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Gemheart's page

654 posts. Alias of Tenro.


Forgeborn map


Armorist(Symbiotic Knight) / Incanter 6 || HP 53/60; g

Special Abilities

SP 4/18; Destruction Sphere; Life Sphere; +3 Symbiote Armor; Summon Equipment 1 SP; Symbiote Size Alteration




Common, Dwarven, Elven, Planescant

Strength 18
Dexterity 10
Constitution 16
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 10
Charisma 8

About Gemheart

HP: 60
AC: 23 = 10 +12 Armor +0 Dex +1 Natural
Init: +0
Speed: 20ft
BAB: +6
CMB: +10
CMD: 20
MSB: +6 (+1d20+INT vs SR)
MSD: 17
F: 9 =5 BASE + 3 CON + 1 RESIST
R: 3 =2 BASE + 0 DEX + 1 RESIST
W: 6 =5 BASE + 0 WIS + 1 RESIST
Misc Save Boni: +2 vs disease, mind-affecting, poison, exhaustion, fatigue, fear

Melee all masterwork
Lucerne Hammer, +11 melee, 1d12+6 || Brace, Reach, B or P, +2 to sunder med or hvy armor
Spiked Gauntlet, +11 melee, 1d4+4,
Greatsword, +11 melee, 2d6+6-1, crit 19-20/x2 (Alchemical Silver)
Bill, +11 melee, 1d8+6, crit x3 || brace, disarm, reach, +1 fighting defensively (Cold Iron)
Falchion, +11 melee, 2d4+6, crit 18-20/x2 (fire-forged steel)
Destructive Blast, +10 melee touch, 5d6 bludgeoning, medium range, crit x2

Destructive Blast, +6 ranged touch, 5d6 bludgeoning, medium range, crit x2

Power Attack -2/+4/+6
Furious Focus
Fire-forged steel
Blast shapes/types
Improved Energy Blade
Altered size from Symbiote

Racial Traits:

Ability Scores: +2 Strength, +2 Intelligence, –4 Charisma: Forgeborn are strong and have quick minds, but are monstrous in appearance and have difficulty relating to other races.
Medium: Forgeborn are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Half-Construct: Forgeborn are of the humanoid type, with the half-construct and forgeborn subtypes.
Slow and Steady: Speed 30, lose Fearless.
Natural Armor: Forgeborn are sturdier than other races and gain a +1 natural armor bonus to their AC.
Source Crystal: Unlike most half-constructs, forgeborn can be raised and resurrected.
Naturally Psionic: Forgeborn gain the Wild Talent feat as a bonus feat at 1st level. If a forgeborn takes levels in a psionic class, he instead gains the Psionic Talent feat.
Psionic Aptitude: When a forgeborn takes a level in a favored class, he can choose to gain an additional power point instead of a hit point or skill point.

  • Half-constructs gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and effects that cause either exhaustion or fatigue.
  • Half-constructs cannot be raised or resurrected.
  • Half-constructs do not breathe, eat, or sleep, unless they want to gain some beneficial effect from one of these activities. This means that a half-construct can drink potions to benefit from their effects and can sleep in order to regain spells, but neither of these activities is required for the construct to survive or stay in good health.

  • Class Abilities:


  • Weapon and Armor Proficiency: An armorist is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).

  • Casting: An armorist may combine spheres and talents to create magical effects. An armorist is considered a Low-Caster and uses Wisdom as her casting ability modifier. (Note: All casters gain 2 bonus talents and may select a casting tradition the first time they gain the casting class feature.)

  • Spell Pool: An armorist gains a small reservoir of energy she can call on to create truly wondrous effects, called a spell pool. This pool contains a number of spell points equal to her level + her Wisdom modifier (minimum: 1). This pool replenishes once per day after roughly 8 hours of rest.

  • Magic Talents: An armorist gains a magic talent at 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, according to Table: Armorist.

  • Summon Equipment (Su): An armorist may spend a spell point as a move action to conjure a weapon or shield into her hands, which stays for 1 minute per level before disappearing.
    The armorist must be proficient with the weapon or type of shield to summon it, and in the case of exotic weapons, she must have studied a pre-existing version of the weapon for at least 1 week. This weapon or shield is masterwork quality, and while antimagic barriers may prevent the armorist from summoning these items, the items themselves are not considered magical creations and so may not be dispelled. Ranged weapons come with 50 pieces of basic ammunition.
    At 5th level, the armorist may conjure any type of armor she is proficient with, either on her own body as a move action or on a touched willing target’s body as a standard action. This causes any armor the target is wearing to disappear in favor of the new armor until the duration is over and the old armor returns. Dismissing summoned equipment is a free action.
    Summoned equipment gains a +1 enhancement bonus for every 3 armorist levels the creator possesses, to a maximum of +6 at 18th level. These bonuses may be traded for special qualities according to Table: Bound Equipment. A piece of summoned equipment cannot have higher than a +5 enhancement bonus; enhancement bonuses beyond this amount must be traded for special qualities.
    ((see Armorist Page for table of special abilities))

  • Summon Equipment (Su): A symbiotic knight summons equipment by forming it out of the substance of his symbiote. As such, only the symbiotic knight can use his summoned equipment; in the hands of any other creatures, his summoned equipment is treated as nothing but a masterwork weapon.
    This alters Summoned Equipment.

  • Bound Equipment (Su): An armorist gains a bond with a specific weapon or shield that is far greater than with her other summoned equipment. Bound equipment is summoned and treated just like summoned equipment, except it does not cost a spell point to summon, cannot be used by anyone other than the armorist herself (the item’s magic does not function in another’s hands), comes with limitless ammunition, and disappears 1 round after leaving the armorist’s hands. She gains another piece of bound equipment at 5th level, 10th level, 15th level, and 20th level and may select a suit of armor beginning at 5th level or a staff beginning at 10th level.
    Bound equipment is masterwork quality, and gains a cumulative +1 enhancement bonus for every odd armorist level possessed beyond 1st, increasing to +10 at 20th level. A piece of bound equipment’s enhancement bonus cannot exceed +1 per 3 levels (minimum: +1, maximum: +5); all enhancement bonus beyond this must be traded for special qualities.
    An armorist may give her bound weapon special enhancement properties from Table: Bound Equipment, trading enhancement bonus for other benefits. Bound equipment cannot be enchanted through any other means than gaining armorist levels and must retain at least a +1 enhancement bonus. Bound staves use the rules presented in Chapter 6: Magic Items, granting the armorist enhancement bonuses to her caster level with one sphere, chosen when the staff is created.
    Beginning at 10th level, the armorist may also place weapon enhancements on her staffs and staff enhancements on her weapons.
    Once a piece of bound equipment has been selected, or once its special qualities have been chosen, they may only be changed if the armorist spends 8 hours (1 day) meditating to dismiss the old piece of bound equipment and create a new piece of bound equipment to take its place.
    The armorist’s bound equipment can be damaged and sundered, but always returns to full health the following day.
    A bound double-weapon must divide its enhancement bonuses and weapon qualities between the two ends (for example, a +5 bound quarterstaff could have a +3 bonus on one end and a +2 bonus on the other). Alternately, the armorist may bind each end of the double weapon as a separate piece of bound equipment, thus granting full bonuses to each half. If one end of the double weapon has no bonuses, it is still considered masterwork.

  • Symbiotic Armor (Su): At 1st level, A symbiotic knight forms a bond with an amorphous creature or another entity. This symbiote becomes a part of the creature, often taking the form of a growing plant, a stone hand, or another conscious mark when not in use. When summoned, the symbiote covers the creature and becomes a suit of armor. The symbiote can take on a light, medium or heavy form as desired. Forming symbiotic armor or changing the armor’s form requires the same action as summoning equipment (a move action, which improves through the quick summons class feature). A suit of symbiotic armor has a hardness of 10, and 10 hp per armorist level. If the symbiote is destroyed (such as through sunder maneuvers), it reverts to its dormant state and cannot be used unless repaired or until the symbiotic knight rests to regain spell points, at which time it regains all lost hit points.
    ______________AC Bonus__Max Dex__Armor Check Penalty
    Light Armor_____+2______+6_______0
    Medium Armor____+6______+3______-3
    Heavy Armor_____+9______+0______-6
    This armor gains enhancement bonuses as if it were a piece of bound equipment. However, unlike most pieces of bound equipment, a symbiotic knight may change what special qualities his symbiote possesses each time it is summoned, whenever it’s form is changed, or at any time with the same required action (move action, which improves through the quick summons class feature).
    A symbiote counts as a piece of bound equipment for all purposes.
    If the symbiotic knight gains the Improved Materials or Greater Materials arsenal tricks, he may grant his symbiot the benefits and hardness of those materials.
    This replaces bound equipment.

  • Arsenal Trick: At second level and every even-numbered level thereafter the armorist gains an arsenal trick, representing the ways she has chosen to focus her study of equipment and its uses. Unless otherwise specified, an individual arsenal trick can only be gained once.
    - Heavy Armor: You gain the Heavy Armor Proficiency feat.
    - Improved Equipment: Symbiote Armor: Choose one piece of bound equipment you possess. That piece of equipment gains an additional +1 enhancement bonus. If you permanently dismiss this piece of bound equipment, you may transfer this bonus to another piece of bound equipment you possess. You may take this talent multiple times. Each time it is taken, increase the bonus granted by another piece of bound equipment by 1. You cannot increase an individual item more than once with this arsenal trick.
    - Combat Feat: You may select a combat feat as a bonus feat. You must meet the prerequisites for this feat. Furious Focus

  • Armor Training (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, an armorist learns to be more maneuverable while wearing armor. Whenever she is wearing armor, she reduces the armor check penalty by 1 (to a minimum of 0) and increases the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by her armor by 1. Every four levels thereafter (7th, 11th, 15th, and 19th) these bonuses increase by +1, to a maximum –5 reduction of the armor check penalty and a +5 increase of the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed.
    In addition, an armorist can also move at her normal speed while wearing medium armor. At 7th level, an armorist can move at her normal speed while wearing heavy armor.

  • Symbiote Traits (Su): At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, the symbiotic knight’s symbiote gains one trait from the Alteration sphere, which it may bestow to the symbiotic knight. Treat the symbiotic knight’s armorist level as her caster level when meeting the prerequisites and determining the effects of a particular trait. Traits that cost an additional spell point to use (such as turning incorporeal), are only available as part of a form (such as the perfect maneuverability of an air elemental) cannot be gained in this fashion. If elemental resistance is chosen, the resistance is only against a single element, which must be chosen at the time this trait is gained. Elemental resistance can be gained multiple times, each time affecting a different element.
    Once a trait has been chosen, it cannot be changed. So long as the symbiotic knight is using her symbiote as armor, her symbiote may grant her any trait or traits it possesses. Activating or dismissing any of these traits may be done as part of the action needed to summon, dismiss, or alter the special qualities of symbiotic armor.
    - Trait: Size Change
    Alteration Size Change


  • Casting: An incanter may combine spheres and talents to create magical effects. An incanter is considered a High-Caster. He may use either Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma as his casting ability modifier and must make this choice at 1st level. Once made, this choice cannot be changed. (Note: All casters gain 2 bonus talents and may select a casting tradition the first time they gain the casting class feature.)

  • Spell Pool: An incanter gains a small reservoir of energy he can call on to create truly wondrous effects, called a spell pool. This pool contains a number of spell points equal to his class level + his casting ability modifier (minimum: 1). This pool replenishes once per day after roughly 8 hours of rest.

  • Magic Talents: An incanter gains 2 magic talents at every odd level and 1 at every even level, according to Table: Incanter.

  • Bonus Feat: At 1st, 2nd, and every 2 levels thereafter, an incanter gains a bonus feat. This may be spent to gain an extra magic talent, or any feat which has casting as a prerequisite (Craft Item feats, metamagic feats, sphere focus, Circle Casting, etc.).
    Wiki Note: Incanters may also select Drawback and Proxy feats as bonus feats, per the Handbooks they came out in. See the Feats page for more information about these options. Note that you must still meet the prerequisites for these feats, when applicable.

  • Incanter Specializations:
    At 1st level, an incanter may choose a series of specializations, gaining additional abilities at the cost of some versatility. Every specialization costs a number of the incanter’s bonus feats, as indicated by the chart below. Each specialization costs either 1, 2, or 3 specialization points. An incanter cannot have more than 5 points worth of specializations. An incanter uses their incanter level as their effective wizard, sorcerer, or cleric level when determining the power of these abilities.
    - none chosen

    Favored Class: +4 HP

  • Feats and Traits:

    Psionic Talent (racial bonus): gain 2 power points.
    1 Power Attack: -2 / +4 (+50% 2h)
    I1 Sphere Focus: +1 DC to Destruction Sphere
    I2 Improved Energy Blade: swift action to add Destructive Blast to first successful attack (but not touch attack)
    3 Combat Casting: +4 concentration while grappled or to avoid AoO
    I4 Melee Blaster: Destructive blast doesn't provoke
    5 Extra Magic Talent: Greater Blast: The damage of your destructive blast increases by one die. You may take this talent an additional time at 5th caster level and every 5 caster levels thereafter; the effects stack.
    I6 Extra Magic Talent: Greater Blast: The damage of your destructive blast increases by one die. You may take this talent an additional time at 5th caster level and every 5 caster levels thereafter; the effects stack.
    AB 6 Furious Focus

    Armor Expert: reduce the ACP of all armor worn by 1
    Unorthodox Casting: Use INT vice WIS for Armorist

    Spheres and Talents:

    Spell Points: 18 = 12+(INT*2)
    CL: 6
    DC: 13+MOD (+1 vs Destruction)

    Destruction Sphere
    0 SP: Destructive Blast: 5d6 dmg medium range melee/range touch attack.
    As a standard action, you may deliver a burst of blunt magical force as a melee touch attack or a ranged touch attack within Close range. A destructive blast deals bludgeoning damage as indicated on the table below. This damage bypasses DR/magic, but being bludgeoning in nature, does not automatically bypass other forms of damage resistance. A ranged destructive blast counts as a ray attack.
    +1 SP: Increase damage to d6*CL +2 dice
    +0 SP: Crystal Blast (Type)
    +0 SP: Energy Blade (Shape)
    +1 SP: Energy Leap (Shape)
    +1 SP: Energy Sphere (Shape)
    +0 SP: Stone Blast (Type)
    +0/1 SP: Selective Blast (Shape)

    Life Sphere
    0 SP: Invigorate: As a standard action, you may invigorate a touched creature, granting them temporary hit points equal to your caster level (minimum: 1). Unlike normal temporary hit points, this ability can only be used on an injured target and cannot raise a target’s current hit points plus their temporary hit points to be higher than their total hit points. This benefit lasts for 1 hour. Temporary hit points, even from different sources, do not stack; only the highest bonus applies.
    1 SP: Cure (2d8+CL*2): As a standard action, you may spend a spell point to touch a target and heal it an amount of damage equal to 1d8 + your caster level. This is a positive energy effect, and as such may be used to harm undead (Will half).
    1 SP: Restore: As a standard action, you may touch a target and spend a spell point to restore their physical and mental health.
    This accomplishes all of the following:
    - Heals 1d4 points of ability damage to one ability score of your choice.
    - Removes the fatigued condition or lessens exhaustion to fatigued.
    - Removes the sickened condition or lessens nauseated to sickened.
    - Removes the shaken condition or lessens frightened to shaken, or panicked to frightened.
    - Removes the staggered condition.
    - Removes the dazzled condition.
    If the condition targeted is part of an on-going effect, this suppresses the effect for a number of round equal to your caster level. This cannot be used to remove curses or instantaneous effects.
    +1 SP: Break Enchantment

    Armorist Spheres/Talents
    Stat: INT

  • Destruction Sphere
  • Energy Blade (Shape): As a standard action, you may make a single weapon attack in conjunction with making a destructive blast. Any creature damaged by the attack is also struck by the destructive blast.
  • Crystal (type): Your destructive blast becomes an explosion of crystal, growing where it strikes. A crystal blast uses d4’s instead of d6’s as its damage die and deals piercing damage. The target of your crystal blast must pass a Reflex save or be entangled and unable to move. In addition, the target’s square (or the blast’s affected area) becomes overgrown with crystal and counts as difficult terrain. Breaking free of the entangled condition is a move action, requiring either a Strength check or an Escape Artist check against the crystal blast’s save DC. A target may also destroy the crystal on a square or creature by dealing 3 damage per caster level to the crystal. This removes the entangled condition from the creature and destroys the difficult terrain. Crystal disappears after 1 minute.
  • Epicenter: immune to all damage from my blasts
  • Extended Range (Medium): extend range to medium (100ft + 10ft/CL)

    Incanter Talents
    Stat: INT

  • Wingbind: When using a blast type that entangles, flying entangled targets that are entangled must make an additional Reflex save or be unable to fly and fall to the ground. This does not affect creatures with magical flight.
  • Energy Leap (Shape): You may spend a spell point to move in a straight line up to your destructive blast’s range as a standard action. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity and you may pass through occupied spaces. Any creatures whose space you pass through are affected by your destructive blast, with a Reflex save for half damage. If you attempt to pass through an object and fail to break through it, you appear in the nearest unoccupied space and are staggered for one round. This blast shape cannot be combined with the Extreme Range advanced talent.
  • Energy Sphere (Shape): You may spend a spell point to shape your destructive blast into a non-instantaneous sphere that fills a 5 ft square. Any creature within this space is dealt damage from your destructive blast (Reflex negates). This sphere lasts for 1 round per caster level and has a 20 ft fly speed +5 ft per 2 caster levels and Perfect maneuverability. Wind does not affect its course.
    As a move action, you may direct this sphere to move to a new location and strike a new target. Your sphere stops to attempt to deal damage whenever it enters a space with a creature. Your sphere has no mass and does not impede movement, and your sphere must stay within your destructive blast range or disappear.
  • Stone Blast (Type): You may change the damage type of your destructive blast to slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning. A stone blast ignores spell resistance, spell turning, and can penetrate a globe of invulnerability, anti-magic field, or antimagic circle, and is not treated as a spell or magical effect for creatures or classes that gain a bonus to saving throws against magic. These stones disappear after 1 minute.
  • Selective Blast (Type): You may exclude one creature plus one per 10 caster levels from the area of your destructive blasts that have an instantaneous duration. You may instead spend a spell point to increase the number of excluded creatures by your casting ability modifier (minimum +1).
  • Life Sphere
  • Break Enchantment: You may spend an additional spell point to allow your restore ability to removes all magic from the target that has a duration. This may be used against curses including cursed equipment, although it does not remove the curse from the equipment, but instead suppresses the effect long enough for the item to be removed. You must succeed at a magic skill check against each magical effect in order to remove it. You may choose not to remove certain effects if you so desire (for example, you may target only harmful effects and not beneficial ones). This counts as using the break enchantment or remove curse spell against those spells and effects that specify they can only be removed through those spells. This has no effect on instantaneous effects.
  • Greater Healing: Your cure effect heals 2 points per caster level instead of 1 point per caster level. You may take this talent a total of 4 times. Each time this talent is taken, increase the amount healed by 1 hit point per caster level, to a maximum of 5 hit points per caster level.
  • Mass Healing: You may spend an additional spell point when using a cure or invigorate to affect an additional creature per 2 caster levels (minimum: 1). All targets must be within range.
  • Restore Health: Your cure ability heals an additional 1d8 hit points. When restoring a target, you may make a magic skill check against the DC of any poison or disease the target is suffering from. On a success, this removes that poison or disease from the target. This does not reverse damage the target may have suffered from the poison or disease (such as ability damage), but it does stop the poison or disease from causing any more.
  • Revitalize: When curing a target or targets, you may choose to grant the target Fast Healing instead of directly healing damage. This grants the target Fast Healing 1 for 1 minute per caster level. Increase the amount of Fast Healing granted by the number of times you have taken the Greater Healing talent. (Thus, if you had gained the Greater Healing talent twice, you could grant a target Fast Healing 3.)

  • Skills:
    2+int 3

    Appraise (Int) +3 =0+0 +3 INT
    Craft (blacksmithing) +7 =1+3 +3 INT
    Climb (Str) +10 =1+3 +4 STR * +2 Cm
    Fly (Int) +3 =0+0 +3 INT
    Intimidate (Cha) -1 =0+0 -1 CHA
    Knowledge (arcana) +12 =6+3 +3 INT
    Knowledge (dungeon) +7 =1+3 +3 INT
    Knowledge (Engineer) +7 =1+3 +3 INT
    Knowledge (geography) +3 =0+0 +3 INT
    Knowledge (history) +3 =0+0 +3 INT
    Knowledge (local) +3 =0+0 +3 INT
    Knowledge (nature) +7 =1+3 +3 INT
    Knowledge (nobility) +3 =0+0 +3 INT
    Knowledge (planes) +9 =3+3 +3 INT
    Knowledge (religion) +9 =3+3 +3 INT
    Linguistics (Int) +7 =1+3 +3 INT
    Profession (Wis) +0 =0+0 +0 WIS
    Spellcraft (Int) +12 =6+3 +3 INT
    Ride (Dex) +0 =0+0 +0 DEX *
    Swim (Str) +10 =3+3 +4 STR *
    Use Magic Device (Cha) +5 =3+3 -1 CHA

    +2 Acrobatics

    * ACP -4


    6000gp, nothing over 1500gp

    338gp left to spend

    315 Lucerne Hammer, Mwk
    500 Alchemical Silver Greatsword, Mwk
    622 Bill, Cold Iron, Mwk
    675 Falchion, fire-forged, mwk
    1000 Boots of the Cat
    1300 Claws of the Ice Bear
    1000 Cloak of Resistance +1
    250 Traveler's any-tool


    Gemheart hails from a blasted world ravaged by a thousand-year war. During subterranean exploration looking for ancient knowledge long-lost, Gemheart came in contact with a relic that plane-shifted him to Sigil. It is here that he makes his work as a mercenary, and repairs items for a fee in between missions.

    Gemheart is a humanoid and stands a few inches taller and more broad than your average human. His skin has a mettalic sheen that appears to be comprised of several metals, copper in some places, gold in others, and even some indistinguishable metals. There are also small, faintly luminescent crystals that protrude from "his" skin in regular intervals.

    He carries a multitude of weapons, but wears no clothes other than boots, gauntlets, and a cloak. His psionically-created armor resembles half-plate armor, except that the plated areas appear to be crystal and the chain areas appear to be ectoplasmic thread.