Midiotoziggeroto |

Hey guys its me again :)
It seems that the depression is receeding somewhat and that it might let me have a period of normalicy, for a while.
Regardless, I have been reading and I want to try and ease back into this. I have grown quite attached to Midioto and would love to revive him and reinvigorate my love of this game.
Will you have me back?

Deranged_Maniac_Beth |
Hey guys its me again :)
It seems that the depression is receeding somewhat and that it might let me have a period of normalicy, for a while.
Regardless, I have been reading and I want to try and ease back into this. I have grown quite attached to Midioto and would love to revive him and reinvigorate my love of this game.
Will you have me back?
Now we have to decide how best to bring Midio back. We could eithera)Assume that when you were gone, Midio impulsively split off from the party. I could let you run through parts of the Pyramid separate from the rest of the group until y'all meet up again. There are a few potentially interesting plot developments I can come up with if we go in this direction. Running a split group is a lot easier over pbp than it is in person, so this is fine for me.
b)Assume that Midio was separated from the group as in (a), but that you just met up again with the group and let you come up with a story for what happened when you were gone.
c)Screw verisimilitude, just say you were there the whole time.
I can go with whichever method y'all are more comfortable with. Currently I think (a) seems like the most fun, but also the most work.

Midiotoziggeroto |

Glad to hear you guys have been enjoying having my character around :D
As for coming back, I figure (a) would be the most fun, and make the most "sense." Midioto IS very impulsive so it fits his character :)
However, I really am looking for simple right now, I am not sure how fast/complex I can go right now so (c) might just be the best option because of that.
Still tho, that Threattin (as yess put it) sound extremely interesting and could well be a good source of the distraction :) it would be more work, but will allow me to go at my own pace, (which I honestly don't know how fast it will be iniatially but I imagine will pick up to normal quickly).
Ya, I really like the idea of (a), and we could say that I was hiding near the roof (levatating) and no one realized I didn't leave with the rest :)
The others could also have a "Wait. Where did Midioto go?" moment as well, if they so wanted.
More thoughts from you guys?

Gemheart |

heh, yeah the first one veered south a bit so it was actually refreshingly cool, windy, and rainy out.
the next one, last i saw, is supposed to be stronger. it looked like it was gonna veer north, but closer than the first one, so i imagine there will be heavier winds and rain.
im just hoping power/internet dont go out.

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I see Midito as the kind of guy who constantly wanders around anyway. You don't really worry about where everyone else is because hey, you can teleport at will.

Midiotoziggeroto |

Ok i threw up a post in the gameplay thread :)
I am assuming that he cast levitate beforehand and that he passed his innitial stealth check (but probably not the one he just rolled XD)
its fun to be back :) i missed this

Vassekh-Arokh Yessai |

Thanks DMB... Feeling a bit better and have final soccer game to play in a few hours Hopefully I can run this fever out...

Midiotoziggeroto |

Eech. That sucks to be sick :(
Sorry to hear about that and best wishes from your hyperactive teleporting friend!!

Midiotoziggeroto |

@Thomas. I put my finger on it!! :D
also, hopefully thats enough to put you back on your feet :)

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Thanks Mido :D
I'll update my sheet when I get the chance. AP classes apparently have a lot of work lol.
Do we get to level up soon? I mean, we haven't really been paying attention to xp but we should have enough soon right?

Deranged_Maniac_Beth |
I hadn't really been tracking xp, I was just going to have everyone level up at appropriate times.
Going back and doing some quick calculations, it looks like no one would have leveled to 5 yet. If we use 3.5 xp then you'd be a few encounters away from leveling. If we use the "fast xp track" from PF then you'd be a bit further from leveling, while if we use the medium track you wouldn't even be close.
You've only explored a pretty small fraction of the Pyramid so far, though.
Who's a good kitty?
You are!
And a Chaotic Good one at that!

Midiotoziggeroto |

Arnt all kittys chaotic?
No, serously, are there ANY kitties that are not chaotic?
Also, leveling at the speed of plot works just fine for me :)
Thomas, are you thinking of healing who/what you can? So that this is not a 15 min adventuring day, otherwise Midioto is going to have to burn off some excess energy and PP, and one way i was thinking was to have him inspect every square inch of this room >_>

Gemheart |

yeah i am happy to level upon GM say-so
the weekends are when i have time to actually level, however.
one of the games i am in, i got so behind on leveling up i just decided to wait until next level up and ill just add two levels, hahah

Vassekh-Arokh Yessai |

We chased and fought a few dragonborn outside the Pyramid,
chose not to engage the ettin,
tousled with the sahuagin a little
ran from the charnel lord
returned to finally beat up the ettin
talked to some plant-creatures and then
fought the botanic golem.
Though we have been playing a while and done a few things I wasn't expecting to level up just yet. Can't wait though.... ;)

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Yep, fine with that, rather than trying to keep up to date with all the XP we'ed get from story points and encounters and side plots and... the list goes on.

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Sorry I've been out for the last few days, I'll be out for the next couple of days because I've been pretty sick. Sorry for the delay.

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So I'm feeling much better and will definitely be posting again tomorrow, thanks for all the warm wishes everybody! :D
@DMB: Do you mind if we had Thomas resting in the other room for now while the party dealt with the fridge thing? I still need to heal up and only skimmed most of the thread.

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Sure, not a problem. Going through something myself anyway, so good timing. Means i may be a bit vague for a few weeks. As you say, s$$& happens.

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sitting here running my B4 module, a fire trap goes of and, using a public roll for this so nu fudging, rolls a nat 1 for damage... FACEPALM! shouldda used a private roll >_<

Deranged_Maniac_Beth |
As a quick thought, no illithids in this, so how does the Gith backstory work now 0.o...
There certainly are mindlfayers in the Planescape/great wheel setting:)
What there isn't are published stat-blocks for pathfinder mindflayers, but that isn't an issue for me since I can just modify the 3.5 versions.Note also that while I did say we were using Planescape, I have been mixing in information from my homebrew cosmology via knowledge checks. That could be important if we decide to extend this campaign beyond the Pyramid.
The big change from planescape is the addition of the core 20 Golarion deities. In hindsight, that was probably an unnecessary complication, but it's done. Their followers aren't as widespread as those of the other gods, but they do exist scattered throughout the planes. No one (except me) knows if they are actually gods, though--they might just be really powerful outsiders that some people (like Thomas) believe are gods.

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I know their gods of course ;)
And if it saves time, I use the conversion by one of the forum members did for Eberron for all my Mind Flaying needs. (I really hope you don't need it...)

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What i meant was, i have no idea how the Illithid back story for the gith works in relation to the pathfinder setting, as they're nonexistent... i can also understand using homebrewed matter to cover it, had to do the same myself on a few occasions.