Priest of Pharasma

Gaius Haxtes's page

154 posts. Alias of Wilhelm Shieldbreaker.

Full Name

Gaius Haxtes


Forge World Omnicron -DX Born


Verispex Adept FP 3/5





About Gaius Haxtes

Gaius Haxtes
Verispex Adept – Sage


WS: 26
BS: 41
S: 25 (2)
T: 30 (3)
Ag: 40 (4)
Int: 60 (Unnat Int)(12)
Per: 43 (4)
WP: 43 (4)
Fel: 41 (4)

Divination: “Only in death does duty end” +1 Wound

Wounds: 6/13
Fate: 2/5
Insanity: 24
Corruption: 3
Movement: Half: 4 , Full:8 , Charge:12 , Run:24


Trained Skills:
Awareness +20 (Per) : 63
Blather (Fel) : 41
Chem-Use (Int) : 60
Command (Fel) : 43
Common Lore (Adeptus Arbites, Administratum, Imperium, Machine Cult and Tech) (Mastery +20 all, Infused Knowledge +10) (Int) : 90
Decieve (Fel): 41
Dodge (Ag): 40
Drive (Grd Vehicle) (Ag) 40
Forbidden Lore (Cults, Heresy, Mutants and Inquisitition) (Int): 60
Inquiry (Fel/Int) (Talented +10) : 70
Interrogation (Wp/Int) : 60
Lip Reading (Linguistics Mastery +20) (Per): 63
Literacy (Linguistics Mastery +20) (Int) : 80
Logic (Int) : 60
Medicae +10 (Talented +10 , Master Chirurgeon +10) (Int) : 90
Navigation (Stellar) (Int): 60
Pilot (Civ Craft, Space Craft) (Ag) : 40
Scholastic Lore (Astromancy, Beasts, Bureacracy, Chymistry, Cryptology, Imp Creed, Judgement, Legend, Numerology, Occult, Tactica Imperialis) (Infused Knowledge +10, Talented +10, Unparalleled Proficiency) (Int) : 80 (+6 DOS)
Scrutiny (Per) : 43
Search (Per) : 43
Secret Tongue (Acolyte, Administratum) (Int) : 60
Speak Language (High Gothic, Low Gothic, Ship Dialect, Tribal Dialect) (Linguistics Mastery) (Int) : 80
Tech-Use +10 (Int) : 70
Trade (Cartographer, Copyist) (Ag, Int) : 40, 60

Basic Skills:
Barter (Fel) : 21
Carouse (T) : 15
Charm (Fel) : 21
Climb (S) : 13
Concealment (Ag) : 20
Contortionist (Ag) : 20
Disguise (Fel) : 21
Evaluate (Int): 30
Gamble (Int) : 30
Intimidate (S) : 13
Silent Move (Ag) : 20
Swim (S) : 13


Armour of Contempt: Reduce all corruption points by 1.
Basic Wpn (SP) : Can use solid projectile basic wpns.
Combat Formation (Ascended) : Allows each member of the group to use the Int bonus of the Adept instead of their own Ag bonus. (Int bonus 12)
Deadeye Shot: Called shots are only at a -10 penalty.
Disturbing Voice: +10 bonus to Intimidate and Interrogation, -10 penalty to fellowship by those likely to be scared (children, nervous Grox)
Electro Graft Use: +10 to Tech Use, Common Lore and Inquiry tests when connected to a Data Port
Heightened Senses (Smell, Hearing): +10 to relevant tests.
Infused Knowledge: All common and scholastic lore count as basic, +10 if already owned.
Jaded: Never gain insanity points from ordinary horrors such as murder.
Light Sleeper: Always assumed to be awake, even when asleep, for the purposes of being surprised or getting up in a hurry
Logis Implant: +10 bonus on WS and BS for 1 turn, on a successful Tech use test (as a reaction). Toughness test or take 1 level of fatigue.
Master Chirurgeon: Gain +10 to all Medicae tests. When treating Heavily or Critically wounded patients, all successes heal 2 points instead of 1. Add +20 to patient’s toughness test to resist limb loss.
Melee Wpn Primitive: Can use melee primitive wpns.
Nerves of Steel: Reroll a failed WP test to avoid or recover from Pinning.
Peer (Academics, Adeptus Arbites, Administratum, Insane, Mechanicus) : +10 to interact with mentioned group.
Pistol Training (SP) : Can use solid projectile pistols.
Resistance (Fear, Psychic Powers) : +10 when trying to avoid or resist mentioned thing.
Seen This Before: (BOJ p55) May make an Int test in place of any skill test with the Investigation descriptor (Inquiry, Interrogation, Chem-use, Common Lore, Schol Lore, Logic, Evaluate) (basic test if not trained)
Sound Con : Gain 1 wound. Taken 2 times
Step Aside: Gain extra reaction, may only be used to dodge.
Strong Minded : Reroll failed saves against psychic powers.
Talented (Inquiry, Medicae, Schol Lore): +10
Total Recall: Recall all minor details.
Unparalleled Proficiency: (BOJ p55) Add half unaugmented Int bonus (rounding up) to DOS of any successful Schol Lore test.
Unremarkable: Attempts to notice or describe you are at -20


Unnatural Intelligence: Int bonus x2

Class and Alt. Rank Abilities::

Forge World Omnicron –DX (the lost dataslate p6)
Fit for Purpose: +3 Int (inc)
Forge World Skills: Superseded as now trained.
Stranger to the Aquila: -10 on knowledge of the Imperial Creed, -5 Fel penalty to interact with the Ecclesiarchy in formal settings.
Omnicron –DX: Pilot (Space Craft) and Schol Lore (Astromancy) (Replaces Creedo Omnissiah)
Knowledge is Power: 1/session a Sage may auto pass an Int test or skill test based on Int. This is only a standard success.
Unfazeable: The sage no longer gains Insanity or Corruption points from indirect sources.

History and Background::

Calixian Pattern Killings: +5 to Int (or Per) , Talented (Inquiry) (IH p27/28)

Gaius is an average man: medium height, medium build, mousy brown hair, neither dark sinned or particularly pale, even his age is difficult to assess after a lot of rejuvenat treatments. In fact there is very little that is memorable, except for the faint smell of counterseptic that follows him. This after effect of years working in mortuaries, conjures images of cold, dark death in those he passes, sending them on to more morbid trains of thought.

Born on the Forge research world of Omnicron –DX, Gaius was quickly identified as having a brain with high processing power making him fit for the purpose of an Adept. After training Gaius was attached to the Skitarii-Provosts, to catalogue and process the large evidence files produced by such an organisation. With access to such large quantities of data, Gaius was able to see patterns that the Provosts working on individual crimes missed. Unsure of what position Gaius now filled, as there is no such existing cog in the machine cult’s holdings, Gaius’ overseers were unsure of how to make use of him. Fortuitously a request was received from the Tricorn Palace to send Verispex adepts to be trained in specific areas of the Omnissiah’s great knowledge, Gaius was put forward to represent the Mechanicus within the Adeptus Arbites of Scintilla.
Still a young man, but a little old to be inducted as a Verispex adept, Gaius struggled to keep up with his fellow students in their long years of training, his previous experience however giving him an edge on bringing all the little pixels together to provide the full picture. As such Gaius was not given a speciality, but instead trained in a wide breadth of knowledge, apprenticed to some of the supervisors themselves in order to fill the role of an Assimilator. Once qualified Gaius’ team were responsible for the catching of the perpetrators of many crimes and the uncovering of much more wide ranging conspiracies, heresies and cults. The most notable of these being the tracing of the ‘Skintaker’ to House Annulus of Baraspine and the mad Lord Commander Mardel, the discovery of the genestealer threat behind the ‘Cult of the Emperor’s Hand’ and the exposure of the 152nd Quill Rangers command structure as daemon worshipers planning to summon the servants of their bloody god in the heart of the Calixian sector. During this time Gaius and his team had been responsible for the execution of millions of souls, the purging of whole hives by fire and the complete change in power structure of systems and all of this from the suite of rooms assigned to his team.
However as all this data passed before him, Gaius couldn’t help but notice patterns. A killing here a mysterious sighting there, followed suddenly by a spate of ritual dismemberments on a world systems away. These patterns were left, forever nagging at him and yet forever out of reach, having reported his findings to his superiors on several occasions (in triplicate in artulian red as decreed by the Administratum, policy 582, volume 7) Gaius was identified for greater service to the Golden Throne. At this stage, Gaius was given an intensive rejuvenat treatments, before an in depth training course involving large periods of theory teaching via shock memory and intra cortex feeds, cybernetic implants, medicae training and intensive physical combat training. Finally Gaius was detached to join the staff of Inquisitor Sethiro Weyland, being put under the command of Interrogator Lillian Naraku to assist in the investigation of the ritual like killings of Xarn 5. Filling the role of autopsectionist, Gaius’ medical knowledge quickly grew along with his skills in the field and his knowledge of forbidden lore. When Lillian Naraku was promoted to Inquisitor in her own right and posted to the Calixian sector Gaius stayed with her, and was present at Menicil Eclipses. Due to his usual position at the back of the group and the extraordinary sacrifice of Arbitrator Denton File (assigned to his protection) Gaius escaped the sorcerer’s wrath and was able to pull Lillian’s body away from the incident. Wracked with guilt at not being able to heal the injuries of his favoured colleague (friend is too strong an emotion for a man of science) Gaius struggled during Lillian’s convalescence without her protection. The wrong word mentioned in the wrong place and the further investigation into Delsuvian Toth took a path including the interrogation of Gaius. After a full decade of torture, testing and long periods of solitary confinement, Gaius was deemed strong enough to carry the weight of his knowledge and return to the active service of the Lord Emperor all for the cost of some of his sanity. Returned to service, Gaius has been instrumental in collecting and processing data to aid in Lillian’s return to the Emperor’s service.

Weapons, Gear, Armour, Ammo: :

Standard Issue:
Adept gives: Stub revolver and 6 bullets, Administratum robes, Auto-quill, Chrono, Data-slate, Backpack.
Ascended Sage gives: Best-craftsmanship Las or SP (Carnodon) pistol, best-craftsmanship flak armour, best-craftsmanship cybernetic implant (MIU), cerebral plug, auto-quill (+10 trade(copyist), badge of office, data-slate, micro-bead.
(Alt. rank equip/gear)

_____________Ranged Weapons______________
1. Compact Ius Pistol pistol 15m S/3/– 1d10+2 I 0 6 Full Reliable 0.85kg Avg
2. Best Carnadon Pistol: pistol 35m S/3/- 1d10+4 I 2 6 Full Accurate
2.5kg Scarce
Red-dot sight. Scarce +10 BS single shot.
3.Spectre: basic 80m S/3/10 1D10+3 I 0 20(x3) Full(each) 6.5kg Rare
as shotgun 30m S/-/- 1D10+4 I 0 4 2Full Scatter
Mono melee attachment. Scarce Not primitive +2 Pen
Spoor Targeter - V Rare - 10 profiles loaded therefore can shoot into combat with them at no penalty.

_____________Melee Weapons_____________
1. Mono Landrian "Sigilite" Knife 1d5+(SB 2) R 5 Defensive 0.75kg Rare
2. Mono melee attachment 1d10+(SB 2) R 2 +2kg

Good Cranial Armour - Rare - +2 armour to head, Stacks

Best Verispex Helm Head 5AP 1.25kg V Rare Infra-red goggles(+20 vision based Per at night), photo-visor (Dark sight and immune to photon flash), +10 to search and tracking.

Best Verispex Armour Arms and Body 3AP 2.75kg V Rare Contains: Auspex (+20 Per tests and can scan for gasses/radiation etc), Chrono, Combitool (+10 to Tech-use), Data-slate, Specialised tools (+10 Awareness and Medicae to find info in the field).
Best Light Flak Armour Legs 3AP 2kg
Hexagrammatic Wards (Armour upgrade) V Rare +20 to resist psychic attack and armour counts dble AP against psychic force or warp energy and keeps value vs warp wpn.

Best Ballistic Surcoat Arms and Body +2AP(stacks)

Conversion Field. PR50, overload 1, If blocks 12pts of Dmg acts as photon flash centred on wearer.

Best Flak armour - All 5AP 5.5kg Scarce

Best Selenite Void Suit 4AP Body, Arms and Legs, 5AP Head. -10 to Ag tests. Rebreather, voxlink, seal patching kit, compact grapnel +10m line, photovisor, Impellor granting Movement 6 in 0 or reduced gravity.


Combitool. Rare +10 to Tech-use
Excruciator. Rare +20 to Interrogation tests for questioner and --10 to subject's Decieve test. 2kg
Filtration Plugs. +20 to Toughness tests.
Forgery Kit. Scarce +10 to forgeries (Trade copyist or Tech-use)
Medikit. Common +20 includes 6x Stimm
Ocular Catechizer. Scarce +10 to Literacy, Lore and Search when close examination needed. No other actions, Fail by 4+ inflicts 1 lvl fatigue.
Personal Cogitator. Avg +10 on relevant tests
Poi-Savant. Rare Routine Tech-use test for poisons/if edible
Recoil Gloves. Can fire basic wpns with 1 hand without penalty and same with 2-handed pistols.
Respirator. Avg +30 to Toughness vs gas and may reroll.
Toxin Wand. Perception test to find poison.
Vox-bug. Rare range 1km Ag40 Concealement
Vox-Thief. Rare short ranged 2-3km 0.5kg


Best MIU - +10 with Tech-Use, Pilot, Drive, Logic, Inquiry and BS when interface with MIU systems. Also make command tests for Cyber mastiff silently using Tech-use. Full action can upload 1 pattern: Defence +10WS, Restrain +20WS when attempting to grapple, Harass +10 Dodge and dodge training, 'Vanes out' Alpha +10 Per and Awareness training, 'Vanes out' Beta +10 Per and Tracking training, Pursuit +1 Ag bonus and Accustomed to Crowds.

Good Auger Array - Ex Rare Full auspex (+20 Per tests and can scan for gasses/radiation etc) and reroll perception tests for auspex.
Vehicle Interface Circuitry - Rare +10 to Pilot if vehicle equipped with receptors. Perception test to determine vehicle's status and condition.
Cast spray. Scarce Forms a cast and reduces blood loss difficulty 1 step.
5x Counterseptics. Common +20 vs disease and infection for 6hrs.
5x De-Tox. Rare Immediately stops drugs/toxins/gases. Stunned for 1d10-TB rounds.
2x Explication Serum. Scarce -20 WP for resisting interrogation, -20 to toughness when taken, if interrogation test already failed prior.
2x Leatherwort. Scarce 2AP that stacks and user gains +10 to Toughness based tests.
2x Panimune. Avg +30 Toughness vs toxins, diseases and Carouse 1d5+1hrs (side effects IH p130)
5x Synth-Skin. Avg Full action stop Blood loss.
1x The Truth Revealed. Rare -50 to tests against interrogation or other info gathering tests for 3d5-TB hours.

_____________Special Ammo_____________
1x clip Carnodon and 4x shells Spectre shotgun Hyper-Density Penetrators. Rare -1/2 range +2Pen Tearing Ordinary toughness test or knock over. Carnodon and Spectre shotgun(no scatter).
6x Inferno Shells. Rare Target must make an Ag test or catch fire. Spectre Shotgun.
2x Man-stopper Clips. Scarce +3 Pen Spectre

At home/diplomatic set
Verispex armour, Light Flak trousers, Conversion field, Carnodon pistol+1 spare clip Hyper Density Penetrators, Compact Ius pistol, Sigilite knife, Auto-quill, Personal Cogitator, Filtration plugs, Poi-Savant. 'Denton'
Current Mission
Verispex Armour + Helm, Light Flak Trousers, Ballistic Surcoat, Conversion Field, Spectre loaded 2x normal and 1/2x Manstopper with shotgun loaded 2x Inferno and then 2 Hyp-Den Penetrators, Carnodon pistol, Ius pistol, Sigillite Knife, Respirator, Recoil Gloves, Vox-thief, Personal Cogitator, 1 reload for all. Medikit, Toxin wand and drugs for in the vehicle. 'Argos'

'Pets' :

Guardian (Combat) Skull 'Denton'. Rare

WS 35
BS 35
S 10
T 20
Ag 40
Int 15
Per 35
WP 20
Fel -
Wounds: 5
Skills: Awareness +20, Concealment +10, Dodge +10, Silent Move +20.
Talents: Fearless, Wpn trining relevant.
Traits: Dark Sight, Flier 6, Machine (3), Programmed Instinct, Size(puny)
Weapons:Armour(machine) Head 3; 1d5+2 I Damage Pen 2.

Subrique "Bullpup" Cyber-mastiff 'Argos' - V Rare

WS 40
BS -
S 50
T 40
Ag 20
Int 18
Per 35
WP 30
Fel --
Movement 4/8/12/24
Wounds 18
Skills: Awareness +10, Tracking +20, Swim
Talents: Fearless
Traits: Armour plated, Dark Sight, Enhanced senses (Smell), Fear (2), Machine (6), Magnetic jaw, Quadruped, Size (Hulking), Sturdy
Armour: Machine All 8
Weapons: Bite (1d10+5R), Shockbite (1d10I, Pen 0, shocking), Chainbite (1d10+2R, Pen 2, Tearing)
Gear: (Implanted) IR vision Implant, filter plugs.
Magnetic Jaw: If successfully hits with a bite, may lock then Hard (-20)Str test to get out. Can do chainbite damage and release.

XP Expenditure: :

___________________Characteristic Advances ___________________

Weapon Skill: 15+11= 26
Ballistic Skill: 20+16=36 +5(rank 7) = 41
Strength: 20+5= 25
Toughness: 20+10= 30
Agility: 20+20= 40
Intelligence: 25+12+3(Fit for Purpose)=40 +5(Background) +5(rank 1)+5(rank 3)+5(rank 6) = 60
Perception:20+13=33 +5 (rank 2)+5(rank 4) = 43
Willpower: 20+13=33 +5 (rank 3) +5 (rank 7) +10 (The Burden of Truth) = 53
Fellowship: 20+11=31 +5 (rank 6) +5 (rank 7)= 41
Total XP Stats = 3050
___________________Rank Advances___________________
Rank 1 (Verispex Adept) 0-499
Awareness 100
Logic 100
Schol Lore (Beasts, Occult) 200
Simple Int 100
Rank 2 (Scrivener) 500-999
Common Lore (Administratum) 100
Simple Per 100
Speak Lang (High Gothic) 100
Tech Use 100
Trade (Cartographer) 100
Rank 3 (Scribe) 1000-1999
Awareness +10 100
Chem Use 100
Common Lore (Tech) 100
Intermediate Int 250
Medicae 100
Schol Lore (Chymistry) 100
Simple WP 100
Total Recall 200
Rank 4 (Chirurgeon) 2000-2999
Electro Graft Use 200
Inter Per 250
Jaded 200
Schol Lore (Bureaucracy) 100
Scrutiny 100
Search 100
Rank 5 (Scholar) 3000-5999
Calixian Backgroud 200
Forbidden Lore (Cults, Heresy, Inquisition, Mutants) 400
Heightened Senses (Smell) 100
Logis Implant 200
Peer (Academics, Administratum) 300
Schol Lore (Imp Creed) 100
Secret Tongue (Administratum) 100
Seen This Before 200
Simple Fel 250
Talented (Schol Lore) 500
Trained Int 500
Unparalleled Proficiency 200
Rank 6 (Comptroller) 6000-7999
Armour of Contempt 100
Basic Wpn (SP) 100
Common Lore (Adeptus Arbites) 200
Disturbing Voice 100
Dodge 100
Drive (Grd Vehicle) 100
Inquiry 100
Medicae +10 100
Melee (Primitive) 250
Navigation (Stellar) 200
Simple BS 250
Sound Con 200
Step Aside 200
Rank 7 (Logister)8000-9999
Awareness +20 100
Blather 200
Common Lore (Machine Cult) 100
Deceive 100
Inter Fel 500
Inter Wp 250
Interrogation 200
Master Chirurgeon 100
Resistance (Psychic Powers) 100
Schol Lore (Cryptology, Tactica Imperialis) 200
Talented (Medicae) 100
Rank 8 (Sage Logister) 10000-13000
Command 100
Deadeye Shot 200
Heightened Senses (Hearing) 100
Nerves of Steel 300
Peer (Adeptus Arbites, Mechanicus, The Insane) 700
Pilot (Civ Craft) 200
Resistance (Fear) 100
Schol Lore (Judgement, Numerology) 200
Secret Tongue (Acolyte) 100
Sound Con 200
Strong Minded 100
Tech Use +10 200
Unnatural Int 500
Rank 9 (Ascended Sage) 13000-15000
Infused Knowledge 200
Combat Formation 800
Common Lore Mastery 500
Linguistic Mastery 500