The Darkest Hour- A Dark Heresy (WH40k) Ascension Campaign

Game Master BayouSnowman

A DH 1.0 Ascension level game beginning in the latest timeline of WH40k, a Cadre of powerful individuals is called for to discover something unimaginable and uncover a plot that threatens every living soul.


Phineus Faeyd

Wounds: 15/15, Fate: 3/3, AP: 5 [All] (Vindicare Stealth Suit)
(166 posts)


Conwrest Muralt
Master At Arms Ludicus Marleno

WS- 41, BS- 28, S- 42, T- 41, Ag- 31, Int- 39, Per- 26, WP- 42, Fel- 46, Wounds 12/15, FP 0/2, Awareness: 6/16(sight) Reasonable Commissar
(392 posts)

Wilhelm Shieldbreaker

Sveinn Blood-Eagle
Wilhelm Shieldbreaker

(177 posts)
Priest of Pharasma
Gaius Haxtes

Male Forge World Omnicron -DX Born Verispex Adept FP 3/5
(154 posts)



(2,258 posts)
Medical Drone
Inquisitor Lillian Naraku

Female Noble Born Human Imperial Psyker
(47 posts)