf Ranger (Skirmisher) 1

Evenor is keeping guard outside the wagon, trying to remain undetected.

Stealth 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
Perception 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23

Kathai and Evenor have something on the go; when it's resolved, morning will come.

Not much to say IC now, waiting the morning

Very well, we'll jump forward to the next morning

1 Uktar, 1357 DR

The morning comes, cool and sharp, as clouds gather in the west. The caravan slowly comes alive, as everyone prepares for the days journey ahead.

The din of voices grows quiet, and the clamour of activity slows, as Natasha takes her prisoner out of the cart and leads her down the gentle incline to the stream. This is the first most of you have seen of her; a calishite beauty, brown skinned, with black hair, dressed in the tattered remnants of what must have once been a beautiful, red ballgown. Her wrists are bound behind her, and she is gagged. She keeps her eyes downcast and occasionally stumbles, either over her long, full skirt, or the uneven ground, pulled remorselessly along by a chain attached to a thick, steel collar round her neck.

Natasha stops and says, We're headed down to the stream; I don't want any men following, thinking they can get a cheap glance at this little tart bathing. Velnik! Keep control of your boys, lest I need to geld a couple as an example! Several of the men had been whistling and making crude comments; they stop when faced with Natasha's threat, muttering to themselves as they get back to work.

Velma, the chief scout, comes riding down the road from the north, having departed before the sun rose to reconnoiter. Velnik! Falcon's Hollow burns, just a league to the north!

Velnik's eyes grow wide. Bloody hells! Did you see who did it, girl? Did they see you?

Velma drops to the ground and grits her teeth. Perhaps, I dared not approach too closely, lest I draw attention to our location here. I saw only one of those responsible; a huge brute, more an ogre than a man, dressed in scarlet and black, barking orders at others. On his cloak was a design I hadn't seen before ... it looked like a wheel, perhaps, with five radial tentacles. I'm sure they didn't see me!

Velnik looks at you all, arrayed around the campsite. Does that standard sound familiar to any of you?

Knowledge - religion check DC 20 required to identify the standard.

Male Magus 1 - HP 13/13 AC 15 TAC 12 FF 13 | Ft +4 Rf +2 Wi +2 | Init +2 | Perc +1 |

Ruhk says nothing, but the prospect of violence clearly has an effect on him as he smacks one fist into the palm of his other hand.
A sour smile slowly makes its way across his lips as he reaches behind him for his battleaxe.

Maybe it is time...time to do some damage.

Male Half-Elf Paladin(Oath of Vengeance)

Vestilet shakes his head at the question. He than moves to check his gear making sure it is in the proper place. He than grabs his sword from his belongs, he than places the sword in it's baldric over his shoulder. He waits for the others to speak if they know who these attackers are.

|| CMB +8 | CMD 18 | F +9 | R +3 | W +5 || HP 53/59 AC 21/10/21 || Paladin 5 || SR 10 Immune: Fear, Disease

"Ne'er heard of it. Let's get ready then."

Lockjaw blows the remnants of last night's meal out of his beard, then clears each nostril in turn. Stretching out several times he then dons his armor and prepares his battle axe. A manic gleam has entered his eye and you think you spot some froth at the corners of his mouth.

Female Moon Elf Cleric of Sehanine Moonbow

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23 Knowledge Religion

"Wait that seems familiar to me". "I saw it on a scroll or somewhere". "Let me think".

"Sis' can i help somehow?"

Male Half-elf Ranger (Skirmisher) 1

Evenor readies his bow and makes sure his armor and arrows are ready. He moves near Vestilet and says Good sir, I don't know you, but if anything of what I've heard about paladins is true you will want to come with me to investigate and search for survivors he turns to Kathai and says Little shadow are you with us? he moves towards Velma and Velnik and asks Could you give us directions to that place? Is it too far away from our route? he will wait for others to join him then move towards Falcon's Hollow

Alendrethala too is gathering her gear, which includes Nekat the cat.
"I'm always curious about motivations of evil creatures or cults or whatever.Besides some backup firepower is useful as well, like that time i almost blow up a library setting the adjacent rooms ablaze when i miscalculated the amount of....well another time maybe"

She blushes slightly.
"Don't worry thou, that happened decades ago, i can control my spells almost perfectly now"

Female Halfling Rogue 1
Evenor wrote:

Evenor is keeping guard outside the wagon, trying to remain undetected.

Stealth 1d20+7
Perception 1d20+7

Kathai fills Evenor in on everything she's seen, including the observations about the oddness in prisoner treatment (everything under the spoilers)

I'm not willing to spring her just yet, but one thing's for certain. I don't trust Natasha at all. I thought this stunk before. It's so bad now I can barely breathe.

Female Halfling Rogue 1
Evenor wrote:
Evenor readies his bow and makes sure his armor and arrows are ready. He moves near Vestilet and says Good sir, I don't know you, but if anything of what I've heard about paladins is true you will want to come with me to investigate and search for survivors he turns to Kathai and says Little shadow are you with us? he moves towards Velma and Velnik and asks Could you give us directions to that place? Is it too far away from our route? he will wait for others to join him then move towards Falcon's Hollow

Kathai is nowhere to be found... unless someone beats her stealth and notices her following Natasha and the prisoner

Stealth: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25

@ Inwe:

The symbol reminds you of Garagos, the reaver, the former war god of Faerun. He was defeated centuries ago by Tempus, who took his office as war god, and since then has degenerated into madness.

His followers includes berserkers, reavers, slayers of all sorts; brigands too, as you recall.

@ Kathai:

You try and follow Natasha down to the stream....

Natasha's perception roll vs DC 28 (you're at +3 for being about 30 feet away):1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29

You find them both down at the stream, Jassera trying to wash herself as best she can in the cold water, and Natasha standing guard close by. Natasha hears your movement and turns to look at you, her hand at her scimitar; seeing a familiar face from the caravan, she visibly relaxes, her hand dropping from her swords hilt, before asking: What do you want, halfling? You're the last one I would have expected to want a peek at this little wretch.

Velma looks at Evenor. It is not far, nor off our route. The hamlet is three miles, give or take, down the road. It sits off to the side by the stream, a cluster of maybe ten households altogether, gentlefolk who give offense to no-one, not that I could ever imagine.

She looks at Velnik for a moment, who shakes his head sadly I need to look to the defense of the caravan; but there are seven of you, perhaps, who could go and look to the hamlet's survival. She looks around for a moment, notices that Kathai has disappeared. Perhaps there are only six of you, then.

There is little to cover your approach to the hamlet from this direction; the houses are arrayed around a small shrine to Chauntea, and the ground is flat for miles around. There is a small orchard, to the east, but you'd spend twice as long approaching from that direction, and who knows how much mischief will transpire in that time.

Male Half-Elf Paladin(Oath of Vengeance)
Evenor wrote:
Evenor readies his bow and makes sure his armor and arrows are ready. He moves near Vestilet and says Good sir, I don't know you, but if anything of what I've heard about paladins is true you will want to come with me to investigate and search for survivors he turns to Kathai and says Little shadow are you with us? he moves towards Velma and Velnik and asks Could you give us directions to that place? Is it too far away from our route? he will wait for others to join him then move towards Falcon's Hollow

Vestilet thinks for a long time thinking to himself which to do finally he says "I will go though I do not know if we should head out until the caravan moves I would also like to hear more information about these attacks. "

Male Half-elf Ranger (Skirmisher) 1

If being careful will put good people at risk I say we charge head first and pray the gods give us some help says Evenor with a purposeful look in his face.

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