DireMerc |
Long term care (dc 15):
By using a medical kit the successful application of this skill allows a patient to recover hit points at an advanced rate - 3 hit points per level or 3 ability points restored per night of rest. A new check is made each night. On a failed check recovery occurs at the normal rate. One person can tend to as many patients as he has ranks in treat injury. You must devote at least 30 minutes of your time each day to each patient you are caring for. You may only make one check per patient per day.
Restore hit Points (dc 15):
By using a first aid kit or a medical kit you can immediately restore some lost hit points. With a successful check and as a full round action you can restore 1d4+character level hit points to a character. A character can never exceed his maximum number of hit points. This application can be used once per character per day.
Revive Dazed, stunned or unconscious character (dc 15):
By using a first aid kit or a medical kit you can remove the dazed, stunned or unconscious condition on an affected character. You can't revive an unconscious dying character without first stabilizing them. If they are stable you can revive an unconscious character that is at -1 or lower hit points.
note** A conscious character who is at lower than 0 hit points can only safely take move actions on their turns. If they take any standard or full round action they take 1 damage as soon as they complete the action and return to unconscious and dying status.
Stabilize dying character (dc 15):
By using a first aid kit or a medical kit you can tend to a character who is dying. As a standard action with a successful treat injury check you can stabilize a dying character. The character regains no hit points and remains unconscious but he no longer loses hit points.
Surgery (dc 20):
With a surgery kit, you can conduct field surgery, stitching grievous wounds, realigning broken bones and removing bullets or shrapnel. This application of the Treat Injury skill carries a -4 penalty that is negated if you have the surgery feat. Surgery requires 1d4 hours. If the patient is at negative hit points add 1 hour to the duration for each point below 0 the character has fallen. Thus a character at -3 hit points requires 1d4+3 hours to tend to his wounds.
Surgery restores 1d6 hit points per character level with a successful check. Surgery can only be used once per character per day. A character who undergoes surgery is fatigued for 24 hours, minus 2 hours for every point above the dc the surgeon achieved. The period of fatigue can never be reduced below 6 hours in this fashion.
Treat Disease (dc 15):
You can tend to a character infected with a treatable disease. Every time the diseased character makes a saving trow against a disease effect (after the initial contamination) you make a Treat Injury check to fend off the secondary damage. This takes 10 minutes. With a successful check you provide a bonus on his secondary saving trow equal to you ranks in the Treat Injury skill.
Treat Poison (dc 15): You can tend to a poisoned character. When a poisoned character makes a saving trow against a poison's secondary effect, you first make a Treat Injury check as a standard action. If you check is successful he gains a bonus on his saving trow equals to your ranks in the Treat Injury skill.
Note** You can only use Restore hit points and surgery once per day on each character but you can use both of them on the same character on the same day.
Let me know if there are any questions.
Xannder |
Yeah, I was looking at that class. Had I planned ahead the character would probably be structured differently, but you gotta learn somewhere.
Was bouncing between the idea of a field medic or a soldier. Looks like the description you gave for treat injury includes a first aid kit. The one on the SRD just says medical kit. I will roll the HP gains from my skill check.
DireMerc |
Alright so a little something I put together and will be posting in the description section of all my games. Feel free to comment on this, in fact I would like your feedback.
Casting: When casting a spell defensivly if you fail you do not automaticly lose the spell, rather you provoke an attack as you normally would for not casting defensive. If you are hit you must make a concentration check dc 10+damage taken if you fail this check you lose the spell.
Fumble: If you roll a natural 1 on your attack roll, make a dexterity check. If you get less than 10 you fumble. If you get more than 10 your attack simply misses very badly. If you roll a natural 20 you get your attack back, roll another attack roll!
Super crits: If you roll a natural 20 on a critical and when you roll another 20 to confirm this is a super crit, increase your weapons modifier by 1. (ex: X2 becomes X3)
Many rolls will be handled by the GM in secret.(don't worry, I don't fudge.)
Any result that can influence the character behavior will not be rolled open.
Rolls that will be handled by the GM:
Perception(all of them).
Sense Motive.
Knowledge (all of them)
if you make the check I will send you a pm or make a post and put it in a spoiler depending on the situation.
Sometimes I will roll Initiative others I will ask you to roll depending on the situation. In some situation (rarely) I will bypass init entirely and have you all go first and enemies second or have enemies go first and you all go after.
Combat rules:
I'm a fair GM, I dont roll combat in secret, I don't change results, I don't ignore bad calls from the characters.
Sometimes, character dies, but I'm not a player killer, if I think that an encounter will be easy handled, when it should be more challenging, I will make it a more challenging, if the party it's not prepared to face something, I will drop hints, if they insist... well killing one or two players never made me lack sleep...
I'm a GM that do not punish the character for trying something new or cool, or even strange. Visual appealing actions are encouraged, the dc will of course depend on what are you trying, but you can try! If what you want to do is wicked cool, I can even bend the game mechanics to allow it!
Posting Rate
If it could be done, I expect 1/day posting, if you can post more, it will really good.
During weekend, this rule does not apply. If you are able to post, great! But dont stress over this, everyone need some time to rest (In my case, I need time to play and DM :D on my tabletop games).
Level up
Aside from character creation, when you level up, if you want something not from core rulebook, you'll need to search it inside the game. basicly what you need to do is just show in game your character is searching for that knowledge. This rule is not meant to prohibit anything, I just don't like something like this: "Character always as a full caster, never picked up a sword in his entire life, and then he gain a new level and says: Master, I'll level up as a fighter now..."
Roy MacArran |
Okay, so I was just going through some past info, and with the new gun we just found, I figured it'd be a good idea to try and compile the weapons we've found so far. I also just realized I've been rolling the wrong dice for Roy's rifle, so I'll be fixing that.
So, looking through Gameplay and everything, it looks like we each started with the following...
Alisha: Pocketknife, no guns
Dom: Beretta 92F
Roy: Beretta 92FS Compact, Knife, Metal baton
Xannder: Club (not sure what kind), Colt M1911, Colt M16A2
Since then we've found the following...
AMT Backup (.45 automatic)
AMT Longslide Hardballer (.45 automatic)
AMT Longslide Hardballer (masterwork) (.45 automatic)
Colt Python (masterwork) (.357 revolver)--Claimed by Roy
S&W Hush Puppy (9mm automatic, silencer attached)
S&W Model 64 (.38 Revolver)
Enfield L42A1 (7.62 mm sniper rifle)--Carried by Roy
Remington 700 (7.62 mm hunting rifle)--Claimed by Roy
Springfield M14 (7.62 mm battle rifle)--Claimed by Dom
Combat knives, 2
I know Roy lent his Beretta to Alisha at one point, but I think I got it back, too. In any case, I should have, since we've got plenty of guns now.
So, as I see things, we've got a number of unclaimed weapons floating around in duffel bag or whatever in the cars. It'd be problematic at best to go get them right now, but it might be a good idea to figure out who should have what.
The main silver rounds we have are 9mm, with some .45s as well. We have 3 9mm guns between us, and a number of .45s, so I think it'd be wise if we all got a weapon that we've got silver ammo for. I also think everybody should have a melee weapon--maybe the combat knives should go to Dom and Alisha, since Roy has a baton and knife, and Xannder has a club of some kind. The crossbow would have gone to Alisha by default, I think, but she's now proficient with firearms, so it should be relegated to backup weapon.
Personally, I think Roy would do well with his Beretta and a longarm--which one doesn't matter to me. He's been using the Python and Remington, and I'm happy to stick with those.
Basically this whole post is just for my benefit, making sure we all know what weapons we've acquired and maybe figure out who has what on them at a given moment.
Any thoughts?
Xannder |
Xannder has the M16, the colt sidearm, and the Club is supposed to be a baseball bat. I'll have to look at the Ammo types later to determine what I would actually carry, but assume the M16 would be the main weapon due to the flavor of his training.
Domingo Santana |
It seems like we're doing okay with guns.
What we really need is access to magical healing or at least some down time. D20 modern is very unforgiving in this regard.
Although part of me is wondering if we would be better off switching to Savage Worlds. There you can soak damage with Bennies, and those can be handed out like candy based on drama and comedy. Of course, dying there is still pretty easy.
-Posted with Wayfinder
Domingo Santana |
I'm taking another level in Strong. So here's my HP roll.
Hit Points: 1d8 ⇒ 3
And that is exactly enough to be unconscious.
-Posted with Wayfinder
Roy MacArran |
Alright, cool. Thanks, DireMerc.
Hit Points: 1d8 ⇒ 4
And Wealth: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Wealth was 7, so it's got a +4, now 11.
Putting points in skills, mostly, and gearing towards moving into Gunslinger starting at 6th level. If I'd planned ahead I could've taken it as early as right now, but whatever.
DireMerc |
Honestly things aren't proceeding as well as I'd hoped I wanted you to be level 6 by time to get to the castle and because of the time constraint I set I can't really send you out for more side-quest. Thinking back now it would have been much better to start you guys off at like level 5 and go from there or to have Reena travel with the group for a time before being taken.
I'm most likely going to have you guys just go up to level 6 after you beat the mountain fane.
Anyway I'm taking notes in case I ever decide to restart this adventure so it goes better next time.
Domingo Santana |
When in doubt, pocket universe where time moves differently. :-)
D20 modern is hard. You're doing fine, though.
-Posted with Wayfinder
Domingo Santana |
OK, almost leveled up and still unconscious. 0/16HP :-)
And, yeah, generally in d20 Modern it's sort of expected that you start off at a higher level when you want to get into a very serious adventure. For example, in the D20 Modern Star Trek game, command crew is supposed to start off at level 5.
This is just a limitation of the system. Truth be told, when I saw you guys were starting off so low, I figured that the game was meant to be more akin to the Supernatural road trip freak-of-the-week formula. Meaning we would have more down-time between fights.
But all things considered, I have had a lot of fun with these characters. So, honestly, DM, don't beat yourself up.
Domingo Santana |
Hey, if anyone is interested I'm going to be doing a savage worlds game.
-Posted with Wayfinder
Domingo Santana |
-Posted with Wayfinder
Domingo Santana |
I figured I'd take a moment to say welcome to all the new blood. It's good to have you.
-Posted with Wayfinder
Jon Carson |
Just for fun
My character is an amalgam of Agent Colson of shield, Agent J., of M.I.B. And Agent Richard "Rick" Spender of Paranatural
DireMerc |
Yeah it was kinda weird I was like here is a magical shield a magical armor and a magical belt. They just sorta ignored it.
I posted again telling what each item did...
A dragonslayer armor that protects from breath weapons, a blinding shield and a magical healing belt that can cast cure light wounds 3 times per day.
Again no reaction and nobody mentioned that they take them.
I guess they figured they didn't need them and left them on the ground at the second fane....
Xannder |
Yeah, we're rough and tough and don't need no stinking magic items. Besides, we all have guns, who's going to use a shield/armor :P.
In all seriousness I would have taken the belt, but if we did not comment on them then it is our fault we do not have them. Win some Lose some.
Roy MacArran |
...I completely forgot about those, honestly. Although I personally didn't claim any of them because, both in-character and out-of-character, it didn't make sense for me to do so.
In-character, Roy's distrustful of magic at best. The likelihood of him wanting to make use of it, even if it's helpful, isn't great.
Out-of-character, Roy isn't geared toward using armor (no proficiencies), nor does he use shields. The belt's the only one he could use, and I assumed Xannder would want that as our medic.
Domingo Santana |
I can use archaic weapons, but not shields or armor. So I didn't bother with those. I figured someone would have grabbed the belt, but I guess I forgot to ask about healing, what with the excitement of new players.
I'm guessing the armor is sitting in Xannder's trunk.
By the way, either Xannder or Carson really needs to change their picture, because seeing double is starting to freak me out.