Inwë Lossëhelini |

Ruhks head slumps in defeat as Lockjaw storms off.
Or not...
Inwe turns and looks at the others as Lockjaw goes charging by her. "Well it has been a long time since he got us in trouble with his impulsive behavior". "Almost a full day". "Let's not be so hasty to join him in death this time". "I have a feeling he won't be with us long.
Inwe starts forward cautiously, though the chance of surprise is not gone.

DM Locke |

Upon passing the wagon, a gory sight meets your eyes. Natasha lies on the ground, the last light fading from her eyes, as the blood from many stab wounds darkens the earth beneath her.
Standing above her, still clad in the tatters of her gown, her white gloves stained crimson, is the prisoner, Jassera, a dagger in her hand and a look of grim satisfaction in her eyes. At her side is the young ranger, Velma, her short sword also stained red.
As you come upon them, Jassera smiles - a cruel, vindicitive smile - and raises her dagger in mocking salute. Welcome, "heroes". Have you come to avenge your friend?
With that, she spits on the dead rangers body and awaits your reply.

Kathai Lli |

In the hopes that this was addressed to Lockjaw, Kathai operates on the assumption that she remains unseen and slips around the other side of the wagon and attempts to slip up on Jaseera unseen.
Sorry lady, but she saved my life. I would've saved yours, too. Hope you like jail...
I assume this will take long enough that the others will have done something by then, so I won't go any further in depiction. I don't know if you require a second stealth check or if the first one remains valid, so I'll make another just in case.
Stealth: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25

Evenor |

Evenor points his arrow at Jassera and says I don't mind if you're a Calishite princess, a vulgar criminal or the f*cking Simbul, you're a murderer and shall face justice he looks at the rest of the party, paying special attention to Lockjaw reaction If you drop your weapons your soul may still find redemption
The dwarf was paid to keep the prisoner and Natasha safe... how will he react?

DM Locke |

You will refer to the princess as 'your highness' or 'mistress'! growls Velma, moving to stand in front of Jassera. Spoting Kathai, she yells Mistress! That little one skulks in the shadows!
I see her, girl. Jassera responds, laughing lightly. Really, now, is there the need for further violence? I have simply paid this .... monster .... back for her treatment of me. Do you not respect royal authority? I am a princess and rightful ruler of this land. I demand your protection and your obedience! She shakes her long, black hair free and looks haughtily at your group.

Lockjaw Stoneshield |

Lockjaw stops upon seeing the dead ranger, his axe going limp in his hands. His eyes stare ahead, but what little of his mouth can be seen through his beard is moving to words from another place and time.
Just like I found them last time. My sweet Maretha. Donald, Callie. And that son of a
The stout dwarf shakes his head like a dog, his eyes snapping into focus on the bloody pair in front of him, failing to notice any others around him.
"Drop yer weapons, or I'll beat yer dead corpse to death with yer arms."
Intimidate 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Too much, too much. I didn't like Natasha (she ain't paid me!) but she didn't deserve this.
"Ain't no princess o' mine."

Vestilet |

Vestilet's eyes go hard as he sees what had happened his hand and a half sword at the ready he says "I was ordered to keep you safe until you were released. You now have murdered and threaten." His brows form a V from angry he than says "As Lockjaw just said you are not my princess. So I suggest you put your weapons down now. Another tip 'princess'" He says the word coldly "Try asking not trying to use power that you do not really have at the moment."

Kathai Lli |

"I'm not gonna lie, Jaseera. If I were in your position, with killing Natasha my only escape from The People's Fist, I would have done the same. If you surrender, I'll see to it that you are delivered to the Helmites instead. Fight us…
"…and I'll deliver you to The People's Fist myself…"
Kathai tenses…
I'll initiate rounds by readying an action. If Jaseera makes a move, I'm rushing in for a stab while she's still flat-footed. IF that's how you run things. Otherwise I'll wait patiently :)
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (19) + 0 = 19
Short Sword: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Sneak Attack (if applicable): 1d6 ⇒ 4

Evenor |

Evenor looks at Jassera straight in the eye as he says I don't know much about humans and their kings, but if your ancestors were so evil AND stupid, the people of this land did well exterminating them. he pulls his bowstring a little more You're no better than a bandit, trying to intimidate to obtain what you wish. I swore to hunt bandits, so I'll count to three for you to drop your weapon and surrender

Ruhk "The Dandy" |

Ruhk follows the others and stops in shock at the scene.
Fighting the bile rising in his throat for a moment he then frowns and scowls at some of the things being said.
Feeling that he MUST say what is on his mind he takes a deep breath, and fighting back the pain in his raw throat, he begins to speak, pronouncing each word slowly and clearly.
"Royal authority does not rest on the blood, as mere blood cannot command respect or obidience.
Too many rulers make the mistake of forgetting that their authority rests solely on the will of the people they command, as such, they cannot hope to "Demand" obedience, only earn it.
Fear never succeeds in ruling, as the past has clearly shown, in this land and in many others.
A ruler can be judged by what kind of nation they rule, and as such, only the most successful countries have well respected rulers.
Countries that are torn apart by internal strife are weak, stable countries are good.
Look around you, how can you expect to rule if you cannot even earn respect from a group such as us?
Some of us were quite willing to come to your aid before, but as they say, take care when fighting monsters lest you become one yourself.
My people do not do things the way you do, we might kill a man for stealing from us, but we do not gloat.
We take thralls, but always treat them fairly, and thraldom always have a set time.
Look around you, what can you truly achieve here?"
Having said his piece, Ruhk suddenly clutches his throat and falls to his knees, coughing and hacking violently, as his hand comes away from his mouth, there is a trickle of blood in his saliva.
Despite this, he smiles a little
Well...well done old man.

Alendrethala Lossëhelini |

Alendrethala too is astonished at the scene.
It seems like i was right, pity i only saw a little part of the whole
"You disappoint me, both of you.From what i saw back at the stream i believed there was something special between the two of you, but i never thought it was complicity in a cold murder intentions.The other have said pretty much there was to say, so what now?"
Alendrethala gestures toward Nekat to leave and hide.

DM Locke |

The calishite princess regards your group for a moment, her large, brown eyes revealing no fear at the threats she has heard. Very well .... it appears that I am surrounded by those who are not ready for the return of true royalty to this land of barbarians. I will not sully my hands by fighting you, nor shall I allow my servant to die on my behalf - not yet, in any case. Velma turns and looks at her princess with unabashed devotion.
I will leave you, now, but beware: you have made a powerful enemy, this day. My time is coming! I will rule this land, and bring order to its people. But all of you, gutless weaklings, stood by and allowed me to be abused and mistreated by that b!**&. I will not forget the pain, nor the indignity to my person. I swear to you, all of you, as Hoar be my witness, I shall personally take venegeance upon you. My people are everywhere! We will hunt you down, and visit such pain upon you that you will pray to your Gods for a death which will be slow in coming. Be warned!
With that, Jassera grabs Velma around her waist and pulls her close. Touching the gem at her throat, she whispers something - too low to hear - and the two vanish before your eyes, leaving Natasha's still form as the only evidence they were even there.

Vestilet |

Putting his hand and a half sword away Vestilet says in a calm voice "I really hope, she does not act that way when she tries to rule this land. If she does the followers of Helm will try to stop her." Looking around at the others "Who will help me bury Natasha?"

Vestilet |

Hoar will see justice come to her, not vengeance says Evenor, he put his bow to his shoulder and turns to Vestilet I will help you, a good burial and a prayer is the least we owe her
Nodding to Evenor, Vestilet than thinks to himself, while moving around the body he says prays to Helm for Natasha's soul.

Alendrethala Lossëhelini |

This must be a trial Corellon cast me into to test my faith,and i won't betray him
"If she was speaking the truth about her people, i fear how she is going to rule will be the lesser of our problems"
Alendrethala diverts her eyes from Natasha's lifeless body.
"I need some time for myself, i apologize for leaving,think will take that bath Natasha told me to take later"

Lockjaw Stoneshield |

Lockjaw slowly sheathes his axe.
"I couldn't bury them, I can't bury her."
He turns and begins to walk towards Natasha's wagon.
"Should put her in some nicer clothes if'n you're going to put her in the dirt."
Didn't earn my pay. Don't deserve it. Hated her, but she didn't deserve to die like that.
"We see that wench 'gain I'll be putting the blunt side of me axe in 'er."

Ruhk "The Dandy" |

Disgusted with the entire affair, Ruhk wipes the blood from his mouth, leaving only a thin smear on his cheek
Gutless? Weakling? Is this how "royalty" in the south talks? Never would a Northman Jarl behave with such empty posturing pomposity.
Slowly getting back to his feet, Ruhk spits and snarls in anger.
Wonderful, first betrayed by blood, now possibly being hunted by someone not fit to rule a chamber pot?
Well watch out "Princess", we were on your side I think, but now you made needless enemies of us, all to save your wounded pride?
Muttering softly to himself he sneers at the spot where the princess disappeared.
"I think...you...were the one who...made a powerful enemy...today..."

Alendrethala Lossëhelini |

Again, Alendrethala puts down all her equip and weapons, taking only a towel and clean clothes, then she is off to the stream.
It is dark,i should be safe enough,but just in case...
The elven girl calls Kathai and Inwe "Please, if you see someone going to the stream, tell them i'll be there , and i'll be undressed for sometime"

DM Locke |

Gods! Velnik is visibly shaken by the news of Natasha's death. Mask's shadow, how did the girl escape? Did Velma free her? Damn it, I should have known something was too good to be true with her!
He kneels by Natasha's body, tears in his eyes. Myrkul judge you kindly, my friend. May you and Adrina be reunited by Mielikki's grace. He closes Natasha's eyes, and then covers his own for a moment, trying to compose himself.

Ruhk "The Dandy" |

Once he tells this story, you won't have won yourself any friends amongst the people of this land "your highness".
Ruhk gently places a hand on Velniks shoulder but says nothing.
So much death...all I wanted was to hunt bandits and earn some coin...how did things get so complicated so fast?

Kathai Lli |

Kathai decides the best use she can be right now is scouting duty and checks out the 1/4 kilometer surrounding the camp.
Fire, screaming, blood, magic energy… no telling what it all could attract. Dad, I have really screwed the hellhound this week. I misread Jaseera and now she's loose. I led these people into a fight they couldn't win which nearly killed us all. And as soon as I shrugged off my self-defeat, my failure came full circle and it killed Natasha, whose biggest crime has been saving my ass. How did this go so bad?
Stealth: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
so deep in thought, she is apparently unaware of how much noise she's making
EDIT: She will end her walk down by the stream to make sure Alendrethala is ok

Evenor |

While helping Vestilet bury Natasha Evenor asks Tell me Vestilet, how can somebody who carries elven blood swear his life to a human god? I am not a religious man myself but yet I feel the Seldarine in me, I wouldn't be able to give my whole life to a foreign god he seems to think for a second and says And do you know anything about that Garagos the priest in the village talked about? Is he another human god?

Vestilet |

While helping Vestilet bury Natasha Evenor asks Tell me Vestilet, how can somebody who carries elven blood swear his life to a human god? I am not a religious man myself but yet I feel the Seldarine in me, I wouldn't be able to give my whole life to a foreign god he seems to think for a second and says And do you know anything about that Garagos the priest in the village talked about? Is he another human god?
Without looking up from his work Vestilet begins to speak "All the family I have ever known was the Church of Helm. I was left for the Priests of Helm to raise. Lucky enough for me Helm is greatly known for his love of children. To honor that debt I serve Helm now." He than thinks on Garagos before answering "I do not truly know anything about Garagos, if we find a Church of Helm I could ask my brothers and sisters if they know anything."

DM Locke |

After a moment, Velnik stands and forces a smile at Ruhk. Sorry, lad, I'm usually not given ta tears, it's just, when you've known someone for a while, when ya learn you can count on em, losin' em is hard. Wiping his eyes, he shakes his head sadly at Inwe's efforts to help. She's gone, lass. Thank you for tryin ta help her, though.
It's bloody tragic, all of this. I knew this trip was ill-fated before it even started. Now, we've got a village razed and it's people slaughtered, includin' Adrina - she was Natasha's half-sister, ya know, and they was quite a pair, adventurin' up an' down the coast of Tethyr before Adrina hung her boots up after she met a nice lad. And now Natasha. She shouldn't have treated that prisoner so poorly, maybe I shoulda said somethin', but Nat, she kept her own business close and didn't take kindly ta people pokin' their noses in, good intentions or not.
@ Kathai - things appear safe in the general vicinity of the camp. With all the commotion, the guards have been roused from their sleep and are on full alert.
@ Lockjaw - Natasha packed light - no fancy clothes, just a change of her loose fitting blouse and leather breeches, a few assorted items in her pack, and her weapons and armor - her studded leather armor, scimitar and composite longbow are all of notable quality. Maybe she had more items in the wagon?

Alendrethala Lossëhelini |

Alendrethala is sitting on a shore, naked.
She is looking at the moon and have yet to enter water, but for now she is weeping silently.
How can it be? I know people die everywhere and for every reason, right or wrong it may be, but i already witnessed someone dear to me dying to save me, and now the very same scene goes all over again.What are you trying to tell me Corellon? I shouldn't have fled from the school in first place, i'm such a coward.Least i can do now is get a hold on myself and never run away again, not now that i've finally found a part of my family

Ruhk "The Dandy" |

Ruhk's eyes nearly pop out of their sockets at Velniks words, and he tries to ask a question, unfortunately, his raw throat means it comes out as a dry rasp, barley audible.
After focusing al his will, he is able to rasp out.
"Sister? But...Natasha said the house...we found the spy ledgers in was...Adrinas. SHE was the...spy? But why?"
Suddenly a thought occurs to Ruhk.
"Of course! When Natasha passed through...here, she would have...paid a visit to Adrina...yes? And if Adrina wanted to know...a little about what Natasha was...doing, she wouldn't think...that strange.
THAT'S where the information came from..."
Shaking his head Ruhk sighs.
"Are we...sure Adrina is...amongst the...dead? What about the lad you mentioned? It could have...been him, he could have...been the spy, getting his information from...his unsuspecting...woman."

DM Locke |

Those things ya found - the ledger, the clothes - they were in Adrina's house? Velnik clearly didn't know that part. I don't know if that's your answer, lad. Nat wouldn't always travel with us - and when she did, I don't think she'd spill all our secrets, even to her former sister-in-arms. She sure wouldn't have had enough on other caravans to fill that book.
Velnik looks again at Natasha's body. What are you going to do with her? Far as I know, she hadn't no next of kin, and the only relative I knew of was Adrina, whom we're thinkin' was killed by those reavers. Nat also had some good equipment - better for you all to make use of it, rather than bury it. Nat was ever the practical sort, and I think she was rather impressed with you lot, avenging the hamlet and all that.

Ruhk "The Dandy" |

Ruhk nods slowly at the caravan masters words.
Yes, he may be right, still, the ledgers WERE found in her house, and it is unlikely that someone else use it as a hiding place. It has to have been either Adrina or her man. I'll have to tell the others, but it can wait until tomorrow, better save my voice.
After considering Velniks offer of letting the group take Natashas body Ruhk considers the rest of the people who fought.
Of them, Vestilet seems like he might be a fair sort, he talks about Helm a lot.
Ruhk walks over to Vestilet, where he Evenor is preparing a grave for Natashas body.
"Velnik...thinks Natasha...would have liked us...to have her equipment to use."

Vestilet |

Vestilet frowns after hearing Ruhk speak he than says "I see, I would rather not Evenor or I be the ones taking her gear though since we are burying her. Also can one of the female members of the group remove and change her clothing once Lockjaw finds something?"

DM Locke |

@ Lockjaw - there's little else of Natasha's in the wagon - but there are a few things of note. Jaseera's bonds are here - looking around, you see the lockpick which was used to unlock the bonds laying on the floor. There's also a significant amount of blood splatter inside; the first blow at Natasha was likely struck from inside the wagon.
There are some nice articles of clothing in the wagon, but they look like they belonged to Jaseera, not Natasha; most would likely be too small for Nat's athletic frame, and you couldn't imagine her in high society fashion, in any case.

DM Locke |

Velnik nods his head at Alendrethala's comment. There's several villages along the trade road where we can make sure Natasha is commemorated properly. She was a follower of Mielikki; a popular faith in these rural parts. We can bury her here, then have a priest pray for her elsewhere. Not uncommon for followers of the Ranger Goddess, many of whom are lost in the wilds with no body to recover.
@ Ruhk - the four most notable items from Natasha are:
- her studded leather armor, of excellent craftsmanship;
- her sword, which you thought initially was a scimitar, is actually a falcata; beautifully sharp, but light and well balanced
- her composite longbow, which is well-built and looks like it would take a good strength (14 or so) to use effectively
- a small bag with her wealth in it; 118 gp, and a beautiful, golden yellow topaz - a stone of significant value

Ruhk "The Dandy" |

As Ruhk gathers Natashas belongings he stops when he picks up the Falcata.
Interesting...the cutting edge of a sword, but angled like an axe.
After a few practice swings, Ruhk realizes that it would take some practice to be able to employ such a weapon with skill, but it feels right somehow, resting well in his hand.
I think I'll ask to keep this one for myself...
But dutifully, he still adds the Falcata to the pile and deposits it next to Vestilet.
Wonder of Evenor could use that bow? It's a little to weak for my liking, but it has a nice recurve shape to it.

Vestilet |

Vestilet looks at the pile Ruhk placed next to him. When finished burying Natasha, he moves toward the pile. Picking up each item in turn to inspect carefully. Once done he looks at the group and speaks "I will go take her items to the middle of the camp. I do not wish to split it in front of her grave." He than picks up all of the gear carefully before heading back toward the middle of the camp, once there he places all the items down careful waiting for the others.
This will be after burying Natasha, no idea how long that will be or what everyone else wants to do.

Alendrethala Lossëhelini |

Alendrethala thanks Velnik and waits for the funeral ceremony to have ended in silence.
Don't remember if it has been already said, so asking now
"Did natasha have relatives other her step sister here? I don't need any of her possesion, but i think their value should go to her family, at least in part"