The Fourth Crusade

Game Master Desriden

The Fourth Crusade is a high-level adventure tied to the Worldwound and Mendev in the Golarion setting.

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Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

This is my take:

On the first one, I would guess it to last as long as the spell that affects the weapon.

On the next one, the +1 is on all Will saves; and vs. evil outsiders you would add an extra +1 = +2 vs. such creatures.

The two traits you have listed here come from the same category. You can only have One trait from each category.

Pathfinder Society talked about doing some errata to the first trait because it's confusing.

The second trait gives you a +1 to all wills saves. You also gain a stacking +1 to all saves against spells and effects from evil outsiders. The two bonuses stack, so you'd gain a +2 to will saves against evil outsider effects and spells.

Male Weremonkey Rogue/Ranger/Trickster

Yea, I know you can only take one from each category, I wanted to take one Iomedae trait and then probably some combat one.

I just needed some help with those two...her third one is rather simple, lol.

I am still at work, so there won't be a major combat tonight. I imagine that party will just try to avoid these guard plants, but I'll wait and see what the group wants to do. Sorry about the slowdown.

M Human (Taldan) Zen Archer Monk/ Freebooter Ranger 1

Arbiter, might I tell you of the wonders of Point Blank Master? It is quite nice. I do not actually provoke attacks of opportunity while firing my bow. I do know you have a lot on your plate, and so I thought a friendly reminder would be good.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Hey Thaddicus, I see you get 8 attacks a round. Is that because of Precise strike or some type of Zen archer ability?

I'm asking because I only get 7. Or am I just missing something?

Or are we hasted and I just missed that?

Edit: Sorry, one other thing. (My curiousity gets the better of me) I also noticed you're rolling 9 sets of damage. I can only guess Precise Strike again? Because I really have no idea.

Speed 40': Fly 50' Init +5; Perception +25;AC 20, T:11, ff:19, F+10, R+10, W+18(+2Ench); +2 SR 18; CMD17 HP: 59/59
Javell DeLeon wrote:

Hey Thaddicus, I see you get 8 attacks a round. Is that because of Precise strike or some type of Zen archer ability?

I'm asking because I only get 7. Or am I just missing something?

Or are we hasted and I just missed that?

Edit: Sorry, one other thing. (My curiousity gets the better of me) I also noticed you're rolling 9 sets of damage. I can only guess Precise Strike again? Because I really have no idea.

I think he's flurry of blows with his bow. A zen archer thing. ;-)

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

My bad, Thad. I could've sworn I saw 2d10 damage, instead of 1d8. Which made me think you were using you're Ki point for that instead of flurry.

Have no idea what the heck I was looking at. So that would probably answer the 9 damage rolls, due to the Precise Strike ability.

Okay, I'm good. Sorry for the hassle.

You don't have to spend ki to flurry, IIRC. Sorry about the AoO, I didn't realize you had that ability. I'll aim those at someone else.

But I am wondering how there were 8 attacks. I thought flurry gives you 7. Am I missing something?

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Yes, flurry gives you 7 attacks, but spending a KI point gives you 8.

For some reason, I thought he was rolling 2d10 damage on his last attack,(don't ask me why; I have no idea) which would have meant he spent a KI to increase his damage. Which would mean he couldn't spend one to get 8 attacks.

But since he didn't spend it to increase his damage, he spent it on flurry to give himself that one extra attack.

The 9 damage rolls really threw me off, but I guess that has something to do with precise strike. *shrugs* Not real familiar with that feat or the Zen archer.

I'm tired. We already went over that, so I don't know why I asked. I need a job that ends before 2 am each night.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Honestly, I don't see how you function on such hours. Me personally, I'd be dead and buried. And I mean that literally.

You're a better man than I, Arbiter. No way I could manage that. Kudos to you.

M Human (Taldan) Zen Archer Monk/ Freebooter Ranger 1

I'm sorry, I've been really busy today, so I kinda rushed my post. With so many attacks I kinda copy pasted from earlier. I will try not to make such mistakes in the future.

M Human (Taldan) Zen Archer Monk/ Freebooter Ranger 1

I got the 8th attack through my boots of speed. That's why there is a +31 bonus instead of a +30 bonus. I just forgot to add the clicking of the boots together. All 8 attacks are good. I did not use a Ki point for anything extra.

Wow, Akor, that roll was amazing. Is that from the Inquisitor spell that boosts Perception?

Just so you know, their bonus was +12 for being 120 feet away, +9 for Stealth skill, +40 for being effectively invisible and not moving (just like the spell since there is no possible line of sight to them) for a total +61 to their rolls. Very impressive.

Male Casrua. Inquisitor 20/Ranger10(gestalt feat)/Nature's Warden7(prestigious)

Yea, Acute Senses adds +30 at it's highest and Perceive Cues adds an extra +5. Acute Senses only lasts for 18 minutes though, which I am assuming hasn't gone by yet.

Yeah, that is still up. Just an impressive bonus.

Don't forget to set your clocks ahead. I'm going to be away Sunday, but I might be able to put up a post or two later in the day.

Male Human Cleric 3 - Unholy Barrister

wow, thanks for the time reminder.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Just fyi, fellas.

There is no auto-succeed on saves. If you roll a natural 1, you fail.

Speed 40': Fly 50' Init +5; Perception +25;AC 20, T:11, ff:19, F+10, R+10, W+18(+2Ench); +2 SR 18; CMD17 HP: 59/59
Javell DeLeon wrote:

Just fyi, fellas.

There is no auto-succeed on saves. If you roll a natural 1, you fail.

Where does it say that?

For attack roles and saving throws, a 20 is always a success and a 1 is always a failure.

Scroll down to Automatic Failures and Successes.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Automatic Failures and Successes: A natural 1 (the d20 comes up 1) on a saving throw is always a failure (and may cause damage to exposed items; see Items Surviving after a Saving Throw). A natural 20 (the d20 comes up 20) is always a success.

Source PRD.

Saving throws

It's easier to link to d20 than to the PRD. To much scrolling down for the PRD. That's why I just copied and pasted above.

Edit: Malak'd by the GM! ;)

Speed 40': Fly 50' Init +5; Perception +25;AC 20, T:11, ff:19, F+10, R+10, W+18(+2Ench); +2 SR 18; CMD17 HP: 59/59

Good to know. I guess I have a 5% chance of failure on auto successes. I'll roll form now on. Thanks.

Akor, did you use all your actions in round one? If you didn't, just feel free to add what you can to your next post and I'll incorporate that and your round two actions into the combat.

Speed 40': Fly 50' Init +5; Perception +25;AC 20, T:11, ff:19, F+10, R+10, W+18(+2Ench); +2 SR 18; CMD17 HP: 59/59

I'm starting to think my cannon is less than impressive. The only good thing is that it auto fires every other rouund. Basically it's a turret. I thought it woudl be cooler and more devestating, but I think not. Telikinetically throwing the thing would probably be a more effective tactic.

Damagewise, the cannon is worse that an evocation. It fires once every other round and does 4d10. Not quite sure of its purpose. A distraction, perhaps?

Speed 40': Fly 50' Init +5; Perception +25;AC 20, T:11, ff:19, F+10, R+10, W+18(+2Ench); +2 SR 18; CMD17 HP: 59/59
GM_Arbiter wrote:
Damagewise, the cannon is worse that an evocation. It fires once every other round and does 4d10. Not quite sure of its purpose. A distraction, perhaps?

I think it's themantic with the combat book from which it came. This is the first h

Game I've used it. Frankly you'll probably never see it again after today.

Sparel, what spell or effect are you using to make the duplicate? I want to make sure the monsters behave correctly.

Male Casrua. Inquisitor 20/Ranger10(gestalt feat)/Nature's Warden7(prestigious)

Reading the spell description of Arcane Cannon, it seems pretty solid. Its a touch attack, which is awesome, gets an badass bonus to hit, allows no save or SR, and does deal decent damage. Personally, I would add a bonus to damage, probably your caster Mod, as it is a 7th level spell.

My casting of Wrath was my 1st round action.

Speed 40': Fly 50' Init +5; Perception +25;AC 20, T:11, ff:19, F+10, R+10, W+18(+2Ench); +2 SR 18; CMD17 HP: 59/59
GM_Arbiter wrote:
Sparel, what spell or effect are you using to make the duplicate? I want to make sure the monsters behave correctly.

Trickery domain power:

Copycat (Sp): You can create an illusory double of yourself as a move action. This double functions as a single mirror image and lasts for a number of rounds equal to your cleric level, or until the illusory duplicate is dispelled or destroyed. You can have no more than one copycat at a time. This ability does not stack with the mirror image spell. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

Speed 40': Fly 50' Init +5; Perception +25;AC 20, T:11, ff:19, F+10, R+10, W+18(+2Ench); +2 SR 18; CMD17 HP: 59/59
Akor Scourgebane wrote:

Reading the spell description of Arcane Cannon, it seems pretty solid. Its a touch attack, which is awesome, gets an badass bonus to hit, allows no save or SR, and does deal decent damage. Personally, I would add a bonus to damage, probably your caster Mod, as it is a 7th level spell.

My casting of Wrath was my 1st round action.

It's not bad I suppose. It's a relatively useful auto turret.

The touch AC is the saving grace, along with ignoring SR. It's actually great for this fight, just not so hot for others.

Speed 40': Fly 50' Init +5; Perception +25;AC 20, T:11, ff:19, F+10, R+10, W+18(+2Ench); +2 SR 18; CMD17 HP: 59/59
GM_Arbiter wrote:
The touch AC is the saving grace, along with ignoring SR. It's actually great for this fight, just not so hot for others.

It has merit I admit. Golems espically. Not only Touch AC, but also a really high attack bonus (caster+int).

Due to some Internet problems, I won't be able to update the combat round until some time tonight. Sorry about the delay.

M Human (Taldan) Zen Archer Monk/ Freebooter Ranger 1

Its all right, I won't be able to check it until morning anyway.

Male Human Cleric 3 - Unholy Barrister

No worries on my part either. Ive been pleasantly surprised at our attendance and participation. 3 weeks and almost 400 posts! Effing awesome! Lets keep it up fellas.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

I like this group. You guys rock. :)

I tell you what, running in this has really opened my eyes to a lot of things.

I can't believe how freaking bad a Zen archer is. Just sit back and let the arrows fly. Of course, it takes a comprimising DM to allow you to purchase a quiver with the endless arrows. I'm not sold on many DM's allowing that. That's pretty cool on your part, Arbiter.

And then there's the Inquisitor. Just attempting to understand the multitude of crap you can pull off is astounding. So, I just sit back and watch. (But not too close, as I don't want to fail my save vs. confusion) ;)

Then you got the ninja. When you flank, dude, that's just nasty! That's 6d6 for every hit! On top of your damage. It's not really fair. :)
(Goes to show how nasty a rogue can actually be.)

Speechless on the mystic theurge. Going from dragon, to fire elemental, to throwing things around for 15d6 damage. Plus he "never runs out of options." Freaking a, man! That's just awesome.

You know, I never play arcane because I think they're too weak and boring. But I know they can be powerful at high level, I just don't want to have to run 'em to get 'em that high. Pathetic, I know. :)
But I've always been a HUGE fan of transmutation and the polymorph school where you can transform the way Sparel does. That's just cool stuff.

AND this is all on a 15 point buy. Which is another eye-opener for me. My opinion of a 15 point buy, is, you can't do anything with that. Man I didn't realize I could be wrong on so much at one time.

M Human (Taldan) Zen Archer Monk/ Freebooter Ranger 1

Your monk isn't anything to sneeze at either, I thought my 43 AC was pretty good. You are untouchable! 18th level characters can be awesome in so many ways.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Yeah the ultimate thing about Darnak is his defense. I did all that I could to make it as awesome as possible. I sacrificed offense for it, but I figured others would have that covered.

I must admit, I do think it's pretty cool to be fighting defensively, and having a minimum of a 55 AC. I still am finding that hard to imagine.

I was looking at the Tarrasque, and noticed I could get my AC where it would have to roll a natural 20 to hit me. The freaking Tarrasque! Man that's just awesome stuff! 'Course, I can't hit the thing, but it can't hit me either! :)

(Barring natural 20's of course) :P

Speed 40': Fly 50' Init +5; Perception +25;AC 20, T:11, ff:19, F+10, R+10, W+18(+2Ench); +2 SR 18; CMD17 HP: 59/59
Javell DeLeon wrote:

Speechless on the mystic theurge. Going from dragon, to fire elemental, to throwing things around for 15d6 damage. Plus he "never runs out of options." Freaking a, man! That's just awesome.

You know, I never play arcane because I think they're too weak and boring. But I know they can be powerful at high level, I just don't want to have to run 'em to get 'em that high. Pathetic, I know. :)
But I've always been a HUGE fan of transmutation and the polymorph school where you can transform the way Sparel does. That's just cool stuff.

Casters are kind of my wheelhouse. The throwing stuff around is a ring of telekinesis that has been upgraded to caster level 15 (max for that spell.) The transformation thing is actually clever use of the Polymorph any Object spell and the Multimorph arcane discovery. P.S. I'm a universalist merely because three levels of a specialty doesn't do much good for a multi class character.

Thanks for the compliments though.

*deep bow*

Speed 40': Fly 50' Init +5; Perception +25;AC 20, T:11, ff:19, F+10, R+10, W+18(+2Ench); +2 SR 18; CMD17 HP: 59/59
Javell DeLeon wrote:

Yeah the ultimate thing about Darnak is his defense. I did all that I could to make it as awesome as possible. I sacrificed offense for it, but I figured others would have that covered.

I must admit, I do think it's pretty cool to be fighting defensively, and having a minimum of a 55 AC. I still am finding that hard to imagine.

I was looking at the Tarrasque, and noticed I could get my AC where it would have to roll a natural 20 to hit me. The freaking Tarrasque! Man that's just awesome stuff! 'Course, I can't hit the thing, but it can't hit me either! :)

(Barring natural 20's of course) :P

Oh, I think I can take down a tarrasque if needed. ;-) I have my ways (said in a german accent while ringing hands together very supervillianny).

Male Human Cleric 3 - Unholy Barrister

ugh, we fought a tarrasque in my tabletop game once. We actually got it down to negative HP's three times but could never figure out how to kill it. My necromancer even had the Wish spell prepared!

Speed 40': Fly 50' Init +5; Perception +25;AC 20, T:11, ff:19, F+10, R+10, W+18(+2Ench); +2 SR 18; CMD17 HP: 59/59
Malak Jaedoom wrote:
ugh, we fought a tarrasque in my tabletop game once. We actually got it down to negative HP's three times but could never figure out how to kill it. My necromancer even had the Wish spell prepared!

Problem being that it doesn't stay dead unless the DM wants it to. I would just send it somewhere unpleasant. Perhaps limbo. I almost said let it wreak havoc in hell, but I wouldn't want to drop off an engine of destruction for Asmodeus to play with.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness
Oh, I think I can take down a tarrasque if needed. ;-) I have my ways (said in a german accent while ringing hands together very supervillianny).


If you read the description on it, it pretty much says it's impossible to kill. And like Sparel said, if the DM doesn't want it dead, it ain't gonna die. Which is crazy 'cause it's tough enough as is. You'd figure that's the be all end all of an adventure. If it's wasn't, I'd HATE to see the end guy!

Male Casrua. Inquisitor 20/Ranger10(gestalt feat)/Nature's Warden7(prestigious)

why aren't we killing moar!!!!

M Human (Taldan) Zen Archer Monk/ Freebooter Ranger 1

That crazy reality is getting in the way of my fantasy again. Sigh.

Yes, sorry about that. Reality really got in the way the past few days. New round is up and I don't have to travel Sunday. So, I'm hoping I can make up for lost time so we'll be back on track by Monday.

Also, you might have noticed this combat is a bit tougher than the others. Think of it as the final test before you enter the roleplaying portion of the adventure I mentioned in the original ad.

Who wants to negotiate with a deposed demon lord? *grins*

Male Casrua. Inquisitor 20/Ranger10(gestalt feat)/Nature's Warden7(prestigious)

Wait, negotiate? You mean we can just kill him?? LIES!!!

I have a question for the group, but first some context. The next adventure, The Witchwar Legacy, is for level 17 adventurers. It's the highest level module I could find for Pathfinder. I'll be adding a template to most of the creatures to increase their CR by 1 so things aren't too easy.

By the end of all this the PCs should be at least level 19, perhaps even level 20. After that, I have some ideas on how the PCs can take the fight straight to the demons themselves. And, once the next module is done, I figure the PCs will pick and choose how they want to proceed.

The question is about levels. The Storm King, the Pit Fiend who has found a way to damage the wardstones, is CR 25. He's obviously never alone, so the CR of a fight to take him out would be higher than that.

It will be a while before we get that far, assuming real life doesn't get in the way. But we're almost done with the short Root of Evil adventure.

There are no formal rules for epic levels within Pathfinder. So here's my question: Have any of you tried epic level play in Pathfinder? If so, what methods were used?

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