The Forgotten God (Table 1) (Inactive)

Game Master Rednal

Hadran, God of Valor and Knowledge
Burkhardt, God of Pacts, Pledges, and the Spirit of the Law

Deepmar Penal Colony
Dig Sita Caina

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That is correct. You should only multiply the amount of HP from the dice itself, not any added hit points from Constitution or other sources. ^^

Shadow Lodge

How do you feel about taking young and advanced together, as they eliminate the CR change, but result in a massive boost.

A young advanced elf for example would be a small creature with +0 Str, +10 Dex, -2 Con, +6 Int, +4 Wis and +4 Cha

As for the clockwork automation, I noticed that one as well, but I must admit it is rather complicated for CR +0.

I think a massive boost with no CR change is a problem in and of itself. ^^; Generally speaking, I prefer to avoid players min-maxing; by the very nature of this game, the character(s) will end up quite powerful anyway, and there's no particular need to deliberately try and break the system. After all, that makes it much harder for me to create appropriately challenging encounters. XD;

Oh good! Cause I am not a good min maxer! I tend to lean towards interesting at the expense of min maxing

Shadow Lodge

Noted, there's a slight urge to min max a character who is supposed to have been a god, as we tend to think of those as powerful creatures, but I suppose that is what the triple-class gestalt 30 point buy is for.

Also, Young+Advanced is simply evil, and shows up in products published by Paizo (I believe mainly in PFS scenarios.)

Sorry for all the questions, but I have another now, for templates that have variable CR you mention paying for the highest CR cost, is this for the templates such as Celestial which adjust their CR allotment depending on HD?

on legendary items, is mithral armor ok or no. Was looking at mithral kikko or breastplate. Thanks.

@Dylos: That is correct. Sooner or later, you will reach the full value of that template, so I feel that you should also pay the full cost for it. ^^ This also encourages thinking a little harder about what templates you might want to have and when you'd actually take them, since the loss of class levels could be troubling in the early game...

@Ashe: Mithral is too expensive to START with, but there's no problem with acquiring the armor later and selecting it as your legendary item. ^^

I really like the idea of finding your legendary item later on. Seems like a great quest to go on, recover it from whoever has it.

Dm is this a published adventure or one of your own creation?

Mostly my own creation, though I plan on using some published modules to fill in the gaps between the primary plot points. ^^ I'll also be using a randomized dungeon generator every now and then, adjusting the creatures as we go to provide the right level of challenge.

another question doesn't matter now realy but if I was selected later on it would. So Half Celestial will be part of my build because of the backstory I'm doing. Don't know when I would take it, but it is +3CR total so I assume it can be taken as a replacement at level up replacing all 3 classes. What if you wanted to space it out over 3 levels though relplacing only one class? Would you get all the power up front and pay for it as you go, or would you suck up the level loss for 3 levels and get all the power after paying for it. Thanks. :)

But you must pay class levels equal to CR adjustment before receiving the Template.

In other words, you'd have to suck up the loss. ^^ I might go for a 2-3 template limit, too, just to be sure it's not completely abused...

I have to agree with MiniGM that it seems more fitting to not start with your Legendary Item. If they attempted to kill you, why would they leave you with such a powerful relic?

Well unless it was bonded to only work for you.

By the story bit, the deity that betrayed you doesn't know that you're still alive - in essence, if you begin with a legendary item, it's because you hid it from them to ensure you'd have power later. If you want a legendary item but don't plan to start with it, that's also fine. ^^

Fair enough. There are so many good concpets out there to play around with and so many ways to build them.

Another concept is the God of Righteousness (Law and Good). Monk / Aasimar Oracle of Heavens (With the Legalistic Curse) / Paladin. He was brought down by the more evil gods who cursed and bound him to never be able to go against his word. It was this that they used to pull him from power and seemingly destroy him.

Putting a curse like that on him would be a bit of an odd thing to do at the same time as destroying him, no? XD

Perhaps the curse could have come earlier, and he was somehow using it to do something that would have been VERY bad for them, so they cheated to stop it from happening...

Could be. I'm still letting stuff rattle around in my head right now so it might not come out as well as it should.

Disregard Name, Just posting build will rename and start working on backstory. Looking forward to writing backstory. AC is a bit low, but will improve nicely at next level and once I can afford a Mithral Kikko.

Got the crunch hashed out in this profile, will be working on the fluff later.

Grand Lodge

i'll do the crunch if chosen :)

(at level one it doesn't take more than a couple of hours at max

...Which is still more time then I'll ask you to invest before being chosen. XD Frankly, I'm more interested in concept than anything else - the crunch can be worked on later.

Grand Lodge

well i hope you like the concept and fluff i wrote :)

Do you plan on making a round of cuts? Narrow it down to the concepts you like then ask those folks to flesh out fluff and crunch?

Probably. ^^ Unless, y'know, I see an idea that's particularly outstanding and just roll with that. Can't really say until I've seen what people come up with.

Thanks, then I will just cool my jets and wait. Nothing worse than really diving into a background (beyond the basic skeleton there) and then having to set the character on the shelf forever.

Dark Archive

Hey Rednal what do you think of Barragon so far, Ive got a concpt for a legendary item for him(would have been posted already but the site ate it D:)it's a gauntlet that fell to the mortal realm with him but was stolen(and over time became a minor artifact of sorts to the people of the world, would not take the path ability quitee yet and instead hold off till i could make it suitably powerful(and also figure out how it works heheh)

Dragons are always fun, though being TOO obviously unusual might attract certain kinds of attention. XD Aside from that, a gauntlet that others worship could certainly work as a plot hook for a quest to get it back - we'd definitely need to figure out its specific powers, though, to see how others would react to it.

Shadow Lodge

Alright, another question, say I made a Cavalier/Summoner/Sorcerer(Arcane), would it be possible to combine the animal companion, the eidolon, and the familiar in some way? I'm thinking using the Animal Companion as a base, giving it the familiar bonuses, and then tacking eidolon evolution pool on it, more or less making the companion a gestalt eidolon/animal companion/familiar.

I'd need to take a look at the exact math and see how you plan to evolve it. XD If the combination ends up providing some ungodly combination that makes it far more powerful than even a gestalt companion ought to be... that would be an issue. As long as it's kept within reasonable limits and doesn't min-max your companion, though, it should be workable.

Liberty's Edge

Hey..mostly dropping in to comment that it's an interesting concept...and to suggest that a Magus/Wizard/Rogue could be just sick...

Aaaaaaaaaaaaall right, I have a major NPC mostly built. XD Only took me, like, four or five hours to do... heh. Fun, though.

Hello, I might have some interest in playing a god of creativity, ingenuity and inspiration - the child of a goddess of love and a god of knowledge. I have a few questions though.

Do we know who the deity is that betrayed us? Or can it be a mystery with various suspects? Trying to figure out who to incorporate into the background.

Also, is the setting independent of Golarion? I sort of assumed so, but I'm fine either way.

Dark Archive

With so many neat ideas rolling around its sad that this is a solo adventure and not a party. Can anyone imagine the hilarity of a GROUP of us banding together!?

GM Rednal wrote:
Dragons are always fun, though being TOO obviously unusual might attract certain kinds of attention. XD Aside from that, a gauntlet that others worship could certainly work as a plot hook for a quest to get it back - we'd definitely need to figure out its specific powers, though, to see how others would react to it.

The Titans Fist

Legendary Item

The Titans Fist was a tool created by Barragon to aid in shaping the world, it takes the form of a heavy gauntlet covered in thick platinum scales much like Barragon himself, at the height of his power the gauntlet allowed Barragon to work tirelessly as it rejuvenated him while he toiled and also granted him greater ability to shape his creations to his minds vision, when Barragon fell to the material plane so to came the Fist however while his mortal form remained safely hidden the gauntlet less so. Snatched away by thieves it passed from hand to hand for many years and as it did so numerous legends about to origin of the Fist have been created. The most prevailing rumor of the fist is that it was created from the hide of an ancient race of platinum dragons which some take as also an explanation why it seems to best work on warriors of a scaled variety.

(Abilities would be at Rejuvination. Perhaps Intelligence? That would be a way in which it was able to aid Barragon in crafting the scaleykin of the world and also would explain its prefrence toward empowering scaled beings.)

Barragon Apperance Notes/Ideas

I'm cool with the concept of his very strange appearance attracting attention, he might perhaps invest in means of disguising himself but would only do so if it became too much of a hindrance due to his complete pride in what he is.

Also I think it would be cool of Barragon had platinum scales(or something that easily blurs between 'metallic' and 'chromatic')

@Tazo: The specifics of betrayal will probably depend on your deity's history and overall style - probably someone (or several someones) on the evil side of the pantheon, but there are a number of other routes we could go. For example, a trusted subordinate of a deity of battle conquering them to take over - or, for those a little on the chaotic side, perhaps the god(s) of fate arranged a downfall so they could take over. And yeah, the setting will be independent of Golarion, though it'll certainly have plenty of similarities. XD Assume that a wide variety of races exist, but Core races are the most common in most areas.

@Zain: It makes sense for deities to be prideful. ^^ Well, most of the time - some aren't. The theme of the item is nice, too.

Shadow Lodge

Would characters still be restricted to One full Caster, One Non-Full Caster, and one Non-spellcaster/low-spellcaster past level 1? What about Prestige classes?

I'm currently considering a few different approaches.

Young Elf Gunslinger/Myrmidarch Magus (or Warpriest)/Spellslinger Wizard (or Warpriest, though I don't think I could do Gunslinger/Magus/Warpriest because that lacks a full caster) Elven god of Firearms and the technomagical. May become a construct, but probably best to wait until later as they are very difficult to heal without access to the Eberron spells "Repair various Damage". Expect the background of this character to involve Elf-Dwarf hatred, Dwarves claiming that they created firearms, when in fact it was the elves that created them (the PC elf in specific, and later ascended to divinity during the first Elf-Dwarf war, and descending to mortality in the second Elf-Dwarf war).

Cavalier (or maybe Mad Dog Barbarian)/Summoner/Sorcerer(Arcane) (or Shaman) Gnomeish Aasimar (small Aasimar descended from Gnomes rather then humans as mentioned in Blood of Angels) God of Chaos and Monsters who corrupts nature and turns it into an abomination (similar to Lamashtu, but not evil)

Something else, that may involve Prestige classes, I've always been fond of the Paladin/Monk combo Prcs, so perhaps Paladin/Monk/Caster (Int-based for extra MAD?) or maybe something that centers around one of the ACG classes, like a Swashbucker/Kensai Magus/I wish Favored Soul had a Pathfinder version. I may even go down a nature route with a Lycanthrope.

so forgot that legendary items only have 1 power per tier, so its realy not worth starting out with best to pick up at tier 3. Changing my concept a bit. Going to go Bloodrager over Fighter, probably Destined Bloodline, seems to fit.

Concept will be made much clearer with backstory. Epic Angel is my alias for this.

Alright, got everything hashed out and the basis for my system of keeping track of everything. Got the background of my godling written up. Thematically, I was going to play this as not only a quest for his powers back but also something of a redemption. Thoughts?

@Dylos: I'd prefer people stick with their starting choices as much as possible (perhaps sacrificing a few levels for a template if it really matches them). Splitting across too many classes could actually weaken you when faced with certain challenges, and merely dipping into others for their benefits is much too close to min-maxing for my tastes (not to mention against my goal of having a themed character, not one who just takes things because they're helpful/powerful).

@Ptolmaeus: Redemption is certainly something that could be worked into the story. ^^ A general feeling of failure and a desire to fix it would make a lot of thematic sense, after all - I like it.

My idea had been that he had suffered a grievous wrong back when he was first human and started a rip-roaring rampage of revenge that did not stop until he reached a god. Now that he is mostly human again, he actually is afraid of fully regaining his power again.

Seems like an interesting concept, I've been mulling over some ideas for awhile, I think I have an outline for a concept but it needs refinement.

How much of the original Golarion lore applies? Will our character supplant other gods if their domains seem very close?

Hi Yidhra, Nico Bolas here ^.^
One of the original players from the lords of creation game (that i had to sadly drop out of due to personal reasons :(
Do you remember the forge god i was debating playing? Well he was a character from back in the day when i was playing 3.0 and wanted to build up.
(little known fact. Most of my characters are people that i intend to write a book about some time in the future and pathfinder just happens to be a great way to breathe life into my future creations)
Well he will be a dwarf.
First side will be a sorcerer (bedrock). The magical side of him. The creator/golem crafter. yes, a dwarf sorcerer. Not the most optimized.
The second side of him will be a fighter/armiger or something focused on melee fighting and heavy armor. A wizard wearing heavy armor. See why i couldnt do this in a normal game yet? This wouldeventually turn into the armor bonded prestige class. an integeral part of the concept is him bonding to his armor and becoming one with it. This part is probably the least negotiable part of him.
The third side would be either something skill based to round him out, paladin or gunslinger as a secondary role for him or cleric to further cement his creationist side of him.

At his core he is a dwarf tied to the earth and his massive armor who is the forgemaster creating golems to both wear and set loose on the world. Who closes in melee with his foes but has potent spellcasting (mostly focused on crafting).

Regardless on wether you choose me or not, i still intend to create him up (again, for my book) but it would be great fun to build him up through story and bring him to life :)
I will be building him up to the complexity of The Kommandar, his History and his Herald. I still have lots to do on him :) [ooc]Hes also for my story]
Now, its 3 in the morning -_- good night!

@Ptolmaeus: In which case the story would probably revolve around a reason that would make him want to regain his power, reluctantly or not. XD

@CommandoDude: The biggest concern for supplanting characters is that it's very possible the player's original position in the heavens has been filled by somebody else... it could be the betrayer (or their minion), a temporary-stand in that's loyal but not truly divine, or even a mortal who ascended somehow. XD I'm leaning towards deities that are mostly focused on particular jobs (Death, in particular, is plot-relevant for reasons that will be explained in the campaign), but I could certainly import some deities if the player would feel more comfortable having them. XD Think of it as... a sort of parallel Golarion, somewhat similar in overall design but with any necessary changes to make this campaign work.

@Nico: Yo! ^^ Armor-bonding is interesting, and a high AC will certainly be helping in a solo game. XD Actually, that's a major part of why I'm encouraging people to take a class that's naturally good at survival...

Any idea what level this may go to? Would we be gaining a mythic tier each time we level. I have my concept and backstory done. Just letting the wife read through it make sure it flows well. Will post it up after so you can check it out. Thanks.

I plan for full progression from 1-20. ^^ Mythic tiers tend to come at even levels in my games - since you're starting with it, though, your next tier will be at Level 4, then 6, etc.

Here is Hadran, and his backstory.


In the time before creation two angels advanced to become gods. The goddess Saranrae and her lover and companion Hadraniel. Sarenrae was elevated for her compassion, patience and sense of peace. Hadraniel was her opposite and balance in many ways. His virtues were of protection, glory, valor, and knowledge. If Sarenrae was the Dawn flower, Hadraniel was the Light of Glory. He shined brightest when faced with adversity. With these virtues they both had many followers among the first people.

Rovagug had sought to destroy the gods and all that they had created since the dawn of time. His wake brought forth great destruction. His wrath was so great that even the bickering gods decided to unite against him. Hadraniel learned all he could of the great beast. He fought valorously and struck the great blow to weaken Rovagug. It was at this moment Sarenrae was able to cast down the beast and imprison it in the hells, with the aid of Asmodeus.

Hadraniel received great glory for his contribution to the fight. His story spread among his mortal followers. They too started to feel they were part of this glory. This became too much for the young god to handle. He became brash and superior. He even started to push away his love. Sarenrae was still patient and offered compassion and understanding, trying to rein Hadraniel back. Even she was unable to stop the change. Soon his valor turned to wrath, his glory turned to bloodlust. He pushed and urged his followers to seek war, vengeance and strife. He had strayed from his path. He had not yet become the next great beast of destruction, but Sarenrae would not wait to see this happen.

It was hard to keep secrets from the god of knowledge, but Sarenrae met in secret with the other virtuous gods. They came up with a plan. They wanted to steal his power, and hide it away. They would disperse the power through artifacts throughout the land. If Hadraniel would be worthy again, he would find these artifacts and take his power back. This task was not easily done. The gods of virtue had to enlist the help of Asmodeus once again. They entered into one of his contracts and he was able to put the finishing touches on the suppression spell.

The pieces were now set. Sarenrae would have to throw him down, much like she did with Rovagug. She was sad for what must pass, but knew her love would one day be redeemed. She made her move. Hadraniel was easily overtaking by the surprise attack. In a few moments the struggle was over. Hadraniel’s powers had been suppressed and divided out. The conscious had been put into a mortal body. He laid in slumber for many centuries while his left over power gathered.

Hadraniel’s secret was kept among the gods, but as with all things fate intervened. The followers of Rovagug had learned of the god’s demise, discerned where his mortal body rested. Hadraniel lay waiting defenseless. He had no followers of his own and was now a forgotten god. Though Rovagug and his followers had not forgotten the blow he struck. A small party was set out to find and destroy Hadraniel’s mortal body. The group determined the body rested in a cave in the great Qadirian desert.

Something stirred the conscious of Hadraniel. Maybe it was the approaching danger. Maybe it was Sarenrae sending a warning to her former love. Whatever it may have been, Hadraniel awoke. He awoke on the ground staring up to the cave ceiling. Slowly he blinked his eyes reflecting back on what had happened. The memories flooded through his mind. He remembered everything. He slowly sat up stretching his arms. He looked from fingertip to fingertip. I, I am a mortal. Was I truly so unjust in my ways. After a moment of thought he continued to look over his new body. He stood slowly realizing the strengths and flaws of the body given to him. He stretched again and again loosing up all the muscles that had lain dormant so long. So I am to prove myself worthy am I? I am truly sorry for what I had become. I will prove myself to all of you again. I will be by your side once again my love. Do not forget or give up on me.

The next few moments were spent in reflection and loosing up. After this, Hadraniel took a look around the cave. Beside him was a simple shirt and pants made of animal hides. Also there was a spiked glove and massive sword. He took a few moments to cloth himself. He then picked up the sword. At first it was heavy. He put the tip to the ground and leaned the pommel back to his shoulder. He slowly ran his hands along the steel, remembering all the battles he had waged. He then took his right hand up to the pommel. He rubbed the image there. It was a sun setting behind a shield with a great sword running along the center of it facing down. My holy symbol. He smiled. From there his hand slid along the grip. It seemed the leather was fresh as if the sword was just crafted. As he felt the grip, he tightened and loosened his hand. Remembering what it was to have the strength to wield a blade. A moment later his grip tightened and he brought the blade up to his face. His left hand came to the grip resting now under the right. Let us see if I remember how to do this. A moment later he through his body into motion. He started a long lost battle dance. The blade seemed as one with him. It was an extension of his body.

Now awake and full of his memories it was time to start his quest. The fates as they are, chose this time for the followers of Rovagug to show up. Seems they were expecting the body to be in slumber and were not prepared for a fight. Hadraniel recognized the symbol emblazed on them right away. He wasted no time launching into both his battle dance and tapping into the strength that flowed in his blood. His strikes were hard and fast. It seemed he had just a touch of divine power still. He could heal this mortal body and ward off attacks as well. In a matter of seconds the followers were slain. Not good not only does Rovagug have followers, but they seem to be aware of me. Guess redemption is not an easy thing.. He took what supplies he could off the men. He cared most about having enough water upon realizing he was in the desert. At least I can follow there track for a bit, maybe there is a town close. I will call myself Hadran for now as well, best not to alert any more potential enemies. With these final thoughts Hadran set out into the desert following the tracks. Only the fates know what lie ahead.

please let me know what you think :)

I think I'd roleplay the encounter itself. XD Aside from that, though, it's a very solid idea for a character - and I like it quite a lot. ^^ It's certainly increased your chance of being selected.

We can certainly go back and play that out if I am chosen. I wanted to make sure I gave you a lot to work with as well. I was thinking of things like the agents and spawn of Rovagug for sure, also maybe Asmodeus doesn't want the contract fullfiled as he may be getting some sweet deal for his part. Also the other gods of Virtue may not want him back by the side of Sarenrae for fear of the power the two of them have together. Thank you for the input. Glad you like it. Now the long wait. Everyone enjoy your weekend.

Grand Lodge

indeed Hadran :)

Silver Crusade

Um, despite my want to be a god and such, I think Hadran should get chosen. I kinda want to see how it a lot.

Edit: Crap...competitive spirit...kicking in...argh

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