Domingo Santana |
Yea that will work well. She does not have the Personal Firearms profiency. Did not have the feats to get it after getting the two feats that I wanted. But she's read books on guns so she's confident she can use one.
Yeah characters in d20 modern are feat starved. That's why whenever my friends and I use it for a campaign, we usually start off at a higher level. Usually from 3 to 5.
Once I ran a Metal Gear Solid campaign with it, where we started off at level 1. But I made a custom occupation that gave them a chance to pick firearms proficiency, archaic weapons proficiency, or light armor proficiency. It helped a lot.
Domingo Santana |
Don't forget your action points, kids. You can use them after a die roll, but before the GM tells you if you succeed or not.
So if you rolled decently but think you might need a boost. Go for it.
Domingo Santana |
Looks like we get to see the Roadkill Method in action. Way to go, Alisha! Save our bacon!
DireMerc |
That was closer than I had anticipated. I knew going in things could go bad if everyone failed their fort saves. I had Reena prepared to jump in if things went bad which it did.
Anyway That encounter would get you 30% of the exp needed for level 2 but I think I'm gonna trow you guys a bone and have you level up to level 2 now cause it doesn't really get easier from here.
So go ahead and level up just to put a little buffer between you and death. Wouldn't want you to die too early now would we.
Domingo Santana |
Thanks, appreciate it. Here's my profession check VS Wealth Bonus.
Profession Check (DC 5): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Nice. My Wealth Bonus just went from +5 to +8.
Quick question. Are we rolling HP or taking the average? I'm going to assume we roll, until we get answer.
HP: 1d6 + 0 ⇒ (3) + 0 = 3
Alright, that's +3 HP for me. Unless I hear otherwise. I also gain another 6 action points. I got to start using these things. I'll be taking another level in Charismatic.
Domingo Santana |
Oh, man. I just realized something. I had used a 20 point Ability Buy for Dom, not a 25.
I, uh, got some tweaking to do. Sorry. I'll fix it in a jiffy.
Domingo Santana |
My original scores were:
Str 10
Dex 12
Con 10
Int 12
Wis 10
Cha 14
The new ones will be:
Str 11
Dex 14
Con 10
Int 12
Wis 10
Cha 15
Again. Totally, sorry.
Roy MacArran |
Okay, rolls...
HP: 1d8 ⇒ 4
Wealth: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Okay, then. HP up to 12, and Wealth goes up by... 5. Because it was 0. I've gone from no money to my name, to money in my pocket, by killing some ghouls. YAY RPG LOGIC!
EDIT: My Defense also just went up by a bunch, because I hadn't factored in the class bonus before. Woops.
Domingo Santana |
Alisha, the Bonus Feat for a second level smart hero, assuming that was what you took, refers to a bonus feat from a specific list. Here is the text:
Bonus Feats
At 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, and 10th level, the Smart hero gains a bonus feat. This feat must be selected from the following list, and the Smart hero must meet any prerequisites.
Builder, Cautious, Combat Expertise, Educated, Gearhead, Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Meticulous, Studious, Vehicle Expert, Weapon Focus.
Alisha Quinn |
Ah right, forgot about that. Don't have my books on me yet as I am away from my house but I will decide on what to take. Once again I'll be totally combat Unworthy as I didn't see a justification to take Personal Firearms Proficiency as a starting feat considering my character's background. Would you allow feats out of the d20 Modern Players Compendium BTW?
Domingo Santana |
Just gonna say that none of you has ever fought a vampire before there is no way you already killed one this early in your hunting career unless you had way more experienced hunters with you.
We could play it off that we've encountered vampires, but never been able to slay any. If anything, that could make them way more frustrating.
Think about it logically. You find a bevy of drained victims, but can never find a killer. That would drive anyone up the wall.
Roy MacArran |
Okay, let's talk about the new stuff here right now to get some of that out of the way. I'm guessing that the guns came with a holster each, or a strap in the cases of the M14 and crossbow.
Personally, I'd like a new sidearm or two, since I've given the Beretta to Alisha--either that, or get the Beretta back and she gets a different gun. The Python or the Hardballer would be great, and I don't care much which I'd get. Roy already has the Remington for long-range, and he's got a couple melee weapons, so the knives, the M14, and the crossbow should go elsewhere.
I'd say Alisha should get the crossbow, since she's the only one among us without firearm proficiency.
The holy water should go 1 flask to each person, I think, and other gear should just go in a car and be taken out when we need it.
Domingo Santana |
Crossbow is actually a Simple Weapon, for whatever reason. Go figure.
Just double-checked myself. The crossbow is in fact a Simple Weapon, so Alisha can use it with no penalty. I think I might buy one myself after this caper.
So I guess I'll grab the M14 and the .762 rounds -- both mundane and white phosphorous. Unless someone wants something, I guess everything else goes in the duffle.
Domingo Santana |
Sorry, I haven't posted in a bit. Had some stuff to take care of. Can't really post tonight, because Dom is sleepy now. But tomorrow I should be bright-eyed and bushy tailed.
Domingo Santana |
And Dom add the rest of you info under your name please.
I'm not sure I understand. What else specifically would you want? I have my HP, defenses, saves, perceptions, and even my handgun there. That seems to be on par with everyone else.
Domingo Santana |
I'm taking a level in Strong Hero. I need to raise my BAB.
HP: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (3) + 0 = 3
Profession: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
Hmm, not great for HP, but I did okay for wealth. My wealth was +7, so my wealth goes up by 4. So my new Wealth is +11. Respectable.
I'll be taking Archaic Weapons Proficiency for my bonus feat.
Alisha Quinn |
Domingo, you rolled a d20 dude. You need to roll a 1d8 for hit points for a Strong Hero. As for Alisha, she is going 3 levels of Smart and then going all Mage for 10 levels (as she now meets the prerequisites for the Advanced Class). If the game goes longer she'll probably take Archmage as her final levels.
A good question is, how are we handling Magical Item Crafting? Eventually I am going to get some abilities to make scrolls, potions, tattoos and perhaps magical items. Will I have to spend XP in the building of that stuff?
Domingo Santana |
Xannder - You need to make a profession check versus your wealth bonus. If you surpass the DC then you add +1 to your wealth, plus an additional +1 for every 5 points above the DC.
And holy crap I rolled a d20! Good catch, Alisha. I'll leave it up to DireMerc whether or not I should reroll though, since it ended up being a 3, and I don't want it to seem like I'm taking advantage.
Xannder |
OH hehe, let me see then. My roll would have been 1d20+1 then I suppose. I will need to read up more about it later when I get home to figure that out. For now my character should be good.
I would like to stop by a store to get a first aid kit or two when we get back to town so I can use my awesome +11 Treat Injury skill to proper effect.
Domingo Santana |
Alisha, just took a peek at your character sheet. Congratulations. Welcome to the wonderful world of Personal Firearms Proficiency. How does it feel? :-)
OK, I've got a Wealth Bonus of +11, so that means I can purchase the following without a check:
- First Aid Kit DC 5 (x5) - 2 for Xannder, 1 for everyone else
- Duct Tape DC 4 (x4) - No reason not to carry this really
- Machete DC 5 - Dom needs a new toy
- Binoculars (standard) DC 7 - Eh, why not?
Can anyone think of something else? By the way, Anyone who doesn't have a Leather Jacket for armor, should really grab one.
Roy MacArran |
Alright, I'd like to purchase the following...
- Disposable Camera: This would be pretty easy to grab, presumably. If there's a drugstore/convenience store in the area, I'd expect that it wouldn't be hard to find.
- If there's a gun store...
- 7.62mm rounds, 20 - For the Remington
- .357 Magnum rounds, 50 - For the Python
- Speed loaders, 4 - For the Python
This is all under my Wealth rating, so it's all good as long as I can find it.
Xannder |
Finally found a site I could access and read at work.
My initial wealth was 3+1+1=5
Level 2 check = Wealth Level 2: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Did not beat DC, wealth is 5
Level 3 check Wealther Level 3: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
Beat DC by 3, wealth increases 1 point and is now 6.
Attempting to buy Medical kit (DC 15)
Wealth Check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
Failure, no wealth lost.
Two 1's in the same post. Waka waka waka.