The Nexus of Shadow (Inactive)

Game Master DireMerc

The cozy little town of Crested Butte is being overrun by the supernatural and only a small band of hunters (mortals who hunt monster) can protect this town and stop this invasion of shadow from spreading.

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Male Human Smart hero 2/ techno mage 3
HP 37 AC (Defence) 16

Thanks Xander.
Could someone summarize what you can do with action points?
In one level I'll be able to store spells inside of tech, but other than that I don't know
First time playing d20 modern.

basically the main use of actions is that you can spend one to add 1d6 to the result of any d20 roll.

Male Human Smart hero 2/ techno mage 3
HP 37 AC (Defence) 16

Ah cool.
Is there a maximum amount you can stockpile?

5 + 1/2 you character level is your maximum it is also what you gain when you level up so point you don't use are wasted.

I will post in a bit, I was about too and the power cut out for a moment so now I need to start over.

Male Human Smart hero 2/ techno mage 3
HP 37 AC (Defence) 16

The techno Mage grants 6+1/2 level ... It grants more than the cap?

6+1/2 would be your cap

Shadow Lodge

Male. Vaguely humanoid Ninja 3/Bard 1/Ranger 2/Scholar 1

Ah that works then, mildly disappointing, still cool though

Male Human Smart hero 2/ techno mage 3
HP 37 AC (Defence) 16

Is the magic armor "light armor"
Also what size catagory is the dragon.

dragon is small size category

Male Human Smart hero 2/ techno mage 3
HP 37 AC (Defence) 16

Cool, and the armor?

The armor is heavy armor

Shadow Lodge

Male. Vaguely humanoid Ninja 3/Bard 1/Ranger 2/Scholar 1

Ah, well then in that case it'll probably get sold because from the responses nobody has heavy armor proficency
Of course I could be wrong, but that's what it looks like

Male Human Ded. 4/Field Medic 1 | HP: 30/30 | Spot +9 Listen +3 Search 0

Just an FYI, I will be at Gencon till Monday so I may not respond to posts. If anything is being held up by me, please feel free to DMPC my character.

Well, I usually try to keep my instigating combat before checking with the party to a minimum, and I did it recently in another game, so I'm gonna check in here with you guys before doing anything... rash.

In-character, though, Roy's definitely thinking Maria's gone off the deep end at this point. She's a liability at best, and especially with that last line, she's essentially an outright threat. Much as I hate to say it, she might need put down if we're gonna save the townsfolk (although it'll suck to have to explain to her daughter that we popped her mom for trying to save her... moral quandaries, here we come).

But, what's everyone else thinking?

Revolver +6 (1d8+4) 6/6 ammo | TWF +4,+4 | Saber +6 (1d6+4)
HP 30/34 | AC 16 | Saves STR +2 DEX +6 CON +3 INT +0 WIS +4 CHA +0 | spd 30 | Perc. +6; Pass. 16 | Human Ranger 3 | 975xp | HD 1/3 | Insp. 0/1 | Effects: None

I'm trying a Diplomacy. Hopefully that works. Otherwise, we're probably going to have to take her out.

Male Tough 4 | HP: 28/40 | Action points 8
AC 18, T 15, FF 13 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4 | Initiative +2 | Spot +9 & Listen +2

I'm leaving for a week vacation with the family and without Internet. We return next Tuesday. Please DMPC as necessary.


Male Human Smart hero 2/ techno mage 3
HP 37 AC (Defence) 16

Not going to tell your fellow Mage what's going on, now that ain't nice :P

It's true most of the gear your getting so far is medieval in nature.

Wouldn't make much sense for them to have magical guns right?

I have made arrangements for a few more modern items however.

Male Human Smart hero 2/ techno mage 3
HP 37 AC (Defence) 16

Cool :)

Male Human Ded. 4/Field Medic 1 | HP: 30/30 | Spot +9 Listen +3 Search 0

I wasn't poking fun at you or the game, just trying to make wise cracks where I can (because of the character's personality). I don't need any new items to help me enjoy the game more :).

But gun's don't need to be magical... Maybe a magical clip that doesn't require reloading. Or special ammunition that explodes on hit. Or a scope that provides an accuracy bonus because of an enchanted lens.

Shadow Lodge

Male. Vaguely humanoid Ninja 3/Bard 1/Ranger 2/Scholar 1

Pretty sure the scope one is an actual item.

Vampire facts for this game:

Vampires cannot tolerate the strong odor of garlic and will not enter an area laced with it. Similarly, they recoil from mirrors or strongly presented holy symbols. These things don't harm the vampire—they merely keep it at bay. A recoiling vampire must stay at least 5 feet away from the mirror or holy symbol and cannot touch or make melee attacks against that creature. Holding a vampire at bay takes a standard action. After 1 round, a vampire can overcome its revulsion of the object and function normally each round it makes a DC 25 Will save.

Vampires cannot enter a private home or dwelling unless invited in by someone with the authority to do so.

Reducing a vampire's hit points to 0 or lower incapacitates it but doesn't always destroy it. However, certain attacks can slay vampires.

Exposing any vampire to direct sunlight staggers it on the first round of exposure and destroys it utterly on the second consecutive round of exposure if it does not escape.

Each round of immersion in running water inflicts damage on a vampire equal to one-third of its maximum hit points—a vampire reduced to 0 hit points in this manner is destroyed.

Driving a wooden stake through a helpless vampire's heart instantly slays it (this is a full-round action). However, it returns to life if the stake is removed, unless the head is also severed and anointed with holy water.

A vampire casts no shadows and shows no reflection in a mirror.

Vampire are resistant to normal attacks unless the weapon (or bullets) are made of silver.

Alright, I've compiled a spreadsheet of what we've found so far. I'm sure this isn't totally accurate, but it's reasonably close. DireMerc, please let me know if I've missed anything glaring, and if people are already claiming or using certain weapons, let me know.

Male Human Smart hero 2/ techno mage 3
HP 37 AC (Defence) 16

What are the stats of the blinding shield, does it's light count as daylight?
Nvm found the stats, says nothing about counting as sunlight
Assuming it doesn't count

It doesn't count as daylight no.

So, any thoughts so far on what's what as far as our personal arsenal goes?

Right now Roy's using the Python, and although the masterwork Hardballer is objectively a better choice, for now I think he'll stick with the revolver. Likewise with the Enfield--I haven't really claimed anything at this point, but I'd like to have a long-range option, and the Enfield's a good one. But that still leaves us with plenty of other weapons sitting in our trunks...

If no one else minds, I think Roy will also take one of the pairs of night-vision goggles. I could potentially take the shield, too, since Roy uses his Python a lot.

Male Tough 4 | HP: 28/40 | Action points 8
AC 18, T 15, FF 13 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4 | Initiative +2 | Spot +9 & Listen +2


Would you please issue the team the best equipment that we can get and progress to the vampire's secret door?


Everyone gets a vampire slayer's kit.

This kit is specially tailored for dealing with undead bloodsuckers. Because not all vampires are vulnerable to the same things the kit covers a variety of possibilities. The kit contains the following items: 5 wooden stakes, Mossberg shotgun, 5 white phosphorous shotgun shells, silver holy symbols (various faiths), hand crossbow, 5 bolts with wooden tips, small metal mirror, garlic clove necklace. All this is packaged in an aluminum travel case.

You also get 2 clips of every weapon you have of both silver and white phosphorous rounds.

You also get a bulletproof vest if you want.

Shadow Lodge

Male. Vaguely humanoid Ninja 3/Bard 1/Ranger 2/Scholar 1

According to the wiki, as an agent of section 7
There are certain pieces of equipment I get as a bonus,
One of them are called "daylight flares"
Daylight Flares: Every agent receives six sticks that look very much like unsharpened pencils. When a stick is snapped in two, the tip of the bottom half glows as thought it was the target of a daylight spell. This effect lasts for 20 minutes.
Type: Wondrous item (magic);Caster Level: 2nd;Purchase DC: 27 (for 6 );Weight: -
Is this how it works in your home game
That's how the rules say it but I want to ask about your home game.

sure you can have them

Shadow Lodge

Male. Vaguely humanoid Ninja 3/Bard 1/Ranger 2/Scholar 1

ok, vampires, much less worrisome, other undead, still just as much a threat

Just so you know the daylight spell doesn't harm vampires

Shadow Lodge

Male. Vaguely humanoid Ninja 3/Bard 1/Ranger 2/Scholar 1

what? but it's in the name.
*goes to look it up*
huh... weird....

Male Tough 4 | HP: 28/40 | Action points 8
AC 18, T 15, FF 13 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4 | Initiative +2 | Spot +9 & Listen +2

Which bulletproof vest? Tactical vest?

Yes or undercover or tactital vest

Actually you can have a special response to if you want but only one of the the 3 for each of you.

Shadow Lodge

Male. Vaguely humanoid Ninja 3/Bard 1/Ranger 2/Scholar 1

I already got one, I'm good.

None will do me any good, seeing as I don't have Light Armor Proficiency.

Male Human Ded. 4/Field Medic 1 | HP: 30/30 | Spot +9 Listen +3 Search 0

I am going to be out for the next two weeks due to being at my wedding/Honeymoon so I will have limited access. Please feel free to DMPC me and I will chime in if I have time. I will let you know when I get back into town.

Shadow Lodge

Male. Vaguely humanoid Ninja 3/Bard 1/Ranger 2/Scholar 1

Have fun!

Male Human Commoner 2/ Philosopher 2/ Gamer 5/ Writer 5

Hey everybody,

This is a message I'm putting up in most of the games I'm in here on the forums. I feel bad about having to do this, but I'm dropping many of the games I'm in on here--pretty much everything that's been moving at a good clip. Life's become very hectic lately, and I don't see things calming down any time soon. Between everything that's been happening, my focus has been spent elsewhere, and I'm just not able to put in the time and effort to keep up with play-by-post right now.

I've enjoyed all the games I've been in here, and it's a lot of fun. You all put it in a ton of effort and excitement, and I'd love to do the same, but right now I'm not able to do that on a regular basis. It would be unfair of me to keep going dark for days or weeks at a time, but I don't think I'll be able to avoid that for a while, and I need to focus on other things right now. I'm really sorry about having to do this, but life has reared its ugly head, and I hope you all understand.

Again, I've enjoyed my time with you all, and hope that you continue to have great gaming in the future. I look forward to the day when I can return to these boards and join new games, and maybe even play with some of you again. But for now, I have to part ways from you all.

--Loup Blanc

a real shame that I really liked Roy

Revolver +6 (1d8+4) 6/6 ammo | TWF +4,+4 | Saber +6 (1d6+4)
HP 30/34 | AC 16 | Saves STR +2 DEX +6 CON +3 INT +0 WIS +4 CHA +0 | spd 30 | Perc. +6; Pass. 16 | Human Ranger 3 | 975xp | HD 1/3 | Insp. 0/1 | Effects: None

Wish you the best, Roy. Good luck.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Female Human Marksman

Sorry to see ya go Roy. Good gaming to ya!

Male Human Ded. 4/Field Medic 1 | HP: 30/30 | Spot +9 Listen +3 Search 0

I am back.

Take it easy Roy, nice gaming with yah!

I case your not aware I have a lot of stuff going on at the moment. I will try to keep up with posting but I've been offered a new position in Hamburg germany that I have decided to take.

I currently live in canada and I never left the country before and I'm going there for several years so I have a lot of stuff to sort out.

Revolver +6 (1d8+4) 6/6 ammo | TWF +4,+4 | Saber +6 (1d6+4)
HP 30/34 | AC 16 | Saves STR +2 DEX +6 CON +3 INT +0 WIS +4 CHA +0 | spd 30 | Perc. +6; Pass. 16 | Human Ranger 3 | 975xp | HD 1/3 | Insp. 0/1 | Effects: None

Good luck, man. And congratulations.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Going to try and fast forward this one to an ending so we can try to wrap it up. It's been fun but I think it's time to finish his up.

Poor Dom just has the worst of luck

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