GM Henry Fortuna |

Here's another one of my strange experiments:
It is the year 983 AA (the Age of Asmodeus). Almost one thousand years ago, the world of Vesaria suffered a great cataclysm, suffering frequent planar incursions. Asmodeus, the Shining Light, stepped forth and commanded his devils to save humanity. In the aftermath, the world embraced their infernal savior and the other gods, save Sarenrae, were forgotten by their worshipers. In an agreement with Abadar, Asmodeus brought forth technology in order to better the world, built sprawling cities and ushered in a new era of prosperity. Progress overshadowed religious sentiments and a secular world emerged. Yet, no one knew that Asmodeus had slain Abadar and taken his portfolios.
In a world where the only conflict exists between the civilized races and monsters (quite infrequently at that), Asmodeus has become the ruler of an ignorant world. Yet, seeds of dissent are still present. Sides will need to be chosen in the coming conflict.
Gerahl Sandos, the legendary hero that signed a treaty with Asmodeus to protect the people of Vesaria from his devils, who received immortality for a small price, who became the High Cardinal of the Church of Asmodeus, lies dead in a pool of his blood, cast from the tallest spire of the Asmodean Cathedral.
Whispers of rebellion begin to spread in the city of Coldglass, but who was really behind the assassination and what are Asmodeus' true intentions?
Looking for 4 players (no more, hopefully no less)
Two traits
No hero points
1st level characters, 20-pt. buy
Pretty much any race except custom races (unless you work it out with me)
Average gold+100
Certain classes have some restrictions that I'll explain when they come up, but I'm open to anything except most 3pp stuff.
Posting requirements:
It really depends on the players, I try and shoot for once a day, at least. Once every two days, at worst.
I tend to be a little mature in some games (cussing, scenes of violence and gore, maybe a little sexiness if the story calls for it), so be aware of that.
I'll keep recruitment open until Friday afternoon-ish.

GM Henry Fortuna |

@Cyean: This takes place on the continent of Hannal in my homebrew world: so Hannali (a Dutch-like language) would be good, Infernal definitely, and possibly Goblin wouldn't hurt.
@Azrael: I thought about it and the suggestion in Ultimate Combat, but I still like the way the gunslinger originally is. If you purchase another firearm, it costs 25% of the listed price in the UC/UE. Gunslingers are still different from the average joe who may have a gun. If you want an advanced firearm for your first gun, we can work that out.

leinathan |

Just a couple questions, and I'm dotting my interest and will make a character as soon as they're answered.
On which side of the conflict will the PCs fall? Are they investigators for the Asmodean regime or are they part of the revolution to topple Asmodeus?
Additionally, if I were to make a cleric or a druid, am I only allowed to select one of two dieties? Sarenrae or Asmodeus/Abadar? Or can my character secretly worship a different diety?

Azrael Dukshi |

Ah, I was hoping to get a revolver as a starting weapon - since it's the most basic advanced firearm, after all. Considering starter firearms for gunslingers are considered 'broken' when used by anyone else and can only be sold for less than a few gold coins, is it acceptable as a class feature to have a revolver?

Sam Jakobs |

Azrael here with the Gunslinger, though I still have a few more questions:
Regarding Gunsmithing, will it still cost 50% of the standard price to make metal cartridges? Or would you reduce that at all considering the advanced nature of this world? It really does determine whether I'll start out with twelve bullets at a time, or something like twenty four.
Sorry if I'm being a hassle about this, just want everything to go smoothly.

leinathan |

Hopefully this slightly outlandish submission doesn't count me out. Hopefully I can pull off the realism of it.
Male kitsune cleric of Shizuru (crusader) 1
LN Medium humanoid (kitsune)
Init +3; Senses Perception +3, low-light vision
AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 17 (+6 armor, +1 shield, +3 Dex)
hp 10 (1d8+2)Current: 10/10
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5
Spd 30ft., 20ft. in armor
Melee wakizashi +3 (1d6/18-20)
... or bite +3 (1d4/x2)
Ranged light crossbow +3 (1d8/19-20)
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 13
Feats Weapon Finesse, Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Wakizashi
Traits Honest, Oathbound
Skills Diplomacy +7 (+8 when influencing friendly or helpful people)
Armor Check Penalty -5
Languages Common, Sylvan
SQ channel positive energy 1d6 5/day, honor bound 6/day, aura of law (faint)
Domains Honor
Combat Gear ; Other Gear steel lamellar armor, wakizashi, light crossbow, 20 bolts, light wooden shield, silver holy symbol of Shizuru, backpack, bedroll, waterskin, 4gp
Spell-Like Abilities
(3/day) - dancing lights
(at will) - change shape
Spells Prepared
0 - create water, detect magic
1 - burning disarm, shield of faith*
This is why the most difficult moment in his life is when his father asked him to betray his lord. The father had grown tired of serfhood, he had figured that it was time to take advantage of the fact that the lord trusted his son enough to be around the vault. Kisako's father asked him to let him into the vault, where he could steal as much of the lord's gold as he could carry before making off with it into the countryside.
Naturally, this was a difficult decision for Kisako to make, and his decision shaped what the entire rest of his life would be. One puts one's family first, so of course Kisako decided to side with his father He couldn't have known that they'd be caught, or that they would be jailed, or that Kisako's father, on Kisako's testimony, would be executed. (Kisako was, after all, only trying to tell the truth). Kisako's role was much more minor, but he had lost the trust of his lord. He was released from service. This confused Kisako. He had never been without direction. Without somebody telling him what to do. What was he supposed to do?
For awhile, he sat in his empty house and cleaned and polished his weapons and armor. It was what he had done during the downtime before, and he saw no reason to change. Then the food started to run short.
He panicked.
Sometimes, tax collectors would come, asking for money or tithes or tribute or whatever the particular group called it. Kisako gave what he could, but when the money ran out, he tried to turn them away. After a few weeks, he simply couldn't anymore and one day, while he was out, he came home to find it locked.
This took him a few moments to comprehend, but in a surprising turn of snap decision-making, he broke in, gathered what he could, and took off again. He wouldn't be back. They didn't want him. He stowed away on the first ship out of the Dragon Empires, and emerged with the birds shrieking in Coldgrass.

The Dragon |

I have this idea for a young nobleman who's interested in science.
He'll be a human alcheist vivisectionist, I think. He's also the sort to carry a gun. Any chance I'll e allowed to take the "rich parents" trait?
Also, could I refluff some of the mutagens to being gadgets he's made and is using, instead of grafts?

GM Henry Fortuna |

@Sam: instead of 50%, make it 10%.
@Kisako: Well, I'm using a homebrewed world, so you can't use the Dragon Empires as your homeland.
Here's a map. Fukusaburu or Zhan Yuan are good choices for a kitsune.
@The Dragon: I'll allow the "rich parents" trait, but only for 500 gold instead of 900.

Danath Kirion |
Is this still open? :O Steampunk rocks~!
if there is a particular class that is needed, if not I can build a gun tank with a Towershield specifically built for Steampunk setting.
Rifleman's bulwark -Specialized Tower Shield:
40gp +4 - -10 50% 45 lbs.
Rifleman's bulwark
This heavy iron tower shield is a hallmark of the Hammerfall High Shield Gun Corps of Rhul. It follows all the rules for a normal tower shield, including needing the Tower Shield Proficiency feat in order to use the shield effectively, with the following exceptions. When using the rifleman's bulwark to benefit from total cover, the character can make a ranged attack with a rifle or pistol by placing the firearm on the precision-tooled notch and peer through the view port. The attack gains a +1 circumstance bonus to hit; with the -2 penalty to attack rolls that tower shields give, the total is a -1.
This is not my creation it was made for that particular rpg in 3.5 edition. :) Plus a ton of neat custom firearms as it was a steampunk setting to the max!
Please let me know what you think, looking forward to hearing back from you :)

![]() |

I am definitely in for this. Haven't really done PF PBP yet so this would be exciting. Reigar is very quirky and as a Tinkerer would love the technology. Any chance you'd allow the Experimental Gunsmith Archetype for a gnome and/or a rifle over musket?
I thoroughly enjoy steampunk RPGs with real roleplaying qualities. Done my fair share of RP just fresh to PFS

GM Henry Fortuna |

So far I have a cleric, a fighter and a gunslinger ready and willing. Like leinathan said, an arcane caster would be useful to the group or at least a skill monkey. That said, I'm not going to stop anyone from applying with what they want to play. Oswin looks like a solid character and I don't have a problem with an Experimental Gunsmith or taking a rifle over a musket.
@Danath: I honestly wouldn't allow the Rifleman's Bulwark because it's a bit removed from what everyone else has here. It's a bit more sophisticated than what I'm aiming for.

Sam Jakobs |

So we have:
Cyean - Half-Elf Fighter (Tactician)
Sam Jakobs - Human Gunslinger
Kisako The Blade - Kitsune Cleric of Shizuru (Crusader)
Oswin Thaneblade - Human Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager)
Reigar Brolo - Gnome Gunslinger (Musketeer)