Tacticslion |

@Tacticslion: If you impress me enough, I can always run a fourth table. Aside from that, the forum threads are public anyway. ^^ Feel free to dot if you're just like to watch things happen. Save you the trouble of bookmarking and all.
No, I'm not tearing up. I've just... I've just got something in my eye. That's all.
If... if I may take my time to see.
I'm currently in one game, GMing another and (before I saw this) submitting to a third. I would want to do this awesome thing right, if I got in, to be able to maximize your experience and my own.
One of the fascinating things about this, to me, is it's a scenario I've played with dozens of times for setting up a campaign. I've looked at it in 2E, 3E, 4E, and PF, but have never actually run it, despite thinking that it's one of the coolest things ever, and all my attempts.
I'm intrigued to see how it goes... and I've always wanted to play one, too. As I've committed myself to two other games, and submitted to a third, I don't think I could do this well. Life and all.
... but I'm going to start making a character concept anyway, because, frankly, the fact that you said that there's a chance mean that I don't have a choice. I must - who knows when I'll get the option again?
Thank you, even if you can't! :D

Tacticslion |

On the bright side, you don't have to wait for others, really. It's just you and the GM, which is helpful in its own way when you're pressed for time. ^^
Also: so... many... character... ideas.
I've already revised one story concept three times. Three times. And it's only one of 'em! You've pretty much sent my ADD self into a tizzy here... :D

Nico Bolas |

Here is the startings of Forgeborn :)
It looks like recruitment is already closed and frankly, i dont care XD as i stated before, i intend to write a book using these characters and i am using your space to put thoughts to paper :) well, code but you get the point
Since the original idea had the character around lvl 17 i intend to do this in 3 parts; Before Asending, Transendant and The Time of Imprisonment. Before Asending details the time, stories and myths of his lifetime before ataining godhood and is mostly detailed in reverse cronological order. Transendant refers to the time he has spent since ataining godhood (and will be using elements of the Lords Of Creation campaign modified to suit my imaginative creations). The time of Imprisonment will chronical a time spent after he had been "betrayed" (spoiler alert XD) and imprisoned with all knowledge of him wiped out of the universe, why he had been betrayed and his attempt to return.
If i had actually gotten to play, it would have started here.
So without further ado!
There are many myths about the time before the Forgelord was known as such. In fact he was at one point known as Forgeborn, Dwarven Forgemaster of Stone and the tales of his time among mortals was no less legendary then his time among the divine. Here, come listen to a tale or two...
His greatest Creation
There was a single point in his history where the Forgeborn became the Forgelord and it was here that he had gained the greatest gift he never wanted. The Imortal Spark. The gift of Divinity.
Legdorn, the First Inventor God had taken notice of the Legendary Forgemaster and had been watching him and his creations for a time, watching as his minor creations had spread out far and wide. Watching as his lesser minions, even when not under direct control of the Forgemaster were equal to any greater creation of any other machinist or conjurer or crafter. Yet some of the greatest of his creations could even match the minor minions of the deities, mere mortal playthings on par with the divine! And of the greatest of these was the very suit of armor he wore, a nealy indestructable golem of brass and iron with a massive cannon for a right arm and his renouned Hammer of Force held in his left hand. His armor so closely attuned to his flesh as to be insepperatable, fused as one. Liquid metal coursing through his veins, gears and grinds responding to a thought and construct sustaining the soul.
Taking on a film of humanity, Legdorn approached the Dwarf, beseeching him to create for him a golem created of pure Adamantine, a relic fit for to do battle among the gods and aid the war in the heavens. If he would attempt such a creation, Legdorn would grant him any wish.
The Forgeborn simply asked to be taken to the heart of a planet.
Smiling, Legdorn wisked him away.
Ariving on the planet of Terrasect, a place with no sky and no sea, just earth and stone and precious metals in all directions, there sat the Forgeborn for a year and a day, neither eating nor drinking nor moving. A stone becoming one with the ground and attuning to the spirit of the earth. It was there and then that the earth told the Forgeborn of a cashe of Adamintine deep within the planet and mighty enough for the undertaking, if only the dwarf could make the journy to the planets Heart. A journy where there is no trail and where there is no up nor down nor food nor air and once there, wrest the bones of the planet free with his on hands and power.
Taking up his mighty Force Hammer, The Forgelord struck the earth and a mighty earthquake erupted from the point of impact, a fissure few hundred feet deep into the ground. A few hundred feet of the hundreds of thousands to go. The year and a day was but a fraction of the time the Forgelord spent toiling away, just to get to his destination, the heart of the planet and decades passed as inneumerable hammerfall after hammerfall rang out. Yet the dwarf-turned metal had no need to eat nor sleep nor even breathe and time ment little to the long lived race.
Finally, after long last, the worn hammer met rock so hard that it could not crack it open, adamantine so durable that even the Force Hammer of the Forgelord had trouble shaping it, here did he find the prize he was looking for. Yet the prize was unwrought and unrefined and there were no tools in existance that were up for the task of shaping the creation he so desired. Before he could even create the golem, he needed to create the tools capable of cutting and shaping adamantine, tools capable of diverting and containing lava to heat the metal, and tools capable of creating the immense pressure required to morph and bend the rock. To create these tools he needed an entirely new and different set of equipment and forms capable of creating them.
Yet create them he did (and i will write that story later :p).
Finally ready to just begin his work, The Forgemaster started shaping his craft. But where does one begin when creating the entirety of such a creature from nothing? One must have knowledge of the workings of the entire body down to the smallest workings, the kind of knowledge only a god should posess. Yet in this he was aided by the spirit of the planet. A spirit who longed for the freedom of life and movement beyond that which was trapped within unmoving stone. And so it wispered to the Forgemaster. First shape the skeleton. Create the backbone that is to hold the entire being together, defining its form as much as limiting its essence to a singular entity. Next began the inner workings of the massive beast to be. Each gear, each spoke, each rod, pully and casing painsakingly wrought out of the earth, the most dimunitive of gears taking as much effort as the largest of plates. Of those, the largest gears, two feet in diameter providing motion for the shoulders down to the smallest of levers mere millimeters across forming the heart. An entire labrynthe of cogs, gears and springs a thousand times more complex than anything that was created before was given shape in that forge at the heart of the planet, the vicera befitting of a body sculpted for the planet itself. Next came the musclature, a latticework of interwoven pistons so miniscule as to seem like fine silk, yet capable of expanding and contracting and supporting immense weight and carrying the very bones of the mountians. Layers and layers of this were woven around the viceria of the golem, built up over and over as to create the driving force of the machine. Next came the skin. Bands of thick, dense Adamantine were woven together to create a durable yet mobile skin for the arms, the legs, the back and the chest. A skin to wrap around the head, creating cheekbones, a nose, eyelids and a furrowed brow. Creating the facial features mimicing that of a bronzed giant, the face of the perfect warrior and greatest defender.
Lastly came the hands and feet. Where as the chest was complex and the head elegant and the back and skeleton strong, the hands had to be delecate and percise, capable of manipulating a quill or turning a coin over, yet they needed the strength to lift mountians and the durability to withstand the force of impact from its own punch. He finally decided on an armored, six-fingered hand. Four digits and two thumbs on opposite sides with reinforced and durable plates covering the back of each finger and along the back of each hand.
With the golem finally complete, a form of perfect funconality and unmatched complexity.
The Forgeborn rejoiced together with his longtime friend, the spirit of the planet only to despair when he realized that no soul would be great enough to run such a mecanical form. No soul could incorporate the vastness needed to run every single gear and control each mechanism. Not even his own soul could hope to acomplish a fraction of such a task.
It was then that the sly spirit of the planet whispered into the dwarfs ear. I will go.
At first the Forgeborn refused, for to do such an act would force it to abandon its old home, the planet and risk driving his old friend insane or outright destroying the spirit. At last he relented, for it was the only spirit capable of feeling every gear as it did every stone, for moving every pulley as it did every rock in an avalanche, for feeling the vastness of that bronzed back as it did an entire planet. Only its spirit could.
At last it could be finished! The spirit of the planet pouring into the Adamantine golem, an entire planet died so that one metal body could live, so that the planet could understand movement. Flexing muscles! An entity so singular and defined that it could feel its beginnings and its ends! And a voice! It could talk!
I am Golath. The spirit of the STONE!
The first, and last, words of the now Forgelords closest friend.
For in the next moment, Legdorn, the First Inventor God came and collected his prize, wisking Golath away from the mortal plane and onto the nebulousness of the divine wars.
NO!! the shout of the Forgelord, signaling the loss of his friend, Golath, the spirit of the Stone as it heralded his assention into Godhood. The Greatest Gift he Never Wanted.
***Stone Plaque detailing the creation of the singular greatest golem, Golath, the Spirit of the Stone.
Found in the forge known as "The Forge Of Stone", in the heart of the dead planet, Terrasect.***

Tacticslion |

This is stupid, I know, but can... can I write up four (well... four and a half) (very short) introductions of concept for you to suggest which one I develop for the purpose of writing up a longer short story/background introduction to pitch to you?
I mean... it's dumb, but I've whittled it down to four (and a half, sort of) out of roughly twenty, so... I think I'm doing well!
... but I honestly just can't decide.
It's ridiculous that I'm experiencing this choice-paralysis, so I'm asking if I may ask you which I should develop more by presenting the basic idea before writing up the more full idea. I just lack the time to give all four (much less all twenty!) the full treatment they deserve.
The one story I've written the most about, ironically, is the one that I won't be playing - I've decided to save it and run for someone else. (Though I'll still submit to you, if you'd, just for the nifties. It's not very well formatted, as it mostly just kind of spilled across the page as I was explaining the concept to myself.)
The mechanics for most are very loose - only one is strongly tied to the mechanics, and I would want to talk to you about that first.
Anyway, however you decide, thanks! I look forward to hearing from you!
(Also worth noting, I'm still not going to be hurt if I get turned down. Disappointed, naturally, 'cause this seems awesome, but it makes sense, and I don't want to burden you with too much - at least this way you get to test the waters and see how much you can handle before I get involved.)

Tacticslion |

Thank you!
The order they are presented is the (rough) chronological order in which I came up with the ideas, not the order that I have any sort of desire for - I'm pretty equally split in designing and fleshing out their stories!
I give a brief idea of how they look now in my head, but it's very likely that they'll evolve a little differently later, as I write their specific stories.
Surprising myself, none of them are the "forge of creation" type gods... hm.
Anyway, let me know which you think you'd like to see developed more!
<drow godling/black-blooded juju oracle/antipaladin?>
This is actually a very alternate (and coincidental - I didn't notice the similarities until after-the-fact) take on a very different character I'd created long ago named Vanue Hae, child of Lolth and Hextor, raised by Vecna as a battery, but who (successfully) rebelled later, and became the Silver Lord (or the Silver Ogre to his foes), the Gray Lord, and the Half-Breed, lawful good patron of all half-races and rejected. I made a write-up about him here, if you're curious. This rebellion, however... was not so successful, and ended in his death. If you'd prefer, I'd be happy to work with Vanue Hae as well, but the child of Zinzenara was the one I'd specifically developed while thinking of this game, and I only remembered Vanue Hae (and the similarities) later.
The idea behind this one is to take all of those normally-associated "evil" powers and creatures and similar and twist them 'round for the greater good.
Non-evil undead gaining a kind of immortality that can last through lifetimes. (Hence Juju Oracle and the summoner; "black blood" comes from his time raised under Ghaundadaur.)
An actual good use of disease and poison and negative energy to purge the wicked, bringing them low, while fore-bearing on the good of heart. (Hence the... um... [anti]paladin.)
A drow filled by nature and nurture with cruelty, deceit, betrayal, and murder... but filled by choice with justice, righteousness, and respect.
I'm thinking of doing a lot with illusion, but at the same time summoner is very tempting to call and bind and bargain with all sorts of evil powers to work good on them and the world at large.
Although Vanue Hae is lawful good, I'd imagine this other guy is chaotic good.
Unrelated tidbit: this was actually the first idea I came up with (the only case where "Idea number" actually meshes with the order they were created).
In this guy's case, I may wish to talk to you about utilizing drow noble as the base race [being all black and magic and stuff; and a child of two drow nobles], but then losing the SR and some spell-like abilities in exchange for a different spell-like ability (I'm not "trading up" in RP points, actually, I'd be "trading down" on purpose).
<fey creature with all the shadow powers?>
The idea behind this one is that he is the manifest darkness - from two "deity-like" beings of shadow and darkness, who was (as is the wont of those gods) left to make his own way in the world. Being chaotic neutral, he did so, and rather well, dealing with demons and azata, with beings sacred and profane and full of madness and or sanity. And then one of his contacts betrayed him and had him murdered, even as he was on ground holy to two other gods he counted as "allies"...
His entire schtick would be reclaiming the darkness, putting him in direct opposition to the likes of Zon-Kuthon, and even his own mother (who may have targeted Viravaxus explicitly in vengeance for the murder of her son) and father; regardless, he would use his natural talents at falsehood and illusion to create reality... actually in that regard, he'd be very similar to the one above.
Similar to the next one, this one actually works well in a "new" setting that has no ties to an established one just as much as it does to Golarion, in my mind, the demon lord being one of seduction and murder and the Eldest of darkness and failure.
<changeling witch on the path to becoming a succubus?>
I actually really like this idea, but I think it may well work even better within its own setting, not a pre-established one. That is, I would suggest that this story be about a demon lord who's portfolio was (regardless of its own desires) passed on to its children upon its destruction, probably at the hands of goodness, and maybe during a ritual involving the consumption of large amounts of celestial blood and/or... uh... "other things" in a profane rite... a profane rite that would leave lingering goodness within.
The idea behind this one is that, destroyed by its own machinations after attempting to gain the power of the celestials [possibly, akin to a perverted version of the the legend of Osiris, having two children by way of that dead Celestial]. A creature of subtlety, seduction, manipulation, and death was murdered at the hands (or rather, behest) of her children (probably Soccothbenoth; possibly the reason for his good relationship with Lameshtu (she helped him kill his mother) and his bad relationship with Nurgal (he killed his mother - look, it's inconsistent, but demon, amirite?).
The concept of being bereft, disgusted with the politics of its home realm (which led to its destruction; also probably due in no small part to some lingering element of the celestial it'd used and abused and devoured), and being left with nothing, it begins clawing its way up once again, only to come to the revelation that it's empty in its old life. It may return to some semblance of itself and former power (i.e. complete the ritual to become a succubus), but it would no longer be its goal to return to the status of demon-lord; in fact, the term "Empyreal Lord" has a nice ring to it. It wonders who it has to sleep with to achieve that... (and Calistria - or similar deity - is definitely on the table there... uh, no pun intended).
I'd definitely be seeking to do a non-evil version of the demon ritual something like how I outline things here, not so much for the power (because, really, otherwise why not just go for balor, you know?) but for the express purpose of returning to her former state "of glory" (which includes some of the power).
One interesting thing is, if she starts out as a changeling, and takes the witch archetype, her story would also make lots of sense to birth the first of the pairaka as well, which is really cool.
<I don't have any mechanics for this one, but probably divine something>
The idea for this one is that he was once an Ascended Councillor - maybe even the first, who remembered (and had survived) the eons of slavery by the giants from of old - in the Eberron setting who spoke against the war with dragons, urging peace and mutual cooperation. Rejected by his fellow Councillors, he worked with some dragons and elves independently, eventually finding a compromise that just might work, and establishing the first half-dragon... the child of the line of Vol. He urged the council to regard the child as a sign of the potential to peace but was instead shamed by the whole of the Court, who found the child an abomination, worked with the dragons to destroy all involved - elf or dragon - and, at the end, turned on one of their own. Perhaps unwilling to truly eliminate him - they did have compassion, and he'd intended only good, after all - they instead sealed him to "sleep forever", severing his spirit from his body (permanently forcing him in a state of astral projection, and having both his astral form and his body under a permanent dimensional anchor, preventing him from ever returning to a physical existence). The astral realm is exceedingly large, after all - effectively infinite - and he eventually drifted away, being lost in the silvery void forever, effectively falling into an "eternal" torpor indistinguishable from death, before, at some strange point in time, suddenly waking up once again.
And now for the one I'm not going to use! :D
And so it was with a single act that she made many, many enemies, and spurred many more to action - enemies within her own church, and within the world at large; enemies that conspired together to ensure that she no longer stood in the way of their plans and goals.
On the eve of her twelfth birthday, in the very holy sanctuary of the Cathedral of the Silver Flame itself, a joint venture: Inspired, Emerald Claw, and cultists of the Whispering Flame gathered together to destroy the young girl and the spirit who crafted the path of light. Despite the power they brought to bear (sent and empowered by Vol herself, cruelly jealous of the young woman nearly attaining everything she'd lost), the divine might of the Silver Flame and the mighty mental prowess of Taratai was able to destroy them, even summoning and defeating the mighty Vol in direct battle... but at a great cost. The Cathedral badly damaged, sacred artifacts nearly destroyed, and the political ramifications of Jaela being possessed of a powerful spirit meant that the child was in exceedingly dire straights, politically. As her less murderous foes were no less vicious, the High Cardinal Krozen, the heir to the crown of Thrane Diani ir'Wynarn, backed by the government of Karrnath and led a revolution, cementing the power of the Cardinals over the church, but increasing the power of the Throne simultaneously. There was never a divine appointment for a new Keeper of the Flame, and the High Cardinal claimed that position in perpetuity.
Stripped of power, thrown in a dungeon, and left to rot, Jaela-Taratai was successfully rescued by some loyal kalashtar, who freed her, but were quickly hunted down by the Lords of Dusk, eager to steal the last vestiges of divine power from the Binding Flame who kept their masters at bay. Though they were unsuccessful, Jaela-Taratai was enslaved, tortured, and left to starve to death, with the spirit irrevocably sealed into that of the growing woman, who never lost faith, and never gave them the answers they sought.
Upon her inevitable death, Jaela-Taratai was sealed into a tomb and forgotten, her foes certain that the young girl would never be seen again. They were right, of course: now she'd grown into full womanhood.

GM Rednal |
The third one interests me the most, mainly because I like the idea of changes and growth in characters and this way sounds more fun - and for a godly entity, this would be a rare opportunity for a larger change that they'd normally have a tough time with.
One thing that I tend to hold to as a GM is that any intelligent being has the possibility of change across alignments (though this doesn't always apply for beings that are just flat-out insane and don't think in terms of morality). Thus, Good beings could become Evil and vice versa, and it's primarily their personal choices that make the difference. Which, of course, means that most of them won't change because they're happy as they are... but the possibilities exist. ^^ In terms of growth, it would probably stop at the template level for balance reasons, though there are other things you can take to get even closer to the ideal for the character. I mean, my favorite gestalt character is a godling of purity and (PG-13) lust - it's totally possible to take normally "bad" things and find a way to portray them in a different light.

Tacticslion |

The third one interests me the most, mainly because I like the idea of changes and growth in characters and this way sounds more fun - and for a godly entity, this would be a rare opportunity for a larger change that they'd normally have a tough time with.
One thing that I tend to hold to as a GM is that any intelligent being has the possibility of change across alignments (though this doesn't always apply for beings that are just flat-out insane and don't think in terms of morality). Thus, Good beings could become Evil and vice versa, and it's primarily their personal choices that make the difference. Which, of course, means that most of them won't change because they're happy as they are... but the possibilities exist. ^^ In terms of growth, it would probably stop at the template level for balance reasons, though there are other things you can take to get even closer to the ideal for the character. I mean, my favorite gestalt character is a godling of purity and (PG-13) lust - it's totally possible to take normally "bad" things and find a way to portray them in a different light.
Cool. I'll start on her right away! (EDIT: that probably means tomorrow before getting you the story...)
As far as templates go... well, I'll talk to you about that if she gets chosen!
I generally agree with alignments, though my own view has a lot of weird (self-intuitive, but non-intuitive from the outside) elements to it, the way you explain it more or less works with what I see.
The first concept is actually strongly tied to that: child of two evil creatures, raised by a third to be an evil creature, but one who willingly accepted a different path, using the wicked powers innate to him to generate good instead.
The one I'm most fond of in concept, but lacking on in execution is the fourth... but partially that's because I really like Eberron, and partially just because I think the Undying Court is awesome and the absolute revulsion in their history was one of their strangest out-of-character elements.
That said, I'm really excited to develop the third one!
What do you think: Golarion default or alternate base setting? What kind of presumptions make it easier on you?
Thanks! :D

GM Rednal |
Go for whichever area you want in terms of world-building. ^^ The other players seem to be more interested in Golarion as a general "base" setting, but I can work with it either way. ^^ Though it's true a pseudo-Golarion is probably easier, if only because we have a solid, established pantheon to work with. Also, expect a number of somewhat original elements, or at least those based on... mmm... what you might call the greater cosmology of tabletop gaming. XD These will become more apparent as you go through the campaign.

Tacticslion |

And now...
... allow me to present...
The Mother of Demons
Instead, it was the vile, disgusting filth that modern scholars refer to as qlippoth - the gibbering, insane (even by protean standards) yet horridly rational malevolence that lurked in the depths of the Abyss, waiting, from before the beginning of time, to come into existence.
It was during these strange primal ages before ages, that the proteans first opened the Door of Sin (as many qlippoth still refer to it). Qlippoth are nothing if not disgusted by sin - one of the small ironies of the universe, it should be supposed. Though this specific disgust would come later. After the daemons ruined everything for everyone, as is their wont.
In the most ancient of times, there were no daemons, no demons, no sin; but proteans, qlippoth, and the axiomites, and the eternal war between the three. Then, beyond the maelstrom, beyond the astral, beyond the abyss, beyond anything known, within a different, exceedingly strange, vastly distant, fundamentally alien realm known as "material" arose mortality.
The qlippoth hated it, of course, like they hated all things, though, at this time, neither more nor less. But some qlippoth... were curious. After all, this was alien, new, and thus, necessarily, fundamentally perverse to the maelstrom and axis... and that meant opportunity.
Thus the first qlippoths tended mortals, delighting in slaughter, destruction, and orgies of violence wrought upon the world through these. While delightful, none of the souls came to the abyss, and the qlippoth never saw benefit... other than the entertainment, of course, which was worth it to some.
As it is wont, sin entered the worlds and, as they are wont, daemons ruined things for everybody. It was also sometime around this period - a very, very large and "iffy" period, at that; few can really remember with accuracy those ancient, hazy days - that the Rough Beast came into existence. Whether it was due to the pressure of mortal souls-turned-demon on qlippoth kind, or just the sheer unbridled hatred of qlippoth for all of reality prior to the advent of mortality, or when, precisely, and how all such things interacted with each other. It's somewhat irrelevant, though: the fact is that Rovagug ascended to godhood as a qlippoth (raging across all of creation in a bid for the annihilation of all that exists), and demons came into existence all roughly the same time and the entire abyss was flooded with them, this new and terrible way of the omniverse placing the war for survival on the qlippoth's home territory instead of on that of other creatures, and less new qlippoths were being spawned and more new demons were. A balance - unknown and unrecognized from of old - fundamentally shifted.
Sometime before, when an archdaemon sought a weapon, the qlippoth only too readily responded. After all, why would it not? The qlippoth - unnamed, for who needed names? - sought vile things, the archaemond sought vile things, and together the two sets of knowledge and skills and unique talents could well create a potent new tool of debauchery and horror.
Of course, as with any such interaction, before the qlippoth responded to the archdaemon's search, it knew that one of the two would inevitably betray the other, and probably both would. This was known and unquestionable. What was unknown is which would betray the other first, and how successful that betrayal would be. Bored with the predictable betrayal (a paradigm she wanted to be able return to, if she desired), the qlippoth set its keen mind to the task of creating a working partnership, and realized it needed to be a secret partnership to function. And so the qlippoth prepared itself to receive the experiments of the archdaemon, but secretly, giving the archdaemon an unknown manipulative ally.
The qlippoth lord gathered corpses - the corpses of lesser qlippoths were terribly easy to come by - and lay its hulking, primeval, horrible form - too vast and large, and far too alien to be recognized as a creature merely posing as a set of caves - bare, open for the archdaemon to work his horrible wiles within it. It was here that the first sinful souls, carefully collected by the archdaemon, were brought to the Abyss. There were many failures, but the qlippoth lord never closed its abyssal womb to him: she was patient, after all, and this was naught but a mild diversion in hopes of soon acquiring ever-greater debauchery. Besides, prey like the archdaemon tasted better when its overconfidence was delectably shattered by madness. The archdaemon settled, and gave the qlippoth lord its first name: Experiment.
Finally, at long last, it worked. The archdaemon found that the most wild and capricious of evil souls, debauched on selfish desires and wickedness - on sin - would successfully fuse with the dead bodies of qlippoths, spontaneously producing the first demons... though they quickly died and rotted into naught, unintentionally and instantly absorbed into the qlippoth lord... it was impossible to avoid swallowing such delicious drink that was already so deeply inside its essence. And yet... they had been so close! Experiment decided it would not allow the project to fail.
Thus, the qlippoth lord began purposefully birthing a few weak living specimens for the archdaemon. It ensured that these children were dependent and pathetic beings, far weaker than other qlippoth... all the better to consume them when they inevitably died, and also to ensure that the experiment wasn't entirely ruined... at least not yet. But their death was rapid and just as sure, none surviving the process; the archdaemon gave the qlippoth lord its second name: Failure.
Failure decided it hated its new name. The archdaemon was also frustrated: so close to success, yet dying too quickly (and rotting to naught as the others had been) to be useful for anything. Then, Failure discovered the secret: they would live if the qlippoth lord secretly nurtured them. It began doing so with a minor portion of its essence, keeping the new creatures alive but still weak, allowing them to be bound and imprisoned by the archdaemon. At last! A third name was bequeathed on the qlippoth lord: Success.
So it was demons first came into existence, born of and nurtured in secret by a qlippoth lord, at the hands of a daemon, and greatly preferring its third name to the second. Success quietly and secretly gloated as an army came into being within its profane womb, coming to feel almost (almost) protective of "its" archdaemon and "its" demons, even keeping other qlippoth lords away during powerful and insane orgiastic and destructive drives of their kind. After a short time, and many more successful births, the archdaemon gave the qlippoth lord its fourth name, much to the latter's delight: Womb.
And then it all went to chaos.
Previously, two of the smallest and weakest demons produced by Womb, barely sentient demonlings called Pazuzu and Lamashtu, had been left in a single Binding together. To the mild surprise of the archdaemon, they had, instead of killing and/or consuming each other, copulated (though, admittedly, it was somewhat difficult to tell which was happening at any given time with these qlippoth-spawned creatures). Although he'd separated them at first, after some thought (and subtle encouragement on Womb's part) occasionally put them together to see if they would produce. Eventually, they did.
Although these first children were all stillborn, hideous monstrosities, Womb was (strangely) pleased that her - or rather "its", yes, "its" - progeny were taking after it, even if in a perverse, silly way. And then one child was not stillborn... and was powerful. The sudden influx of a third, powerful demon shattered the circle the archdaemon had sealed the minor demonlings into. The new demon flew into a tremendous rage, shattering soul jars and delicate bindings and circles and experiments throughout Womb, destroying its progeny, much to the qlippoth lord's fury. The shattered sinful souls of mortals fell across everything, being eaten by the freed demonlings and demons.
The archdaemon slew the newly born demon, casually swatting aside infuriated parents: these posed no true threat, and he needed to contend with the actually dangerous creatures. He destroyed a few of the greatest of the freed demons (some escaping), enraging Womb, too. After their casual defeat, Pazuzu and Lamashtu, along with others, hid within the wreckage, feasting on everything: the soul-stuff scattered about everywhere, their fallen brethren, and their deceased child. The feasting caused the demons to sprout and grow rapidly in power and maturity, becoming potent creatures, but extremely vulnerable during this state of change and growth.
The archdaemon furiously looked about to destroy them, but Womb would have none of it. Quickly absorbing the remaining soul-stuff, she utilized something that impressed Lamashtu for the rest of her days, even when the demon lord could no longer remember these first times: the Womb birthed demons, entirely new ones, not qlippoth, but creatures crafted from the very substance of the abyssal matter and and sinful souls, out of its own body, gestating, growing, maturing, and producing them promptly, severing their newly complete forms from herself to send them raging against the archdaemon. Shuddering at the terrible power he'd unleashed, as the abyss itself seemed to absorb the "trick" of creating demons, the archdaemon fled before the spew of demonic forces, as Experiment-Failure-Success-Womb flung her full fury against the fiend... but didn't stop after he'd successfully fled.
Much to her own surprise - yes, now, it seemed, "her" - the qlippoth lord continued spewing forth new demonic horrors, incapable of preventing her enormous womb from consuming, digesting, and issuing forth new demons, each taking a small portion... but so many small portions began adding up very rapidly. As the demons feasted on eachother in fine qlippoth-like style, and also began feasting on her inwardly collapsing elements, Experiment-Failure-Success-Womb, weakened. Desperate, she fled, expunging all of the demons and "infected" parts of her (as best she could) - including her great womb into an anarchic fall into the depths of the abyss. (That portion would inevitably graft itself to the landscape and go on to form the mythical Rift of Repose.)
Left bereft of much of her power and her physical essence, Experiment-Failure-Success-Womb hid quietly in the deepest reaches of the abyss as the rise of Rovagug, the explosion of demons, and the war between demonkind and qlippoth continued. And yet, the qlippoth had become obsessed. Following the rise and fall of Rovagug, the ebb and weave of demonkind, and the capture and torment of the archdaemon she once thought of as an almost lover, Experiment-Failure-Success-Womb kept her name, nature, and history secret... and periodically continued produced demons.
Until the Celestials. They were beautiful. Beyond compare, the solar's alabaster skin, slender build, glorious dark hair, and perfect curves made her the most seductively gorgeous creature the qlippoth lord had ever seen... except for the star archon. Partially a leonal, the mighty glorious creature, powerful and male, radiated light like unto the sun itself. Experiment-Failure-Success-Womb had to have them. Both of them. And what's more... they represented opportunity: if it were sin that led to her slow destruction, perhaps purity could lead to her "salvation".
The pair of mighty celestials had entered the realms below in a sacred quest, hunting qlippoth like her to extinction during the primeval eras, and had managed great success, against even exceptionally powerful foes. She recognized subtlety was needed with these, as, together, they would undoubtedly destroy her. And so she began.
For the first time in eons, she allowed creatures to know her name, to make contacts, and to hide her true nature. Permitting herself to be called by mortals, making bargains with fiends, she slowly, subtly dropped hints, ideas, and rumors of the Mother of Demons, in ways that would only become apparent to the two beautiful ones, her victims, lovers, objects of desire, and focus of revulsion and hatred.
She manipulated mortals and immortals, taking many forms, and becoming many different creatures, personas, and similar (all while occasionally losing more of herself to random spawn) in a complicated game against time, as she sought anything to stabilize the chaos within herself to prevent more loss... or at least having an exquisite time while vanishing into her demonic progeny.
The archon fell to her first. Charging into a layer of relatively minor but very significant evil that had been preying upon mortals for some time (manipulating a number of hag-spawned genies into becoming the first pairaka divs under Ahriman's rule, who, themselves, corrupted mortals with the aid of these demons), Daelaros the Rising One managed to eviscerate the demonic hordes carefully planted and developed to be a simple matter for him to destroy entirely, though crafted to exhaust all of his resources without over-extending his ability. Dae-light (as she'd come to think of him) slew the nascent demon lord Pairasteth - a maralith who had, in-spite of himself, managed to shake the star archon's confidence and arouse his deepest desires - to rescue the sacred vessel - Experiment-Failure-Success-Womb disguised as a mortal woman named Exfeyzua, who looked remarkably similar to Ocotlesia, the solar, and his wife.
It took very little time or effort on her part after that, to, right there in the throne room overwhelm his mind and spirit with magic, seduce the exhausted, confused, and deeply aroused archon, and consummate the relationship there upon the alter - secretly to herself. During the height of the copulation, pleasure once again shuddering through the powerful archon, Experiment-Failure-Success-Womb revealed herself - her true self - to him. It was far too late to stop her, and he had no strength left, but she was very tender as she devoured him... after all, in the long game of manipulation, she'd come to desire every part of him, you see, and couldn't bear to ever be apart again, but she didn't want him to suffer more than he had to to break his sanity...
After consuming his essence (carefully storing a few choice parts inside of her for later) she once again began preparing for the arrival of a different opponent, one that would be able to find her and see through her tricks far more efficiently than the star archon had. She gave birth, to her surprise, to a demon, son of the star archon, naming him Nurgal, whom she quickly girded and trained for the assault from the wrath of the solar.
Ocotlesia the Dusk Angel arrived with fury and beauty unmatched by any Experiment-Failure-Success-Womb - by now going H'ecks-pha-czu'whaugh - had ever seen. Breathtaking. Using Nurgal as her pawn, H'ecks-pha-czu'whaugh acted in much the same manner with Ocotlesia as she had with Dae-light, though the solar was a more patient, canny, and powerful opponent, being aware of many of her tricks. Knowing that Nurgal was merely a pawn, the solar avoided the demon lord, and avoided many of the traps sent for her, only acting when it was clear she must to prevent innocent deaths, and even then being cautious and clever. Their game went on for some time, H'ecks-pha-czu'whaugh's desire and longing for the celestial growing ever greater... and, unbeknownst to the qlippoth, her shame over Dae-light's demise growing as well.
In the end, though, Ocotlesia's greatest weakness, as H'ecks-pha-czu'whaugh knew, was the innocent. Taking and binding a tremendous number of innocents as sacrifices to gain power by consuming their souls to summon a portion of Celestia itself into the Abyss, forced Ocotlesia's personal appearance, coming mightily with a host of the sacred, ready in a righteous fury set to overwhelm any and all of H'ecks-pha-czu'whaugh's traps, forces, and back-up forces and plans, running the qlippoth lord to the ground. Exactly as planned.
As Ocotlesia's fury grew at the lives and effort wasted, she became incensed and obsessed, as she was taunted and and teased by H'ecks-pha-czu'whaugh (creating a barrier of wind to negate every death arrow the solar could produce) until she could no longer restrain herself, rushing into the gap, and charging the cornered qlippoth... who took the shape of Daelaros, Ocotlesia's murdered husband.
Infuriated, she raged, charging to destroy the qlippoth, thoroughly impaling the growing mass on the other side of the illusion left behind as the qlippoth had invisibly stepped to the side, leaving her sacred blade caught, and causing the raining pollen of lust itself, grown from the essence of all those sinful souls and lust-demons fed carefully to this rift by the qlippoth in ages of planning for this one moment, drowning both outsiders within it. Though the resulting battle was furious, lasting days, they, both of them, were unable to escape the deep pit, sealed as it was from planar travel, thick and inescapable as the lust-pollen itself was preventing flight, and deadly as the combat was preventing climbing.
Slowly, the wiles of the qlippoth won out, confusing the solar's mind, and passionate hatred turned to passionate desire, that her "husband" exhibited so strongly...
After a long, long time, H'ecks-pha-czu'whaugh was sated. Ocotlesia had been a perfect lover, and a delicious meal... though the qlippoth felt strangely... lacking... somehow. Empty. She was full, but... there was something wrong. She wept... but did not understand why. Everything should have been perfect...
No longer burdened by the hardship of battle or ardor, the qlippoth lord was able to slowly climb out of the lust-pit (already rotting away as is lust's wont), pulling herself over the edge of the cliff at last, only to birth twins - a male demon, and a female, both bone-achingly beautiful, reminding her of the beauty that was Ocotlesia blended with the glory of Daelaros. Naming them Socothbenoth and Nocticula, H'ecks-pha-czu'whaugh exulted in their beauty, cooing over their perfect forms, enraging Nurgal (long wating on his mother to rise) to no end, as he had been naught but a tool to acquire one of his mother's of her desires.
H'ecks-pha-czu'whaugh was weak, exhausted, but, she knew, finally free. The sacred reproductive elements of the celestials had bound with her own to become these two beautiful demons, which, upon expunging them, freed her, forever, from childbirth. They were her last, and never again would she fear producing demons and weakening her power.
But - she recognized, now - she was sad and burdened with the eternal loss of her lovers and dead children. Something from the celestials, it seemed, had infected her just as surly as the sinful souls had. She'd avoided becoming a demon, but had failed to remain a qlippoth, and was becoming something new.
Looking at her beautiful children, she made a decision. She would become a demon lord - the finest and most powerful, and perhaps the first demon god, absorbing the power and souls of mortals, and becoming grand beyond anyone's dreams. She would raise her children in the heavens, bringing them to glory as well.
As she lay suckling the fast-growing demon twins, weak but alive and rapidly regrowing her strength, finally and fully achieving true apotheosis, after eons of slow weakening, freed from having children and freed from fear of transformation, she began with the rift of lust, consuming the pollen-dust not yet rotted there, and absorbing as much as she could, her form quickly responding to the sinful energies she was ingesting, becoming a mighty demon, on the verge of true greatness - a greatness all of the abyss could feel building - and growing ever-mightier, to the heights of a nascent demon, of a nascent demon lord, on the verge of becoming a new god - perhaps the first true god the abyss had seen since Rovagug himself.
Which is when (and why) Vyriavaxus, backed by the skill of Lamashtu, Pazuzu, and (secretly) struck, the blades of the lord of all shadow demons landing true, flaring with the power of horrible corrupt sunlight, and infused with the might of two of the oldest demon lords in the abyss.
And so she passed, murdered by an assassin hired and empowered by her own children, only one of whom knew. Known as the true mother and origins of all demons to so few as to be none, her corpse, freshly ascended to divinity, was taken to the edge of the Rift of Repose and, in another one of the ironies the Abyss seems so fond of, tossed inside her own former womb...
While H'ecks-pha-czu'whaugh is her "true name" (for summoning purposes), she probably goes by "Heksfazia" or "Exfeyzua" or something similar.
Theme: Dualism, Manipulation, Pleasure, Rebirth, Sensuality, Transformation
(especially dualism in gender and sexuality, but also morality and emotion), manipulation by desires, and self-transformation)
Alignment: CN
I'm thinking witch (dreamweaver)/alchemist (vivisectionist)/druid (special)... I know, I know "full-casters", but I'd really like to talk to you about the concept, and I'm not really bucking for the druid spells at all... and anyway, this is the least important thing. It's mostly about getting the concepts down. :D
EDIT: This post 3,683 words, not including this edit (though the coding may make that a little "hinky" in exact numbers)... :)

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With so many neat ideas rolling around its sad that this is a solo adventure and not a party. Can anyone imagine the hilarity of a GROUP of us banding together!?
That's exactly what it would be, and probably quite opposite from what the GM wants.

GM Rednal |
Heck of a backstory. XD Quite a lot I could comment on, but with a deity changing and undergoing rebirths, I think it'd be fair to say that she might well be approaching status as a different entity entirely...
Besides that, however, as far as classes go... there's a reason I specified what I did for choices. You're certainly free to present your idea, but do keep in mind that I'll refuse it if it's too far from what this campaign is intended to have. Also, you could find yourself in serious trouble at various points in the campaign if you don't have an appropriately diverse build. XD
@Lazar: These characters as a group would be completely ridiculous. XD What's workable in single-player is... not so workable with a larger party. Besides, part of the goal is to make the PCs really feel like each of them is truly a being of significance, and that's easier to do one-on-one.

Tacticslion |

Heck of a backstory. XD Quite a lot I could comment on, but with a deity changing and undergoing rebirths, I think it'd be fair to say that she might well be approaching status as a different entity entirely...
Besides that, however, as far as classes go... there's a reason I specified what I did for choices. You're certainly free to present your idea, but do keep in mind that I'll refuse it if it's too far from what this campaign is intended to have. Also, you could find yourself in serious trouble at various points in the campaign if you don't have an appropriately diverse build. XD
I'm totally okay with <her> becoming "something different entirely". This was exactly what her back story (and much of this one) is.
EDIT: And I'd totally love to hear your comments - either here or PM, as you'd prefer!
- Dualism: she was love and hatred, kind and cruel, male and female, lover and killer, caring and callous, mad and rational, clever and foolish, distant and close, evil... and good. She was the mother of demons, but did not become one herself until the end of her life. She sought to become a demon-lord... to be good to her children and honor her (celestial) lovers.
- Manipulation: the primary method by which she accomplished anything was manipulation of others, either directly or indirectly, pushing their buttons or getting others to do so, only acting personally... when it was by manipulating someone else.
- Pleasure: all of her purposes boiled down to this one reason; she wanted to do so because it brought her pleasure. Why demons? It was a pleasure to see something new. Why the archdaemon? It was her pleasure to manipulate him. Why the celestials? It was her pleasure that made her pursue them. There were other goals as well - transformation, fear, and survival, but the primary motivation (though I'm not sure I conveyed that well) was her own pleasures and desires. And she manipulated others through this powerful tool as well. I'm least satisfied with my portrayal of this, but it's meant to be there.
- Rebirth: this is pretty well established within the story as the basis of what happened. She was a qlippoth lord - the first to give rise to demons - and eventually became a demon lord herself, becoming a god only to be murdered and turned into a mortal...
- Sensuality: I should think this is self-evident as well, and ties strongly into the pleasure theme, but, to be clear, everything about her purposes was also sensuous - it was exploring that which was new, exciting, fun, and obsessive. Her body and physical experiences were incredibly important. This was tied to the method by which she attacked, manipulated, deceived, and killed; the method by which she used and tricked, and the method by which she attained power.
- Transformation: This is tied to the rebirth, and her dualism, but I also heavily see her as a shapeshifter. Hence both alchemist and druid.
The last is actually part of what I wanted to talk with you about.
What I'm not looking for: another full-caster's full-casting spells.
What I'm looking for: anything that gets the theme of a dreamweaver archetype witch with the shapeshifting and spontaneous charm domain [love/lust subdomain] and reincarnation of a druid (one of the reasons I'd want to do the demon ritual with succubi), and the excellent murder-potential of the alchemist. I really don't know any way of getting something similar, but I'd be very interested if you had some ideas. I'm sure there are things that I'm not thinking of.
The specific mechanics of how are not important - they're there to support the story. I'm very intrigued in how that would suss-out, mechanically.
Reference the writing - the prose is relatively purple... but I do that anyway, whether or not it's for writing stories, and, hey, I figure it's supposed to be over-the-top-grandiose and self-important. You know: deities. :)
If you're uninterested in running a game for her - no problem. As I said before:
(Also worth noting, I'm still not going to be hurt if I get turned down. Disappointed, naturally, 'cause this seems awesome, but it makes sense, and I don't want to burden you with too much - at least this way you get to test the waters and see how much you can handle before I get involved.)
I'm really thankful you let me put in a submission to consider! This is one of the coolest game ideas I've seen in a while, and exactly the sort of thing I'd love to play. Thanks!
Oh yeah, the main reason I'd asked about 3k+ words, is that I realized you'd said that you'd feel bad if those who'd written ~1k of words'd written too much more. I didn't know what your preferred limit/goal/thing is. I could have shaved off the top entry, entirely saving ~458 words, but I felt like it needed that kind of introduction. I know you know the setting, but, it... just felt dead without it. While grandiose to presume that she's the origin of demons and the Rift of Repose, there's precedence for a demon lord becoming a geographical feature (see: all of Nocticula's isles) and it really fit. The fact that she's (sort of) the mother of the mother of monsters seems especially fitting as well, establishes Lamashtu's and Pazuzu's relationship (and the former's obsessions), and creates a terrible and unholy family lineage spread across the abyss. (Sort of: it's more accurate to say that one part of her was the mother of Lamashtu and Pazuzu - who were qlippoths before birth and turned into demons afterwords -, and a different part was parent of Nurgal and Nocticula and Socothbenoth - who were all demons from the first.) Still, it's interesting to think that the archdaemon fled not from the Abyss learning how to create demons, but the qlippoth lord. Of course, she shed the part of herself that did create demons to become part of the Abyss, so he was correct... after the fact...
Anyway, it was fun writing. I really hope you accept, but I understand entirely if you don't, can't or won't! Peace!

GM Rednal |
*Sips tea* I prefer to try and make things work instead of flat-out denying them. I am sticking to my statement on classes... but Kobold Quarterly 15 ($5.99 here on Paizo, $4.49 at Drive Thru Stuff as of a few minutes ago) has a very highly-rated "Bestial Druid" archetype which apparently swaps the spellcasting for better transformation. If you used that, you'd have a full spell-caster, a non-caster, and a partial-caster... which is pretty much exactly what I want to see. XD
I'm not sure if you'd still be able to get the charm domain, though. o.O

Tacticslion |

*Sips tea* I prefer to try and make things work instead of flat-out denying them. I am sticking to my statement on classes... but Kobold Quarterly 15 ($5.99 here on Paizo, $4.49 at Drive Thru Stuff as of a few minutes ago) has a very highly-rated "Bestial Druid" archetype which apparently swaps the spellcasting for better transformation. If you used that, you'd have a full spell-caster, a non-caster, and a partial-caster... which is pretty much exactly what I want to see. XD
I'm not sure if you'd still be able to get the charm domain, though. o.O
Iiiiiiiinteresting. I may just take a look, if I'm chosen! Thanks! :D
(Note: headed out of town for the next six days. I will have access to the internet, barring something odd, via my iPad, but it'll likely be slightly more slow-going for me to build stuff. That doesn't mean I'm dropping out - unless you're uninterested - or not going to be able to respond. It simply means that you might not expect my usual loquaciousness during that time. Of course... that might not be a bad thing... :D

Tacticslion |

Hm. I know magic item creation is permitted. Is custom item creation? I am, for the record, not looking to make artifacts or anything like that. I'm fully aware that your stuff will be better. What I'm thinking of are things like inscribe magic tattoo in order to build psuedo-pages of spell knowledge or some continuous spells that I might not normally have access too. Also, how would tattoos of that sort work if:
1) they were invisible (say, due to invisible ink)
2) you were under a polymorph or other shapeshifting effect?
In order to be more in line with what you were suggesting (as I don't have access to the KQ article, though it sounds awesome) I'm thinking of switching to a spontaneous caster: an oracle.
(I tooled around with cross-blooded sorcerer for a while, but I think oracle makes more sense, thematically, and I think I can take oracle (outer rifts [black blood], planar) to get not only her theme down solidly, but also a lot of the thematic elements to becoming a demon. Not super-enthused at becoming "extraplanar", but it fits, story-wise, with her desires, and I can't justify (based on her origins) not taking it.
Similarly, while I want to take Changeling, if I'm a spontaneous caster, I'm going to need the versatility that Paragon Surge provides later, and that means Half-elf. The primary reason for choosing half-elf, though, is that it's closer to a core race and both Nocticula and Socothbenoth seem either elven or half-elven (half-elven for the eyes, face, and body, but elven for the ears). Between those two things, even though the Changeling comes built in with heterochromalia, I can still choose that for her, and the mechanics just kind of finalize that for me.
Alchemist (vivisectionist) is a definite - I can't not take it, really - as is master chymist in the later levels, to emphasize the dualism (complete with two alignments for pure dualism win).
I'm thinking of ranger (urban/skirmisher-or-trapper<and/or shapeshifter, maybe?> to make her social, shed the out-of-character spells, while setting traps or being tricky <and maybe get the shapeshifting?>) that later goes into master spy (for the extra bit of hidden/unknown element). I haven't looked into the details of the ranger... I'm just kind of bashing it out in my head (barbarian doesn't feel right, monk and paladins are a no-go with chaos, antipaladins are a no-go without evil, and fighters aren't really skilled enough for my tastes).
Does this sound better? I know it's a complete rebuild, but that's just because the original mechanics were my way of trying to sort through the mess of her theme - this one feels much more "solid" to me about that, without the hinky mechanics (the ranger thing isn't nailed down - it's subject to review to see which archetypes work with what, but otherwise, it seems pretty solid at first-blush).

GM Rednal |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Custom item creation is permitted within the official rules for doing so. ^^ Invisible tattoos would still work fine; if polymorphed, you would only have access to magical tattoos if you would also have access to magical effects from your equipment in a given slot.
Ranger/Alchemist/Oracle is an acceptable class combination.

Tacticslion |

So, at long last, here's my proof-of-concept character. Sorry I've been out of town so long!
I know there are a few errors. I apologize. I'm working on her.
Drop one more line for easy reading...
If it's acceptable to you, I'm going to drop the planar archetype - it's thematically strong, but I think the actual abilities of the outer rifts is actually thematically stronger for her.
While H'ecks-pha-czu'whaugh is her "true name" (for summoning purposes), she probably goes by "Heksfazia" or "Exfeyzua" or something similar.
Heksfazia or Exfeyzua depending on the speaker/culture/language (summoning truename: H'ecks-pha-czu'whaugh)
Gestalt [Alchemist (Vivisectionist)/Oracle (Outer Rifts [Black Blood]), Ranger (Trapper, possibly shapeshifter? - it won't matter until second level)
CN Medium humanoid (elf, human)
Init +0; Perception +6, lowlight vision
AC 23, touch 16, [b]flat-footed 19 (+5 armor, +4
HP 17 (1d10+2) <x1.5 max>
[b]Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +6 ; +4 divine (all, included)
Speed 30 ft.
Melee weapon +3 (1dx+2/19-20), weapon +3 (1dx+2), weapon +3 (1dx+2/x3)
Ranged weapon (thrown, 10 ft.) +1 (1d4+2/19-20), weapon (60 ft.) +1 (1d6/x3),
Str 14, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 18
Base Atk +1; CMB -1; CMD 13
Languages Common, Elven; Abyssal, Aklo, Celestial
Fast Learner
Traits and Drawbacks
Charming Blessed with good looks, you've come to depend on the fact that others find you attractive. Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus when you use Bluff orDiplomacy on a character that is (or could be) sexually attracted to you, and a +1 trait bonus to the save DC of anylanguage-dependent spell you cast on such characters or creatures.
Spark of Creation You have always had a knack for making useful things, and your talent as an artisan was evident even at an early age. Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Craft checks, and the cost of creating magic items is reduced by 5%.
Desperate Focus You've often found yourself in situations where a lack of focus can lead to worse than a lost spell. (Unhappy Childhood ALT) Benefit: You gain a +2 trait bonus on concentration checks.
Fast Talker You had a knack for getting yourself into trouble as a child, and as a result developed a silver tongue at an early age. Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on bluff checks with the chosen skill, and it becomes a class skill for you.
Drawback: Hedonistic You are a creature of pleasure and comfort. Effect(s) Whenever you spend a day without gaining reward or treasure (at least 10 or more gold pieces) or spending an hour on entertainment or pleasure, attempt a DC 20 Fortitude save at the end of that day. If you fail, you begin the next day fatigued. This fatigue lasts 4 hours, or until you receive a reward or sufficient entertainment or pleasure.
Bluff +9 (CHA +4, +1 rank, +3 class, +1 trait)
Craft (tattoo, trap) +8 (INT +3, +1 rank, +3 class, +1 trait)
Diplomacy +8/+9 v. sexually attracted (CHA +4, +1 rank, +3 class; +1 trait)
Disable Device +1 (DEX +0, +1 rank, +3 class, -4 black blood, +1 special)
Heal +4 (WIS +0, +1 rank, +3 class)
Knowledge (dungeoneering, history, religion) +7 (INT +3, +1 rank, +3 class)
Perception +6 (WIS +0, +1 rank, +3 class, +2 racial)
Sleight of Hand +0 (DEX +0, +1 rank, +3 class, -4 black blood)
Sense Motive +4 (WIS +0, +1 rank, +3 class)
Spellcraft +7 (INT +3, +1 rank, +3 class)
Survival +4 (WIS +0, +1 rank, +3 class)
Use Magic Device +8 (CHA +4, +1 rank, +3 class)
piecemeal armor (light) [+4 AC, +4 max DEX, no acp, 15% asf, 13 lbs, 65g, normal speed]
- DR 3/- v. small/light (size category irrelevant) ranged weapons or ammunition (ex: daggers, bullets, etc.)
Having carefully selected elements of armor that exactly complement her abilities, she has created something that is perfect for her own use. Despite its hardiness, it's exceedingly sensuous, and built to be exceptionally revealing in its own way.
- Lamellar (Cuirasse) (body) [+2 AC, +4 max DEX, no acp, 5% asf, 8 lb., normal speed, 15 g]
- Quilted (arm) [+0 AC, +8 max DEX, no acp, 5% asf, 2 lbs., normal speed, 25 g]
- Studed leather (leg) [+1 AC, +5 max DEX, no acp, 10% asf, 3 lb., normal speed, 25 g]
armored kilt [+1 AC <stacking>, +6 max DEX, no acp, no asf, 10 lbs, 20g, normal speed]
* Outfit (Courtier's/Dilettante's) <combined, 50 g>
* Spell Component Pouch (5 g, 2 lbs.)
* Bag, Waterproof (5 s, 1/2 lbs)
- - Journal (10 g, 1 lbs)
* Backpack (2 g, 2 lbs)
- - Bedroll (1 s, 5 lbs)
- - Charcoal (5 s, -)
- - Paper (x10) (4 s, -)
- - Soap (1 c, 1 lb.)
* Waterskin (1 g, 4 lbs)
* Knife, Switchblade [1d4, 19-20/x2, 10 ft., 1 lbs, P, look like another object (DC 15), 8g]
* Blade Boot [1d4, x2, 2 lbs, P, 8g]
* Tonfa [1d6, x2, 1 lb, B, blocking, 1g]
* Flail [1d8, x2, 5 lbs, B, disarm, trip, 8g]
* Hammer, lucerne [1d12, x2, 12 lbs, B or P, brace, reach, +2 sunder medium or heavy armor 15g]
* Shortbow [1d6, x3, 60 ft., 2 lbs, P, 30g]
* Poisoned Sand Tube [special, special, 1 lb, -, up to three doses of poison sand; special 1g]
* Heavy Wooden Shield [+2 AC, -2 acp, 15% asf, 10 lbs., 7g] <to defend himself>
Special Abilities
Bonus Feats Brew Potion, Throw Anything, Track
Proficiency all simple and martial weapons, bombs, light and medium armor and shields
Alchemy This comprises a number of related abilities: crafting, extracts, and mutagens.
- Crafting: competence bonus Craft (alchemy) = lvl; use Craft (alchemy) to identify potions as if detect magic by examining 1 rnd
- Extracts: [1st lvl (1; 2+INT mod known)]
- Mutagen: as alchemist's mutagen
Black Blood positive and negative energy affect her as if she were undead; she takes -4 penalty on DEX-based skill checks; at 5th level she gains cold resist 5; at 10th level she gains cold resist 10; at 15th level she gains immunity to cold
Elven Immunities immune (sleep), +2 v. enchantment spells and effects
Favored Enemy Outsider (evil +2)
Keen Senses lowlight vision, +2 perception
Multitalented choose two favored classes; get favored class bonus when you take either class
Mystery Outer Rifts
Orisons Oracles learn a number of orisons, or 0-level spells, as noted on Table: Oracle Spells Known under “Spells Known.” These spells are cast like any other spell, but they do not consume any slots and may be used again.
Revelation 1st level (nature's whispers)
Sneak Attack +1d6
Sociable if you fail by 5 or more to change a creature's attitude via diplomacy, you can try again even if 24 hours have not passed
Trapfinding +1/2 lvl (minimum +1) perception and disable device v. traps
Wild Empathy
Orisons: Create Water, Enhanced Diplomacy, Mending, Purify Food and Drink
1st Level (4/day): Inflict Light Wounds, Tap Inner Beauty, Shield of Faith
mystery spells
2nd: endure elements; 4th: resist energy, 6th: vermin shape I; 8th: confusion;
10th: lesser planar binding; 12th: planar binding; 14th: insanity; 16th: greater planar binding;
18th: imprisonment
Mythic Abilities
Mythic Feats 1 Dual Path (Heirophant, Trickster)
Hard To Kill you're hard to kill
Mythic Power 3+(2*tier)
Surge +1d6
Mythic Ability Divine Countenance
Mythic Ability Persuasive Countenance
Divine Surge Inspired Spell
Trickster Attack Surprise Strike
Let me know! And thanks for the opportunity, regardless. :)

GM Rednal |
Well, let's see here... ^^ I would like to make a few tweaks, at least. In no particular order...
-I'm not using the Piecemeal armor rules, since I feel they add a level of complexity that's not really necessary for this campaign. Standard armor is fine.
-Meet Camiel. Primarily, I'd like to see full explanations for all of the powers and abilities (including Mythic, things like Wild Empathy, Feats and Traits, etc.) listed in the same Special Abilities section (alphabetically is good), and spells just under the offense section (descriptions not necessary). When in doubt, refer to her for the right order. XD This helps maximize how quickly I can find relevant information when I need it, and should help speed things up overall.

Tacticslion |

Please pay special attention to my gear, please: I added two poisons based on the presumptive ability to craft them at reduced cost (I can auto-succeed on a take-10) or milk them (as there is no cost indicated). I'm very much so okay without them - I'm being open up here because I'm not trying to get away with things so much as add some survival tools and if you say, "I'd rather you not", that's fine.
Other than that... I think she's finished. Not entirely sure, as she's gone through a few revisions, but, I'm pretty pleased with having been able to do as well as I have with a nearly-three-year-old little buddy literally jumping on my head. ^-^
The Mother of Demons
Heksfazia or Exfeyzua depending on the speaker/culture/language (summoning truename: H'ecks-pha-czu'whaugh)
"From the grave... I rise... reborn?"
"I'm shy... (hee-hee)"
Cute kitty."
(The same coin)
This bizarrely beautiful half-elf seems more than mortal, and difficult to place. With hair the color of midnight purple and sunset, eyes very similar (one fading to the shimmering colors of twilight to copper sunset to bronze) she seems almost other-worldy. Though slow to act, each move seems calculated to be enticing, promising sensuous pleasures, and is both exciting and terrifying, beautiful yet terrible, and wholly inviting. Then, with a wink, she downs a flask. In a flash, she's transformed. Her hair is a strange hue of red... her eyes filled with the fury and power of another realm. A lascivious grin spreads across her face, and she advances...
... this striking creature has smoldering eyes and clearly other-worldly features, from the burning shifting red-to-pink blue hair, the strange Abyssal writings, and the shifting skin tone changing from blue to green to gold to copper to red to purple and back to blue over the course of minutes. Dangerous, terrible, yet horribly seductive in her own strange way, and aggressively "friendly"...
"Such lovely memories."
(Shedding more of me.)
"I'm just an innocent qlippoth..."
"Sh! I'm hiding in normal human disguise."
"Why yes, I'm a monster... d'you like it"
Triple Gestalt: Alchemist (Vivisectionist)/Oracle (Outer Rifts [Black Blood]), Ranger (Trapper, Shapeshifter)
CN Medium humanoid (elf, human)
Init +0; Perception +6, lowlight vision
AC 22, touch 16, flat-footed 18 (+4 armor, +4
HP 18 (1d10+2+1) <x1.5 max>
Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +6 ; +4 divine (all, included)
Defensive Abilities Elven Immunities
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Knife, Switchblade +3 (1d4+2/19-20 P or S <can look like something else>); Blade Boot +3 (1d4+2 P); Tonfa +3 (1d4+2 B, blocking); Flail +3 (1d8+2 B, disarm, trip); Hammer, Lucerne +3 (1d12+2 B or P, brace, reach, +2 sunder medium or heavy armor)
Ranged Knife, Switchblade (thrown, 10 ft.) +1 (1d4+2/19-20 P); Shortbow (60 ft.) +1 (1d6/x3 P); Poison Sand Tube +1 (special, up to three doses of poison sand; currently loaded with two doses of drow sleeping poison)
Special Attacks Favored Enemy <(outsiders [evil]) +2>, Sneak Attack +1d6
Alchemist Extracts Prepared
- 1st (<1c+1a> 2/day): blend, disguise self
Alchemist Extracts Known
- 1st: blend, crafter's fortune, comprehend languages, disguise self, polypurpose panacea, shield, true strike
Oracle Spells [Known] and (Per Day)
- 1st Level [2+inflict] (<3c+1a> 4/day): Inflict Light Wounds, Tap Inner Beauty, or Shield of Faith
- Orisons [4+favored class 1] (at will): Create Water, Detect Magic, Enhanced Diplomacy, Mending, Purify Food and Drink
Str 14, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 18
Base Atk +1; CMB -1; CMD 13
Normal Feats (by level)
(1) Fast Learner
(b) Brew Potion
(b) Throw Anything
Mythic Feats (by tier)
(1) Dual Path (Heirophant, Trickster)
Traits and Drawbacks
Charming Blessed with good looks, you've come to depend on the fact that others find you attractive. Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus when you use Bluff or Diplomacy on a character that is (or could be) sexually attracted to you, and a +1 trait bonus to the save DC of any language-dependent spell you cast on such characters or creatures.
Spark of Creation You have always had a knack for making useful things, and your talent as an artisan was evident even at an early age. Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Craft checks, and the cost of creating magic items is reduced by 5%.
Desperate Focus You've often found yourself in situations where a lack of focus can lead to worse than a lost spell. (Unhappy Childhood ALT) Benefit: You gain a +2 trait bonus on concentration checks.
Fast Talker You had a knack for getting yourself into trouble as a child, and as a result developed a silver tongue at an early age. Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on bluff checks with the chosen skill, and it becomes a class skill for you.
Drawback: Hedonistic You are a creature of pleasure and comfort. Effect(s) Whenever you spend a day without gaining reward or treasure (at least 10 or more gold pieces) or spending an hour on entertainment or pleasure, attempt a DC 20 Fortitude save at the end of that day. If you fail, you begin the next day fatigued. This fatigue lasts 4 hours, or until you receive a reward or sufficient entertainment or pleasure.
Bluff +9 (CHA +4, +1 rank, +3 class, +1 trait)
Craft (tattoo, trap) +8 (INT +3, +1 rank, +3 class, +1 trait)
Diplomacy +8/+9 v. sexually attracted (CHA +4, +1 rank, +3 class; +1 trait)
Disable Device +0 (DEX +0, +1 rank, +3 class, -4 black blood, +1 special, -1 armor)
Heal +4 (WIS +0, +1 rank, +3 class)
Knowledge (dungeoneering, history, religion) +7 (INT +3, +1 rank, +3 class)
Perception +6 (WIS +0, +1 rank, +3 class, +2 racial)
Sleight of Hand -1 (DEX +0, +1 rank, +3 class, -4 black blood, -1 armor)
Sense Motive +4 (WIS +0, +1 rank, +3 class)
Spellcraft +7 (INT +3, +1 rank, +3 class)
Survival +4 (WIS +0, +1 rank, +3 class)
Use Magic Device +8 (CHA +4, +1 rank, +3 class)
Racial Modifiers
+2 Any ability score (CHA), Elven Immunities, Keen Senses, Lowlight Vision, Elf-blood, Mutltitalented, Sociable
Languages Common, Elven; Abyssal, Aklo, Celestial
Alchemy, Black Blood, Mystery (outer rifts), Orisons, Revelations (nature's whispers), Sociable, Trapfinding, Wild Empathy
hide shirt [+3 AC, +4 max DEX, -1 acp, 15% asf, 18 lbs, 20g, normal speed]
Made from animal hide and giant lizard scales over a shirt of interwoven cords, these chest and shoulder coverings protect without restricting mobility. Having carefully selected elements of armor that exactly complement her abilities, she has created something that is perfect for her own use. Despite its hardiness, it's exceedingly sensuous, and built to be exceptionally revealing in its own way.
The wearer of a hide shirt can make a DC 15 Strength check as a standard action. If he succeeds, the armor gains the broken condition and drops to the ground rather than requiring the usual 1 minute it would take to remove it. The armor must be repaired as though it had taken 8 points of damage before it can be used again; a broken hide shirt grants no bonus to Armor Class.
armored kilt [+1 AC <stacking>, +6 max DEX, no acp, no asf, 10 lbs, 20g, normal speed]
This armor bonus stacks with other armor. When you add an armored kilt to a suit of light armor, the set counts as medium armor. Likewise, a kilt and medium armor counts as heavy armor.
* Outfit (Courtier's/Dilettante's) <combined, 50 g>
* Spell Component Pouch (5 g, 2 lbs.)
* Bag, Waterproof (5 s, 1/2 lbs)
- - Journal (10 g, 1 lbs)
* Backpack (2 g, 2 lbs)
- - Bedroll (1 s, 5 lbs)
- - Charcoal (5 s, -)
- - Paper (x10) (4 s, -)
- - Soap (1 c, 1 lb.)
* Waterskin (1 g, 4 lbs)
* Knife, Switchblade [1d4, 19-20/x2, 10 ft., 1 lbs, P, look like another object (DC 15), 8g]
* Blade Boot [1d4, x2, 2 lbs, P, 8g]
* Tonfa [1d6, x2, 1 lb, B, blocking, 1g]
* Flail [1d8, x2, 5 lbs, B, disarm, trip, 8g]
* Hammer, lucerne [1d12, x2, 12 lbs, B or P, brace, reach, +2 sunder medium or heavy armor 15g]
* Shortbow [1d6, x3, 60 ft., 2 lbs, P, 30g]
* Poisoned Sand Tube [special, special, 1 lb, -, up to three doses of poison sand; special 1g]
* Heavy Wooden Shield [+2 AC, -2 acp, 15% asf, 10 lbs., 7g] <to defend herself>
* Marbles (x10) [2s each]
* Caltrops (x5) [1g each]
* Drow Poison (x2) [25 each <can I craft these?>]
* Wasp Swarm Poison (x10) [no price listed, presumed free for milking?]
Special Abilities
Bonus Feats Brew Potion, Throw Anything
Proficiency all simple and martial weapons, bombs, light and medium armor and shields
Alchemy This comprises a number of related abilities: crafting, extracts, and mutagens.
- Brew Potion (Ex): An alchemist can brew potions of any formulae she knows (up to 3rd level), using her alchemist level as her caster level. The spell must be one that can be made into a potion. The alchemist does not need to meet the prerequisites for this feat.
- Crafting (Su): competence bonus Craft (alchemy) = lvl; use Craft (alchemy) to identify potions as if detect magic by examining 1 rnd
- Extracts (Su): [1st lvl (1; 2+INT mod known)]; it requires 1 minute of work to prepare an extract, which remains potent for 1 day, before becoming innert; drinking an extract is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity (this can be directed at the extract instead of the character, potentially destroying it; usually 1 in. wide and 2 in. high at maximum, with base AC 13, 1 hp, hardness 1, break DC 12); without Infusion discovery, most extracts can't be given to others (it becomes a full-round action to administer to an unconscious creature); an alchemist can use spell-trigger items if the spell appears as one of her extracts, but not spell completion items (without UMD, of course)
- Mutagen (Su): 1 hour to brew 1 dose; remains potent until used; can only maintain 1 dose at a time—if she brews a second, existing mutagen becomes inert; mutagen that is not in an alchemist's possession becomes inert until an alchemist picks it up again (but see Infusion). Each time brewed, select one physical ability score to gain a bonus (a penalty to a corresponding mental score)—either Strength (related INT), Dexterity (related WIS), or Constitution (related CHA). Grants her a +2 natural armor a +4 alchemical bonus to the selected ability score and a -2 to the related score for 10 minutes per alchemist level. It's a standard action to drink a mutagen. A non-alchemist who drinks a mutagen must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the alchemist's level + the alchemist's Intelligence mod) or become nauseated for 1 hour—a non-alchemist can never gain the benefit of a mutagen, but an alchemist can gain the effects of another alchemist's mutagen if she drinks it. (Although if the other alchemist creates a different mutagen, the effects of the “stolen” mutagen immediately cease.) The effects of a mutagen do not stack. Whenever an alchemist drinks a mutagen, the effects of any previous mutagen immediately end.
Black Blood positive and negative energy affect her as if she were undead; she takes -4 penalty on DEX-based skill checks; at 5th level she gains cold resist 5; at 10th level she gains cold resist 10; at 15th level she gains immunity to cold
Elven Immunities immune (sleep), +2 v. enchantment spells and effects
Favored Enemy Outsider (evil +2)
Favored Class Bonuses alchemist (skill point, hit point until 4th lvl; 5th lvl+ additional formula known); oracle (skill point, additional spells known) [see Fast Learner feat and Multitalented racial ability]
Keen Senses lowlight vision, +2 perception
Multitalented choose two favored classes; get favored class bonus whenever you take a level in either class (alchemist, oracle)
Mystery Outer Rifts; touched by the outer rifts, you gain many traits and properties from them
Mythic Power gain a number of uses/day of mythic power equal to 3+(2/tier); the following abilities utilize one (or, if noted, more) use of mythic power
- [Path Attack] Divine Surge (Inspired Spell): cast any divine spell that you could have access to via character choices (max level known from your class list, etc) at +2 CL; (heirophant)
- [Path Attack] Trickster Attack (Surprise Strike): swift action, make a melee or ranged 30 attack; gain +tier to attack, bypass all DR, target is flat-footed (regardless of abilities or class features) (trickster)
- Surge (+1d6) add your surge value to any d20 roll[/list]
Hard To Kill (Ex) Whenever you're below 0 hit points, you automatically stabilize without needing to attempt a Constitution check. If you have an ability that allows you to act while below 0 hit points, you still lose hit points for taking actions, as specified by that ability. Bleed damage still causes you to lose hit points when below 0 hit points. In addition, you don't die until your total number of negative hit points is equal to or greater than double your Constitution score.
Mythic Ability (two abilities per tier)
- Divine Countenance (Su) Whenever you encounter a creature whose alignment is within one step of yours, treat its attitude as one step better. If the creature's starting attitude is helpful, you can make requests of the creature with a +5 bonus on your Diplomacy or Intimidate skill check.
- Persuasive Countenance (Su) Whenever you encounter a creature whose attitude is at least indifferent to you, treat its attitude as one step better. If the creature's starting attitude is helpful, you can make requests of the creature with a +5 bonus on your Diplomacy or Intimidate check. [/list]
Orisons Oracles learn a number of orisons, or 0-level spells, as noted on Table: Oracle Spells Known under “Spells Known.” These spells are cast like any other spell, but they do not consume any slots and may be used again.
Revelation 1st level (nature's whispers)
Sneak Attack +1d6; anytime her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when flanking her target; this does not multiply on a critical; only applies within 30 ft.; can deal non-lethal damage with non-lethal weapon (but not non-lethal damage with lethal weapon); cannot sneak attack v. concealment; does not apply to elementals, oozes, proteans, or incorporeal; oozes, swarms, elemental subtypes are immune to flanking
Sociable if you fail by 5 or more to change a creature's attitude via diplomacy, you can try again even if 24 hours have not passed
Track (Ex) +1/2 lvl (minimum +1) Survival to follow tracks
Trapfinding +1/2 lvl (minimum +1) perception and disable device v. traps
Wild Empathy A ranger can improve the initial attitude of an animal (see Diplomacy). She rolls 1d20 and adds his level and Charisma bonus to determine the wild empathy result. Domestic usually start indifferent, wild animals usually start unfriendlyl; 30 ft range and visible conditions; usually takes 1 minute, but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time. She can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an INT of 1 or 2, but he takes a –4 penalty on the check.
Level 1: Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 1, Oracle (Outer Rifts [Black Blood]) 1, Ranger (Trapper, Shapeshifter) 1
Level 2: Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 2, Oracle (Outer Rifts [Black Blood]) 2, Ranger (Trapper, Shapeshifter) 2
Theme Dualism, Manipulation, Pleasure, Rebirth, Sensuality, Transformation
(especially dualism in gender and sex, manipulation by desires, and self-transformation)
Titles Barren Rift-Mother of Demons, Endless Want, the Fearful Desire, the Grievous Pleasure[i], the [i]Hedonist, Keeper of Dead Demon Lords, Nameless-is-Named, Seducing Chaos, the Self-Twin, Thousand Forms
Background Before the rise of Rovagug, it was a qlippoth lord - too alien and vast for any to comprehend, and nameless. Then she gained her names when the arch daemon came to make a new weapon by blending sinful souls with dead qlippoths. The qlippoth opened itself to him, hiding her true nature by seeming a landscape, and to his Experiments. Though at first a Failure, she secretly and subtly manipulated and encouraged blending with minor living qlippoths... and became Success: the first demons were born within her. When two "runts" (non-sentient microscopic newly minted demons Lamashtu and Pazuzu) accidentally freed the greater demons, the archdaemon destroyed some of her greatest demons, the qlippoth became incensed at the destruction of "her children" and began consuming sinful souls to birth more, successfully driving off the archdaemon, but unable to cease consuming sinful matter and birthing demons, making a tremendous impression into a newly minted Lamashtu.
Fleeing her inability to stop bearing, she shed a greater portion of her essence (a portion that would later become the Rift of Repose). It helped, slowing the consumption immensely, but still she birthed.
Hiding from her fellow qlippoth lords, seeking many ways to stop the birthing, but being unable to do so (and strangely unwilling to destroy her children or cease engaging in amorous encounters) she eventually came across a solution in the form of two celestials married to each other: a star archon and a solar angel. Slowly working across eons, she successfully tricked, trapped, confused, seduced (in the form of his wife), and devoured the archon first, bearing a demon that would soon become Nurgal. Using this new child as a pawn, the qlippoth arranged to slowly weaken the angel, causing the clever celestial to "waste" valuable resources on saving many innocents. In the end, despite the angel's wisdom and skill, the qlippoth lord managed to slowly and cleverly overwhelm and deceive her, trapping her in a valley that literally rained with lust pollen, becoming a short-lived sea of lust. Taking the form of the angel's husband at first, the qlippoth was able to once again manipulate, confuse, seduce, and devour the solar.
At long last, she shed the last of her ability to reproduce into two beautiful demon children: newborn Nocticula and Soccothbenoth. And yet, though she'd managed to avoid becoming a demon, she had failed to remain a qlippoth. Infected by the goodness of the celestials, she regretted the evil done to others, the loss of her many children, and loved her newborns greatly. Deciding to become a demon lord - and perhaps the first demonic god (Rovagug having ascended as a qlippoth) - she began to do exactly that, and, on the verge of becoming a true deity, was murdered by the power of four demon lords: Vyriavaxus empowered by a jealous Lamashtu and Pazuzu and (secretly) hired and abetted by Nurgal (who felt betrayed and used by his mother).
Thus she died, and was cast - in a form of dark kind of poetry - into the Rift of Repose that was once part of herself.
Full History
The Mother of Demons
Instead, it was the vile, disgusting filth that modern scholars refer to as qlippoth - the gibbering, insane (even by protean standards) yet horridly rational malevolence that lurked in the depths of the Abyss, waiting, from before the beginning of time, to come into existence.
It was during these strange primal ages before ages, that the proteans first opened the Door of Sin (as many qlippoth still refer to it). Qlippoth are nothing if not disgusted by sin - one of the small ironies of the universe, it should be supposed. Though this specific disgust would come later. After the daemons ruined everything for everyone, as is their wont.
In the most ancient of times, there were no daemons, no demons, no sin; but proteans, qlippoth, and the axiomites, and the eternal war between the three. Then, beyond the maelstrom, beyond the astral, beyond the abyss, beyond anything known, within a different, exceedingly strange, vastly distant, fundamentally alien realm known as "material" arose mortality.
The qlippoth hated it, of course, like they hated all things, though, at this time, neither more nor less. But some qlippoth... were curious. After all, this was alien, new, and thus, necessarily, fundamentally perverse to the maelstrom and axis... and that meant opportunity.
Thus the first qlippoths tended mortals, delighting in slaughter, destruction, and orgies of violence wrought upon the world through these. While delightful, none of the souls came to the abyss, and the qlippoth never saw benefit... other than the entertainment, of course, which was worth it to some.
As it is wont, sin entered the worlds and, as they are wont, daemons ruined things for everybody. It was also sometime around this period - a very, very large and "iffy" period, at that; few can really remember with accuracy those ancient, hazy days - that the Rough Beast came into existence. Whether it was due to the pressure of mortal souls-turned-demon on qlippoth kind, or just the sheer unbridled hatred of qlippoth for all of reality prior to the advent of mortality, or when, precisely, and how all such things interacted with each other. It's somewhat irrelevant, though: the fact is that Rovagug ascended to godhood as a qlippoth (raging across all of creation in a bid for the annihilation of all that exists), and demons came into existence all roughly the same time and the entire abyss was flooded with them, this new and terrible way of the omniverse placing the war for survival on the qlippoth's home territory instead of on that of other creatures, and less new qlippoths were being spawned and more new demons were. A balance - unknown and unrecognized from of old - fundamentally shifted.
Sometime before, when an archdaemon sought a weapon, the qlippoth only too readily responded. After all, why would it not? The qlippoth - unnamed, for who needed names? - sought vile things, the archaemond sought vile things, and together the two sets of knowledge and skills and unique talents could well create a potent new tool of debauchery and horror.
Of course, as with any such interaction, before the qlippoth responded to the archdaemon's search, it knew that one of the two would inevitably betray the other, and probably both would. This was known and unquestionable. What was unknown is which would betray the other first, and how successful that betrayal would be. Bored with the predictable betrayal (a paradigm she wanted to be able return to, if she desired), the qlippoth set its keen mind to the task of creating a working partnership, and realized it needed to be a secret partnership to function. And so the qlippoth prepared itself to receive the experiments of the archdaemon, but secretly, giving the archdaemon an unknown manipulative ally.
The qlippoth lord gathered corpses - the corpses of lesser qlippoths were terribly easy to come by - and lay its hulking, primeval, horrible form - too vast and large, and far too alien to be recognized as a creature merely posing as a set of caves - bare, open for the archdaemon to work his horrible wiles within it. It was here that the first sinful souls, carefully collected by the archdaemon, were brought to the Abyss. There were many failures, but the qlippoth lord never closed its abyssal womb to him: she was patient, after all, and this was naught but a mild diversion in hopes of soon acquiring ever-greater debauchery. Besides, prey like the archdaemon tasted better when its overconfidence was delectably shattered by madness. The archdaemon settled, and gave the qlippoth lord its first name: Experiment.
Finally, at long last, it worked. The archdaemon found that the most wild and capricious of evil souls, debauched on selfish desires and wickedness - on sin - would successfully fuse with the dead bodies of qlippoths, spontaneously producing the first demons... though they quickly died and rotted into naught, unintentionally and instantly absorbed into the qlippoth lord... it was impossible to avoid swallowing such delicious drink that was already so deeply inside its essence. And yet... they had been so close! Experiment decided it would not allow the project to fail.
Thus, the qlippoth lord began purposefully birthing a few weak living specimens for the archdaemon. It ensured that these children were dependent and pathetic beings, far weaker than other qlippoth... all the better to consume them when they inevitably died, and also to ensure that the experiment wasn't entirely ruined... at least not yet. But their death was rapid and just as sure, none surviving the process; the archdaemon gave the qlippoth lord its second name: Failure.
Failure decided it hated its new name. The archdaemon was also frustrated: so close to success, yet dying too quickly (and rotting to naught as the others had been) to be useful for anything. Then, Failure discovered the secret: they would live if the qlippoth lord secretly nurtured them. It began doing so with a minor portion of its essence, keeping the new creatures alive but still weak, allowing them to be bound and imprisoned by the archdaemon. At last! A third name was bequeathed on the qlippoth lord: Success.
So it was demons first came into existence, born of and nurtured in secret by a qlippoth lord, at the hands of a daemon, and greatly preferring its third name to the second. Success quietly and secretly gloated as an army came into being within its profane womb, coming to feel almost (almost) protective of "its" archdaemon and "its" demons, even keeping other qlippoth lords away during powerful and insane orgiastic and destructive drives of their kind. After a short time, and many more successful births, the archdaemon gave the qlippoth lord its fourth name, much to the latter's delight: Womb.
And then it all went to chaos.
Previously, two of the smallest and weakest demons produced by Womb, barely sentient demonlings called Pazuzu and Lamashtu, had been left in a single Binding together. To the mild surprise of the archdaemon, they had, instead of killing and/or consuming each other, copulated (though, admittedly, it was somewhat difficult to tell which was happening at any given time with these qlippoth-spawned creatures). Although he'd separated them at first, after some thought (and subtle encouragement on Womb's part) occasionally put them together to see if they would produce. Eventually, they did.
Although these first children were all stillborn, hideous monstrosities, Womb was (strangely) pleased that her - or rather "its", yes, "its" - progeny were taking after it, even if in a perverse, silly way. And then one child was not stillborn... and was powerful. The sudden influx of a third, powerful demon shattered the circle the archdaemon had sealed the minor demonlings into. The new demon flew into a tremendous rage, shattering soul jars and delicate bindings and circles and experiments throughout Womb, destroying its progeny, much to the qlippoth lord's fury. The shattered sinful souls of mortals fell across everything, being eaten by the freed demonlings and demons.
The archdaemon slew the newly born demon, casually swatting aside infuriated parents: these posed no true threat, and he needed to contend with the actually dangerous creatures. He destroyed a few of the greatest of the freed demons (some escaping), enraging Womb, too. After their casual defeat, Pazuzu and Lamashtu, along with others, hid within the wreckage, feasting on everything: the soul-stuff scattered about everywhere, their fallen brethren, and their deceased child. The feasting caused the demons to sprout and grow rapidly in power and maturity, becoming potent creatures, but extremely vulnerable during this state of change and growth.
The archdaemon furiously looked about to destroy them, but Womb would have none of it. Quickly absorbing the remaining soul-stuff, she utilized something that impressed Lamashtu for the rest of her days, even when the demon lord could no longer remember these first times: the Womb birthed demons, entirely new ones, not qlippoth, but creatures crafted from the very substance of the abyssal matter and and sinful souls, out of its own body, gestating, growing, maturing, and producing them promptly, severing their newly complete forms from herself to send them raging against the archdaemon. Shuddering at the terrible power he'd unleashed, as the abyss itself seemed to absorb the "trick" of creating demons, the archdaemon fled before the spew of demonic forces, as Experiment-Failure-Success-Womb flung her full fury against the fiend... but didn't stop after he'd successfully fled.
Much to her own surprise - yes, now, it seemed, "her" - the qlippoth lord continued spewing forth new demonic horrors, incapable of preventing her enormous womb from consuming, digesting, and issuing forth new demons, each taking a small portion... but so many small portions began adding up very rapidly. As the demons feasted on eachother in fine qlippoth-like style, and also began feasting on her inwardly collapsing elements, Experiment-Failure-Success-Womb, weakened. Desperate, she fled, expunging all of the demons and "infected" parts of her (as best she could) - including her great womb into an anarchic fall into the depths of the abyss. (That portion would inevitably graft itself to the landscape and go on to form the mythical Rift of Repose.)
Left bereft of much of her power and her physical essence, Experiment-Failure-Success-Womb hid quietly in the deepest reaches of the abyss as the rise of Rovagug, the explosion of demons, and the war between demonkind and qlippoth continued. And yet, the qlippoth had become obsessed. Following the rise and fall of Rovagug, the ebb and weave of demonkind, and the capture and torment of the archdaemon she once thought of as an almost lover, Experiment-Failure-Success-Womb kept her name, nature, and history secret... and periodically continued produced demons.
Until the Celestials. They were beautiful. Beyond compare, the solar's alabaster skin, slender build, glorious dark hair, and perfect curves made her the most seductively gorgeous creature the qlippoth lord had ever seen... except for the star archon. Partially a leonal, the mighty glorious creature, powerful and male, radiated light like unto the sun itself. Experiment-Failure-Success-Womb had to have them. Both of them. And what's more... they represented opportunity: if it were sin that led to her slow destruction, perhaps purity could lead to her "salvation".
The pair of mighty celestials had entered the realms below in a sacred quest, hunting qlippoth like her to extinction during the primeval eras, and had managed great success, against even exceptionally powerful foes. She recognized subtlety was needed with these, as, together, they would undoubtedly destroy her. And so she began.
For the first time in eons, she allowed creatures to know her name, to make contacts, and to hide her true nature. Permitting herself to be called by mortals, making bargains with fiends, she slowly, subtly dropped hints, ideas, and rumors of the Mother of Demons, in ways that would only become apparent to the two beautiful ones, her victims, lovers, objects of desire, and focus of revulsion and hatred.
She manipulated mortals and immortals, taking many forms, and becoming many different creatures, personas, and similar (all while occasionally losing more of herself to random spawn) in a complicated game against time, as she sought anything to stabilize the chaos within herself to prevent more loss... or at least having an exquisite time while vanishing into her demonic progeny.
The archon fell to her first. Charging into a layer of relatively minor but very significant evil that had been preying upon mortals for some time (manipulating a number of hag-spawned genies into becoming the first pairaka divs under Ahriman's rule, who, themselves, corrupted mortals with the aid of these demons), Daelaros the Rising One managed to eviscerate the demonic hordes carefully planted and developed to be a simple matter for him to destroy entirely, though crafted to exhaust all of his resources without over-extending his ability. Dae-light (as she'd come to think of him) slew the nascent demon lord Pairasteth - a maralith who had, in-spite of himself, managed to shake the star archon's confidence and arouse his deepest desires - to rescue the sacred vessel - Experiment-Failure-Success-Womb disguised as a mortal woman named Exfeyzua, who looked remarkably similar to Ocotlesia, the solar, and his wife.
It took very little time or effort on her part after that, to, right there in the throne room overwhelm his mind and spirit with magic, seduce the exhausted, confused, and deeply aroused archon, and consummate the relationship there upon the alter - secretly to herself. During the height of the copulation, pleasure once again shuddering through the powerful archon, Experiment-Failure-Success-Womb revealed herself - her true self - to him. It was far too late to stop her, and he had no strength left, but she was very tender as she devoured him... after all, in the long game of manipulation, she'd come to desire every part of him, you see, and couldn't bear to ever be apart again, but she didn't want him to suffer more than he had to to break his sanity...
After consuming his essence (carefully storing a few choice parts inside of her for later) she once again began preparing for the arrival of a different opponent, one that would be able to find her and see through her tricks far more efficiently than the star archon had. She gave birth, to her surprise, to a demon, son of the star archon, naming him Nurgal, whom she quickly girded and trained for the assault from the wrath of the solar.
Ocotlesia the Dusk Angel arrived with fury and beauty unmatched by any Experiment-Failure-Success-Womb - by now going H'ecks-pha-czu'whaugh - had ever seen. Breathtaking. Using Nurgal as her pawn, H'ecks-pha-czu'whaugh acted in much the same manner with Ocotlesia as she had with Dae-light, though the solar was a more patient, canny, and powerful opponent, being aware of many of her tricks. Knowing that Nurgal was merely a pawn, the solar avoided the demon lord, and avoided many of the traps sent for her, only acting when it was clear she must to prevent innocent deaths, and even then being cautious and clever. Their game went on for some time, H'ecks-pha-czu'whaugh's desire and longing for the celestial growing ever greater... and, unbeknownst to the qlippoth, her shame over Dae-light's demise growing as well.
In the end, though, Ocotlesia's greatest weakness, as H'ecks-pha-czu'whaugh knew, was the innocent. Taking and binding a tremendous number of innocents as sacrifices to gain power by consuming their souls to summon a portion of Celestia itself into the Abyss, forced Ocotlesia's personal appearance, coming mightily with a host of the sacred, ready in a righteous fury set to overwhelm any and all of H'ecks-pha-czu'whaugh's traps, forces, and back-up forces and plans, running the qlippoth lord to the ground. Exactly as planned.
As Ocotlesia's fury grew at the lives and effort wasted, she became incensed and obsessed, as she was taunted and and teased by H'ecks-pha-czu'whaugh (creating a barrier of wind to negate every death arrow the solar could produce) until she could no longer restrain herself, rushing into the gap, and charging the cornered qlippoth... who took the shape of Daelaros, Ocotlesia's murdered husband.
Infuriated, she raged, charging to destroy the qlippoth, thoroughly impaling the growing mass on the other side of the illusion left behind as the qlippoth had invisibly stepped to the side, leaving her sacred blade caught, and causing the raining pollen of lust itself, grown from the essence of all those sinful souls and lust-demons fed carefully to this rift by the qlippoth in ages of planning for this one moment, drowning both outsiders within it. Though the resulting battle was furious, lasting days, they, both of them, were unable to escape the deep pit, sealed as it was from planar travel, thick and inescapable as the lust-pollen itself was preventing flight, and deadly as the combat was preventing climbing.
Slowly, the wiles of the qlippoth won out, confusing the solar's mind, and passionate hatred turned to passionate desire, that her "husband" exhibited so strongly...
After a long, long time, H'ecks-pha-czu'whaugh was sated. Ocotlesia had been a perfect lover, and a delicious meal... though the qlippoth felt strangely... lacking... somehow. Empty. She was full, but... there was something wrong. She wept... but did not understand why. Everything should have been perfect...
No longer burdened by the hardship of battle or ardor, the qlippoth lord was able to slowly climb out of the lust-pit (already rotting away as is lust's wont), pulling herself over the edge of the cliff at last, only to birth twins - a male demon, and a female, both bone-achingly beautiful, reminding her of the beauty that was Ocotlesia blended with the glory of Daelaros. Naming them Socothbenoth and Nocticula, H'ecks-pha-czu'whaugh exulted in their beauty, cooing over their perfect forms, enraging Nurgal (long wating on his mother to rise) to no end, as he had been naught but a tool to acquire one of his mother's of her desires.
H'ecks-pha-czu'whaugh was weak, exhausted, but, she knew, finally free. The sacred reproductive elements of the celestials had bound with her own to become these two beautiful demons, which, upon expunging them, freed her, forever, from childbirth. They were her last, and never again would she fear producing demons and weakening her power.
But - she recognized, now - she was sad and burdened with the eternal loss of her lovers and dead children. Something from the celestials, it seemed, had infected her just as surly as the sinful souls had. She'd avoided becoming a demon, but had failed to remain a qlippoth, and was becoming something new.
Looking at her beautiful children, she made a decision. She would become a demon lord - the finest and most powerful, and perhaps the first demon god, absorbing the power and souls of mortals, and becoming grand beyond anyone's dreams. She would raise her children in the heavens, bringing them to glory as well.
As she lay suckling the fast-growing demon twins, weak but alive and rapidly regrowing her strength, finally and fully achieving true apotheosis, after eons of slow weakening, freed from having children and freed from fear of transformation, she began with the rift of lust, consuming the pollen-dust not yet rotted there, and absorbing as much as she could, her form quickly responding to the sinful energies she was ingesting, becoming a mighty demon, on the verge of true greatness - a greatness all of the abyss could feel building - and growing ever-mightier, to the heights of a nascent demon, of a nascent demon lord, on the verge of becoming a new god - perhaps the first true god the abyss had seen since Rovagug himself.
Which is when (and why) Vyriavaxus, backed by the skill of Lamashtu, Pazuzu, and (secretly) struck, the blades of the lord of all shadow demons landing true, flaring with the power of horrible corrupt sunlight, and infused with the might of two of the oldest demon lords in the abyss.
And so she passed, murdered by an assassin hired and empowered by her own children, only one of whom knew. Known as the true mother and origins of all demons to so few as to be none, her corpse, freshly ascended to divinity, was taken to the edge of the Rift of Repose and, in another one of the ironies the Abyss seems so fond of, tossed inside her own former womb...

Tacticslion |

Sorry. Demons are supposed to be trouble though. ^-^
And, hey, at least it's not her true name...
Some easy nick-names may be "Hex", "Fae", or "Jhya".
Other alts might be "Hefz" (pronounced "Heevz" - i.e. "Heaves" - or "Hehfs" in all likelihood) or "Xya" (which is kind of similar to an alt for "Jhya").
Also, I found and corrected an two errors: I had too many 1st level extracts prepared, EDIT: and I was still using my piecemeal armor value instead of my hide shirt armor value.
To be clear, although I have more formulae known than I "should" have, that's because I purchased them, as if by the "adding new spells" section as noted in the alchemist entry.
EDIT: I also formatted my spells a hair more neatly. Trying to be as clear as I can be where everything comes from. And with that... lunchtime for a toddler! Oh, also noted a bit more on pronunciation.