About Oswin ThanebladeCharacter:
HP: 14/14 XP: 390 AC: 14; Touch 11; Flat-footed 13 Saves: Fort 4; Ref 1; Will 2 BAB +1 CMB: 5 CMD: 16 Special Abilities/Class Abilities Rage [6] Fast Movement Second Chance Carefully Hidden Heart of the Fields [Craft: Weapons] Feats Raging Vitality Power Attack Equipment Greatsword Studded Leather Axe, Throwing Gear Fighter Kit Traveler's Outfit Wolfsbane [2] Weapon Blanch: Silver [2] GP: 2 SP: 92 CP: 5 Skills Acrobatics: 0 Appraise: -1 Bluff: 0 Climb: 3 Craft [Weapons]: 3 Diplomacy: 0 Disable Device: - Disguise: 0 Escape Artist: 0 Fly: 0 Handle Animal: - Heal: 1 Intimidate: 0 Linguistics: - Perception: 5 Perform: 0 Profession: - Ride: 0 Sense Motive: 1 Sleight of Hand: - Spellcraft: - Stealth: 0 Survival: 5 Swim: 3 Use Magic Device: - Background:
Oswin Thaneblade was raised in an orphanage on the eastern coast of Odenheim. Both his parents contracted disease shortly after his birth and passed away when they were unable to afford medicine, leaving Oswin a ward of the state. He was raised as such until the age of 6 when a blacksmith named Rugen Magneis, in search of another pair of youthful hands to help out around his forge, adopted him. Oswin accompanied Rugen back to his shop in a small fishing village called Iron Dale, where he was put to work earning his keep. He began by just performing simple chores around the shop such as cleaning the forge, stocking the coals, and fetching ores from the storehouse. As Oswin grew, so did his responsibilities. By the time he was 10 he had been tasked with forging small items such as horseshoes and nails. He enjoyed the work, bringing the heavy hammer down on red-hot metal helped him release pent up frustrations and curb the restlessness of a young spirit. When he turned 13 Oswin became solely in charge of forging weapons to be sold in the shop. By now Rugen had grown older and was unable to work the forge like he had used to. Luckily he was able to delegate the work to his apprentices and supervise their efforts to ensure quality. Shortly after Oswin turned 16 Rugen passed away. The blacksmith had been like a father to him, and though Oswin was not one to be sentimental he cried at the funeral. Within a few months of Rugens passing most of the other apprentices set out from Iron Dale to pursue their own interests. By way of elimination Oswin ended up inheriting the forge, which he continued to work with the same fervor that he always had. This continued until his way of life was violently interrupted by one of the worst rainy seasons Iron Dale had ever seen. Oswin was 17, and in all his time of having lived in the village he had never seen storms of this magnitude. The season culminated in a massive hurricane that appeared seemingly from nowhere and slammed into the coastline. Torrential downpours assailed the unprepared townspeople and vicious winds tore homes from the very ground beneath them. The rain caused the ground to loosen, creating a mud slide that swept into Iron Dale, decimating anything that was still left standing. Oswin was sparred most of the carnage, the forge being located atop a small hill that deterred the raging waters. Nothing would protect him from the winds however, and soon wooden roof of the shop collapsed, crushing him. Luckily years of working the anvil had hardened and toned Oswins body, so where a lesser man would have been killed, he was only knocked unconscious. After a few hours he awoke, the storm long since having passed on. With a grunt he pushed the rubble of the forge off of himself and staggered to his feet. He stood in shock as he looked out upon the wreckage that was once Iron Dale. Not one structure still stood. In the streets lay a few dead villagers, though most had been swept away with the flood. He staggered through the streets aimlessly, searching for other survivors. After what seemed like ages his ears picked up a soft sobbing from the remnants of a nearby home. He approached slowly, unsure of what to expect. What he found was a young girl, no more than three or four years old, weeping quietly under a wooden bed that strained under the weight of the rubble that lay on top of it. Oswin quickly lifted the splintered wood away and picked up the child, doing his best to console her. In the end only he and the child had survived the storm that destroyed Iron Dale. Seeing as how the girl no longer had any family or home, Oswin decided to raise him as her own. Fitting, seeing as he was lacking in both as well. On their first night together, Oswin set about building a small lean-to from material he salvaged from the wreckage of the town. After that he scavenged what he could in the way of food and supplies from the ruined homes around him. Finally, he returned to the forge to collect coal for a fire and gear in case any unsavory elements decided to pay a visit in the night. Up until this point the girl had been mostly silent, but after getting some food in her belly and a warm blanket to sleep on she opened up a bit. She said her name was Lulu, but not much else besides that. All she could remember was waking up alone, trapped under the bed. It would seem that she was totally unaware of the calamity that had befallen Iron Dale and her family, though that was more a blessing then a curse. The next day Oswin packed their meager supplies, placed Lulu on his shoulders, and set out into the wilderness towards the next town. It was less then a days travel, and on a main trade route they had little trouble in getting their. Though when they arrived they found the same sight that they had thought they left behind. It would seem that the hurricane had wiped out Iron Dale had also done so to many other of the surrounding communities. They traveled up and down the cost, though all they ever found was more evidence of its carnage. On more than one occasion the two were beset by downtrodden survivors after their supplies. Though Oswin was no soldier by any means, he had volunteered for the town watch back in Iron Dale on more than one occasion. There he had been taught the basics of how to wield a weapon and survive in combat. What he lacked in skill and refinement now he made up for in the sheer force behind each swing of his hefty greatsword. Prospective attackers were often driven off at the mere sight of the giant Oswin rushing at them with a sword that was a full meter and a half long. Soon Oswin turned inland in search of a settlement that had been untouched by the wrath of the hurricane. He and Lulu arrived in a small village called Veilhime that lay nestled at the base of a large mountain. The settlement had been almost completely sparred the effects of the storm, the peaks of the great mountain having deflected most of it away. As luck would have it, one of Rugens old apprentices had set up shop in the settlement, a man by the name of Olando Prant. Olando had served as the armor smith in Iron Dale and had been close friends with Oswin. Olando quickly agreed to take the two in, housing them in the small forge that he owned and operated. After three months of wandering in the wilderness Oswin and Lulu finally had a warm bed to sleep in. They stayed with Olando, happy to leave the horrors of their travels behind. Soon however, reality began to rear its ugly head. Olandos forge was small, not nearly the size necessary for both he and Oswin to work at the same time. Additionally, the cost of feeding three people was beyond his minor income. Late one night it was decided that Oswin, having now had a few experiences in battle, would head out to try and find work. Lulu, meanwhile, would stay with Olando in Veilhime, the dangers of the road being too much for a young girl. Though it broke his heart to do so, Oswin knew it was what had to be done. Oswin truly thought of Lulu as his daughter, and beside living expense he wanted to be able to pay for her to learn what she wanted. Go to a fancy school in the city, or even learn magic at some academy. But all that required money, and the fastest way to get it was risking his life at the end of a blade. Oswin, now only 18 but having lived more life than most, left Veilhime and headed toward the island of Hannal, he had heard it was a center of trading and commerce and it seemed like a good place to begin. Along the way he was able to get a few odd jobs, enough to pay for his travels but not much more. He made it to Hannal, though it took him a year to do so. He was finally ready to start making some money to send back to Veilhime, though he still needed to catch a train from Cabbot to Coldglass. He bought his ticket and stood waiting. Nearby a young man was inviting people to play cards, Oswin decided to take a shot at it. He sat down at the table, though he didn't know how to play. The young man, introducing himself as Sam Jakobs was nice enough to show him how to play, and after winning a few practice hands Oswin was feeling pretty good. Then Sam suggested a friendly wager. Oswin, knowing he had to save his money, declined. Sam suggested they bet something else, taking out a revolver and placing it in the center of the table. Oswin sneered, he had been on a hot streak and was pretty sure he could win, so he agreed. A minute later and Oswin had just lost. His bet: agreeing to work for Sam, for free, for a whole year. "...Sh*t" Five pieces of character background:
Two goals as a character/player:
Two secrets about my character one known, one unknown:
Provide three people that are close to the character:
Three quirks/mannerisms: