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Sorry for disappearing for the past week guys. My tablet broke and that's what I do school on/post here with so I've been unable to make it to a computer, but it's all fixed now :). Will post tonight if I get a chance.

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here's hoping my abrasive personality doesn't lead to temp negative levels/ wightification... :P
Surprisingly, haven't been able to maintain the abrasive personality with the party itself... maybe i'm just good with working with the group or something :D

Vassekh-Arokh Yessai |

Do we know for sure Thomas and Midioto are gone? Have they contacted you DMB?
At any rate it seems we are currently:
Dee (and Vyrellis' head)

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Alright, giving a headsup, with final exams happening within the next fortnight, might not be posting as often as normal. after three weeks, should be back to normal (2 weeks school, one week dead on the couch...)

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Thankfully, unlike some of my friends i have two exams; two hour math and a 1-1/2 hour IT exam... felt sorry for one of my friends, she has an exam for all 5 of her subjects, unlucky sod >_<

Deranged_Maniac_Beth |
Temple sounds good.
I've seen people play two characters on PbP - it works well as long as they keep the motivations separate or play siblings/twins. I make new avatars for druid Animal Companions and Summoner's Eidolons - it's little different. I'm up for it, but would prefer new players.
We still have four players and four PCs. That seems like a good size for a party--it's what I am used to in in-person games. I don't really see a reason to start looking for more PCs and/or players.
That said, I can handle a larger group via pbp than I can in-person, so if y'all have very strong opinions about party size I could consider doing another recruitment.
Gemheart |

Yeah. Gemheart, should he survive a fight, can repair himself slowly to full. While i try to play him as a defender, there will inevitably be damage to someone other than him.
He has use magic device, so any healing items could be useful, but to use those in combat he would have to be near someone else and risk them taking more damage as well.

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Alright, had a look through the 20 odd characters i had sitting around, have a sun/healer cleric ready to go if we need to add another healer to the party. built her as a healer/fighter, so similar to Thomas in ability

Deranged_Maniac_Beth |
Okay, it's become clear to me that we are not all on the same page regarding group size, so I think we should pause the game while we get back on the same page.
The standard group size is four, and we currently have four players. From my perspective, I'm not sure why finding more PCs is even being discussed.
However, it is being discussed, which seems to indicate that at least some people (Soth/De and Cutlass/Mundarion?) feel that the party should be larger. Hence, we all need to answer a few questions:
1. Why do people want a larger party?
If you want more players to interact with, then recruiting new players will be necessary. If you specifically want the chance to play multiple characters, then obviously recruiting more players won't help.
2. If you think the group is too small, how much bigger do you want it to be?

Mundarion |

I'm largely worried about the lack of a dedicated healer given that some of the scenarios can be meat grinders and Mundarion has squat for hit points. If that issue could be addressed somehow I'd be happy. It could be somebody running a second character, it could be another player running a dedicated healer, or it could be some gee whiz magic item. Whatever works and that everybody else would be ok with.

Vassekh-Arokh Yessai |

As I said above - perhaps we have Thomas CLW wand?
As for party size, we started with 6, and even with 6 we struggled with the pitbeast, and Trathkul. Now I'm fine with difficulty (been playing since early 80's so there's no issue with needing "balanced" challenges or encounters) and I think our party is not optimised (Yessai is a personal AoE debuffer, 'Darion is split class) so partly it's a function of our own choices.
Having said all that, I'm fine with current size, but I wouldn't argue against some more support. Mostly I miss Pop-Pop and the divine blue blade...

Gemheart |

I was merely chiming in with my opinion of what the others said.
- Doesn't matter to me one way or another if we have more PCs or more characters.
- If folks want to make alternate characters, I have no issue with that but I personally do not want to run two.
- I think the healing was the issue. I am fine being the up-front tanky guy as long as I can. As long as I survive the fight and am conscious I can heal myself.
- Not sure who all can use the wand, I know I can with a UMD roll but that would be something I did out of combat, and if I fail the roll, you all are screwed until I am allowed to retry.

Deranged_Maniac_Beth |
Out of combat healing should be fairly easy to get if one or more of you trains UMD (failing a UMD check to activate a want does not expend a charge, and allows you to try again unless you rolled a natural 1). That only solves hit-point healing, though, it doesn't give you a way to remove harmful conditions (like level drain from wights). I guess I could drop a wand of restoration or something...
As far as general party balance goes, the specific stats for combat encounters are something I don't decide on very far in advance. Only having four PCs means I'll write encounters assuming there are only four PCs (it also means you might sometimes want to try strategies that avoid direct confrontations, but that would end up being a good idea even with six PCs).
If a majority of you still want more PCs, I think I'd prefer to open another recruitment thread than have people double up.

Mundarion |

Housekeeping update:
When Mundarion was rummaging around in the corpse pit in addition to picking up a scroll case, some ink and some parchment (say enough to scribe 20 scrolls) he would have ditched some stuff he decided he didn't need. He would have dropped most of the throwing darts, keeping only 4 of them. He also would have reduced the number of arrows he was carrying to 40. All told that should give him a load of 43 lbs for light encumbrance.

Vassekh-Arokh Yessai |

@DMB - I found The Best guide to running a PbP.
Just wanted to thank you for all you are doing and have done for all of us. ;)

Deranged_Maniac_Beth |
We are nearing the end of the year, a time when a lot of people go on vacation, and a lot of other people work extra shifts.
For me, personally, holidays have a rather small effect on how much time I can devote to things like gaming (actually, after this week, I'll probably have more free time than usual). For a lot of people, I know, however, the end-of-the-year-holidays are a hectic time.
Hence, I'd like to do a quick straw poll to see what people's year-end schedules are like. If it turns out all or most of the group will be unavailable from the 24th through January 2nd, then we can plan on putting the game on hiatus. Otherwise, we can continue normally.

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terribly sorry, having issues with my win8 laptop, and my anti-spyware. might be a while until i can post regularly, using a friend's phone for this...

Deranged_Maniac_Beth |
For windows 8, I use Windows Defender (Microsoft Security Essentials on Vista/7). It comes pre-installed on Windows 8, (although some vendors disable it in favor of trial versions of Mcafee or some other premium software whose developer paid the vendor for it). Avast and AVG are also good, though.
If you are trying to get rid of malware already on your computer, I recommend Malware Bytes.

Tenro |

Yeah, i dont use mcafee since the owner went nuts
or symantec since they went to bed with the chinese (not anti-chinese myself, but i work for the US government and don't want to expose myself as any more of a target by entrusting my computer's security to a company whose interests lie in another country)
I liked AVG, but eventually ran into a problem AVG couldnt fix, tried Avast and it fixed the issue. So they have my current loyalty, haha

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symantec just chews memory too...
Will be using trend, i think it is, but dick smith forgot to give me the activation serial code and now i can't find the damn receipt...

Vassekh-Arokh Yessai |

Average HP for a d8 would be 4.5, so rounding that down gives you a 4, not a 3.
Do you know the whole time I never adjusted this? I had:
HP: 34 (Full first lvl = 8, plus avg rounded down 4 x 3 = 12, +4 Con, +4 Favored Class, +4 Toughness)
which itself is incorrect, because it adds up to 32, not 34. But my alias had it right at 32.
But it should actually have been:
HP: 36 (Full first lvl = 8, plus avg rounded down 4 x 4 = 16, +4 Con, +4 Favored Class, +4 Toughness)
Ennnyway, now it is
HP: 43 (Full first lvl = 8, plus avg rounded down 5 x 4 = 20, +5 Con, +5 Favored Class, +5 Toughness)

Vassekh-Arokh Yessai |

@DMB - as a 5th level Fear Eater I know can cast 1 1st level spell - however I need a Grimoire* to cast any spells.
A direlock’s grimoire initially contains three first level direlock spells, plus a number of additional 1st-level direlock spells equal to her Intelligence modifier. At each new direlock level, she gains two new direlock spells of any spell level or levels that she can cast (based on her new direlock level) for her grimoire. At any time, a direlock can also add direlock spells found in other spellbooks to her grimoire.
A direlock can learn spells from a wizard’s spellbook, just as a wizard can from a direlock’s grimoire. The spells learned must be on the direlock spell list, as normal. An alchemist can learn formulae from a direlock’s grimoire, if the spells are also on the alchemist formulae list. A direlock can copy any spell on her spell-list from an alchemist’s formulae, but the direlock can only copy formulae that are two levels below the highest level she can cast.
A grimoire is a baroque and heavy item - it costs and weighs double the amount of a normal spellbook (30 gp and 6lbs.), has the hardness and hitpoints of a treasure chest (hardness 5, hp 15) and is both lockable and trappable. Should anyone attempt to read a grimoire without the direlock’s permission, the creature must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the direlock’s level + the direlock’s Charisma modifier) or take 1 point of Intelligence damage. This effect lasts for 24 hours.
Here is the list of 1st level Direlock spells in case I come across one:
bleed, bungle, cause fear, confusion, lesser, daze, deathwatch, disguise self, doom, ghost sound, hideous laughter, interrogation, touch of fatigue, ventriloquism
Any of those in your spell book 'Darion? Coz I could copy them if I had a Grimoire to put them in. Dang. :)