GM_Arbiter |

Hello. As the title says, I'm looking for four to six players for a modified version of Root of Evil, a Dungeon adventure from May 2005. Those who have played or run the adventure before can feel free to apply since I will be modifying this for Pathfinder rules.
I've played and run in high-level adventures in 2E and 3E, but not Pathfinder. I'd like to learn more about high-level play in Pathfinder and running an adventure seems like a good idea. I have played in PBPs off-and-on since 2000, but I have not run one in years.
If this adventure goes well and the PCs would like to continue, I'll run more adventures up to level 20 and perhaps beyond. The games will be based in Golarion and tie into the Worldwound in some fashion.
Since this is adventure starts at such a high level, applicants DO NOT have to submit a fully built 18th level character. I don't want anyone to spend an hour or more on character creation only to be rejected.
Instead, I'd like each person to submit up to three character concepts they would like to play. The concepts should cover race and class combinations, archetypes and planned style of play. Character builds will be finalized by the players after they are chosen so players can coordinate abilities, feats and other aspects if they want.
The mix of roleplaying and combat for this first adventure is about 20 percent roleplaying and 80 percent combat. Any future games will be around this ratio since I do want to get a feel for high-level combat with this PBP.
Players should be able to post at least once a day on weekdays. Weekends are optional. I'll probably post on Saturdays but Sunday posts will not be common. I work a full-time job that has occasional overtime, so my posts will likely come late night or early morning EST. Shorter posts may come during breaks, especially to answer questions and deal with skill rolls.
Oh, there is one big rule no matter what - don't be a jerk.
Since character creation rules do dictate which character concepts are more viable, here are the guidelines for this game.
I realize this is a bit more abstract than some PBP games, but it also means that players will be able to post from any Internet-connected device without having to worry about viewing or modifying a document. It also means I will be able to post without having to have access to image manipulation software.
That said, spellcasters should not expect to be able to hurl a fireball at a target that is flanked by two player characters without hitting at least one of them.
I plan to pick players on Monday, Feb. 13.

GM_Arbiter |

Since this is meant for me to see how high-level play works, I plan to select a variety of character classes to fill out a party of four to six players.
There is no need for trapfinding in this adventure, but I find that all parties benefit from a source of healing, someone to hold the front line and some form of magic. However, I don't care HOW the party fills those roles, so there no classes or builds that will receive priority over others.

flykiller RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 |
Sounds quite awesome, I definitely want to try myself at this. But as a disclaimer - I've never played such high-level characters before.
I'd like to to try a striker character. An Inquisitor, a Ninja, or a Monk. More specifically:
Most likely human, with a Preacher archetype to replace situational teamwork feats with more generally useful abilities. Will go switch hitter route - start with a ranged full attack, then move in to melee when flanking opportunities arise. NG or CG.
Rakshasa-spawn Tiefling. Will focus on classic ninja abilities - bombs, sudden disappearance, cunning tricks. Neutral.
Dwarf, because dwarves are lawful awesome. This will likely be a heavily archetyped build, based on Monk of the Sacred Mountain, with Quinggong, Four Winds, and Drunken Master thrown in for extra flavor. LN or LG.

Talonhawke |

My disclaimer is that it would be my first PbP other than that.

Mr. Swagger |

It will be interesting to see if I can make it work with 15 pb.
edit:I did not see the 3 submission limit. I will scale back.

flykiller RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 |
Actually, almost forgot another type I wanted to play.
CG Human Staff magus, with the tripping twirl feat line. Will be in melee up close, will take craft staff if crafting is allowed, but fine without it too. He will be trying to upstage the party full arcane caster at every opportunity :)
If more than 3 submissions aren't allowed, he's going to replace the monk.

Stiehl9s |

Dotting for interest. I've played 3rd edition to well into Epic levels and am very curious to see Pathfinder at the higher levels.

DreamAtelier |
This sounds interesting, so I'll toss a few proposals into the midst.
When the ploy worked, he tried to live as a simple farmer for a time, but found that after having once had the power to shape reality to his will, simply tilling the earth bored him. He longed for the magic he had once had, but was faced with a conundrum: The appearance of his death was tied up in the thinning of his blood, and the stronger he let his blood become, the weaker the ritual making people believe he was dead would become.
It was, ironically, the scholarship to the Arcanamirium set up by one of his former enemies that offered him a way out of his dilemma. By learning wizardry, instead of using the bloodborn power of sorcery, he reasoned that he might be able to regain the former heights of his power without dissolving the ritual.
Once within the Arcanamirium, he established a reputation for being a quick study and skilled craftsman, able to wring the last drop of power from items he had made. In part, this is due to the minor abilities of his blood that still influence his magic in almost imperceptible ways, but it is also partially because he came to realize that one of the reasons he was defeated before was that he relied too much on internalized power, always afraid another would steal from him, and so lacked the resources to draw upon of the cabal that had opposed him. He has studied hard and applied his knowledge carefully ever since, rarely staying in any one place too long as he has grown. Now at last, he has begun to approach the level of ability he once had, but he has found that he as a person is different. Once he might have lusted for power, but now, with the memory of what it is like to have lived without power and at the mercy of those who had it fresh in his mind, he finds that helping others, rather than ruling them, is more fufilling.
Mechanically, Illiaster will be a CG Wayang Sorcerer 1/Wizard 17, with the Arcanamirium Crafter subschool of generalist and the Scrollmaster Archetype (if those are acceptable).
My second and third thoughts are nowhere near as deeply thought out, but

Oterisk |

I've never done PBP, but I am interested.
Zen Archer
Battle Oracle
Your schedule works well for me as well. I would very much like to play.

CorvusRed |

Three ideas:
I'm not sure of the specifics, but i like the idea of this prestige class alot. so obviously an Oracle/Barbarian mix. Probably a dwarf, because half-orc barbarians don't interest me. Not a dumb character, just someone with the worst temper you can imagine and a direct wire to the god of battle
the classic DND archetype that i've always wanted to play but never have. Gnome Illusionist wizard. Happy go lucky, loves using his magic for a laugh.
probably an Elf, Old, and an eternal wanderer, not terribly good with people. Probably using the Storm Lord Archetype just for something different. Though I may eschew archetypes alltogether and go with a nature bond: animal companion druid.

mathpro18 |
I would like to express my interest in joining this.
Sorcerer/Dragon Deciple
Fighter/Stallwort defender
Cleric/Holy Vindicator.
I know you said no evil but would you possibly consider allowing a rogue/assassin in the group? I won't use my powers against the other party members. If allowed it would replace the fighter as a possible build.

Tiny Coffee Golem |

I have an air slyph elemental sorceress idea that I always thought would be fun. She's very much a blaster, so not optimal but fun.
Or a gunslinger/wizard(Maybe sorcerer)/Eltrich Knight.
I'm not new to PBP or high level gaming, so I can fill about any role, but I am not a fan of melee fighters unless they have some sort of stick. I'll see what others are posting and do what I can to fill iin the gaps.

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Consider me intrigued.
My Concepts:
Acrobat Rogue

Tiny Coffee Golem |

Just saw the limits.
Here are my 3 official submissions
Straight cleric with the domains of travel and trickery. He venerates a concept very similar to the Native american trickster spirit "Coyote." Stealthy and craftly, but ultimately a cleric.
Will probably be a specality wizard, but havent decided which. Most likely human or maybe halfing. If halfling he'll have some sort of mount, but not necessarily his famiiliar. He'll be a lot more rough and tumble than most wizards. he'll use his magic to supplement his fighting mostly with some utility stuff thrown in.
At this level a Mystic Theurge wouldnt suck.
Etheral and beautiful and deadly. She is is fond of air magic and pretty expensive things. Think Devil Wears Prada, but easier to get along with, Plus lightning bolts and mad healing.
Edit: added personality fluff. And edited Lady Contessa.

Mr. Swagger |

I realized I did not cover everything you asked for. So here I am with more info.
I am thinking of trying a cleric based on summoning to help out with fighting and utility. They should also provide good up front barriers.
It will be interesting to see if I can make it work with 15 pb. As for healing I probably won't be focusing on channel as much as removing negative status affects. Buffing will also be done by me. I will probably go with a dwarf.
Looking at the beast master archetype also. I will either be going TWF or using archery. I plan on trying this one with a dwarf also.
A sorcerer that took improved familiar with an outsider to hang around with.
The sorcerer will be using some summoning, and planar ally spells. I also plan to have a variety of spells such as battlefield control, blasting, buffing, and so on. I know I don't have as many spells as a wizard, so most of my spells will have to remain useful. I will probably take heighten spell also, and maybe 1 or 2 more metamagic feats.
As of now I am not looking at any archetypes other than with the ranger,and even that is not set in stone. If I don't go with the beast master I will just use the regular ranger.

Mr. Swagger |

Traits are fair game, but no hero points according to his first post.
@the OP:What is meant by "don't be a jerk". I ask because what is not cool for one group is cool for another. I would assume things like telling another person they are idiots for not taking feat/spell/trait X would also apply, but I am just checking.

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I realized I did not cover everything you asked for. So here I am with more info.
It occurs to me that I did the same dang thing. Sorry about that and please let me try this again.
My Concepts (Attempt #2):
Acrobat Rogue

Tiny Coffee Golem |

Traits are fair game, but no hero points according to his first post.
@the OP:What is meant by "don't be a jerk". I ask because what is not cool for one group is cool for another. I would assume things like telling another person they are idiots for not taking feat/spell/trait X would also apply, but I am just checking.
if you have to ask... ;-)

Bilbo Bang-Bang |

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Sounds very intrestings here are my submissions:
Think of him as the grey anti-hero trying to find a different path within this world, he wishes to learn this thing called friendship. He is a melee fighter dancing around the melee with his various twin blades skillfully slaughtering his enemy and using his allies to his advantage. Along with his knowledge of magically items to give him an advantage.

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Here are my submissions
Dwarf Paladin standard archetype, stalwart defender type with her bonded weapon. "Hammer of the Iron Mountain"

GM_Arbiter |

To answer a few questions:
Pathfinder’s world of Golarion uses the rules for emerging guns, which is also the default category of gun rarity. This game will use the same rule, seen here:
This game will run through Root of Evil, a short Dungeon magazine adventure, for certain. Should the game run well and the players wish to continue, I have some ideas for future adventures. A modified version of The Witchwar Legacy probably would come next. Beyond that, I cannot make any promises. I completely understand if players do not want to commit for that reason. As I said before, this is to help me gauge combat at high-level play. A roleplaying heavy campaign is not in the cards here.
At the moment, applicants do not have to worry about backgrounds. I fully expect chosen players will want to modify their character builds and backgrounds to fit together in some fashion. There's no reason to make you commit to a concept that will change in a week before the game even begins.
As for the "Don't be a jerk" rule, I'm cannot possibly list every way to violate that rule.
You can feel safe to assume that calling someone an idiot because they don't play the game the way you wish would be an example of being a jerk. Telling other players how they should play based on your own class ('I'm a paladin/cleric/inquisitor and you must do you what I say or die") would also be jerkish. Stealing from the party, attacking other party members or declaring your character is racist against other PCs also are major parts of jerkdom.
The rule isn't meant to give me a cudgel to police players' behavior; it's meant to make sure that all players have fun playing the game. I can repeat the message from Paizo which is under the window I'm typing in: "The most important rule: Don't be a jerk. We want our messageboards to be a fun and friendly place."

Monkeygod |

I'm not sure if I would pick an archetype or not. Play style would be covering the role of ranged attack, with solid melee ability when needed. His spells would allow him to function as a competent buffer, as well as tracker and sneak.
As for my personal play ability, I can post several times a day, via either my laptop or my smartphone. I too am on the east coast, so I can work with your hours.
Also, I would be in this for the long haul, past level 20, or into another game, with the character from this game, or something brand new.

GM_Arbiter |

Play what you like. I do understand the allure of human, especially when it comes to classes with low skill points.
Oh, that's another thing I forgot. Favored class bonuses are fine for the game, including the racial variants of them in the various books. Also, max hit points for all players to help make up for the 15 point buy.

GM_Arbiter |

The text of the spell will be the primary guide in how such summonings work. The caster's attitude toward an outsider can influence their opinion of the caster, but that won't be the primary guide.
So long as the terms of the spell are followed (offerings made, limits of power observed) then an outsider will complete the task and leave, according to the rules of the spell. The death of a mortal doesn't advance the agenda of most outsiders. Corrupting or turning that mortal to their side usually does.
For the games I run, most outsiders don't jump at the chance to kill the summoner or subvert their wishes unless their goals are exactly opposite (a faithful cleric calling a servant of an opposing deity) or the caster is directly working against their own plans (summoning Bob the outsider to ruin Bob the outsider's plot).
Outsiders usually want mortals dependent on them so they can have a tool in the material plane. If you always call a different outsider, you won't have much of a problem. If you keep calling Bob the Balor to rescue kittens stuck in trees just to humiliate him, then you could have a problem later on.
TL:DR - I won't mess over a player who follows the rules of a spell just for kicks, even if they make fun of the summoned creature. If they make a habit out of it, the summoned creature might pay them a visit when they come to their plane.

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I forgot to add that I am able to post a couple times a day during the week and can keep up on the weekends as well. I know the trouble of working a job with overtime and I usually post near the times you stated as well. If you need to take a look at my writing or play style feel free to look at my posts in any of my pbp I am currently in. Thanks for you consideration of my concepts!
Also I would like to vouch for Tiny Coffee Golem and Mathpro, both a great players to have in your game! Good luck guys!

mathpro18 |
Thanks roid good to see we still have some of the same interests in games lol.
To clerify a little more on my characters:
Sorcerer/Dragon Deciple-probably going to go elf on this one. No archetypes. I'm undecided on how many levels of each class I want to take.
Fighter/Stallwort defender-Going to probably end up going dwarf with him and I'm undecided on archetype...there are so many good ones.
Cleric/Holy Vindicator-female assimer for this one. She has had a troubled past and started blood letting to deal with the pain but soon found that it could help others. No archetype for this build either.

Tiny Coffee Golem |

It seems my post got deleted. Short version is I am on EST and can post a lot during the day with no problem. I have an ipad and a dull job. Also I am very interested in sticking it out for the long haul. I love high level play and have so few opportunities to do so. If we go 20+ all the better. I am a long time player who knows his stuff. ;-)

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I guess I should mention that I am on CST and can post at least once a day but probably more during the weekdays. The weekends are a maybe but I will try. My job does take up a little more time than average, but no worries. I too would also relish the chance to rip things up at high levels and depending on how this goes I would love to make it a long term thing.

jeod |

I would love to try out high level play, here are my ideas for some characters.
A half orc cross bloded draconic sorcerer, who has fully embraced both aspects of his strange blood line powers. This character would foucus on raw damage through the use of fireballs, and other fire spells, ( fire whip etc) But can, and will help out with other magics.
A dwarven Fighter using the two weapon warrior archetype, to use a large steel shield in the main hand and a kukri in the off, This character will be designed to hold the front line, all the live long day. While also bull-rushing enimies around the battlefield if need be.
Cleric of densa,
Dwarf Cleric Will focus on buffing allies and debuffing enemies and seeing to healing if need be for party
I am on CST, but posting will not be an issue.

Joshua Hirtz |

This sounds rather interesting. It would be nice to get to experience some higher level gameplay in Pathfinder so here are my concepts...
Depending on situation I could see him going toe to toe with a monster or using something more along the lines of spring attack to make up for his somewhat squishy nature.
I see this guy shrugging spell after spell off as he moves up to get toe to toe with his hated enemy. Once there, he makes it rather difficult for them to get away.
I see this guy getting up close and personal with anyone that would look down on him.
Thanks for the chance to play and getting me to think up some character concepts I would rather enjoy getting the chance to play at such a high level.

A highly regarded expert |

I'm throwing my hat in because I'm running one PbP here that could go to high levels. The other one will stop at 15th or less. I'd like a little experience with it, TBH, because the goblins are amazingly competent in fights, if ridiculously foolish otherwise. I post all day in the USA.
Elf Arcane Trickster
I have no other concepts in mind at this time, but I'll think about it.

Aoth Anskuld |
This sounds pretty fun. I'd be interested in:
Oni-Spawn Tiefling Zen Archer
Halfling Mystic Theurge (spontaneous)
Oracle 4, Sorcerer 4, Mystic Theurge 10
It's all about battlefield control, buffing, summoning, and wands for utilities. Can pretty much use almost any spell completion or spell trigger item in existance without UMD checks. Major face skills.
Aasimar Synthesist Summoner
I post several times a day generally.

Nazard |

Very interested in trying out high level play as well.
Concept 1: halfling barbarian 3/knife fighter 15. A highly mobile knife fighter who dashes about the field of battle to find that one perfect thrust of his dagger.
Concept 2: human bard/shadow dancer. An arcane duelist and dancer of shadows from the Mwangi Expanse
Concept 3: a gnomish storm born sorcerer who chases storms for the thrill to offset the bleaching.

Javell DeLeon |

I have a Dwarven Monk(Monk of the Sacred Mountain) that I'd like to throw in. Built to stand in one place and avoid everything! (Unless moving is necessary, of course.) :)
I acutally have one built in my profile(Darnak Deepstone). He was created a couple of years back(obviously it was your standard monk at the time) for a pbp that died before it started. So he would be my first choice.
The really only other option I have is a Dwarven Fighter(Armor Master).
Although, the Dwarven Fighter(Tower Shield Specialist) is intriguing as well.
All pretty much built with defense in mind, while offense is complementary.
I can post daily. My posting is pretty much equivalent to yours, though. I can really only post at night. Usually after 6:00 pm on weekdays CST.