GM Rednal |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
It was a time of changes in the universe. You were cast down from your place in the heavens - your stories and teachings were blotted away, your followers stolen from you, and your work left incomplete. It was betrayal of the worst kind - an act that affected the future of the world itself, followed by a curse so great that it didn't even leave you with a fraction of your former might. In the moment of your destruction, though, you scattered your greatest powers into artifacts held in the world below and cast the core of your existence into a mortal form, sleeping for over a thousand years to regain the energy you needed to act once more. Now, however, sounds from nearby have stirred you from your long slumber...
You are the Forgotten God, and it's time to take back your place in the heavens.
The Forgotten God is a campaign for a single player, with fantastic power and foes to match. As GM, I will play the role of storyteller, but your choices in character creation will have a huge impact on the overall campaign itself, as each part will be customized to the sort of character you make. Also, this is NOT a campaign for people who are unable or unwilling to post on a regular basis - you won't be waiting around for other players, and if you can't post on at least most days of the week, then please don't apply.
Character Creation:
-Select a Divine Theme. This is the essence of your character as a deity. For example, you may be a god of the forge, of love, or of righteous battle. This is your overall character theme, and the powers and options you choose should reflect this - a deity with a divine theme of love should not focus all their spells on blasting foes, for example, though you can have some spells that don't perfectly fit the theme. When in doubt, let the Divine Theme be your guide. If a power or ability specifically goes against your theme, then don't take it. Note that you will also get powers linked to your theme at certain points in the campaign.
-3PP Content: Available on a case-by-case basis. Things from reputable and more established publishers (Kobold Press, Rogue Genius Games, Rite Publishing, etc.) are much more likely to be accepted. The theme of both character and campaign will have a strong impact on the approval process for this content. For example, the Godling class has the theme of "children/blessed of the Gods", not deities themselves, so it's fun but not a good choice here.
-Alignment: Any Non-Evil
-Race: Any Core or Featured
-Classes: Any Paizo (except Synthesist Summoner), plus 3PP as above. This includes Playtest classes - but be sure to update the character once the full book is out. Standard multiclass restrictions apply.
-Level 1
-HP: Max * 1.5 at each level (per Pathfinder rules, round down as necessary)
-30 point buy
-Skills: +2 points at each level
-Traits: 3 (4 with a drawback)
-Saves: +4 divine bonus to all saves.
-Armor Class: +2 divine bonus (vs Normal, FF, and Touch).
-Gestalt three classes to build your character. You are solo, after all, and will need this support. One full spellcaster, one non-spellcaster (or low-casting, such as Paladin), and the third may be anything except a full spellcaster. You can trade in class levels for Templates that match your Divine Theme somehow, but you must pay class levels equal to CR adjustment before receiving the Template. For example, you could potentially begin the game with one level in a class and a CR +2 template, or take two class levels at first and second level and gain a CR +2 template at second level. If the template varies in CR adjustment, you must pay the highest listed adjustment.
-Begin with 1 Rank in Mythic power. You gain two Path Abilities at each rank instead of one, and as with your other powers, it's best to pick abilities that match your Divine Theme somehow.
-Starting Gold: 0. You literally just woke up in an ancient, buried temple complex, and while you made clothes before throwing your consciousness into the body, you didn't make money... You may, however, start with up to 200 gold in equipment. If you choose to take the Legendary Item path ability, you may use any appropriate starting item as your legendary item, or wait until you discover the item within the campaign itself.
-I intend to only take on one character. However, if there are two exceptionally well thought-out and interesting characters, I may go for both and adjust things a little to compensate, but that is the absolute limit for this campaign.
Miscellaneous Notes:
Whether you are an arcane or divine caster, your powers come from within. A deity that becomes aware of you channeling any kind of divine power simply assumes that some other deity is providing it.
I enjoy literacy. If you wish to have a serious shot at being accepted, then I'd like to see a decent backstory, explaining your deity's previous actions and how they felt about the world. I will be using this in the construction of the campaign, so put some thought into it. ^^ I also expect to see a reasonable level of description in posts, not simply a comment that you're acting somehow. Describe the actions that your character performs.
If you die, your divine power will bring you back to life as per the spell Resurrection, including one permanent negative level (that cannot be removed, even by spells or abilities that would normally allow you to do so). Other temporary/permanent negative levels (such as those inflicted by a monster) will function as normal. You will lose wealth equal to the cost for the spell - if you don't have enough, you cannot gain new wealth until you pay off the debt and will pay whatever free money you have - you will, however, retain your items.
Keep a reference page for what you're gaining from each class at each level - this will help when I'm double-checking to be sure everything is right. ^^
Recruitment will last until approximately 6/11

"The Lucky Halfling" |

I am intrigued by what you have put before me. I tend to be on the forums throughout the day on weekdays and dependings on my plans during the weekends, I might be found lurking on the forums then as well.
Currently, I would like to ask if by "Any Paizo" in regards to class, you mean that the playtest classes are available as well.

MiniGM |

Very interested. I tend to be a very frequent poster so this is great for that.
I have also long been interested in the first worlder summoner but it is not considered optimal...in fact it is considered really weak, but by adding mythic It might be doable.
So I am thinking first worlder/paladin/bard or rogue

GM Rednal |
Combining summoning with the utility of a Bard could be interesting, but the limitation on actions means you'd essentially rely on your summons/Eidolon to do everything by themselves if you focused on buffing, and that might not work too well considering the challenges you'll face. Leaving them be and taking the benefits of Rogue would probably work better.
(Note that in this game, any Eidolon will effectively be your favored divine animal and ought to be built accordingly. ^^ Theme is VERY important in this game.)

jimibones83 |

I soooo want to do this. I am an overly frequent poster. I run 2 high post games myself and post roughly a dozen times a day between the 2. I'd post more if my players posted more.
I'd really like to do a psion(telepath)/monk/rogue gestalt here. Are you ok with psions?
I'm thinking he would probably be a C-G god of mischief, a bit like Loki. Telepaths get all sorts powers perfectly suited for such a thing. He would certainly seek power, but enjoy "a good game" above all things.

"The Lucky Halfling" |

Currently I am envisioning my character having been a themed around the concept of Righteous Fury. Realizing he was an obstacle best removed from the beginning, he was betrayed before a time of trouble came to be known throughout the planes.
With this thought in mind, I was considering an Aasimar Oracle (With a curse matching the way he was removed from power) / Paladin / Bloodrager.
What are your thoughts Rednal?

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I was thinking of this.
Ute, known as "The Maker", "The Road ","The Living Forge" Paladin/Monk/Sorcerer.
In the Time Before, she raised the mountains to support the firmament. With her bare hands she crafted the first hammer, and with the first hammer, she shaped the Straight World. Then the age came when the world was bent and made Round and fell away from the Straight Path. Her followers are charged with seeing a Path and moving straight towards their objective, avoiding all Turns and Curves as they can.

CampinCarl9127 |

Dotting for extreme interest. When I ran my first homebrew the main "villain" was a troubled cleric of Zon-Kuthon whose goal was to ascend to godhood and restore Zon-Kuthon to his former glory as Dou-Bral. He was always strictly lawful neutral, taking the pain requirements of his god out on himself so he wouldn't have to needlessly torture others. There is a lot of deep history that goes with him; I centered a 3 year campaign on his attempt to rise to godhood (which failed because he was betrayed by his second in command who nearly destroyed the world, but that's another story). I would love to see some sort of conclusion to his story.
He would probably be a cleric/fighter/x. I'm not sure to go cavalier or inquisitor or what. He was originally designed as a battle cleric (with a 3.5 dip into bone knight), so I'll have to brainstorm and ask for ideas for the third class.

MiniGM |

Looking at this...just a first draft, but the idea is there. Note the order in chaos is inspired by the need to be LG as a paladin and gnomes and fey are not that by nature. I went with ninja since it makes use of CHA over just rogue. Though if I were not the only player I might swap that to Bard
The first world. A place of power and chaos. The place that spawned the fey. Yet all of the chaos still had its limits, a border, outside of which the chaos did not extend. This border, this one law was the charge of the First World god Lorlweth. Forever at odds with Shyka the Many, and her desires to reshape the First World at her whim. This brought them into conflict often as she would seek to press the single boundary of the First World.
To assist with the monitoring of his soul task Lorlweth created a servant from his own essence. Lorlweth was able to reshape his herald for the various tasks that were required of him. Together they maintained the bounderies of the First World for eons.
Eventually Shyka decided she was through with Lorweth and she cast him down, rupturing the boundery of chaos, and making the First World the endless plain that it now is. Sensing his heralds destruction Lorlweth new the end was at hand, and he sliced off a portion of his essence and placed it as a seed in the mortal world, there to grow and reform in time.
Gnome Summoner (First Worlder)/Paladin (Oath Against Chaos)/Ninja
STR 14
Dex 14
CON 16
INT 12
WIS 13
CHA 18
if you are at all interested in this idea I will do some more work on it for sure. I am an avid poster and have run and played in many games. Though sadly it is really hard to find a game that keeps going.

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i indeed like both concept.
here could be some fluff that goes with both concept:
1St Concept (Paladin / Oracle / Bard):
Aroden when he undertook to raise the Starstone from beneath the ocean was graced by glimpse of possible futures.
He know that in all of the he eventually had to die in order to prevent the Whispering Tyrant from fully overtaking Golarion and installing a 10 000 years of living darkness that would come to an end with the Return of Zon Kuthon from his imprisonment in the plane of Shadow. And the two gods would compete for what was left of Golarion.
And So Aroden sacrificed himself to prevent this from happening.
What he told no one is that he had imagine a way for part of his divine essence to survive. Like a god from a very far away world (Bane- Forgotten Realms). He had a son. And this unlikely of son was to receive part of the Divine spark of the god Aroden, so that trough him he could partially live on. And this Divine Scion was to achieve Godhood so that he could Fight the Whispering Tyrant and lead Humanity once again with Iomeda at his side.
2 nd Concept (Magus / Witch / Fighter):
The World Serpent, one of the four original beings for the first universe had survived its end along with The Lady of Pain (Planescape), The DarkPowers (Ravenloft).
Each of the four being represented one of the four elements of Creation.
The World Serpent (Matter / energy)
The Lady of Pain (Space)
The Dark Powers (the Mind)
? (Time)
During the creation of the first planets, the multiverse, the planes of existence, Divine being arose. Some were born with the divine spark in them some achieved divinity with the help of followers (the first ones have no need of Votive energy to maintain their divinity)
The Lady of Pain settle in Sigil, the city of Portal while the World serpent was Enchained by the collective gods of the multi verse. From him they obtained the secret of Matter and the ability to wield the lesser form of Energy: Magic.
Different has different aspect of the World Serpent and in every place his presence is felt.
In every world his parts try to free themselves or to herald a champion for his cause.
And now a piece has awoken again to try and Recover his Immortal Concept

GM Rednal |
@MiniGM: A sufficiently good plot can cover up many different holes that would normally exist. ^^
@LazarX: Interesting choice for an overall personality. ^^
@CampinCarl: If I were to go for your character, I'd certainly need to have a... fairly comprehensive explanation of his backstory in order to try and make the rest fit. For the third class, I'd probably go utility - remember, you won't have much in the way of support from others, so any glaring weaknesses in abilities/roles could cause a lot of trouble for you.

MiniGM |

Tentatively I would take Guardian and Archmage as my two mythic paths. Archmage is obvious, but guardian to add some survivability
Edit Might also make sense to drop ninja and take up the Fey Touched Template. the dex is nice but the cold iron DR thematically makes sense. OK I think I have the basic idea developed now. DM let me know if it is worth starting to crunch out.

GM Rednal |
Just to note, you will need to take Dual Path for that. ^^b
As far as crunch, I don't think anybody needs to make that for at least a few more days unless they really want to - I'd like to have a better idea of what the submissions are like before I ask anyone to spend all the time needed to do the crunch.

MiniGM |

oops i was reading on my phone originally, it says two path abilities not two paths. In that case Archmage is the the better choice i suspect, since the First Worlder eidolan is not really a combat critter, and the summons will probably be what I fight along side so I will want to buff my magics to blast from range.

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Then, how do we describe how our character was originally a god, when we have no details to go off of?
For example, the ones in Golaron found the starstone and ascended to godhood. The ones in Forgotten Realms and Dragonlance simply fought over the portfolios of each deity, or were given godhood over something...or were born into it.
In this case, I don't quite know where to start because there is no skeleton upon which I can lay my background upon.
Wait...I've got an idea. I'll be back in a bit.

Eoko Sandwalker |

Hey, Rednal, are the Golemoid and Steamwright classes, as well as the Jurak race, allowable in this game?
I'm thinking this for my background:
Faranis was the hope, the inspiration, of all warriors and mercenaries. She was proof that they could rise above, that they could become something more than just a sword for hire.
Faranis started out like any other mercenary, rough, tough, and a smart-aleck. She had reasonable talent for spells, and she attacked them and broke them down into systems like her beloved machines. Faranis seemed to almost develop a rapport with them-they responded to her like they were part of her body.
Faranis was just another member of her band, the Adamantine Cogs, when all of a sudden, Faranis got them all into a fight with her fast mouth-one that was more than they could handle. Even a group of six crack commandos couldn't hope to defeat an entire tribe of orcs.
All seemed lost. The Cogs were backed into a corner, most of them wounded. In one final, desperate attempt, Faranis leapt forward, determined to take as many orcs down with her as possible. She was brutally mutilated, with no hope of getting up ever again. The amazing thing was that Faranis did. She got up to her feet, various pieces of scrap metal leaping to form arms, legs, replacing chunks of lost flesh. A determined fire burned behind Faranis' goggles, and she proceeded to cut through every single orc that was. It didn't matter that she was getting chopped to pieces. Faranis held herself together by sheer force of will, and as her companions watched in wonder, she transformed into something other. Glowing with a red light, orcs laying dead around her, Faranis gave a cheeky smile, just typical of here, before disappearing.
Nobody knows exactly what happened that day. It was speculated that the cavern that they were fighting in was the hidden sanctum of the Throne of the Gods, and as Faranis made a wish to continue on, to saver her companions, that wish was granted.
Years, then centuries, then eons passed, and Faranis became a god of righteous war, protection, and innovation. It was said that all golemoids were blessed by Faranis, and those who did not exhibit the willpower to gain such a gift were stripped away from the godly might of the technology.
Faranis, however, fell. The god of Peace, Garonvel, tired of her "war-mongering" inventions-even though they helped keep the peace and ended wars quicker-struck her down while she was investing much of her godly power in a new, major invention-the Sun Cannon. Now, only knowing the Sun Cannon's name, Faranis awakens, reduced to nothing...
How was that?

GM Rednal |
@Faranis: Unfortunately, I don't have access to the Thunderscape setting's racial and class data; while it seems reasonably popular and well-written (I've even seen a few recruitment threads for the setting), I think I'd rather pass on those choices for this particular campaign. Thank you for your interest, though!

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Barragon the Scaled Titan
All beings both great and small who have a scaley hide have had at least a touch of the Scaled Titan's will in there creation. When the world was young Barragon sought to cover the world in scaleykin however his vision of a perfect world was cut short just after the creation of his masterpiece the beings that would preside over the world of scales, his fellow gods stepped in and began adding there own concepts of life to the world, Barragon lashed out violently at his brethren until he had begun populating the world they had been content to sit back and do what Barragon considered to be things of little importance. He had done so much work to create his perfect world and now they wanted a piece of it a chance to have worshipers of there own.
Barragon's constant rebellion against the inclusions of new beings in what he had deemed 'his' world eventually lead to a unification of the other gods, they stripped him of his power and cast him out of the higher planes believing that to be more than enough to deal with the Scaled Titan, but of course that was not the case. Barragon had been prepared for the ultimate betrayal of his brethren, he had long ago set up the magics necessary to cast his form into HIS world so that he might walk among his scaleykin. What had once been a plan to allow him to meet his creations personally became his salvation.
Divine Theme: God of Scaled Beings(Dragons, Lizardfolk, Kobolds, if its got scales its in her purview.)
Idea: Once awakened Barragon will look to see how his 'children' have progressed. If the world is anything like Pathfinders Golarion he will be quite displeased and seek to unify them and find why some have strayed from there path(likely changes made when aspects of his 'porfolio' were taken by other gods)
Level 1: Druid // Half-Dragon // Half Dragon
Level 2: Druid // Summoner // Fighter(Maybe Rogue or Brawler, I need to take a look at the update to the ACG playtest.)
I think Barragon would probably one of if not the oldest of his pantheon which is perhaps why it too the combined might of the others to take him down(also perhaps because he would have had the most numerous amount of worshipers having had such a significant head start)
Choices: Full Caster- Druid because of his connection to his 'children' he should be good at and capable of conversing with any of his scaleykin and Druid does that very well might go with one of the 'Shaman' Archetypes depending on feedback(though which exactly to go with is a tough choice) originally I was thinking Serpeintine Bloodline Sorcerer for this spot but figured Druid felt better(less specifically snakey)
Template- Dragons were intended to be his 'masterpiece' the guardians and rulers of the world, they have since very significantly strayed from his vision. He formed his mortal shape to be that of a humanoid dragon thus the template(For race I am thinking Nagaji as a sort of 'man-snake' as serpents would have been another of his favorites)
Summoner- The representation of his old 'creator of life' abilities the Eidolon will likely be something akin to a Dragon/Snake hybrid I think. His summoning will be exclusively be reptilians and fish(when possible)
Fighter/Brawler/Rogue- The representation of his physical abilities not sure exactly which one I like the best yet.
Mythic: Guardian/Marshal- Need to do a bit more looking into Mythic but both of these seem very solid for the concept.

Tenro |

Dotting with intense interest. Ideas are flowing around, thinking of an old 3.5 character idea that I didnt explore heavily enough for my tastes. Either converting that into PF, or maybe coming up with an interesting and unexpected combo of classes.
EDIT: I have an Eberron-related idea, a refugee from the plane of dreams that escaped the turning of an age and the destruction of all he knew. Themes would be knowledge, dreams, and possibly fears.

Tenro |

Hello, Thoon. ^^ *Waves*
@Zain: If you have any particular questions about Mythic abilities, I'd be happy to try and answer them for you.
Hi! I edited my above post. As a likely Psion, the Archmage rules might need to be adjusted. Really, just words changed from their magical term to the psionic counterpart.

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Hello, Thoon. ^^ *Waves*
@Zain: If you have any particular questions about Mythic abilities, I'd be happy to try and answer them for you.
Can you multiclass between paths? I think perhaps if that is the case if chosen I'd end up having Barragon dip between both Guardian and Marshal, Guardian would likely be where I would start and then Marshal would come later assuming an emphasis on the 'rallying of the scalekin' ended up occurring.

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The rules as written for Mythic do not permit multiclassing as such, but you CAN choose the Dual Path ability, which is probably what you're looking for. ^^
Yeah that seems about right for what I'm looking for thats pretty much BETTER than multiclassing it since it provides the ability to still obtain the big capstone ability.

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His first was of a woman whose grace knew no bounds, and whose love was as vast as the forests through which they'd met. Yes, there was a forest in that memory. Lush autumn leaves that shimmered from the morning dew, and a fresh scent of clean air that wafted from the nearby ocean, smothered the two in a blanket of comfort that could only be born out of destiny. Yet, their relationship never came to fruition for at the end of it, he saw the desolation of fire sweep it away. When the fallen one combed his hands through the failing threads of that memory, he found them filled with ash.
Rinthos’ second memory revealed a massive kingdom of ivory spires with armies to rival even the strongest of legions. Many a battle he had conquered, and numerous foes had he slain, but a sense of sorrow and despair filled him for none of his deeds bore the future he wished for. Eventually, this anguish Rinthos felt grew to such heights that it broke through the joy he felt in battle, and revealed to him a proper path he could walk. The end of this period revealed to him a pilgrimage that Rinthos had taken where, through his final venture, he found himself flying on golden wings to ascencion.
The third and final memory filled Rinthos with a degree of dread unmatched by any previous experience in his existence. He saw himself standing in the midst of a desert whose dunes stretched further than any land he had ever ruled. There was no sun, yet the sky was blue. His voice did not work, though he could hear the whispers of sand and wind. Rinthos knew something was coming. That past him knew a danger was coming, but knew not where from nor how it would assail him. Suddenly, the sky was enveloped by clouds as ominous as the tunnels below the lands he had previous stood. Rain flooded the landscape and swept him away so fast that he had forgotten the presence of sand beneath his feet. The last of this memory revealed him sinking further and further into the darkness of a sea he had never known to exist.
And now, Rinthos lay on the floor of some indiscriminate temple he knew he belonged to, but whose age he could not tell. There was no language written upon the pillars, the walls, nor even the alter. Everything was built of stone whose hue he vaguely remembered, and as a result, he wished to be gone from this place. There was one physical remnant of his past that he arose with; a spear. Along the haft of the thorn-like weapon, he found the word Righteousness inscribed alongside other glyphs of similar length. Though he could not pronounce them, Rinthos knew them all to possess the same meaning.
Answers he wished to seek and only the marching of feet could take him where he needed to go, though, one thought kept repeating itself in his mind.
...I must right what I have wronged, though what I have wronged, I know not...
I have the character built, though, I feel I need to add more to the background. I'm not sure where though. Got any ideas?
Also, here's the basics of my character.
Cleric/Inquisitor/Paladin 1
Lawful Good
Str 18
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 14
Cha 14
Heirloom Weapon (longspear)
Rescued (Though the one who rescued him is lost to him now)
Birthmark (Down the center of his chest is a tattoo of the same spear he wields, complete with similar symbols down the length of it)
Theme: Righteousness, or, doing that which is right for the betterment of all sentient life
My goal with this was to make it so that Rinthos wouldn't be bound to any actual world or setting. Basically, you choose where he was sent.

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I might have to join in on this just for fun, would it be too much munchkining if say I made a Gunslinger/Warpriest/Spell Slinger Wizard?
Actually, Myrmidarch Magus may work better then Gunslinger.
I'm thinking dwarf would be awesome because STR: 12 DEX: 16 CON: 16 INT: 16 WIS: 16 CHA: 6 would be a 30 point buy for a dwarf, but a dwarven god of firearms may be a bit too expected.
I know you said Core+Featured, but what would you think about Androids?

Tenro |

The idea I am forming will likely be a Dread (Fear in Flesh)/Soulknife (Deadly Fist)/Psion
Fluff to come when i am not on my phone. May focus the Psion as a telepath.
as a brief primer, the character was cursed with a wretched form and cast out at the turning of the age in Dal Quor, preventing what was considered to be a nirvana-like ascension. The character thrust his consciousness to the material plane, skipping the turn of the age and doomed to wait another ten thousand years for ascension.... or was it all a lie?

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Also, considering templates, what about the Young Template?
I'm thinking a Young Clockwork Elf could be interesting, to take a different take on a god of firearms, of course there's a bit of an issue with that combination being a +10 Dexterity race. The Clockwork template isn't ideal, but it was the best template I could find that changes something into a construct.

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Also, considering templates, what about the Young Template?
I'm thinking a Young Clockwork Elf could be interesting, to take a different take on a god of firearms, of course there's a bit of an issue with that combination being a +10 Dexterity race. The Clockwork template isn't ideal, but it was the best template I could find that changes something into a construct.
Cool Idea: If you have some form of companion that could feasibly have existed for the length of your 'sleep' perhaps they have been winding your new form up over the years in hopes of awakening you.

GM Rednal |
I'd like to stick with my statement on races - Androids are listed as an Advanced race at 16 RP. As for the Young Template... well... let's just say that taking major drawbacks like that would be a very bad idea in this campaign (and would not grant you a level to spend elsewhere). I do enjoy the creativity, though. ^^
Ah, and for changing into constructs, there's also the Clockwork Automaton template.

Ashe |

This seems awesome. I too post very oftern. I'm in 8 games now and only am held up by other players not posting as often.
My concept will be Dawnflower Dervish Bard/ Lore Oracle / Advanced Template. Advanced Template will be Paladin or Swashbuckler maybe both, path will be Champion, Archmage I think. Will work on it a bit.
Edit: Decided to go Bard / Fighter / Advanced Template (then into Oracle)