The Hookscratch Inn (Open to everyone/anyone)

Game Master Halflingtime

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Ms. Crimson is a retired adventurer and a powerful witch (probably). She only seems to be about 30, but she talks like an old woman and always seems to have some sort of story to lend a willing ear. Despite, or perhaps because of that tendency, she's used some of her ridiculous player character wealth to purchase and maintain an inn, turning her employeers into a kind of surrogate family.
Her voice is remniscent of a school teacher, and she's a shorter woman with really good posture. Like her name suggests, she always has some brightly-colored red garment at her disposal.
She has a sleek tabby cat named Hallowid that stalks the youngest staff members frequently.

And forbids ANYONE from ever entering the sub-basement.

As for the inn, I started describing it in the gameplay thread. I am going to add an adjoining stable, though.

Sounds good, that's all the foothold I need to create a backstory. Expect Aebin completely ready to go by tonight.

Feuerrabe wrote:

I recently created a concept for the Raven. It kinda failed, because Raven's don't have arms and don't usually carry equipment around, and I absolutely didn't want that, but in Pathfinder, not carrying equipment is a bad really, really bad thing. But in this campaign it just might work.

I wonder whether I might use this concept play the tavern mascot. If there is a bust of Pallas Iomedae above the chamber door.

I don't wanna bore you with all the details now, but in rule terms it's a:
CG tiny male magical beast (intelligent raven) oracle.
He has a curse of tongues. Under stress he can only say "nevermore" and he has a mystery of time. He's actually a good guy, the story depicted in Poe's poem was really just a big misunderstanding. He wanted to cheer the old man up.

There's no bust, but you're welcome to hang out. Just don't cause any heart attacks or the staff will have to deal with you.

There's no bust, but you're welcome to hang out. Just don't cause any heart attacks or the staff will have to deal with you.


Those who are play-ready can go ahead and post in the discussion thread. The gameplay thread should be ready soon.

Suny wrote:



I can be helpin' peoples with gettin' they's stuffs. :D

I luvs helpin'! *Begins to bounce around trying to see who needs what by asking any one near by 'What t'is they be needin'?'*


? Sunny, if you want to help here, you'll have to make a stablehand.

I'll check in here after working out to see if anyone else finished.

So what positions are left?

Honestly, there's still no full maid or bard application, and I would also allow for a stablehand.

Do keep in mind there is a (semi) infinite capacity for patrons as well!

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I don't know if I would have time to make a character but a maid who had levels in a class granting a favored enemy and took something like dust would be fanatic to see.

The Elusive Trout wrote:
Feuerrabe wrote:

I recently created a concept for the Raven. It kinda failed, because Raven's don't have arms and don't usually carry equipment around, and I absolutely didn't want that, but in Pathfinder, not carrying equipment is a bad really, really bad thing. But in this campaign it just might work.

I wonder whether I might use this concept play the tavern mascot. If there is a bust of Pallas Iomedae above the chamber door.

I don't wanna bore you with all the details now, but in rule terms it's a:
CG tiny male magical beast (intelligent raven) oracle.
He has a curse of tongues. Under stress he can only say "nevermore" and he has a mystery of time. He's actually a good guy, the story depicted in Poe's poem was really just a big misunderstanding. He wanted to cheer the old man up.

There's no bust, but you're welcome to hang out. Just don't cause any heart attacks or the staff will have to deal with you.

I won't be able to make it today, too many irons in the fire.

Patrons may now enter, as well.

I reconsidered.

Well, I'll just take the existing character stats as they are for now. The story is pending a rewrite, since it was design to fit into a very specific campaign. But I think the basic idea will remain.

I already wrote a 4k words story today for a different character and my mind is burning, but I can make a post, if that's ok.


Har. My other campaign is ready, by the way.

Dotting with interest in a Butler/Maid. PMing questions.

The Elusive Trout wrote:
Har. My other campaign is ready, by the way.

I am slowly beginning to think that I took a bit too much on me. But the post in said other campaign is standing.

Sovereign Court

I present Hallidan Regg, applying for the position of bard.

HP: 4d8 + 8 ⇒ (8, 1, 6, 7) + 8 = 30

How much gold do I have to spend?

Whu? Well, don't worry. As the bird, you can come and go at any time. If the horror campaign is too much, though, we can stop. For now, I need everyone in before I continue.

Ah. At the new recruit, I can tell you that you have average wealth by level.

Presented for your Approval.

Jezalane Ki Nightfalcon

Jezalane is a striking figure with her waist length snow white hair accented with a single, slim vein of ebony that trails down the right side. She often wears bluish-green cloths that bring out her emerald colored eyes. What jewelry she wears is simple, silver and exceptional.

Her voice is like a crystal clear mountain stream on a winters morning, pure with unsuspected depths. Despite it's operatic quality and range, it is often filled with Jezalane's laughter and joy of life. When performing her eyes seek to make contact with every member of the audiance so that she can draw them into the music.

Character Sheet:
Female human bard 5
Chaotic Good Humanoid (Human); Deity: Desna ; Age: 25 ;

Height: 5' 10" ; Weight: 140lb.; Eyes: Green; Hair: White with a black lock ; Skin: Fair

Str 8, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 20
Charming: +1 vs. characters who could be attracted to you
Circlet of persuasion : +3 competence bonus on CHA ability checks

Current Cash: 675 gp

HP 28, AC 11, FF 10, T 11
Fort 1, Ref 5, Wil 5
CMB 2, CMD 13
Short Sword +2, D6-1

Skill Name
Acrobatics 1/+3
Appraise 2/+7
Bluff 0/+8
Disguise 1/+12
Escape Artist 0/-2
Heal 1/+2
Intimidate 0/+8
Knowledge (arcana) 1/+8
Knowledge (geography) 1/+8
Knowledge (history)5/+14
Knowledge (local) 4/+13
Knowledge (nature) 1/+8
Knowledge (nobility)1/+8
Knowledge (religion) 1/+8
Linguistics 3/+8
Perception 4/+8
Perform (oratory) 5/+19
Perform (sing) 5/+18
Perform (string) 5/+18
Perform (wind instruments)1/+14
Profession (merchant)1/+5
Profession (sailor)1/+5
Sense Motive 1/+19
Sleight of Hand 1/+3
Spellcraft 1/+6
Stealth 1/+2
Swim 0
Use Magic Device 2/+13

Lingering Performance
Bardic Performances last 2 rds after you stop concentrating.
Prodigy (Perform [sing], Perform [oratory])

Gain a +2 bonus on two Craft, Perform, or Profession skills.

Scholar (Knowledge [history], Knowledge [local])
+2 bonus on two Knowledge skills

Barroom Talespinner (1/week) Make DC 15 Knowledge (Local) or Int to gain +1 to influence Wormwood NPCs.

+1 Bluff/Diplomacy/save DC for a language-dependent spell vs. targets who could be sexually attracted to you.

Alchemist's kindness x10
Artisan's outfit (Free)
Circlet of persuasion
Ioun torch
Musical instrument, Fiddle
Musical instrument, masterwork: Flute
Musical instrument, masterwork: Harp
Musical instrument, masterwork: Lute
Potion of cure light wounds x4
Ring of eloquence (Dwarvish, Cyclop, Draconic, Sylvan)
Spell component pouch
Travelling spellbook

Special Abilities
• Bardic Knowledge +2 (Ex)
• A bard or skald adds 1/2 his class level (minimum 1) on all Knowledge skill checks, and may make all Knowledge skill checks untrained.
• Bardic Performance (standard action, 16 rounds/day) A bard is trained to use the Perform skill to create magical effects on those around him, including himself if desired. He can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + his Charisma modifier. At each level after 1st a bard
• Bardic Performance: Countersong (Su)
• Bardic Performance: Distraction (Su)
• Bardic Performance: Fascinate (2 targets, DC 16) (Su)
• Bardic Performance: Inspire Competence +2 (Su)
• Bardic Performance: Inspire Courage +2 (Su)
• Lore Master (1/day) (Ex)

Special Abilities
Masterwork Triple Time
Your lively cadence puts a spring in the step of weary marchers.

Versatile Performance (Oratory) +18 (Ex)
You may substitute the final value of your Perform: Oratory skill for Diplomacy
or Sense Motive checks
Well Versed (Ex)
At 2nd level, the bard or skald becomes resistant to sonic effects. The
character gains a +4 bonus on saving throws made against bardic performance, as well as all sonic or language-dependent effects.

Tracked Resources Antitoxin Bardic Performance (standard action, 16 rounds/day)

Barroom Talespinner (1/week) Lore Master (1/day) (Ex) Potion of cure light wounds
Ring of eloquence (Dwarvish, Cyclop, Draconic, Sylvan)

Spells & Powers

Bard spells known (CL 5th; concentration +9)
Melee Touch +2 Ranged Touch +4
2nd (3/day) —calm emotions (DC 16), eagle's splendor ,
1st (5/day) —cure light wounds , identify, unseen servant, vanish (DC 15)
0th (at will) —detect magic , ghost sound (DC 14), light,
mending, prestidigitation, summon instrument

Situational Modifiers

All Saves
Well Versed : +4 vs. bardic performance, language-dependent, and sonic
Charming: +1 vs. characters who could be attracted to you
Charisma Check
Circlet of persuasion : +3 competence bonus on Cha ability checks
Charming: +1 vs. characters who could be attracted to you

Jezalane Ki Nightfalcon was one of the three scions of the Nightfalcon Merchant House. She was raised the indulged daughter of wealth and privilege and despite being given every social advantage and a great deal of social pressure from her mother, prefered to spend her days exploring the deep woods with an eye always on the next horizon to becoming the “Lady”.

Recognizing Jezalane was too obstinate to give into her mother’s desire, her father asked her Uncle Otto to take her under his wing. For a number of years she traveled with him, learning to be a factor for house Nightfalcon in many far off lands.

One winter evening their caravan was attacked and scattered. Left on her own and believing everyone dead, Jezalane was forced to make the journey on her own. As she made her way back to the city XXX where Nightfalcons had a charter house she fell in with a band of adventurers. She discovered that she liked the life and set about making her name, exploring lost ruins.

In a fallen tower of cyclopean origin she and her allies accidentally stumbled upon a priest of Zon-Kuthon. The battle was brutal and bloody and in the end, they were forced to flee from the necromancer. taking their wounded with them. Jezalane amongst them.

They then gathered what warriors they could along with all the guards the city could provide and returned to the ruins to drive out the necromancer

Her allies were able to save her life but it cost her an eye and her leg. The survivors limped their way back to the city of Kaer Maga. Sick from her wounds and cursing her fate, Jezalane took offence at a beggar who was obviously faking a missing limb and assaulted him. Little did she know that the town was blessed with Xargazes, the god of beggars. His priest called for her to be surrendered to face “justice”. She refused and was forced to try to flee.

Unfortunately she was captured and taken to the secret underground temple of the Xargazes. What wealth and equipment and wealth she had was given to the beggar she had injured but the Priest demanded that she makes amends to Xargazes as well. What inspired her choice was unknown but she snatched up a dagger and cut her waist length hair and tossed it into the alter brazier.

The Insane God accepted her sacrifice and and more. By his grace she reborn whole in body. Whole in body but 14 years youngers. Despite still having the mind of a 24 year old woman, she found herself trapped in the body of a 10 year old.

When her allies returned they took her to a priory of Desna that the Nightfalcon family sponsored for care. It seemed that Xargazes blessing/curse was irreversible but the Sisters agreed to take her in.

Whether it was because she no longer was the physically fearless girl she had been or Xargazes had changed her in more than age, it soon became clear that she wasn’t destine for the physical life she had known before. After raging against the unfairness she came to realize that she no longer wanted that life. Crossing swords and losing limbs had lost it’s appeal.

Then she turned to the priories Library. Over the next 8 years, she read every book that the sisters had. She also learned to sharpen her musical skills, no appreciating all the years her mother had made her spend practicing.

When she finished the last book, she took her leave from the sisters and Lute in hand went to explore the world. Traveling across the Ocean of Arcadia the boat she was upon was captured by pirates and she was given the choice of join or die, hence for a while she sailed under the skull and cross bones. While she found love in the arms of Avanestra, the first mate, it was clear she was unsuited for the buccaneers life so she returned to the mainland. Her travels led her to be with the armies of Cridor the Bloodless when he sacked the city of Pashow , a experience that led her into a dark depression. She traveled near and far, without a destination until she met again with Avanestra in the elvish city of Greengold .

They stayed in an inn called the Wayfarer's Folly and while they were there, an elvish musician played the most amazing music they had ever heard. Afterwards, Jezalane approached him and asked if he would teach her. He invited him to his home to try out.

As it turned out, he was Brolentae Halfhanded, the elvish master of Song and Stars and his home seemed palatial even to one who had been raised in the extreme wealth of House Nightfalcon. Knowing who she was performing for, Jezalane was intimidated and it showed. He wasn’t impressed with her harp playing. For the first time since she was six, when she sang “Amanas Desna” her voice crack. She was heart broken.

He thanked her and suggested some exercises but it was clear that she had failed. Brolentai invited her to lunch before she departed. Sitting with her, he stared into her eyes and recognized something in her eye asked her to tell him how she came to be there.

Slowly she told him her tale. He listen carefully, only interrupting on rare occasion and to ask for specific information. When she finished he helped her put away her lute and that was when he noticed her fiddle. It was an old traveling instrument of little quality that her mother had given her when she was little and had hoped to turn her into a “Lady”. Brolentai asked her about it and then asked her to play. She tried to explain that she wasn’t as good with the fiddle as she was with the instruments she had already failed to impress him with. Even so, her persisted.

She played a simple reel she had learned in the learned in the shackles for no reason other than she liked the fingering. When she was done he nodded.

“For a mortal you have considerable talent but you lack focus. More to the point you let fear hold you back. When you had failed and could relax you told your story with a poetic passion I didn’t think you had and when you played the three razors (a song he never asked how she had learned) you evoked the sea and the wind. Even so, mortals lives are so short I have doubts that you teach you more than the rudimentary skills need to create music but if you wish, I will try.

With that sentence, her world changed

Now, six years later she has taken leave to practice and master the basic skills he taught her. His instructions were to play until her fingers bled in joy, her voice bewitched an angel and her words changed the world.

to be listed

Song Book:
Listing of poems by other people and the name they are attributed to.

Nightfalcon wrote:

Presented for your Approval.

Jezalane Ki Nightfalcon

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **...

Sent you a pm about pending approval.

Our cook, maid, and stablehand have never fully submitted or shown up.
So these jobs are available.

Interested in the cook. Will see what springs to mind.

Couple questions:

Are different ages acceptable (old man cook for example with correct aging stats?)
Races allowed?
Am I taking PC classes or going strictly NPC classes?

I was thinking an old retired war vet.

I would like to vouch for Gilthanis, an excellent player in every way.

Thanks Terq, I enjoy playing in both your games I am in. I am interested to see how the battle unfolds in the Woodbridge game.

Are you thinking of making a cook, maid, stablehand?

Gilthanis wrote:

Interested in the cook. Will see what springs to mind.

Couple questions:

Are different ages acceptable (old man cook for example with correct aging stats?)
Races allowed?
Am I taking PC classes or going strictly NPC classes?

I was thinking an old retired war vet.

PC classes and difference aging categories are acceptable.

All races are allowed.
I have the crunch for the cook up in the recruitment thread.

Maybe an Ostler

HP rolls: 10 + 1d10 + 3d8 - 3 ⇒ 10 + (3) + (3, 1, 3) - 3 = 17

posted as Gilthanis

basic background:

Vincent was a military man. His father was one before him, which is how he got into the military. There was a war, and he was on the front lines, but he wasn't there for long. He took a balista bolt to the leg, it shattered his femur and a few other bones...much like a balista should.

He left the army, much to his father's dismay. His father was more upset about the reason for leaving, not the actual leaving itself.

Vincent loved to cook when his mother was still around, so he took up cooking. It turned out, he was very, very good at it. He grew up, grew older, and when an older man about mind-20s, ventured out to see some of the world. He landed in his current locale, and became a head cook, and grew older. He may be grumpy, but his bum leg, and people not appreciating fine cuisine has taken its toll. Few people have realized that there are "onion layers" to the man.

I'm sorry, I posted without first going to the recruitment.... I am Jaduf Reib, I am just a patron, and plan on only talking to other patrons and general role-play.

I won't cause trouble.... *roguish smile* I promise

Jaduf Reib wrote:
I won't cause trouble.... *roguish smile* I promise

I'm sure you won't. *judgmental stare*

Sounds fun. Is this inn still cookless?

I am a cook, but could always use another :)

Vincent Del Sol wrote:
I am a cook, but could always use another :)

Missed your post! Sorry. I will read the gameplay thread and figure out what kind of commoner this inn needs most.

Well we're missing a maid/cleaner person type. Guidlines for that are 20 pt buy, level 3, Bonus feat for Skill Focus Stealth.

Do we have someone to work in the stables?


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