The Pyramid of Shadows (Inactive)

Game Master PathlessBeth

Map of the Pyramid's First Floor

Map of the Pyramid's second floor.

Map of the Pyramid's third floor.

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Initiative order:

Here's a map of just this chamber.

Jan's turn.

Aasimar Oracle 6/Rogue 6 | HP 36/40 | AC: 25 TAC: 18 FAC: 19 CMB: 22 AC: 23 TAC: 16 FAC: 14 CMB: 18 | F: +5, R: +10, W: +5 | Init: +6 | Perc: +8, S.M. +6 | Speed 30ft. |
Spell Slots: 1st: 5/7 2nd: 3/6 3rd: 4/4 | SLA Glitterdust | Boots: 10/10 | Wand: 20 | Improvisation 6/6
Current Buffs: barkskin, shillelagh

Jan runs his hand over his staff and it begins to hum with power. "Okay, Shadow. Let's see what you've got."

Jan Carpenter wrote:
GM: Do I still have shillelagh running?

You haven't answered this so I'll keep things simple: If shillelagh is still running (it lasts 6 minutes and I cast it to fight the shadow bats) then I will cast divine favor. If not I will cast shillelagh again.

Oops, sorry, I forgot to answer that. No, Shillelagh would not still be running.

Jan reenchants his weapon.
Krezen's turn.

Sorry guys, site was off for me most of the day yesterday.

"Everyone's looking for a fight in this place boys - let us not disappoint them, shall we boys?"

Starting Inspire Courage (Bonus = +2) and planning to move to G:5, but it will depend on what the purple thing is. Is it a wall?

The purple is a curtain. It blocks line of sight, but not movement.

Gemheart's turn.

Forgeborn map Armorist(Symbiotic Knight) / Incanter 6 || HP 53/60; g

Gemheart will charge, ending at H8.

power attack, furious focus, charge, energy blade (bludgeoning), lucerne hammer

melee: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (1) + 13 = 14
damage: 1d12 + 12 + 5d6 ⇒ (1) + 12 + (1, 6, 1, 2, 6) = 29

Ok, thanks for clarifying DMB - Krezen goes to G:5 then.

Gemheart, remember the +2 from Inspire, ok? And you added the Charge bonus?

Forgeborn map Armorist(Symbiotic Knight) / Incanter 6 || HP 53/60; g

added the charge, forgot the inspire

Gemheart charges up to the creature and strikes, but finds his attack is resisted by your foe's sturdy body.

Suddenly, the eyes of the two tiefling statues begin to glow, and a thick green mist starts to come out of their mouths. At the same time, a black wall of force springs up right in front of the door, trapping you in.

Knowledge (Arcana) 16:
The wall of force can probably be destroyed by attacking it a lot. Moreover, if you spend one full round studying it with your arcane skills, you might be able to find a weak point that would make destroying it much easier.

The "shadow," meanwhile, pulls out a sword and starts swinging it at Gemheart:
1d20 + 15 ⇒ (9) + 15 = 24
1d8 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16

Map updated,, back to Jan's turn.

Aasimar Oracle 6/Rogue 6 | HP 36/40 | AC: 25 TAC: 18 FAC: 19 CMB: 22 AC: 23 TAC: 16 FAC: 14 CMB: 18 | F: +5, R: +10, W: +5 | Init: +6 | Perc: +8, S.M. +6 | Speed 30ft. |
Spell Slots: 1st: 5/7 2nd: 3/6 3rd: 4/4 | SLA Glitterdust | Boots: 10/10 | Wand: 20 | Improvisation 6/6
Current Buffs: barkskin, shillelagh

Jan hefts his quarterstaff and prepares to charge the enemy.

Gemheart is in my charge line I think so I will wait until I have a charge line and then charge. When I do get to charge:

Attack: Shillelagh +2 Charge +2 Inspire -1 Power Attack -2 Fighting Defensively: 1d20 + 13 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 13 + 1 = 21
Damage: Shillelagh +2 Inspire +3 Power Attack +3d6 sneak attack: 2d6 + 8 + 2 + 3 + 3d6 ⇒ (5, 4) + 8 + 2 + 3 + (4, 4, 5) = 35

Since Jan is holding, it is now Krezen's turn, then Gemheart's.

Krezen casts a spell which conjures multiple copies of himself.

Mirror Image: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 Images

Forgeborn map Armorist(Symbiotic Knight) / Incanter 6 || HP 53/60; g

Gemheart will 5ft step back to G7 and ready an action to enlarge himself after the "shadow" acts.

concentration for defensive casting DC 21: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21

oh and the shadow pulled out a sword and attacked me, did it have reach or did it 5ft step or what? if it has reach, when i enlarge i want to take up F/G-7/8

Yes, the shadow has reach.

Krezen uses Mirror Image, and Gemheart steps back.

With Gemheart out of the way, Jan charges forwards and attacks, giving the shadow a chance to attack him:
Shadow's AoO: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (19) + 15 = 34
crit confirmation: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (16) + 15 = 31
2d8 + 12 ⇒ (8, 6) + 12 = 26

Jan misses, though.

The two statues continue spraying mist. This time, anyone within 10 feet of either statue takes 2 poison damage per statue you are near.
So, Krezen takes 2 poison damage for being within 10 feet of the north statue. No one else takes any poison damage this round.

The creature you are fighting steps back and cackles.

"Now, now it is time for you to die!"

With a snap of the fingers, the creature begins to transform into a large serpent, though she retains bulky humanoid arms. She is a Yuan-Ti Abomination!

Gemheart grows large as well.

The map has been updated. Back to Jan, Krezen, and Gemheart.

Forgeborn map Armorist(Symbiotic Knight) / Incanter 6 || HP 53/60; g

power attack, furious focus, inspire, energy blade (bludgeoning), lucerne hammer, large size so 3d6 instead of 1d12

melee: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (14) + 15 = 29
damage: 3d6 + 15 + 5d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 4) + 15 + (4, 4, 1, 5, 5) = 45

Jan? Krezen? I know the website's been spotty so it's okay that you've been delayed posting.

Aasimar Oracle 6/Rogue 6 | HP 36/40 | AC: 25 TAC: 18 FAC: 19 CMB: 22 AC: 23 TAC: 16 FAC: 14 CMB: 18 | F: +5, R: +10, W: +5 | Init: +6 | Perc: +8, S.M. +6 | Speed 30ft. |
Spell Slots: 1st: 5/7 2nd: 3/6 3rd: 4/4 | SLA Glitterdust | Boots: 10/10 | Wand: 20 | Improvisation 6/6
Current Buffs: barkskin, shillelagh

Should have a post tonight.

It wasn't so much as delaying as it was completely unable to post...

Krezen moves around his companions and attacks - "You will pay for having tried to fool us!" - he roars.

Going to H:10 and attacking.

Bardiche +1: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31
Damage if it hits: 1d10 + 18 ⇒ (5) + 18 = 23

Bardiche +1 CRITS?: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29
Additional damage if it crits: 1d10 + 18 ⇒ (5) + 18 = 23

AC: 19
HP: 47/56
Effects: Inspire Courage +2, Mirror Image (4 images)

GM DMB any Knowledge we can roll to know more about this thing?

Krezen strikes at Tala twice, causing her to howl in pain both times.

Gemheart also strikes at Tala. The yuan-ti abomination collapses to the floor, briefly shrieking before she becomes silent. Tala's breathing then ceases.

At the same time that Tala dies, the wall of force that was blocking the door you came in dissolves.

Combat over! That was fast.

The orb Harumon gave you begins to shake. See here if you forgot what the orb is for. A moment later, a jet of fire arcs out of Tala's dead eyes and into the orb. While it still appears gray, a swirl of fire is visible inside the orb.

Forgeborn map Armorist(Symbiotic Knight) / Incanter 6 || HP 53/60; g

Gemheart will look to her belongings and in the nearby area for spoils of combat.

"We gave you a chance" - Reknar shakes his head - "You should have taken it" - then looks at the orb - "I know a guy who will be very happy with this"

Apart from that, I'm going to assist Gemheart with the search.

Aasimar Oracle 6/Rogue 6 | HP 36/40 | AC: 25 TAC: 18 FAC: 19 CMB: 22 AC: 23 TAC: 16 FAC: 14 CMB: 18 | F: +5, R: +10, W: +5 | Init: +6 | Perc: +8, S.M. +6 | Speed 30ft. |
Spell Slots: 1st: 5/7 2nd: 3/6 3rd: 4/4 | SLA Glitterdust | Boots: 10/10 | Wand: 20 | Improvisation 6/6
Current Buffs: barkskin, shillelagh

Ouch! Down 26! Good thing I'm a healer.

Jan concentrates and lays his hands on his wounds. A greenish-blue light glows from his fingertips.

Cure Serious Wounds: 3d8 + 6 ⇒ (6, 7, 4) + 6 = 23

"Nice work, you two. I was worried there."

Jan joins in the search, carefully looking the room over.

Perception take 20: 20 + 8 = 28

Jan finds, upon searching:

--A quarterstaff with infernal carvings on the side

spellcraft, 23:
This is a +2 shock quarterstaff[/url]

--A bardiche with infernal carvings on the handle
[spoiler=spellcraft, 22]This is a +1 Tiefling-Bane Bardiche

And some art objects worth a total of 4382 gold pieces.

Is the site finally working again?

Aasimar Oracle 6/Rogue 6 | HP 36/40 | AC: 25 TAC: 18 FAC: 19 CMB: 22 AC: 23 TAC: 16 FAC: 14 CMB: 18 | F: +5, R: +10, W: +5 | Init: +6 | Perc: +8, S.M. +6 | Speed 30ft. |
Spell Slots: 1st: 5/7 2nd: 3/6 3rd: 4/4 | SLA Glitterdust | Boots: 10/10 | Wand: 20 | Improvisation 6/6
Current Buffs: barkskin, shillelagh
Deranged_Maniac_Ben wrote:

Jan finds, upon searching:

--A quarterstaff with infernal carvings on the side
** spoiler omitted **

Jan scans the staff while his eyes glow with detect magic.

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

"Oh, darling," he says, stroking the staff. "Come to daddy!"

The staff is nice but the funny thing is, since I can't use shillelagh on a magical staff it only gives me a +1 to hit and damage over what I usually do now. Still, It means I don't have to use up spell slots on shillelagh any more.

Deranged_Maniac_Ben wrote:
And some art objects worth a total of 4382 gold pieces.

Is there anyone in the pyramid we have met who would give us anything useful for this?

Jan Carpenter wrote:

Is there anyone in the pyramid we have met who would give us anything useful for this?

Thoraska probably would. Some other faction leaders might (the arborean leader, maybe the dragonborn leader Garash Vren). It's obviously harder to trade/spend than if you could just go to a city, though.

Forgeborn map Armorist(Symbiotic Knight) / Incanter 6 || HP 53/60; g

spellcraft: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22

"Hmm, this bardiche could be quite useful, considering our foe. Anyone care to use it, or shall i?"

Gemheart wrote:


"Hmm, this bardiche could be quite useful, considering our foe. Anyone care to use it, or shall i?"

There's a bardiche? :D

There's a bardiche that I accidentally put inside the spoiler box for the quarterstaff by messing up the spoiler tags.

Aaaaaah sorry didn't notice it :D

Gemheart wrote:


"Hmm, this bardiche could be quite useful, considering our foe. Anyone care to use it, or shall i?"

"Keep it lad - it'll be in good hands" - Krezen nods.

Other than that, I think we could get going?

Aasimar Oracle 6/Rogue 6 | HP 36/40 | AC: 25 TAC: 18 FAC: 19 CMB: 22 AC: 23 TAC: 16 FAC: 14 CMB: 18 | F: +5, R: +10, W: +5 | Init: +6 | Perc: +8, S.M. +6 | Speed 30ft. |
Spell Slots: 1st: 5/7 2nd: 3/6 3rd: 4/4 | SLA Glitterdust | Boots: 10/10 | Wand: 20 | Improvisation 6/6
Current Buffs: barkskin, shillelagh
Krezen wrote:
Aaaaaah sorry didn't notice it :D

Yeah, I missed it at first. If Krezen wants the new Bardiche, he could give his old +1 one to Gemheart.

Jan Carpenter wrote:
Krezen wrote:
Aaaaaah sorry didn't notice it :D
Yeah, I missed it at first. If Krezen wants the new Bardiche, he could give his old +1 one to Gemheart.

For me it is fine either way. Up to Gemheart ;)

Forgeborn map Armorist(Symbiotic Knight) / Incanter 6 || HP 53/60; g

i'll take it then. i have slightly higher to-hit with no magic weapons, and it only has a +1 to hit so there will be no change for you other than the damage. i was on the fence about it while looking at our sheets, but i figure you have a wider variety of actions aside from "just melee" than I have, which means i will be more likely to use a melee option and benefit from it.

Okay then. Where are y'all off to next?

Deal Gemheart.

"Time we go back and return someone their lost mojo, right lads?"

Going back to Harumon.

You make your way back to Harumon. I'll assume you also stop to rest at your base along the way.

When you arrive, the place seems mostly deserted: Harumon seems to be the only one there.

"Did--did you get it?"

If you hold out the orb, the fire arcs out of it and into Harumon, who seems to grow taller as his torso is surrounded by flames.

"A situation has arisen since I last spoke with you. My leader, the Otyugh Empress, has vanished. She said something about preventing Karavakos from leaving the Pyramid alive, and left. I do not know where she is, but I fear the worst may have happened to her."

"In any case, I agreed to aid you and now I will. Where is this person who you wish to have relieved of petrification?"

Forgeborn map Armorist(Symbiotic Knight) / Incanter 6 || HP 53/60; g

i direct her to that person, i have forgotten myself

There was an eladrin who lived in Thoraska's territory who asked you to help her brother, who was petrified. It was two years ago so it's understandable that you forgot.

And sorry for the delay, y'all. I got distracted by work. I'm going to try to speed things along with this update.

You lead Harumon back to the Blizzard Caverns. When you get there, the snow eladrin greets you.

"Oh! You have returned."
Turning to Harumon, she asks
"My name is Ilyana. Are you one who can reverse petrification?"

When the halfling nods, Ilyana leads you deeper into the cave, to the chamber where Thoraska herself resides.

Ilyana pulls a marble statue out from behind a pile of silver. The statue resembles a short, slim eladrin.
"This is my brother, Venali. Can you help him?"

Harumon approaches the statue and chants an incantation. At once, the marble turns to skin, and Venali is restored.

"I have not much to give," Ilyana says, "But you may have this belt. It was passed down from my grandparent, and it will make you stronger and more resilient."
She holds out a Belt of Physical Might which grants +2 to strength and constitution.

Suddenly, from behind the eladrin, a deep rumble echoes through the cavern, and the dragon herself speaks.

"Now that that has been settled, I have something else that I think you want."

Thoraska holds a black gem between her front toes.

"This gem contains a piece of Vyrellis' life energy. One of my fey found it in the Library of Whispers."

Ilyana turns towards you, and asks
"Can you understand? Lady Thoraska believes you should have that gem because it contains some part of someone named Vyrellis. I don't know who that is."

If you take then gem, a spark of energy arcs out of it and into the Head of Vyrellis.

"Thank you, all of you,"
Vyrellis says,
"Now there is just one splinter of my life remaining in the Pyramid. Once I have that, I will be able to move on to the afterlife. Also, as I am stronger now, I will be able to help you more."

From now on, whoever is holding the Head of Vyrellis gains the following benefits:
--You gain a +4 on Knowledge (Arcana, History, or Religion) and can make these checks untrained.
--Once every five minutes, you can teleport up to 35 feet as a move action which functions as a (Su) ability
--You gain a +2 to Will saves
--Once per day, you may cast Greater Invisibility as a spell-like ability.
You do not need to be holding the Head of Vyrellis in your hands or in any particular slot, you just need to be carrying her in some capacity.

Aasimar Oracle 6/Rogue 6 | HP 36/40 | AC: 25 TAC: 18 FAC: 19 CMB: 22 AC: 23 TAC: 16 FAC: 14 CMB: 18 | F: +5, R: +10, W: +5 | Init: +6 | Perc: +8, S.M. +6 | Speed 30ft. |
Spell Slots: 1st: 5/7 2nd: 3/6 3rd: 4/4 | SLA Glitterdust | Boots: 10/10 | Wand: 20 | Improvisation 6/6
Current Buffs: barkskin, shillelagh

I suspect Krezen is the best fit for the belt of +2 CON and STR. Jan doesn't need the STR and has a belt already.

Deranged_Maniac_Ben wrote:

From now on, whoever is holding the Head of Vyrellis gains the following benefits:

--You gain a +4 on Knowledge (Arcana, History, or Religion) and can make these checks untrained.
--Once every five minutes, you can teleport up to 35 feet as a move action which functions as a (Su) ability
--You gain a +2 to Will saves
--Once per day, you may cast Greater Invisibility as a spell-like ability.
You do not need to be holding the Head of Vyrellis in your hands or in any particular slot, you just need to be carrying her in some capacity.

A couple Questions:

1. Do you need to actually hold the head in your hand to use it, or is carrying it enough?
2. What is Vyrellis' caster level for greater invisibility?

Overall, Jan would do great with this as an item if it doesn't occupy a hand.

Jan, I think we can all do great with it. Personally I would prefer it to the belt.

And as DMB said, it does not need to be held.

Aasimar Oracle 6/Rogue 6 | HP 36/40 | AC: 25 TAC: 18 FAC: 19 CMB: 22 AC: 23 TAC: 16 FAC: 14 CMB: 18 | F: +5, R: +10, W: +5 | Init: +6 | Perc: +8, S.M. +6 | Speed 30ft. |
Spell Slots: 1st: 5/7 2nd: 3/6 3rd: 4/4 | SLA Glitterdust | Boots: 10/10 | Wand: 20 | Improvisation 6/6
Current Buffs: barkskin, shillelagh
Krezen wrote:
Jan, I think we can all do great with it.

Sure... but you don't have sneak attack. Greater invisibility and a short range teleport are both great ways for me to get sneak attacks.

Right you are, I was forgetting that 'small' detail.

Jan wrote:
1. Do you need to actually hold the head in your hand to use it, or is carrying it enough?

You do not need to hold it in your hand.

Jan wrote:
2. What is Vyrellis' caster level for greater invisibility?


Forgeborn map Armorist(Symbiotic Knight) / Incanter 6 || HP 53/60; g


So, where are you all going next?

Forgeborn map Armorist(Symbiotic Knight) / Incanter 6 || HP 53/60; g

so we have two parts of vyrellis and one more shadow fragment to fight?


Forgeborn map Armorist(Symbiotic Knight) / Incanter 6 || HP 53/60; g

"So if we get your fragment, can you help us get out of here before moving on?"

Vyrellis responds,
"If you are able to recover the last piece of my spirit, I think I could hold on to this semblence of life for a little bit longer. At least long enough to help you defeat my brother. "

"I could not tell before, but I believe I can sense where my final splinter resides. It is in the northeast of the first floor, near the dragonborn that Hozela came with. I do not know why it is there or what might be guarding it."

Aasimar Oracle 6/Rogue 6 | HP 36/40 | AC: 25 TAC: 18 FAC: 19 CMB: 22 AC: 23 TAC: 16 FAC: 14 CMB: 18 | F: +5, R: +10, W: +5 | Init: +6 | Perc: +8, S.M. +6 | Speed 30ft. |
Spell Slots: 1st: 5/7 2nd: 3/6 3rd: 4/4 | SLA Glitterdust | Boots: 10/10 | Wand: 20 | Improvisation 6/6
Current Buffs: barkskin, shillelagh

Are we talking about the light blue area northeast of the entry room?

"Well, I am fit to continue," says Jan.

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