Nine Tail |

"In", and Nine Tail points into the empty village, in the direction the footprints seemed to lead.
a few paces back from the disappearance zone, he adds, "There is one way to find the boy and the dog..." He raises his foot out in front and mimes almost falling forward until finally he steps forward with a big thump. "Its the getting back that I can't figure out."
"I traveled here from Tian Xia through means such as this, but it was not something I planned or controlled. The Spirit Realm will not yield to me in such a way. But I must have disappeared from the land in a similar way leaving those who followed me to scratch their heads..yip-yip." And he lets out a joyful bark.
"So this boy and his dog may have traveled like I had to a far destination or they are right here, but in the Spirit Realm, a mere step in front of us. I am not mystic, but the magics back in the castle may be making the barrier between places insecure. To this village, we may be the Spirits waiting to step through and become real."

![]() |

Gremm shook his head.
"Now hold on just a second. My Ma' always never to mess with the spirits. She was always telling me that if I get one of them upset, I could have a terrible life in store for me. Is dealing with the spirit side of things something we really want?"

Torque Mitabu |

Back at the camp:
"We'll certainly make plenty of kills. As for making a killing...treking to Varasia is not going to make us rich. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I figure the way you make money in this game is to find a nice big war and throw in your lot with one side or the other. By the time we've bought gear and food we'll be lucky to break even from taking odd jobs."
Torque looks down the road toward the fire the other travellers are camped round.
"We'll be doing it to keep folk like that safe. Reckon it's worth it?"

Valen Morse |

"Spirit world or no, we made a promise and we're going to keep it. But let's not do anything too hasty or foolish. Gremm, I believe you had some rope in that pack of yours. Why don't we tie loops in it that we can put a hand through to keep us connected so we don't get lost in that dammed perpetual twilight."

Voice of Awesomeness |

Sorry guys, somehow lost the thread. Happens from time to time.
Nine Tails, as you walk further into the town, you begin to get strange almost tingly feelings on your arms.
Valen, your Detect Magic notices some odd auras that seem to flicker and then fade.
Perception checks from everybody and Spellcraft from those who can make em

Voice of Awesomeness |

Those of you in the town walk around a bit more, and the moon climbs higher into the sky. Finally, when it reaches its zenith, the pale light illuminates the village almost like a tiny sun.
At first, none of you are sure that your actually seeing what you think you see. However, after a few minutes, its obvious: the town is filled with what appears to be spirits, going about their daily lives as if it were high noon as opposed to midnight.

Nine Tail |

Nine Tail realizes now why his skin crawled, How many spirits have passed through me as I stood here.
"If we are now in the realm of the spirits, the search for the boy and dog can continue, but mark this spot where we entered in order we might find the way back."
Nine Tail tries to resume his tracking of where the boys tracks previously disappeared.
Survival -> 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 6 + 2 = 19

Valen Morse |

"I can cast a spell to magically mark this spot, but the effect will only last an hour. Let us hope we can return to this spot in time." With a wave of his hands and a murmur of words a bright glowing orb of scintilating colors appears where they crossed through. "Gremm, why do you leave a physical mark in case the spell wears off."

Voice of Awesomeness |

The group walks cautiously into the the center of town. At first, the townsfolk don't notice you, but then suddenly, a older man looks right at you all "Greetings. It's been awhile since we've had guests. Why exactly have you entered our town?" While he doesn't sound hostile, you definitely get the feeling a wrong answer could be hazardous to your health.

Nine Tail |

Nine Tail looks up from where he was trying to follow tracks. He was about to make a flippant remark about a short boy and a shorter dog, but the spirit inside him does not feel like laughing. He backs up more toward the group, and looks to Valen, If we are to spend eternity here, let it be on the boss man's shoulders.

Valen Morse |

Well, if not them then me. Don't let 'em see you sweat. Mildly shocked and looking around at the rest of the group, noticing no one stepping forward, Valen's voice spoke out. "We seek a young lad and his dog. We are part of a traveling caravahn and we hired to protet the people and goods. On of those we are to protect seems to have wandered into your village and we seek them. Have you seen them good sir?"
Gonna use my Diplomancy magic. Diplomacy 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23

Voice of Awesomeness |

The man's face looks thoughtful for a moment "We have not seen or heard of either in our village, but it is possible they slipped by us."
He looks hard at Valen and the young Taldan hears the man's voice in his head. ::"Tell me Sorcerer, what do you know of the power that taints your veins?"::

Valen Morse |

Valen's eyes widen in momentary shock and the errie silence that once permeated the place fills the gap. After a moment or two Valen speaks again. "Do you know of anyone who might be able to help us find them? It is important we return quickly."
Valen's mind reals, but after a moment he replies to the being. ::"I know not of what you speak...What do you know?"::

Valen Morse |

Valen's eyes narrow at the old man, "Not a hurry but in a slight press of time. We seem to be being followed by some sort of creature or beings and there are only a few of our companions protecting the rest of the caravan while we search for the boy. We don't mean any disrespect to you or your lovely little town, we're just concerned for the safety of the young boy and the rest of the charges we were hired to protect."
::"I do not. But at times I feel a strange presence that compells me and it...worries me."::