The Fourth Crusade

Game Master Desriden

The Fourth Crusade is a high-level adventure tied to the Worldwound and Mendev in the Golarion setting.

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Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness
Sparel Radtymah wrote:
:;I'm surprised more of you haven't invested in flying carpets or something. Gravity is a hell of a thing if you cannot otherwise defy it.:: Sparel adds offhandedly.

You know, I had boots of spider climbing. But I had to trash them due to a "command" word. Although, it doesn't specifically say it requires one, (unlike the Righteous might armor ability) but I guess that just means it's understood to have one? I don't know. I'm not sure how to interpret that.

Speed 40': Fly 50' Init +5; Perception +25;AC 20, T:11, ff:19, F+10, R+10, W+18(+2Ench); +2 SR 18; CMD17 HP: 59/59
Javell DeLeon wrote:

Reading the invisible spells, Mass invisibility is one where none can see each other.

That's weird that invis sphere allows you to see each other, but Mass doesn't. I don't get it.

Sphere is an aura effect and mass is a bunch of individual effects. Kinda makes sense. Thanks for pointing it out.

A magic item only has a command word if the description says something like "on command."

Slippers of Spider Climbing say nothing about a command word, so they just work when you attempt to use them.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Oh crap! Seriously?! Oh crap! Me and my wife were talking and she also was under the impression that if it doesn't specify, it was understood to be a command word.


*Bangs head against wall*

Dang. I wished I would've asked instead of just figuring that's what it was.

I just looked it up. Your wife is correct.

Command Word: If no activation method is suggested either in the magic item description or by the nature of the item, assume that a command word is needed to activate it. Command word activation means that a character speaks the word and the item activates. No other special knowledge is needed.

A command word can be a real word, but when this is the case, the holder of the item runs the risk of activating the item accidentally by speaking the word in normal conversation. More often, the command word is some seemingly nonsensical word, or a word or phrase from an ancient language no longer in common use. Activating a command word magic item is a standard action and does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Sometimes the command word to activate an item is written right on the item. Occasionally, it might be hidden within a pattern or design engraved on, carved into, or built into the item, or the item might bear a clue to the command word.

I was wrong about the command word thing, but I've never seen anyone actually use command words in organized play for anything.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Whew! At least now I don't feel like I just made a grievous error.

That's a relief.

Thanks for the clarification.

Edit: You know, in our RL group, we've never used one either. It's actually never even come up. It probably wouldn't have here either, if it weren't for the Vow of Silence.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

@Party: We're kinda all over the place on how we're gonna climb this thing.

Since Malak is climbing up, would it be feasible to just use his rope for us to climb up? Therefore saving us on spells and potions?

@Arbiter: Is this climb way to high for a rope? And is there even a place to secure the rope?

Now if we decide to forego this; I'm guessing we go with Sparel turning into a big lizard and we ride on his back?

M Human (Taldan) Zen Archer Monk/ Freebooter Ranger 1

It is either that or I just try to leap it. My climb score is +1.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness
Thaddicus Marcaldor wrote:
It is either that or I just try to leap it. My climb score is +1.

Man that's just funny stuff right there! Killing me man! :D

Someone can climb up and secure a rope for others to follow. The only penalty will be that your spells will tick down and some of those buffs will run out sooner.

Oy, I'm on a roll here. Sparel, it seems I misread the Veil spell. I checked for the word scent and missed the word smell. So the trolls wouldn't have noticed you for being dwarves and elves since you would smell like orcs as well.

However, their noses would still have told them they smelled more orcs then they could see. So a similar thing would have happened because of the invisibility sphere. Still, I'm sorry about getting the details of the spell incorrect.

And Akor, I'm sorry about misreading who made the knowledge roll.

I'm hoping this doesn't become a regular thing.

Speed 40': Fly 50' Init +5; Perception +25;AC 20, T:11, ff:19, F+10, R+10, W+18(+2Ench); +2 SR 18; CMD17 HP: 59/59
GM_Arbiter wrote:

Oy, I'm on a roll here. Sparel, it seems I misread the Veil spell. I checked for the word scent and missed the word smell. So the trolls wouldn't have noticed you for being dwarves and elves since you would smell like orcs as well.

However, their noses would still have told them they smelled more orcs then they could see. So a similar thing would have happened because of the invisibility sphere. Still, I'm sorry about getting the details of the spell incorrect.

And Akor, I'm sorry about misreading who made the knowledge roll.

I'm hoping this doesn't become a regular thing.

It's all good. We're all still working out our powers/personalities. Frankly I didn't know any better about the veil spell either. Had you not said anything I may never have known.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

I actually think some of us were already visible also. That Invisible spell only has a 10' radius. If Sparel only took a couple of us on his back as the Behir, then some of us were left behind. (Darnak being one of them.) I know he would have waited behind and let the others go, with their "lack of" climb skill, first. ;)

The worms found you thanks to the tremorsense. Plus there is someone else you'll meet when I post the combat round after work.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

I got another question; I noticed Thad stacked a ki with haste. Those two actually stack? I was under the impression that they didn't, that's why I'm asking.

It's all good to me, don't get me wrong, I just remember when Pathfinder first got underway and the monk iconic came out, there was discussion about this sorta thing. I quit reading discussion threads, so I'm unsure if it was ever resolved.

A lot like the whole "how does power attack work" when flurrying/when not flurrying. It's another "unsolved" mystery in my book.

Male Weremonkey Rogue/Ranger/Trickster

As far as I know, Power Attack and Flurrying should be fine for a few reasons: 1) there's no language in Flurry of Blows that would lead one to believe you can not Power Attack. 2) Neither ability stats you can not. Usually if one can't Power Attack with a certain form of attack, it's spelled out.

The only thing I could see is if somebody made a claim that you're making sort of finesse like attacks while flurrying, such that you can't put extra force behind them. Which leads me back to my first point in that such is not the case with FoB, you're attacking with your whole frackin body, how can you not decide to put extra power behind them if you want??

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

And by the way, when you got Thad going all Rambo on us, I'm thinkin' the ranged game is covered. :) (Especially dealing out 243 points of damage IN 1 ROUND! Assuming they all hit, of course.) Seriously though? That's just ugly.

And I can't even understand what the heck kinda crap Akor's throwing out there. But it sure sounds awesome! :)

And that's some NASTY flankin' damage, Malak! He and Darnak are gonna help each other a lot with this flanking business. That's gonna be awesome.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

The power attack I get, it's the Haste spell stacking with a Ki point(the Ki point adding to a flurry of blows) is what I'm curious about.

Speed 40': Fly 50' Init +5; Perception +25;AC 20, T:11, ff:19, F+10, R+10, W+18(+2Ench); +2 SR 18; CMD17 HP: 59/59

You get an extra attack with haste at your highest abase attack bonus above and beyond what you can do with flurry.

Edit: or Ki

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Well that's cool then. Thanks for that because if it weren't for Thad's action, I would've never added it to a flurry that I increased with a Ki. I was under the impression they didn't stack.

Male Human Cleric 3 - Unholy Barrister

Great Rambo vid! and spot on. I must say that Im mighty impressed with the monks at this level.

that being said I mistyped my post. I should have written that Malak was following after Thad's first arrow. not arrows. Having seen him in action before with Akor backing him up I expect anything they both hit to be dead by now or soon after.

Paizo has never officially said if the Ki attack stacks with the attack given by Haste. At least, I have never seen it and haven't been able to find it with website searches and Google. I found many, MANY requests for clarification.

If anyone can find a ruling on the Haste/Ki issue, let me know. Otherwise, I'll make a ruling later today.

Yes, Power Attack and Flurry combine with no problem. In fact, the number you base your Power Attack on is higher when flurrying since a monk's BAB is equal to his level when using Flurry.

M Human (Taldan) Zen Archer Monk/ Freebooter Ranger 1

Usually when the developers are quiet on a subject their opinion is that it is best left to the GM. To be honest, I like the extra arrow because to me it fits his character. If I look at it from an optimization aspect, it doesn't matter to me either way because there are other ways to use my Ki.

If you rule against it, I will just use a Ki point to amp his base damage up to 2d10 instead. I might actually do more damage, I haven't worked out the math.

And he might not be terribly useful in much other than having a high perception score and killing things and jumping. Like not having a climb score or having even Knowledge Planes. But that's all he wanted to do so it works for him. I could have dumped his intelligence and charisma more like the optimization guides say, but I don't like doing that a whole lot.

My initial thought is that it is too similar to haste and other effects since it acts much like a weapon of Speed (you get one extra attack at full bonus on a flurry only, which is a full attack action just like speed and haste). The other thing is that many Ki abilities are used to mimic weapon traits a bare-handed monk would lack (being treated like magic or adamantine, for example).

I'll keep looking and talk to some PFS DMs to see if I can get some consensus on the issue. If you know of any developer posts on the subject, please feel free to share them.

Male Weremonkey Rogue/Ranger/Trickster

I have to say personally as both a GM and a player who has much experience I am kinda torn on this.

Were I to rule on not allowing it to stack, I would go with the base arguments. It's similar to Haste and Speed, and neither of those stack with one another. Arbiter's comment on how Ki affects a Monk's bare-handedness is also a very good point.

On the flip side, and in favor of it stacking I say the following: 1) it's restricted to Flurry only, or it can be via GM ruling. 2) It does require a resource expenditure, which often offsets a different rule. Finally, there's a feat in the 3.5 Players Handbook II, Slashing Flurry(or Fury), that adds an extra attack similar to this, but only for Slashing weapons. Afaik, and my GMs have ruled such, that stacks with Haste or Speed.

Ask James Jacobs maybe?

M Human (Taldan) Zen Archer Monk/ Freebooter Ranger 1

Well, if it doesn't work should I just drop my 4th attack at my highest bonus for hit and reroll damage with a 2d10 base instead of a 1d8? I can run it that way until you make your decision because I know that is by the rules.

Damage 12d10 + 18 ⇒ (10, 10) + 18 = 38
Damage 22d10 + 18 ⇒ (9, 6) + 18 = 33
Damage 36d10 + 54 ⇒ (3, 5, 8, 3, 8, 9) + 54 = 90
Damage 52d10 + 18 ⇒ (9, 1) + 18 = 28
Damage 62d10 + 18 ⇒ (6, 8) + 18 = 32
Damage 72d10 + 18 ⇒ (2, 1) + 18 = 21
Damage 82d10 + 18 ⇒ (1, 5) + 18 = 24
Damage 92d10 + 18 ⇒ (5, 1) + 18 = 24

edit-- yeah, that's more damage.

I just posted the first round, so I won't go back and redo the numbers now. But honestly, that does seem to grant more damage than one extra attack.

8 or so 1d10 vs. 1d8 +18

80 max vs 26 max
44 average vs 22 average

Yeah, the heavier hitting arrows are just better, especially at your attack bonus.

M Human (Taldan) Zen Archer Monk/ Freebooter Ranger 1

I will just do that from now on then to avoid confusion.

m Orc 8 Fighter / 2 Champion

Uh, the worms didn't attack unless they did that acid thingy. Was that intentional?

The worms did not do the acid. The worms did attack; they just missed. You guys did a good job boosting your AC to very high heights and these creatures are CR 12 each. The one in front made an attack of opportunity on the ninja which missed badly. It then tried a normal attack that would have hit, had it not been for the AC boost of haste.

The one in back tried to bite the zen archer but was no where near his insanely high AC.

Speed 40': Fly 50' Init +5; Perception +25;AC 20, T:11, ff:19, F+10, R+10, W+18(+2Ench); +2 SR 18; CMD17 HP: 59/59

I was going to turn into an elemental, but after reviewing the elemental body spells was surprised to ring they offer no elemental resistances. Seems odd, but I can roll with it.

Thaddicus, I have considered the issue, checked the forums and spoken to other GMs about the haste and ki issue. Until Paizo makes an official ruling, I'll allow the bonuses to stack. It doesn't change the first round since you went before Sparel cast haste.

Numerically, I still believe the other use of ki is better unless you are fighting an opponent with very high AC. This ruling should give you another tool to deal with such a situation in the future.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

@At Arbiter: In round 1, you get an AOO vs. Darnak, don't forget.

Plus my to hit on the worm should have been 1 less. I forgot to include Crane style which is a -1 to hit, but is +3 to AC.

So I should have a 32 on my to hit roll, not a 33.

Malak Jaedoom wrote:

If Malak and Darnak are flanking then +4 to all attacks. Also if my critical hit then Darnak will get an AoO. Thanks to Outflank.

Plus an additional 6d6 damage per hit for Malak

Which could mean another 30d6 of damage. IN-SANE! :P

Man, the tag team from the last layer of the Abyss, dude! I forgot about the AoO too! What a great feat. :)

Will wait to see if that crit hit before I roll. It probably did, but would hate to post it and be wrong.

Javell DeLeon wrote:
@At Arbiter: In round 1, you get an AOO vs. Darnak, don't forget.

The purple worms only have one AoO per round. The worm used its AoO on our resident ninja/shadowdancer and missed.

I shall work harder, within the rules and the module, to hit all of you in the future. :)

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Did Malak's crit hit? If so, I'll post Darnak's AoO.

Any roll of 30 or higher hits these worms. Any roll in the high 20s hits these guys.

Male Pale Master
Javell DeLeon wrote:

@At Arbiter: In round 1, you get an AOO vs. Darnak, don't forget.

Plus my to hit on the worm should have been 1 less. I forgot to include Crane style which is a -1 to hit, but is +3 to AC.

So I should have a 32 on my to hit roll, not a 33.

Malak Jaedoom wrote:

If Malak and Darnak are flanking then +4 to all attacks. Also if my critical hit then Darnak will get an AoO. Thanks to Outflank.

Plus an additional 6d6 damage per hit for Malak

Which could mean another 30d6 of damage. IN-SANE! :P

Man, the tag team from the last layer of the Abyss, dude! I forgot about the AoO too! What a great feat. :)

Will wait to see if that crit hit before I roll. It probably did, but would hate to post it and be wrong.

Outflank is a great feat indeed. Now if we can just make sure we are always flanking...

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

THAT'S true! All the time for sure.

Male Weremonkey Rogue/Ranger/Trickster

Hehe, once we get into serious combat and Akor closes for melee, we'll be sick, as he has that feat too.

So, I've totally forgotten to add my bow's actual enchantment bonus to damage and possibly attacks....which I believe is +2 lol.

First combat done!

I'm just letting you know, the next fight is against undead who spam dispel magic. They aren't tied to the area, the demon tree or even the person behind all this. The creatures are utterly random.

So I'm going to replace them with something of equal CR. Honestly, throwing random undead in for no reason, especially when no one involved can easily create such undead, never made sense to me.

I'll post more tonight once the healing and body searching is done.

Also, each passageway is supposed to require 1d6 Climb DC 25 checks, but since you guys have figured out a way around it, I'll just describe you as getting through the passages rather than waiting for everyone to post "We do the same thing we did last time."

Speed 40': Fly 50' Init +5; Perception +25;AC 20, T:11, ff:19, F+10, R+10, W+18(+2Ench); +2 SR 18; CMD17 HP: 59/59
GM_Arbiter wrote:

I'm just letting you know, the next fight is against undead who spam dispel magic. They aren't tied to the area, the demon tree or even the person behind all this. The creatures are utterly random.

So I'm going to replace them with something of equal CR. Honestly, throwing random undead in for no reason, especially when no one involved can easily create such undead, never made sense to me.

I'll post more tonight once the healing and body searching is done.

Also, each passageway is supposed to require 1d6 Climb DC 25 checks, but since you guys have figured out a way around it, I'll just describe you as getting through the passages rather than waiting for everyone to post "We do the same thing we did last time."

Smart DM.

Good DM.

**Pats head.**


Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness


Psst! Careful, Sparel, careful. He's the DM. :)

By the way, I just fell out when the acid rain fell and you decided to polymorph. This is what I heard: "Fine. Whatever. I'm turning into a Black dragon then. So there. And if you tick me off enough, I'm gonna be bustin' out with some Ancient Red on ya. Got it, buckwheat?" :)

Trips me out how it's just "another day at the office" to be turning into a black dragon. :P

Then there's the cannon.

Man this group is bad to the bone!

Speed 40': Fly 50' Init +5; Perception +25;AC 20, T:11, ff:19, F+10, R+10, W+18(+2Ench); +2 SR 18; CMD17 HP: 59/59
Javell DeLeon wrote:


Psst! Careful, Sparel, careful. He's the DM. :)

By the way, I just fell out when the acid rain fell and you decided to polymorph. This is what I heard: "Fine. Whatever. I'm turning into a Black dragon then. So there. And if you tick me off enough, I'm gonna be bustin' out with some Ancient Red on ya. Got it, buckwheat?" :)

Trips me out how it's just "another day at the office" to be turning into a black dragon. :P

Then there's the cannon.

Man this group is bad to the bone!

Well, it makes me resistant, but not immune. It's got limits. Plus it's an 8th level spell plus a feat. Lol

Male Weremonkey Rogue/Ranger/Trickster

I never picked/listed my traits, cuz I'm a spaz and forgot. I'm gonna add them now, but if they add combat bonuses, i'm cool with them kicking in after this upcoming fight.

Edit, now I know why I never listed them. I needed clarification.

Divine Warrior (Iomedae)

Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on melee weapon damage when you cast a divine spell that affect weapons.

How long does this bonus last?

Purity of Faith (Iomedae)

Benefit: You take +1 trait bonus on all Will saves and a +1 bonus on all saving throws made against spells and effects originating from an outsider with the evil subtype.

Is the +1 to Will for any Will save or just vs spells from evil outsiders?

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