The Darkest Hour- A Dark Heresy (WH40k) Ascension Campaign

Game Master BayouSnowman

A DH 1.0 Ascension level game beginning in the latest timeline of WH40k, a Cadre of powerful individuals is called for to discover something unimaginable and uncover a plot that threatens every living soul.

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Wounds: 15/15, Fate: 3/3, AP: 5 [All] (Vindicare Stealth Suit)

One thing to note: Phineus is wearing his Vindicare Stealth Suit and Mask (as indicated in the thread and in his profile). So he's not viewing anything with his "naked eye"...ever. :)

As a reminder the masks' quick stats are:
Multi-channel comm sensor (both vox and pict), wide-spectrum visor which can pick out heat and energy sources at tremendous distances.
Built-in: Auspex, Advanced High quality Magnoculars, Good-Quality Photo-visor (Dark Sight Trait, immune to the effects of photon flash grenades), Pict-recorder, Re-breather, and Vox-caster.
Other Effects: Re-roll any failed Perception-based Test, and does not suffer a change to the range bracket when firing a ranged weapon at a target protected by Cameleoline.

Phineus Faeyd wrote:

One thing to note: Phineus is wearing his Vindicare Stealth Suit and Mask (as indicated in the thread and in his profile). So he's not viewing anything with his "naked eye"...ever. :)

As a reminder the masks' quick stats are:
Multi-channel comm sensor (both vox and pict), wide-spectrum visor which can pick out heat and energy sources at tremendous distances.
Built-in: Auspex, Advanced High quality Magnoculars, Good-Quality Photo-visor (Dark Sight Trait, immune to the effects of photon flash grenades), Pict-recorder, Re-breather, and Vox-caster.
Other Effects: Re-roll any failed Perception-based Test, and does not suffer a change to the range bracket when firing a ranged weapon at a target protected by Cameleoline.

Sorry about that, but it'll be hard to remember everything and assume you'll always be doing it...

I thought naked eye is a neutral starting point that everyone could be at by default, if you say you're looking at your group, or scanning the horizon for heat signatures, or magnified other areas for closer scrutiny, then I'll pass those details to you. Those are all options that require different effort and aren't always happening at the same time.

Not trying to call you out, just using your case as an example. If you want to benefit from your equipment then try to include that in your roleplay as a reminder for me. Even if its a s simple as "he scans the horizon with his magnoculars" and flips through the heat signature filter periodically...something like that, just don't assume I'll remember all the stuff you have.

Please feel free to add more later, I'm rolling on the naked eye. So if you look again with other equipment, then you may roll again. If I made a mistake and you meant to be looking or using some equipment or a roll, we'll try and go back, but I'd prefer to keep moving it forward and if you forget to say or I forget to add something, keep moving and you'll be able to try again with said equipment/bonus.

Wounds: 15/15, Fate: 3/3, AP: 5 [All] (Vindicare Stealth Suit)
BayouSnowman wrote:

Sorry about that, but it'll be hard to remember everything and assume you'll always be doing it...

I thought naked eye is a neutral starting point that everyone could be at by default, if you say you're looking at your group, or scanning the horizon for heat signatures, or magnified other areas for closer scrutiny, then I'll pass those details to you. Those are all options that require different effort and aren't always happening at the same time.

Not trying to call you out, just using your case as an example. If you want to benefit from your equipment then try to include that in your roleplay as a reminder for me. Even if its a s simple as "he scans the horizon with his magnoculars" and flips through the heat signature filter periodically...something like that, just don't assume I'll remember all the stuff you have.

Please feel free to add more later, I'm rolling on the naked eye. So if you look again with other equipment, then you may roll again. If I made a mistake and you meant to be looking or using some equipment or a roll, we'll try and go back, but I'd prefer to keep moving it forward and if you forget to say or I forget to add something, keep moving and you'll be able to try again with said equipment/bonus.

No worries, there's a lot of equipment (and other stuff) to remember. It's why I included the parts of the equipment I was using in my last post.

Female Noble Born Human Imperial Psyker

Back, sorry for the delay. It seems we've retconned that I'm back at the mansion now, I'll catch up on the gameplay thread and see if there is anything I can add.

Edit: or I guess I can still be there as the game hasn't moved too far forward?

Female Human, Gunmetallican

I don't think we've retconned that. I think none of us wants to tell an Inquisitor where to gp, though, so I believe you are still on the ship or around it.

Male Forge World Omnicron -DX Born Verispex Adept FP 3/5

Sorry, been a crazy few days. I will get a proper post up tmrw.

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WS- 41, BS- 28, S- 42, T- 41, Ag- 31, Int- 39, Per- 26, WP- 42, Fel- 46, Wounds 12/15, FP 0/2, Awareness: 6/16(sight) Reasonable Commissar

Dammit Inquisitor, we didn't invent that nifty plot induced personal teleporter for you to play around with.

You could be anywhere you like, I just removed you because it was easier, but we didn't get far and you could still be around if you like.

Female Noble Born Human Imperial Psyker

Sounds good, I'll still be with the group then.

Hey guys i was wondering if there was room for a Techsorcist War Priest? Perhaps a little radical. Just a touch. MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Or perhaps a Phaenonite? Deadly secret killer and all that.

Calvin G 819 wrote:
Hey guys i was wondering if there was room for a Techsorcist War Priest? Perhaps a little radical. Just a touch. MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Sorry, no extra space at this time, but should something come up, I'll PM you.

Sure thing. Thanks.

Apologies, I will be hit and miss for a little bit. My brother passed away today, so obviously RPing is not foremost in my thoughts right now.

Male Forge World Omnicron -DX Born Verispex Adept FP 3/5

Sorry to hear that, my condolences. We will be here when you are ready, no rush.

WS- 41, BS- 28, S- 42, T- 41, Ag- 31, Int- 39, Per- 26, WP- 42, Fel- 46, Wounds 12/15, FP 0/2, Awareness: 6/16(sight) Reasonable Commissar

That's really bad news, my commiserations...

Wounds: 15/15, Fate: 3/3, AP: 5 [All] (Vindicare Stealth Suit)

My condolences. I'm not sure what else to say. I'm so very sorry for you.

Female Human, Gunmetallican

Family goes first. My condolences as well.

Female Noble Born Human Imperial Psyker

Holy crap, I am sorry to hear that.

Sorry for your loss, I can't imagine losing any of my 6 brothers. You'll be welcome back when you sort things out. Take care.

It was a long, long illness so it's not been unexpected. I'll be back in a few days.

For some reason I posted in recruitment and while Federica was posting, so you may update it if you see this. If not, I'll answer later with npc.

With the exception of a week on Monday, I am back. In a moment of utmost irony the crematorium he had planned to use burned down during his illness, and so we had to make arrangements at another one. One with fire proofing.

Don't be afraid to use your Psy Powers near them, you have no indication that it could be any more dangerous than usual. Some people have some powers that could assist, up to you all how you go about it, do what you want and I'll give you results. If you're still needing some direction or guidance, I'll give you hints and push you along.

I'll update today with both actions happening. Sorry for delay, trying to balance time for others to speak or act, sometimes takes me a minute to realize you just might be waiting on me.

Right after I said the above^^^

Wife's sister had a baby, born early, but healthy. Been helping watch their oldest son and busy taking care of them at the hospital. Chinese hospitals don't provide many services like food or nurses to take you to tests in another building or location, need to ferry over milk to neonatal unit yourself and its ridiculously poor quality and service.

Wounds: 15/15, Fate: 3/3, AP: 5 [All] (Vindicare Stealth Suit)

Sounds like fun!

@Rakavet: You might be able to lift up the rope with a servo skull...MAYBE....30m of rope length will be heavy...but then you won't be able to do anything else once you get there...Might make it easier if someone were climbing you could pass to them, but doing it with Servo Skull alone will not leave you any option that I can think of...If you've got another idea, I'm all ears.

I'll leave it up to folks if they need a rope or not.

Not sure when/if the Inquisitor will chime in, but you all should feel free to act as you like, she's merely observing I guess, hoping the cadre she pulled together will be autonomous and independent. I think she's agreed to let you carry out the mission as you see fit after setting out goals. I'll pm him and see what's up, I know he's around because he's GM in a DW game I'm in. Even if he's busy, I can run the Inquisitor and it'll still be up to you all to decide how to act.

Female Noble Born Human Imperial Psyker

I'm here, website is giving me serious problems with loading and posting and constantly crashes, I have some time to read through even with that annoyance though right now will attempt to post soon.

Female Noble Born Human Imperial Psyker

If Necrons are involved are you using the cool 3rd ed Necron lore and storyline or the goofier 5th ed lore?

Are the Necrons terrifying star god worshiping terminator-like menaces or kooky robo Egyptians who just play around?

I saw some discussion of this in places and I'm not sure which I'm using honestly...I'm pooling from every WH40k book for source info , DW, DH, RT, BC, etc. Not sure where they turn into what you're doing...I haven't taken a look at so many of the tabletop codex books, though I've got a few on Necrons, I assumed they were more historical references and useful for tabletop miniature games, unsure how they impact the WH40k RPG books. We haven't gotten there yet, so I'm up for a discussion or a point in the "right" direction towards what you feel the Necrons should be...But I don't want to spoil anything else, so hopefully my knowing where I'm pulling material from will help answer your question.

I'm just now into my 3rd year of WH40k, so while I've read a ton of stuff, I don't know enough to compare before and after and know which is which in regards to the Necron. Regardless, I hope it doesn't bother you whichever way I go.

Based on your last sentence, I'd have to say my thoughts are they are terrifying badass star gods terminators...I've never gotten the feeling they are cuddly robots. I'd love to read up and double check, so I'll check my books and see what editions I've got and try to get back to you.

The servo skulls normally enter in small holes, not by the means you all have witnessed. While no one has probably witnessed one exit, one would assume the few that have, came out another tunnel (or the one they entered), all too small for a human to fit in. Just wanted to clarify, as it seems like a a few posts are assuming otherwise. What you've discovered is unlike anything you have ever seen and/or anyone knows.

Cool, everyone can move in without fear of failure at this point, tried to make it scary, but not prohibitive. I'll update when I get home or in the morning, give time for others... We'll say you hooked up a wench or some pullies for heavy folks and or used skimmer etc. Don't want to bog us down on technicalities.

Havent' forgotten about you folks, just swamped with work and two other games that are right at mission beginnings and I'm just a bit overwhelmed. I'm gonna post tomorrow, been sorting out and re-reading what I needed to map out exactly what you'll be encountering. It's worth the wait, after this first post then things will pick up as I know more confidently what can/will happen. The next post is important and I want to make sure I give you enough, but not too much.

So my brother that was moving to Inida had visa issues in Beijing so he returned here to Wuhan before leaving today. Took some time off work and luckily my other brother returned from the states in time for us all to get together. Been a blast and a hazy last couple days, too much drinking and not enough sleep. I'm not usually this busy or absent from games, I feel really bad about it, but I'm not sure when I'll see him again, probably years...Back at work today but no time to post, hopefully tonight I'll move things along and give you all room to post. Thanks for hanging in there.


MIU and electro graft are both means of interfacing with Tech and devices, so you would actually choose one or the other. One of those options will always be available to you and most of the time an MIU will suffice unless I say otherwise beforehand. It happens, just depends on the tech and origins of it. Remember, the MIU is like bluetooth and the interface connection can be dangerous if you tried to commune with a TAU AI drone or xenos/archeotech device.

I'll take a look at your profile again and make sure I match the tech use test appropriately for you and Rakavet. You should have some Tech +10 or 20, a few tools to aid, and the MIU, so I'm trying to make it challenging and suspenseful, but not impossible. Also, I know its hard on PBP, but if you two work together on something, then you could give atleast a +10 bonus to the others test, that's always an option...Maybe if you don't think you'll be able to get it done alone, you can just post your ready and offering tools/help for another to attempt it...

Even if you have failure, depending on how much, you might get something, but not as much as you need OR if its many DOF, then something bad could happen. You know what I mean.

Male Forge World Omnicron -DX Born Verispex Adept FP 3/5

No problems, that is why i always list where my bonuses have come from. Makes sense when i actually think about it, rather than just scanning my profile for bonuses! To be fair working at a score of 70-80 is pretty good really i just rolled really badly. And yeah all helped if Rakavet and I work together (or in this instance if I help the expert rather than jumping in on my own!)


Unnatural agility doubles your ag bonus, doesn't modify movement according to rules, but I'll give you +1 to your movement rate because I think it should have some benefit to movement. It's only other benefit is the +2dos on opposed tests, useful on a stealthy character like yours.

Also we posted at same time, you are immune to the wp test for your quick action and thinking.

Wounds: 15/15, Fate: 3/3, AP: 5 [All] (Vindicare Stealth Suit)

Sorry, posted at work and for some reason my mind was telling me that unnatural agility doubled successes. I know it doesn't provide more speed (that's unnatural movement :)).

Phineus does have an "unnatural" reaction time, a pretty fast movement, and a big boost to jumping/leaping (bionic locomotion). The mention of the "eerie grace" was just to highlight that he has, well, an unnatural grace to him. But yeah, I didn't mean to imply that he was traveling further/faster than a normal-ish person. But he's certainly reacting faster.

Yuugasa has computer problems and asked me to take over her indefinitely. He also put his other games on hold, so could be a while. I'd rather the Inquisitor not be there so you all have the responsibility to act and decide and not look to her (me) to decide... So how about we imagine she remained outside, cool?

Male Forge World Omnicron -DX Born Verispex Adept FP 3/5


Sorry for hold up, I'm at 2 big parts in 2 games that I'm GMing and a friend came in from out of town for the week by surprise, so I spent lots of time catching up with him. He's gone and I got a big 9 day holiay coming up after Sunday, so I'll have lots of free time to push things along.

Also, hope Rakavet updates soon, plenty of things you'll need Tech-Use for.

Rakavet are you touching it or examing it to try and figure out its function?

No other doors, straight path. You can try search or lore.

Not touching it right now. I don't feel like exploding.

So are people waiting on me? The box and a missing lift to deal with... Need me to push things along?

I'll let you have combat formation this time, try to RolePlay it a bit or say something earlier (if possible, may not always have time if its a surprise)

Visor protects, if anyone has enhanced vision, that helps I believe to resist maybe?

Logis implant takes your reaction right?

Everything looks good, resistance fear is cool to use too.

Goodluck everyone, this one's a beast.

Male Forge World Omnicron -DX Born Verispex Adept FP 3/5

Yeah, I had meant too, but just didn't get the post up quick enough. Will do next time though, if there is a next time! ;)
Yes Logis takes my reaction, luckily however i have 'step aside' which gives me an extra reaction that can dodge only.

I was really happy with that roll to hit, what a shame it will do about as much damage as a swarm of mosquitoes!!!

While i think of it Bayou, when i made Gaius I assumed that it would be possible to load the shotgun part of my Spectre assault wpn with mixed ammo, ie 2 Inferno rounds and then 2 hyper penetrators. I assumed this would be ok, in the same way as a modern day soldier would load a predetermined number of tracer rounds in a magazine. However just realised that I never asked if it was ok. Is it? Otherwise i can change it.

It's fine.

Yes, he's hulking, +10 to hit, sorry I forgot to specify.

Yes, I'll let you know when FP reset. Other talents that are once a session just remind me as I can't think of any off hand and I'll let you know.

Yes, he's armoured all over as it's a vile fusion of machine and flesh. Heavily armoured once you get a better look.

@Sister, you failed the WP test? Need 3dos unless you have talents to make it a simple test, please specify for me, otherwise I assume you fail. You also forgot to roll initiative.

The doorway is about 8m from it, the hallway is 3m wide, and about 25 meters deep, with the doorway being 2m wide. About 30 meters back is the room and alter with box, the hallway being straight and opening up once you get to the other room, meaning you're in cover now and could be in cover again if you fall back there.

The walls and construction seems solid so you don't fear firing inside. Cool? Any other questions?

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