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I'd like to run "Mists of Mwangi". If you are interested, please post here :)
Only a few rules:
- post at least once a day (GM will post several times a day)
- play with legal PFS characters only
- if you are not able to post for some reason, please tell the GM
maybe also important:
- the GM is located in GMT+2

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I have far more boons than I have characters. Is it OK to use them in PbP? I plan to continue this character in real life when I get a chance to play again. Relevant boons to this character:
- 5-1: Custom Order
- 5-3: Erratic Luck
- 5-12: On-the-Job Training
- 5-14: Research Specialist
- 5-15: Seen it Once
Also, assuming I used the HTML the right way for the list above, can someone point me to a good PbP character template? I'm figuring the GM needs to see lots of details in a condensed format...

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Question answer time :)
I have far more boons than I have characters. Is it OK to use them in PbP? I plan to continue this character in real life when I get a chance to play again. Relevant boons to this character:
- 5-1: Custom Order
- 5-3: Erratic Luck
- 5-12: On-the-Job Training
- 5-14: Research Specialist
- 5-15: Seen it Once
Also, assuming I used the HTML the right way for the list above, can someone point me to a good PbP character template? I'm figuring the GM needs to see lots of details in a condensed format...
Of course you can. All I ask is to cross the boons off your chronicle sheet if they are one-time boons ;)
You can use this template, this is the way Hero Lab exports the character stats to BB code. If you put the important stats into the 'Classes/Levels' field, they are displayed under your name in the gameplay thread.

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If it's gonna be a low-level game I'd prefer to play with another character... but it looks like no other cleric is interested :-(
As you like. There are mostly level 1 characters, so your Level 3 cleric will not change the subtier. But it might be boring, because the encounters are not challenging for you.

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Charcters/Players interested:
- Seinto (Level 3 Cleric or different)
- Vrald (Level 1 Fighter)
- Jaegar Alvar Tarnshiav (Level 1 Inquisitor)
- Zac Freelan (Level 1 Fighter)
- Insidion (Level 1 Barbarian)
- Kristen Mensbane (Level 2 Arcanist)
- Aldenharn (Level 1 Monk)
I will wait for more players so we can fill two tables.

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Thanks for the quick response.
1) Template: I think I just HTML'd all my data into a proper stat-block in my character alias.
2) Boons: I'll just use all the boons on this character, and initial "PbP" for the GM initials. None are one-time, but several are accrued or cumulative boons. I think those would be easier to incorporate in PbP, as all it takes is someone to read (or not read) a sentence vs. taking away table time.
3) I think I have my 'Classes/Levels' field appropriately mapped.
Stay Awesome!

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- Seinto (Level 3 Cleric or different)
- Vrald (Level 1 Fighter)
- Jaegar Alvar Tarnshiav (Level 1 Inquisitor)
- Zac Freelan (Level 1 Fighter)
- Insidion (Level 1 Barbarian)
- Kristen Mensbane (Level 2 Arcanist)
- Aldenharn (Level 1 Monk)
- Aramil Sionadel (Level 2 Rogue)
- Stemboy (Level 1 Investigator?)
There is space for three more people, healers preferred :)

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Update again:
- Seinto (Level 3 Cleric or different)
- Vrald (Level 1 Fighter)
- Gilfroy Fezziwig (Level 1 Sorcerer)
- Jaegar Alvar Tarnshiav (Level 1 Inquisitor)
- Sherrinford Hope (Level 1 Investigator)
- Kristen Mensbane (Level 2 Arcanist)
- Aldenharn (Level 1 Monk)
- Zac Freelan (Level 1 Fighter)
- Insidion (Level 1 Barbarian)
- Aramil Sionadel (Level 2 Rogue)
- Verhaal (Level 1 Bard)
This would make the two tables, I put people into the same who already played together.

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Another update:
- Verhaal (Level 1 Bard)
- Vrald (Level 1 Fighter)
- Gilfroy Fezziwig (Level 1 Sorcerer)
- Jaegar Alvar Tarnshiav (Level 1 Inquisitor)
- Sherrinford Hope (Level 1 Investigator)
- Kristen Mensbane (Level 2 Arcanist)
- Aldenharn (Level 1 Monk)
- Zac Freelan (Level 1 Fighter)
- Insidion (Level 1 Barbarian)
- Aramil Sionadel (Level 2 Rogue)
- Pooka Bladespinner (Level 1 Cavalier)
Table 1 is full, I will start with the gameplay thread today or tomorrow.
For table 2 I will wait until tomorrow, maybe we find another healer.

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@Jaegar: At the top of this thread you can see six tabs. One of them is gameplay. I did not create a gameplay thread yet, so you can't post there at the moment.
For the second table I'm going to create a completely new campaign with it's own gameplay thread.
@Pooka: I reserve a seat for your buddy. Thanks for the advertising :)
Recruitment closed!

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Greetings! I am the friend spoken about by Pooka. I need to set-up and register a character to all officialness. I will strive to have everything done by tomorrow at the latest!
I have created a Druid! If an actual Cleric would be preferred, I can whip one up quickly. My stat block is all set for the druid and he is registered, I just need to work on the background.

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Final setup:
Table 1
- Verhaal (Level 1 Bard)
- Vrald (Level 1 Fighter)
- Gilfroy Fezziwig (Level 1 Sorcerer)
- Jaegar Alvar Tarnshiav (Level 1 Inquisitor)
- Sherrinford Hope (Level 1 Investigator)
- Kristen Mensbane (Level 2 Arcanist)
Table 2
- Aldenharn (Level 1 Monk)
- Zac Freelan (Level 1 Fighter)
- Insidion (Level 1 Barbarian)
- Aramil Sionadel (Level 2 Rogue)
- Pooka Bladespinner (Level 1 Cavalier)
- Sun Desin (Level 1 Druid)