The Hollow Man (Inactive)

Game Master trux

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Shadow Lodge

Male Half-Orc Vagabond 1 | HP:6 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMD 13 | F: +1 R: +4 W: +3| Init +2 | PerC: +5

[craps pants] Yeah, what was that about swallow airspeed again?[/craps pants]

Human Magus 3 (Staff magus) | HP 21/21 AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMB +5 | CMD 17 | FORT +4 | REF +2 | WILL +3 | INIT + 1 | Perception +3 | Stealth +2 | Bluff +0 | Sense Motive +0 | Diplomacy +0 | Spellcraft +8
current spells:

Sounds like a horror movie title. Actually I think it was.
Ulp...I can sense the gm grinning.

Guys I'm looking for one more player to join the group, what kind of PC do you think the party could use?

I kind of think another paladin or cleric would be good in the long run.

Hey Mak,

Peek behind the curtain, if you guys bail on Levoca it will mean we skip the Richard Pett module I was going to run but that is 100% fine. That's the whole point of this campaign, you can ignore any hook that doesn't grab you. Doing what your character would do is number 1.

I even have the Barakus hardcover in hand as of today so if you push on for Endhome I am ready.

Shadow Lodge

Male Half-Orc Vagabond 1 | HP:6 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMD 13 | F: +1 R: +4 W: +3| Init +2 | PerC: +5

Staying in Levoca for the module sounds great. I figured that if we leave, then Larrieux gets back to society faster, we fight whatever monster it is in exciting dead of night running battle, and what have you.

Happy to stay in the village.

Hey guys here's the people applying to join you if you want to check them out recruits

Channel (3/4), Seize the Initiative: (4/5)
Human Cleric of Sefagreth 1 | HP 11/11 | AC:18 Tch:12 FF:16 | CMD: 15 | Fort +4 Ref +2 Will +5 | Init +6 | Perception +2

With our abundance of arcane magic, I would prefer a front line fighter/barbarian/paladin/ranger etc.

Shadow Lodge

Male Half-Orc Vagabond 1 | HP:6 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMD 13 | F: +1 R: +4 W: +3| Init +2 | PerC: +5
Baron Larrieux Montpierre wrote:
With our abundance of arcane magic, I would prefer a front line fighter/barbarian/paladin/ranger etc.


Human Magus 3 (Staff magus) | HP 21/21 AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMB +5 | CMD 17 | FORT +4 | REF +2 | WILL +3 | INIT + 1 | Perception +3 | Stealth +2 | Bluff +0 | Sense Motive +0 | Diplomacy +0 | Spellcraft +8
current spells:

All these anti mage types. Feeling a little nervous. Lol

Shadow Lodge

Male Half-Orc Vagabond 1 | HP:6 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMD 13 | F: +1 R: +4 W: +3| Init +2 | PerC: +5

Grimmy - Is Cian-Actual stuck in a bed for real? That sucks.

what's the story-solve?

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My take on the Cian situation is that Makirut has a strange personality quirk of introducing people he meets to a paladin who isn't there (^-^)

I have never seen any evidence that a paladin left Bard's Gate for Endhome with the party, and neither do the NPC's! They just think Mak is crazy!! (*____*)

I PM'd Karl Hammarhand and told him if he's feeling better he can rejoin any time, we'll reintroduce his character at an opportune moment. Back from escorting Morrigan north or whatever works.

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Regarding cutscenes, I can do the other way too, sometimes I do.

Ask Caramir about the Mouth of Doom.

The initial "party meets in a tavern" scene took 472 posts for one hour of in game time. But that game was doing 40 posts a day average so that was only 12 days IRL.

Male HP: 11 (+5 non lethal)/16 | Init: +4 | Perception: +9 | AC: 13 Tch: 13 FF: 10 | Fort: +3 Ref: +5 Will: +2 | Ranger (Trapper) 1 / Wizard 1

That 'party meets in a tavern' scene of MoD worked our VERY well in my opinion :D

It was awesome. That was when I could post anytime at work. I was like a GM on demand, like one of those tech support people that pops up instantly in a chat window. Lol.

I basically always had eyes on the thread, 18 hours a day. Posting for me was no different than text messaging. I would post while out to dinner or in a movie theater like it was nothing.

Shadow Lodge

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Male Half-Orc Vagabond 1 | HP:6 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMD 13 | F: +1 R: +4 W: +3| Init +2 | PerC: +5

I am 100% willing to play frontier survivor gone insane.

Taking bets how long before Mak starts carrying carrots for Cians horse?

Enemies stalking you will follow a trail of uneaten carrots at all the campsites.

Shadow Lodge

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Male Half-Orc Vagabond 1 | HP:6 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMD 13 | F: +1 R: +4 W: +3| Init +2 | PerC: +5

Silly Grimmy, of course Cian packed enough carrots for Pingin Airgid and the whole party, too.
However, when Cian's not looking I do slide Pingin Airgid sugarcubes from my spell component pouch.

Mak do you know how to cook southern food?

I am a yank back east and no one eats green beans right, so I started making my own, slow cook in chicken stock with bacon, shallots and red pepper flake.

Got some pork chops in the fridge and thinking of doing them smothered.

Human Magus 3 (Staff magus) | HP 21/21 AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMB +5 | CMD 17 | FORT +4 | REF +2 | WILL +3 | INIT + 1 | Perception +3 | Stealth +2 | Bluff +0 | Sense Motive +0 | Diplomacy +0 | Spellcraft +8
current spells:

You should try a breakfast sandwich, Australian style.
steak, bacon, fried egg and fried onions on fresh bread.

Oh man that sounds bomb.

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Human Magus 3 (Staff magus) | HP 21/21 AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMB +5 | CMD 17 | FORT +4 | REF +2 | WILL +3 | INIT + 1 | Perception +3 | Stealth +2 | Bluff +0 | Sense Motive +0 | Diplomacy +0 | Spellcraft +8
current spells:

Tomato or bbq sauce is traditional, chilly sauce if you want zip.

Oh man now it's really interesting. I'll take all three.

Shadow Lodge

Male Half-Orc Vagabond 1 | HP:6 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMD 13 | F: +1 R: +4 W: +3| Init +2 | PerC: +5

Mak learned today that toughness is his friend.


Shadow Lodge

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Male Half-Orc Vagabond 1 | HP:6 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMD 13 | F: +1 R: +4 W: +3| Init +2 | PerC: +5

Cannot wait to write the journal entry of the day.

Male Dwarf Inquisitor 6 | HP 46/52 | AC 18 t 11 ff 17 | CMD 17 (21 vs trip/bullrush) | F+8 R+3 W +8 (+2 vs poison, spells) | Init +4 | Perc +10 | Spells 1st - 5 / 2nd - 2 | Judgements 2/2 | Bane 6/6 | DomainPwr 6/6

Greetings! Did someone call for a dwarf? :)

DM Grimmy asked me to check in over here; still touching up my character profile and catching up on the threads so far -- unless the DM has ideas already on how to get Morti into the scene, I'm happy to take suggestions from those of you already up to speed.

Channel (3/4), Seize the Initiative: (4/5)
Human Cleric of Sefagreth 1 | HP 11/11 | AC:18 Tch:12 FF:16 | CMD: 15 | Fort +4 Ref +2 Will +5 | Init +6 | Perception +2
Morti Hearthstone wrote:

Greetings! Did someone call for a dwarf? :)

DM Grimmy asked me to check in over here; still touching up my character profile and catching up on the threads so far -- unless the DM has ideas already on how to get Morti into the scene, I'm happy to take suggestions from those of you already up to speed.

Welcome Brother! I followed your recruitment. I am excited to have you. Larrieux is from a merchant family in Endhome. He also apprenticed with a Dwarven Brewer. If you want to know me and my parents from your merchant days in Endhome or know me from the tavern where I apprenticed, that would be awesome. Completely up to you though. My backstory is in my profile. I really like your avatar and build. Being a second line (Longspear) Cleric, it is nice to have a powerful roadblock in front of me! We should fight well together tactically!

I was also in the militia and a caravan guard. Seing you are from Bard's Gate, we could have served in the miltia together? Whatever works for you.

I'm back. Catching up.

Male Dwarf Inquisitor 6 | HP 46/52 | AC 18 t 11 ff 17 | CMD 17 (21 vs trip/bullrush) | F+8 R+3 W +8 (+2 vs poison, spells) | Init +4 | Perc +10 | Spells 1st - 5 / 2nd - 2 | Judgements 2/2 | Bane 6/6 | DomainPwr 6/6

Baron, let's play with that: this isn't Morti's first trip out of the Stonehearts on family business; perhaps on a previous trip to Endhome, he of course stopped for a drink in the tavern offering dwarven brews (dwarves aren't known for their culinary sense of adventure) and met Larrieux at the time. Fast forward a year or two to the present, and Morti just happens into the Felled Ogre looking for a meal, drink, and bed after his most recent delivery, when he notices a familiar face.

The second half of that would involve a bit of retcon, though, with Morti ghosting along to Levoca and fading in at the next scene change?

Grimmy, if you have a more elegant option in mind for getting me in-scene, I can chill for a bit. Can stick with having previously met Larrieux and a serendipitous re-meeting as shtick for joining up with the party, regardless of where along the story it happens?

Yeah let's do that retcon I think. I hate them but the other methods for intro-ing characters can feel really forced if a cool idea doesn't come to mind right away.

Channel (3/4), Seize the Initiative: (4/5)
Human Cleric of Sefagreth 1 | HP 11/11 | AC:18 Tch:12 FF:16 | CMD: 15 | Fort +4 Ref +2 Will +5 | Init +6 | Perception +2

I'll throw up a Retcon scene in spoilers in a bit to get you rolling.

Human Magus 3 (Staff magus) | HP 21/21 AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMB +5 | CMD 17 | FORT +4 | REF +2 | WILL +3 | INIT + 1 | Perception +3 | Stealth +2 | Bluff +0 | Sense Motive +0 | Diplomacy +0 | Spellcraft +8
current spells:

Flash backs. There is always time for a flash back. I remember seeing an anime in which there were layered flashbacks, ie, a flashback in a flashback, in a flashback. Sureal.

Shadow Lodge

Male Half-Orc Vagabond 1 | HP:6 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMD 13 | F: +1 R: +4 W: +3| Init +2 | PerC: +5

bhut my timelinezz?

Shadow Lodge

Male Half-Orc Vagabond 1 | HP:6 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMD 13 | F: +1 R: +4 W: +3| Init +2 | PerC: +5

Suppose I should introduce everyone to where I'm pulling all this (originally victorian) slang from. Please enjoy the Rogue's Lexicon.

Aww I thought it was original

Channel (3/4), Seize the Initiative: (4/5)
Human Cleric of Sefagreth 1 | HP 11/11 | AC:18 Tch:12 FF:16 | CMD: 15 | Fort +4 Ref +2 Will +5 | Init +6 | Perception +2

Does it have a translator back to the King's english? ;P

Shadow Lodge

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Male Half-Orc Vagabond 1 | HP:6 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMD 13 | F: +1 R: +4 W: +3| Init +2 | PerC: +5

[ic]Mate I'd be guffin you if you thought I gave a rat's #%* about your king in weymarch[/ic]

So much more colorful, our life is beyond the kings

Human Magus 3 (Staff magus) | HP 21/21 AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMB +5 | CMD 17 | FORT +4 | REF +2 | WILL +3 | INIT + 1 | Perception +3 | Stealth +2 | Bluff +0 | Sense Motive +0 | Diplomacy +0 | Spellcraft +8
current spells:

Corr, you be watchin, mate, or old bill will slap you up in the old baily, he will.

it is a source of pride that in austin powers 3, I understood the english slang conversation between austin and his father. Aussie slang is not far removed from that I guess.

Male Human (Mwangi) Swashbuckler (flying blade) 5 | HP 39/39 | AC 22, Tch 17, FF 16 | CMD 21 | Fort +3, Ref +10, Will +3 | Init +7 | Perception +9

Rata Fenn checking in. It looks like I will be joining this colorful cast of characters. I am still modifying this character to fit with the chargen guidelines as well as altering his background slightly to reflect the changes Grimmy suggested. I'm not sure if he is going to pop me into existance or have us meet someplace down the road. Either way, I am very much looking forward to playing with all of you fine folks. :)

Edit: I've finished updating my alias with all of the information I have at the moment.

Shadow Lodge

Male Half-Orc Vagabond 1 | HP:6 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | CMD 13 | F: +1 R: +4 W: +3| Init +2 | PerC: +5

Sea ranger then? Cool, cool
(Morti yer cool, cool too.)

Channel (3/4), Seize the Initiative: (4/5)
Human Cleric of Sefagreth 1 | HP 11/11 | AC:18 Tch:12 FF:16 | CMD: 15 | Fort +4 Ref +2 Will +5 | Init +6 | Perception +2
Rata Fenn wrote:

Rata Fenn checking in. It looks like I will be joining this colorful cast of characters. I am still modifying this character to fit with the chargen guidelines as well as altering his background slightly to reflect the changes Grimmy suggested. I'm not sure if he is going to pop me into existance or have us meet someplace down the road. Either way, I am very much looking forward to playing with all of you fine folks. :)

Edit: I've finished updating my alias with all of the information I have at the moment.

Nice switch hitter build. I played one through kingmaker and he was unstoppable.

Welcome Rata.

One other thing I forgot, there is already a guy using that avatar, did you see another one you like?

Actually as an outdoorsman Rata might be a little easier to intro organically rather than with retcon.

Male Human (Mwangi) Swashbuckler (flying blade) 5 | HP 39/39 | AC 22, Tch 17, FF 16 | CMD 21 | Fort +3, Ref +10, Will +3 | Init +7 | Perception +9

Thanks for the welcome. I've been reading through the adventure from the beginning and am loving what I've read so far (Drow!) Right now I'm at the wrestling match. Very cool.

@Makirut: While Rata was raised on the sea, he will undoubtedly become more accustomed to land as he enacts his vengeance on the crew of the Wailing Gypsy. Plus, I don't think the water favored terrain would do much good in this campaign, haha.

@Larieux: Actually Rata will be a TWF Ranger, but I had to go with the greatsword at first level because TWF isn't mechanically feasible until my weapon style feats kick in at level two. I'm still considering switching out cleave with something else. I'm playing through kingmaker right now in my f2f campaign. I am playing an archer cavalier who is similarly melting faces.

Here's something I've been debating all day and maybe you guys would be willing to weigh in on. Would you prefer Rata taking the guide archetype or just going vanilla ranger? I like the adaptability of the Ranger's Focus ability and while I do love the idea of having an animal companion at level 4 (and taking the boon companion feat) I feel like having another melee combatant might clog up our front lines a bit. I also do like the Terrain Bond ability since I can pass on my bonuses to all of my adventuring pals :)

@DM: No problem changing my avatar. I will look for a new one right now. I'm glad Rata can be worked in organically.

Edit: How's this avatar? Also, swapped out cleave for quick draw.

That'll work. At first I was thinking being a ranger Rata could be looking into the disturbance with the animals but if Rata is more of a bounty hunter would you prefer that angle?

Male Human (Mwangi) Swashbuckler (flying blade) 5 | HP 39/39 | AC 22, Tch 17, FF 16 | CMD 21 | Fort +3, Ref +10, Will +3 | Init +7 | Perception +9

Yes, I think so. Especially if I decide to move forward with the guide archetype since that gives up my hunters bond.

Maybe Brother Arkadius has a bounty on his head? Or maybe someone in the party?

Human Magus 3 (Staff magus) | HP 21/21 AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMB +5 | CMD 17 | FORT +4 | REF +2 | WILL +3 | INIT + 1 | Perception +3 | Stealth +2 | Bluff +0 | Sense Motive +0 | Diplomacy +0 | Spellcraft +8
current spells:

My character's family is rather...control freak. Father could be keeping an eye on karl

Male HP: 11 (+5 non lethal)/16 | Init: +4 | Perception: +9 | AC: 13 Tch: 13 FF: 10 | Fort: +3 Ref: +5 Will: +2 | Ranger (Trapper) 1 / Wizard 1

Rata and Morti welcome aboard - apologies for the short welcoming post, but my days have been hectic lately.

Caramir started ranger, but the plan is going wizard next for a couple of levels, and then a mix between Eldritch Knight and Arcane Archer.

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