The Iron Carnival - Pentor Lionsmane's Mercenary PbP - #2 Squad

Game Master Monkeygod

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Male Human Gunslinger (Gun Tank)/ Lvl 3

Jax smiles at Helena, and nods his head in thanks. "Thanks for the help. I appreciate that. Glad you are with us. I gotta go talk to the boss. Need to make sense of this!" He smiles and bows, before walking toward Valen and Torque.

"Thanks anyway Torque. I should be fine!" he pats Torque on the shoulder and smiles.

"Well... I know what I saw boss, it was there I promise yah. Anyway... Yeah I will look to starting everyone moving. I'll get em ready!" Jax turns and moves back in to the camp, starting to wake everyone up and send them about their duties.

'I know I saw it...'

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

Nodding, Valen claps Fury on the shoulder. "I don't doubt you Fury. There are strange things in the world and even stranger ones here in Ustalav. Just try and keep your eyes sharp and your wits about you."

Male Archangel of Awesome Paladin of Badassery 20

It takes just over an hour to get the caravan fully ready to move out, and does so as soon as it's able. After Jax's 'incident', you are all on high alert, weapons at the ready, eyes darting around, trying to see anything that might pose a threat.

Thankfully, nothing attacks, and after making really solid time, you all stop for a brief lunch just past noon.

Perception checks, everybody

Male Human Gunslinger (Gun Tank)/ Lvl 3

Perception-1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29

Frowning softly, Jax jumps to his feet, reading his musket, keeping his eyes open and his trigger finger ready, prepared to blow a hole in anything that moves funny or looks wrong.

Heh. Great Perception check there. Woop woop!

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

[ooc]1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12

"Something wrong, Fury?" Valen asks, setting aside his lunch.

Male Human (Tian) Barbarian (Urban Barbarian, Spirit Totem) 3

Perception -> 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 6 + 2 = 24

Nine Tail, at Valen's words, pulls his mask down across his face from where it had been riding high on his head.

Paizo Employee

Male Human (Varisian) Fighter 3

Gremm was sitting, enjoying the last bit of berries he had picked.

1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

Male Human Gunslinger (Gun Tank)/ Lvl 3

Jax frowns, scanning the treeline down the metal sights of his gun. "I am not sure. Something... A shadow. Doesn't seem right. Keep talking. Let's see if something happens..."

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

Bluff Check 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26

Nodding and continuing as if nothing happened,"So, Lady Acune you were saying about your life in the temple?"

Male Human (Mwangi) Artificer 3

Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 15

remind me to put ranks in this skill next level. I suspect Torque's new career will be short lived otherwise.

Male Archangel of Awesome Paladin of Badassery 20

Perception DC 22:
You spot a distictive humanoid shape in the trees, and then another and another. Yet when you look back a few moments later they're gone, having vanished without a trace.

Male Human Gunslinger (Gun Tank)/ Lvl 3

Swearing loudly, Jax shoulders his musket. "Either I am seriously mentally unstable or someone is messing with my mind...!"

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

Chuckling,"I don't see why it has to be either or. You've proven thus far you are a little off your rocker."

The Exchange

F Half-elf Inquisitor (Exorcist) 3

"Not much to tell...". Acune frowns slightly and looks around. "Fury, if you fire your gun if anything's out there, it will certainly think something's up."

perception 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21

Sorry about infrequent postings. Build season for robotics, fencing lessons, Spanish class, a huge stack of books and a new relationship have been eating up most of my time :(

Male Human (Tian) Barbarian (Urban Barbarian, Spirit Totem) 3
Acune wrote:
Sorry about infrequent postings. Build season for robotics, fencing lessons, Spanish class, a huge stack of books and a new relationship have been eating up most of my time :(

The world's most interesting Inquisitor does not post often, but when she does, she prefers the Iron Carnival. ;-)

Male Human (Tian) Barbarian (Urban Barbarian, Spirit Totem) 3

"Someone..or somethings..are there....right there...or they were?"

Sword out, Nine Tail makes his way to the edge of the firelight. "Something is out there, but I can't get a good look at it. It shifts, moves, or vanishes.."

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

Looking around and seeing nothing, Valen shrugs. "Well, whatever it is I don't think it'll attack in the middle of the day when we can see it coming. Everyone, try and go back to your lunch and we'll try to lay a trap for it tonight."

Congrats on the new relationship!

The Exchange

F Half-elf Inquisitor (Exorcist) 3

"Any ideas for this trap?" Acune raises an eyebrow slightly at the mage.

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

"Try pretending that the person on watch is asleep, while everyone else who would be asleep is actually awake. When whatever is stalking us tries to attack we all get it. Unless anyone else has an idea."

Male Human (Mwangi) Artificer 3

Torque makes sure he keeps his voice down when replying to Valen

" We should be careful not to let these things slow us down or tire us out too much - if they haven't attacked yet, maybe they haven't got the strength to. I like the idea of setting an ambush in camp tonight, but if it doesn't draw anything out we should just press on as normal."

He then beckons to Helen

"Perhaps one of our new allies will have an idea what these things are. If there are no local rumours, it's likely they're linked to this buried entity"

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

"I agree. Helen Miri, what's your take on our elusive stalkers?"

Male Human Gunslinger (Gun Tank)/ Lvl 3

"We need to get these things... I am going crazy!" Jax frowns, sitting back down, his head collapsing in to his hands. He sighed, scrubbing a hand over his face.

"We need to sort this out fast, then get the hell out of this country!"

The Exchange

F Half-elf Inquisitor (Exorcist) 3

Acune gives Jax a worried look. "Unfortunately I can only heal maladies of the body, not the mind."

Male Human (Tian) Barbarian (Urban Barbarian, Spirit Totem) 3

"We likely picked up some dark spirits after visiting the castle. Hopefully that are just capricious, but even if malicious, let's hope harder they are not organized and simply marking our path for others."

Male Human Gunslinger (Gun Tank)/ Lvl 3

Jax smiled at the woman reassuringly. "Figure of speech Private, no more!" He turned to Nine Tails and nodded softly.

{b]"Seen any sign of anything amiss on our trail so far Scout Tails?"[/b]

Paizo Employee

Male Human (Varisian) Fighter 3

Gremm stands up, stretches, and give a loud belch.

"Yeah, what have *hic* you found?"

Male Human (Tian) Barbarian (Urban Barbarian, Spirit Totem) 3

"Smoke and Shadow and Bad Dreams. But it seems nothing that needs our immediate concern....for nothing will stick around long enough to get two looks at it."

The Exchange

F Half-elf Inquisitor (Exorcist) 3

Acune raises an eyebrow, but then shrugs and goes back to her food.

Male Archangel of Awesome Paladin of Badassery 20

Mirri and Helena have both heard of something out there. Helena explains "There's been a few stories of weird flying bat-like creatures, but nobody's been able to reliably spot them. If they exist, they're sneaky creatures, that's for sure."

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

Valen scratches his chin."Well, I've heard a number of tales stating that vampires can turn into bats and there a loads of stories saying that Ustalav is full of vampires. Could that be these batlike things?"

Male Human Gunslinger (Gun Tank)/ Lvl 3

"V-vampires? That Bat was a V-v-vampire?!" Jax drops his musket and dashes to the cart,jumping in to the back and beginning to route around, tossing light, non breakable things out the back as he does.

Hidden by the edge of the cart you hear a pitiful sob. "I NEED HOLY WATER!"

Male Human (Mwangi) Artificer 3

Torque jumps off the wagon, picks up the discarded musket and goes after Fury

"We're being paid to STOP the caravan being ransacked Fury!"

He catches one of the objects being thrown onto the road

"I don't have a clue what holy water is, or how you think it will help, but I DO know..."

He glances over his sholder at Acune and lowers his voice

"I DO know that begging for holy anything is never the best way out of a tight corner. No matter what's out there we'll fight it with our own guts and our own steel. I'm not saying we're safe. What I'm saying is that even when there's no way out but down you don't pray, you fight"

He thrusts the stock of the musket at the gunslinger

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

Arching an eyebrow and trying to restrain himself from laughing at both Fury and Torque. Patting Fury on the shoulder he chuckles lightly. "It's ok Fury. I was just tossing out the idea. They could be they could not. It's out of my realm of knowledge. We have no evidence to say that they are. So, calm down. We'll get it figured out." Then turning to Torque and continuing the hushed voice. "Holy water is water that has been blessed by a cleric of a god yes. But at it's most basic component it is water that has positive energy worked into it. It's generally useful against undead beings. As far as I know it doesn't have to be blessed. I've heard of alchemists accomplishing the same effect without divine magic. You might even be able to do it."

Male Human Gunslinger (Gun Tank)/ Lvl 3

Taking a loud shuddering breath, Jax turns to face Torque, the silk dress he had pulled out of a chest, falling from his hands. "Wasn't my color any way!" He hiccups and laughs before wipeing his forehead on his sleeve.

"Okay okay... I will... I will take a break. Is there any chance there is a bottle of something a little stronger than water around? I guess not... Probably for the best. I need to be sober. Okay. Sorry Boss. I'll tidy this up again!" He nods, jumping off the cart, and begining to collect up the things he had thrown from the back.

He turns to Torque and claps the man on the shoulder. "Thanks buddy. If we go down we go down together!" he smiled shakily, then nodded.

The Exchange

F Half-elf Inquisitor (Exorcist) 3

Acune doesn't stop giving Fury concerned looks. "I'm very sorry, but I don't quite know how to ask Desna for holy water. I'll be sure to look into it."

Male Archangel of Awesome Paladin of Badassery 20

Helena can't help but burst out laughing at Fury's overreaction. Once he's calmed down she tries to comfort him "Um, I don't think what might be out there are vampires. After all, it's about half past noon, and the sun is most definitely shining high in the sky. I'm pretty sure vampires can't go out in the sunlight."

Male Human Gunslinger (Gun Tank)/ Lvl 3

Frowning softly, chewing over Helenas' words, before sighing, burying his head in the back of the wagon, to hide his embarassed blush. "Someone kill me now..."

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

"No worries Fury, I'll be sure to bring this story up every time you're chatting up a lady."

Male Human Gunslinger (Gun Tank)/ Lvl 3

Sighing, Jax straightened, tossing the last few things in to the wagon, before turning to the group. "Okay... Psychotic breakdown aside... How are we going to do this? Anyone got any ideas?"

Jax moves back to his spot, sitting cross legged on the ground and begins to clean his musket.

Male Human (Mwangi) Artificer 3

"Like Valen says, feign vulnerability to draw them out. If they don't bite, ignore them."

How many days are we from Vieland?

Male Archangel of Awesome Paladin of Badassery 20

Your about three days out

The rest of the day passes without further sight of the creatures, whatever they may be. Mirri and Nine Tails scout ahead, and find a secluded stream that feeds a small pond which is a perfect spot to make camp. The main road is visible, but there's protection via trees as well as some large rocks that could be easily moved about if necessary.

Paizo Employee

Male Human (Varisian) Fighter 3

1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

Gremm returns to the clearing, firewood in hand.

"So, tell me Jax, why are you so afraid of vampires? I'm sure you've had your share of playful bites to the neck," he snickers.

Male Human (Mwangi) Artificer 3

"Those rocks could be better placed, but if we start building an improvised fortress the whole 'complacency' ruse is going to be a bit thin"

Male Archangel of Awesome Paladin of Badassery 20

Waiting on the leaders to chime in on what you guys are gonna do for the night.

Male Human (Tian) Barbarian (Urban Barbarian, Spirit Totem) 3

"These rocks won't stop vampires. They can become bats can't they. They flap up and crawl under your bedroll and you are dead by sunrise. Not much you can do but sleep with one eye open...yip-yip" Nine-Tail chuckles to himself as he helps gather firewood.

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

"I agree. But not moving them could be suspicious too. Let's move them around a little bit. And why don't we use the watch that we had from last night. Hopefully that will draw out our would be pursuers more. Any other thoughts?"

The Exchange

F Half-elf Inquisitor (Exorcist) 3

Acune shrugs regretfully. "I have no specific ideas for this- a proper cleric would be of more use against the undead, unfortunately."

Male Human Gunslinger (Gun Tank)/ Lvl 3

Jax glares at the back of Nine Tails' head, hefting the handaxe threateningly. "They aren't Vampires... I hope...!"

The Exchange

F Half-elf Inquisitor (Exorcist) 3

"We are still in Ustalav... tell me, how much garlic do we have?" She keeps her expression completely neutral.

Male Human Gunslinger (Gun Tank)/ Lvl 3

Jamming his fingers in his ears, Jax begins to sing, to block out the voices around him.

"I'm at the bottom of a well,
And the water is rising fast!
It's just one more day in hell,
And I fear I wont last"

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