The Darkest Hour- A Dark Heresy (WH40k) Ascension Campaign

Game Master BayouSnowman

A DH 1.0 Ascension level game beginning in the latest timeline of WH40k, a Cadre of powerful individuals is called for to discover something unimaginable and uncover a plot that threatens every living soul.

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This is where you may post your PC application (final draft)and we can discuss them here. All other discussion is in recruitment. Also, we can discuss equipment you'd like here too, but everything else from history and advances, etc, should be in recruitment. Cool?

Feel free to check over peoples and make sure they're good if you like, I don't mind the help, as its a lot of people and a lot of levels and a lot of xp and a lot of stuff in general.

Wounds: 15/15, Fate: 3/3, AP: 5 [All] (Vindicare Stealth Suit)

Alrighty, here is my finished(-ish) Vindicare Assassin, Phineus Fayed. I followed the format as closely as possible and, where possible, added in some additional information for clarity. I'll keep going through it to clean up some parts and make sure it's all clear. I think the Talent section is difficult to read through, but I'm not sure how to fix that. I may tweak the equipment sections a bit to give it a better flow.

Some notes:
Equipment: As far as gear is concerned, I have two "slots" left (Near Unique and a Very Rare item). I'm not too concerned about weapons or armor as the Temple provides pretty much the best I can ask for.

The majority of the time, Phineus won't be wearing his full Temple garb. He's got a backup suit of armor for the times he's pretending to be an enforcer or guard and will otherwise have a pretty standard set of weapons (Autogun and decent SP pistol). I should note that my intent with the armor is to have it be a relatively custom suit of carapace armor, though for it to look like any other standard suit of light carapace armor. It just seemed easier to do that with an existing suit than to mess around. But if the Magistratum style would be too distinctive, I'm happy to go with another. I also thought about picking up some Xeno Mesh armor, but it seemed likely that I'd wear my Stealth suit under my normal clothing most often. But if that's at all likely to be noticed ever, I'm happy to grab some Xeno Mesh for regular activity.

I actually spent two of my equipment slots on melee weapons but mostly for flavor. I don't plan on doing melee a whole lot, but I felt that a Trophy Knife and a Null Rod really fit the character. (And if I do end up in a knife fight, I think a trophy knife looks cooler than a mono-knife).

Cybernetics: Phineus has a ton of cybernetics, most from previous injuries, but some just put in to keep him from getting killed in his next mission.

Party Role: For the most part, the intent is for the character to be acting as the group's PR and quartermaster. Basically the guy that runs the day to day operations on board whatever small craft we have. Of course, all the characters know that his actual role is an Assassin assigned to assist the group in any way they need. Phineus is pretty well equipped to take down Psykers and should be able to provide a whole lot of support. He is *highly* resistant to psychic powers (especially mind reading), to the point of being ridiculously so.

Female Human, Gunmetallican

This is Sister Palatine Federica. I did try and stick to the format when possible, trying to clarify some things as concisely as possible.

As for equipment, I realized that she may... stand out a bit in a more subtle situation, so, I may take some armor as a spare just in case, most likely an Enforcer Carapace with Carapace Chestplate, and two Bolt Pistols.

For melee weapons, a Gunmetallican doesn't particularly like the concept, but she has a chainsword, to be used in emergencies.

She does have a common-quality cybernetic left arm from the Advancement Package, but it doesn't matter too much, unless it's also upgraded to Best Quality as per the GM agreement.

A few topics for discussion here:

I think rolling and trying to follow initiative will slow things down, I would rather do it in blocks. In some instances you'll be going first and sometimes enemy. I won't pre-post any NPC actions so you won't be adapting your post before you even act unless they act first or get the jump on you with a surprise round.

So don't waste any XP on anything that gives you bonus to initiative.


There are a lot of armors to choose from and I've gotten a lot of PMS on this matter. I've suggested a few for people to consider:

Pressure Carapace Armor from Hostile Aquis pg. 63 Very rare

Artificer Armor from "Faith and Coin" p93, says it Extrem rare, but I'm bumping it to NU, with Hex wards is Unique.

Some of the light power armor and other power armor choices do have batteries and you'll need to consider that. They also need tech-priests to help you in and out of it too, as these machine spirits are among the most cherished.

Hellguns have big energy pack attached to them, so they follow backpack rules, they don't have clips, even hell pistol, so keep that in mind if you choose them.

Any weapon you have, I'll allow one upgrade to it of your choice.

Any armor you have I'll allow one upgrade of choice to it.

Both of the above should be Very rare or below. Or you may choose only one upgrade (either weapon or armor) and have Ext. Rare.

Any additions will require you to spend one of the free aquist. I gave you to begin play.

If you have the armourer talent then we can allow some more room to negotiate. It's quite easily possible that you have done more to your armour and weapons and I'd allow you some more optoins. If anyone has that talent, then let me know. If you do, it would probably extend the benefits to your team as well by allowing an additional upgrade to a single weapon. I'm a fan of the talent and believe its under valued and utilized in WH40k.

Wounds: 15/15, Fate: 3/3, AP: 5 [All] (Vindicare Stealth Suit)
BayouSnowman wrote:

A few topics for discussion here:

I think rolling and trying to follow initiative will slow things down, I would rather do it in blocks. In some instances you'll be going first and sometimes enemy. I won't pre-post any NPC actions so you won't be adapting your post before you even act unless they act first or get the jump on you with a surprise round.

So don't waste any XP on anything that gives you bonus to initiative.

I don't generally mind doing blocks (and having GMs roll initiative), I'm all for it. My only concern is that I've got a character that is starting with a +11 Initiative with really no xp spent on it. With a minimum investment (and one that's going to happen because it's useful for other things) this is going to shoot up to around the mid 20's. I'd be sad if it always went to waste.



There are a lot of armors to choose from and I've gotten a lot of PMS on this matter. I've suggested a few for people to consider:

Pressure Carapace Armor from Hostile Aquis pg. 63 Very rare

Artificer Armor from "Faith and Coin" p93, says it Extrem rare, but I'm bumping it to NU, with Hex wards is Unique.

Some of the light power armor and other power armor choices do have batteries and you'll need to consider that. They also need tech-priests to help you in and out of it too, as these machine spirits are among the most cherished.

Is this going to be true of all types of Power Armor? (The part where we need tech-priests to put them on.)


Any weapon you have, I'll allow one upgrade to it of your choice.

Any armor you have I'll allow one upgrade of choice to it.

Both of the above should be Very rare or below. Or you may choose only one upgrade (either weapon or armor) and have Ext. Rare.

Any additions will require you to spend one of the free aquist. I gave you to begin play.

If you have the armourer talent then we can allow some more room to negotiate. It's quite easily possible that you have done more to your armour and weapons and I'd allow you some more optoins. If anyone has that talent, then let me know. If you do, it would probably extend the benefits to your team as well by allowing an additional upgrade to a single weapon. I'm a fan of the talent and believe its under valued and utilized in WH40k.

I'm a little unclear what's meant by upgrade. Do you mean that, for example, you'd let us upgrade a weapon with a Red-Dot Laser Sight (normally Scarce) as an increase in the Availability of the base item? I would have guessed that it'd be easier to deal with these as discrete purchases. Like an upgrade that's Very Rare would take up a Very Rare item slot. If put on a Very Rare weapon, then that's two Very rare slots. Or would it be one Extremely Rare slot? Just making sure I'm following this right.

You can attach an upgrade freely, no additional costs or combination.

Ill think on initiative, let others too. If you've got high initiative and talents then you'll more likely go first, but don't want others to wait for you to post... Could resolve before others... Let's discuss, I'm open to ideas.

The simplest way to run initiative for online games is to keep enemies to a single block. So all Agents that get a better roll than them go before them, then the bad guys, then the rest of us.

You can probably do two or three groups of bad folks, but it'll slow things down a bit. One group means as soon as the enemy goes, all the PC's know it's there turn.

As for gear, I've grabbed Chem-Use so I can use my Medicae Mechadendrite (Assuming it's approved as part of my gear) and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions from Rogue Trader, Death Watch, etc for stuff I should have to hand. I'm already working through the typical Counterseptics, Synth-Skin, maybe a bit of Rainbow and such. Plus obvious Med-Kits and the like.

Gonna have to go update my Items list when I wake up...

EDIT: I've also taken the Trade (Armourer) Skill, after finding it had been let out of the book. It is in the F.A.Q, however.

I run armorer on intelligence, not agility as it is in some books, and it should be level 1 for you and cheap, advances should be at early levels, I'll check errata for details, if lacking I'll tell you where I think they should be and how much, many upgrades in DH require it at +10, and not every bonus you have applies when it's intelligence, some tech use stuff might aid, I'd consider your bionic arm bonuses and it'll be situational for tests you make when crafting or upgrading.

Lots of good meditkits, that'll be free because it's mostly for the team and you already took the xp hit for skills. .. Advanced medkit or chirugeon tools, can't remember them all, but find the best one and its yours, otherwise you can make stuff too with Chem use.

Rakavet wrote:

The simplest way to run initiative for online games is to keep enemies to a single block. So all Agents that get a better roll than them go before them, then the bad guys, then the rest of us.

You can probably do two or three groups of bad folks, but it'll slow things down a bit. One group means as soon as the enemy goes, all the PC's know it's there turn.

As for gear, I've grabbed Chem-Use so I can use my Medicae Mechadendrite (Assuming it's approved as part of my gear) and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions from Rogue Trader, Death Watch, etc for stuff I should have to hand. I'm already working through the typical Counterseptics, Synth-Skin, maybe a bit of Rainbow and such. Plus obvious Med-Kits and the like.

Gonna have to go update my Items list when I wake up...

EDIT: I've also taken the Trade (Armourer) Skill, after finding it had been let out of the book. It is in the F.A.Q, however.

That's a better way of putting it into words, that's what I was thinking but didn't clearly explain for initiative. If that works for everyone, then cool. Guess you can spend points on initiative boosts.

In regards to your Priest, checking out errata and thought I'd cut/paste a few things:
Technographer Advances on page 89should include the
Forbidden Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus) skill at a cost of 100 xp
*****You need to purchase this if you haven't. Its crucial and the only way you could have and do what your PC has done.

Mech-Wright Advances on page 90should include the Ciphers
(Acolyte) skill at a cost of 100 xp, and the Trade (Armourer) skill
at a cost of 100 xp

Electro-Priest Advances on page 90should include the
Forbidden Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus) +10 skill at a cost of 100
xp, and the Logis Implant talent at a cost of 200 xp

Enginseer Advances on page 91should include the Security
+10 skill at a cost of 100 xp, and the Trade (Armourer) +10 skill
at a cost of 100 xp.

Tech-Priest Advances on page 91should include the
Common Lore (Tech) +20 skill at a cost of 100 xp, the
Forbidden Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus) +20 skill at a cost of 100
xp, and the Trade (Armourer) +20 skill at a cost of 100 xp

NOTE For all:
MIU is only for BS tests, not WS, and only if integrated and connected.

Light power armor doesn't increase size, +10 ST bonus.

Wounds: 15/15, Fate: 3/3, AP: 5 [All] (Vindicare Stealth Suit)
BayouSnowman wrote:

That's a better way of putting it into words, that's what I was thinking but didn't clearly explain for initiative. If that works for everyone, then cool. Guess you can spend points on initiative boosts.

That works for me and alleviates any minor concern I may have had!

Light power armor doesn't increase size, +10 ST bonus.

Yep, this is pretty standard across all the other games and found itself into the errata for DH. (I'm guessing it was a copy-paste-oh we need to cut some lines from this page error.) But this is why I've been so keen on a suit of light power armor rather than regular. I don't mind the AP and strength downgrade as long as it comes with standard power armor stuff and no size upgrade.

I think that only leaves me with two questions on Power Armor:
1. Does all Power Armor, of any type, require that you have a Tech Priest to help you put it on?
2. Would it be possible to obtain "Light" versions of the Ignatius-pattern power armor (Ascension pg. 143) or the Artificer armor (Faith and Coin)?

I'll swap...something out for Forbidden Lore (Mechanicus) when I get back from the funfair.

Dark Heresy has Armourer running on Strength. Shall I still swap it over to intelligence? I have everything else other than a Logic Implant, which will be on my to-buy list once we earn a little XP.

Ignatius-pattern power armor will not require a tech-priest. Not sure of other patterns, but this one is light and well made for you. No light version of them, but why would you want a light version? What benefit? (Unless you were thinking about the tech-priest question, then I this answers your question.)

Wounds: 15/15, Fate: 3/3, AP: 5 [All] (Vindicare Stealth Suit)

The benefit is that it doesn't increase your size category. Hulking comes with a +10 to be hit and an additional -10 to concealment (on top of the regular -30 for Concealment from being AP7+). I'm actually fine with the armor as is. I think it'll be perfect for the times when it comes up that I have to be in that instead of in my stealth suit. just figured I'd check on if a light version were available. The "benefits" are minor compared to the losses, but it's sort of a 50/50 with this character.


Male Human Cleric 1

Well, now's the time to check if my guns are vetted by the GM, I'm assuming so, considering that nothing has been said.

I've borrowed a pair of both Seraphim weapons, is the Canoness going to object to that? I hope not.

Are Tech-Priests required to put Sororita armor on? I don't think so, but, still, would not say no to an answer.

I suspect we'd be required to take the Chem-Gelded trait to do so, or the Sororitas would soon give it to us for 'free' and without the Chem part.

Should be totally done now. I've tweek a few things, and included descriptions of various bits of gear because, frankly, I was loose track of what it all did.

I also included my bonuses and totals for skills, for easy reference. I'm...pretty good at medicine and tech-use.

Rakavet Kaldaria:

Name: Rakavet Kaldaria

Wounds: 17
Insanity: 26
Corruption: 14
Fate Points: 3


Homeworld: Forgeworld Opus Macharius
Rank: Magos Militant Malatek

Imperial Divination: 85 - “Thought begets Heresy; Heresy begets Retribution.” Increase Strength by +3


Fit For Purpose - Add +3 to Will.
Stranger to the Cult - Take a -10 regardin the Imperial Creed, and a -5 on any Fellowship tests involving the Ecclesiarchy.
Credo Omnissiah - Start play the Technical Knock Talent.
Opus Macharius - Add the Bulging Biceps and Light Sleeper Talents at the cost of -5 to Perception..
Mechanicus Implants
- Electro-Graft: Allows access to data ports and certain types of data nets.
- Electoo Inductors: Can be used to emit or siphon power in many ways.
- Respirator Unit: Grants a +20% bonus to resist airborn toxins and gas, contains a vox-synthesiser.
- Cyber-Mantle: Acts as a sub-dermal anchorage point.
- Potentia Coil: Powers the various cybernetic implants of the TechPriest
- Cranial Circuitry: Upgrade to the brain itself.
Outsider Looking In - Treat the disposition of all members of the Mechanicus as two steps lower than usual.
Soul of Iron - All Interaction Tests against a Magos suffer a -30 penalty. Gains an additional success with Forbidden Lore (Archeotech) or Tech-Use.
Armour Monger - Increases all armour worn by +2 points each day so long as he has an hour to prepare it.
Heightened Senses (Eyes) - Gain +10 on sight based checks
Unnatural Intelligence x2 - Double Intelligence bonus, add two successes.


Weapon Skill: 45
Ballistic Skill: 48
Strength: 42
Toughness: 58
Agility: 22
Intelligence: 54 (Unnatural Intelligence x 2)
Perception: 24
Willpower: 49
Fellowship: 26


All skills marked in Italics are trained.

Awareness - Perception (24) - 24% - 34% for eyes
Barter - Fellowship (26) - 13%
Carouse - Toughness (58) - 24%
Charm - Fellowship (26) - 13%
Climb - Strength (42) - +10 Cybernetic Limbs - 26%
Command - Fellowship (26) - 13%
Concealment - Agility (22) - 11%
Contortionist - Agility (22) - 11%
Deceive - Fellowship (26) - +10 - 36%
Disguise - Fellowship (26) - 13%
Dodge - Agility (22) - 22%
Evaluate - Intelligence (54) - 27%
Gamble - Intelligence (54) - 27%
Inquiry - Fellowship (26) - 26%
Intimidate - Strength (42) - 42%
Logic - Intelligence (54) - +10 - 64%
Literacy - Intelligence (54) - 54%
Scale Sheer Surfaces - Strength (42) - 26%
Scrutiny - Perception (24) - 24% - 34% for eyes.
Search - Perception (24) - +10 - +20 - 44% - 54% for eyes.
Silent Move - Agility (22) - Stummer +30 - 41%
Speak Language (Low Gothic) - Intelligence (54) - 54%
Swim - Strength - Cannot Swim

Common Lore (Machine Cult) - Intelligence (54) - +10 - + 20 - 74%
Common Lore (Tech) - Intelligence (54) - +10 - 64%
Chem Use - Intelligence (54) - +10 - 64%
Demolition - Intelligence (54) - +10 - 64%
Drive (Mastery) - Agility (22) +10 - +20 - M.I.U +10 - 52%
Forbidden Lore (Archeotech) - Intelligence (54) - +10 - +20 - 74%
Forbidden Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus) - Intelligence (54) - +10 - +20 - 74%
Forbidden Lore (Warp) - Intelligence (54) - 54%
Forbidden Lore (Daemonology) - Intelligence (54) - +10 - 64%
Interogation - Willpower (49) - +10 - +20 Excrutiators - 79%
Medicae - Intelligence (54) - +10 - +20 +Master Chrigeon +10 - Medicae Mechadendrite +10 - Medikit +20 - 114%
Scholastic Lore (Legends) - Intelligence (54) - 54%
Security - Agility (22) +10 - +20 - +10 Opus Machina - 52%
Secret Tongue (Tech) - Intelligence (54) - 54%
Secret Tongue (Throne Agent) - Intelligence (54) - 54%
Tech Use - Intelligence (54) - +10 - +20 - Electro Graft Use +10 - MultiTool +10 - Utility Mechadendrite +10 - M.I.U +10 - 114%
Trade (Copyist) - Intelligence (54) - 54%
Trade (Armourer) - Strength (42) - +10 - +20 - 62%



Weapon Talents
Melee Weapon Training (Primitive) - Can use basic melee weapons
Basic Weapon Training (Las) - Can use basic las weapons
Bulging Biceps - Use heavier weapons without the need to brace
Pistol Training (Las) - Can use basic las pistols
Basic Weapon Training (Flame) - Use basic flamers
Heavy Weapon Training (Las) - Use heavy Las based weapons
Exotic Weapon Training (Integrated Ranged Weapons) - Allow the use of integrated ranged weapons.
Exotic Weapon Training (Integrated Melee Weapons) - Allow the use of integrated melee weapons.
Melee Weapon Training (Power) - Trained to use Power Weapons,

Tech Priest Talents
Electro Graft Use - +10 to Tech Use, Common Lore and Inquiry tests when connected to a Data Port
Technical Knock - Unjam 1 weapon per turn as a half action.
Lumien Charge - On a successful Toughness test you charge one item. Gain fatigue with each use.
Lumien Blast - Inflict 1d10+WP bonus as energy damage to an enemy within 10m. Gain one level of fatigue with each use.
Mechadendrite (Medicae) - Allows the use of medical-based mechadendrites.
Mechadendrite (Utility) - Allows the use of utility mechadendrites.
Machinator Array - Increase strength and toughness by +10. Reduce agility and fellowship by -5. Can no longer swim. Weighs three times as much as a normal human. Can use any one handed pistol or melee weapon with a mechadendrite.
Gun Blessing - Unjam a number of guns equal to intelligence bonus within a 10m radious
Maglev Grace - Levitate for 1d10+TB about 30cm off the floor. Reduces falling damage to 1d10+3 impact. Usable once every 12 hours.
Luminen Shield - As a full action, create a barrier lasting the same length as TB with a rating equal to half of the toughness bonus. When any attacks hit, roll to see if they are negated. If rolling 1-5 the attack is stopped but the shield collapses, causing fatigue unless a challenging Toughness test is passed..
Luminen Barrier - As Lumien Shield, but uses full Toughness Bonus rather than half.
Energy Cache - No longer gain fatigue when using Luminen Talents.

Light Sleeper - Always assumed to be awake, even when asleep, for the purposes of being surprised or getting up in a hurry.
Sound Constitution - Gain 1 wound. Taken 9 times
The Flesh is Weak (2) - Gain the Machine trait and add armour to all locations equal to the number of times this has been taken.
Total Recall - Recall all minor details.
Jaded - Never gain insanity points from ordinary horrors such as murder.
Master Chirugeon - Gain +10 to all Medicae tests. When treating Heavily or Critically wounded patients, all successes heal 2 points instead of 1. Add +20 to patient’s toughness test to resist limb loss.
Orthoproxy - +20 to resist mind control and interrogation.
Fearless - Immune to fear and pinning, but must pass a willpower test to break off combat.
Armour of Contempt - Reduce all corruption points by 1.
The Power Without - Reduces all Fear levels caused by Xenos by 1, May once per session automatically pass a Forbidden Lore (Xenos) or (Archeotech) with successes equal to intelligence bonus.
Peer (Academics) - +10 to interact with Academics
Peer (Inquisition) - +10 to interact with the Inquisition.
The Power Within - Reduce the Fear levels of psychic powers by 1, may once per session automatically pass Forbidden Lore (Psychers) or (The Warp) with successes equal to Intelligence bonus.
Strong Minded - Reroll failed saves against psychic powers.



Backpack - Allows the carrying of stuff
Glow lamp - 1d5 hours of light.
Mechanicus robes and vestments (Good Quality Clothing)
50 spare parts (power cells, wires, chronometers etc)
16 Vials of Sacred Machine Oil.
Badge of office - Proof as agent of the Inquisition.
Auspex - +20 to Perception, tech-use to spot thing beyond human senses.
Combitool - + 10 to Tech-Use
Cutting Torch - Cuts open or welds shut 10cm of metal per turn.
Vox-caster -
Excrutiator Set - Adds +20 to interrogation tests.
Red Dot Laser Sight x 3 - Adds +10 to Ballistic Skill for any weapons it’s equipped with.
Microbead - Allows communication over 1km.
Stummer - +30 to move silently for 30 minutes
6 x Screamers - Sets off an alarm if non-authorised personnel enter there range.
Concealed Weapon Bionic (Lathe Blade Sword).- Hides a Lathe-forged sword in cybernetic arm.
Greater Opus Mechanicus - Gains +10 to Fellowship tests with members of the Mechanicus, plus counts as a set of multikeys (gaining +10 to security checks)


Medi-Kit - +20 Medicae Tests
3 x 6kg Demolition Kits - Blows stuff up.
20 x Stimm Shots - Ignore the effects of damage for 3d10 rounds, but take a -20 penalty to Strength, Agility and Toughness for one hour once used.
20 x Counterseptic - Add +20 to toughness tests to resist disease.
10 x Halo - +10 to fear and pinning tests, -10 to Perception for an 1d10 hours.
5 x Rainbow - Reroll all tests against poison and disease, stops blood loss but failing on a toughness test inflicts 1d5 damage.
Toxin Wand - Check for poisons with a Routine Medicae Test. Two or more successes identifies the poison.

Weapons and Armour

Las carbine and 2 charge packs,
Knife - 1d5 - 0 Pen
Concealed Lathe Blade - 1d10+7 - 2 Pen - +10 to hit - Power Weapon Resistant.
Best Quality Hellgun - S/3/# - 1d10+5 Energy - 7 Pen - Clip 30 - Reload 2 Full - 6kg - Red Dot Laser Sight - +20 to hit - Extra Grip (One Handed, reduced range)
Best Quality Integrated Multilaser - #/#10 - 3d10+4 - 4 Pen - Integrated - 50kg - Red Dot Laser Sight - +20 to hit. Full Auto +20.
Beast Quality Dragon Scale Armour - Head 9 / Chest 9 / Legs 9 / Arms 9 / - 10kg - +10 strength - PhotoVisor - Respirator.
Best Quality Carapace Armour - Head 5 / Chest 7 / Legs 6 / Arms 6 / - 8kg


Best Quality Cybernetic Arms - +10 to Agility tests using the limb and +10 to Strength checks with it.
Best Quality Cybernetic Legs - Grant the Sprint talent and +20 to Athletics to leap or Jump.
Best Quality Cybernetic Eyes - Gain Heigtened Senses Talent and grants +20 on attacks that target the eyes.
Sub-Dermal Plating - Adds 2 AP to each location.
Shoulder Mounted Utility Mechadendrite - +10 to tech use. Also includes a censor, six injectors for Machine Oil, and a Cutter that counts as a Defensive Mono Knife
Sternum Mounted Medicae Mechadendrite - +10 to Medicae use. Also includes six drug injectors and a flesh-stappler (Stops bleeding as a half-action) plus a small chain blade for amputations (Makes them Challenging).
Sternum Mounted Optical Mechadendrite - +10 to all Perception-based tests. Functions as a microscope, telescopic sight, infrared torch and sensors, plus a multi-spectrum torch.
Mind Impulse Unit - +10 to Tech-Use, Pilot, Drive or Ranged Weapons that can be integrated with.
Cortex Implant - Functions as Coginator and grants Unnatural Intellligence.
Enhanced Potentia Coil - Grants a number of abilities to other Tech-Priest abilities.
- Luminen Shock - Gain Willpower Bonus in damage plus the shocking and tearing qualities.
- Luminen Barrier/Shield - Can be activated as a reaction.
- Luminen Charges - Tests are two steps easier.
- Maglev Grave - Activates as a Free Action, can be activated once every six hours.


Rank 1 - 0 - 499 - Technographer
Forbidden Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus) - Skill - 100
Common Lore (Tech Use) - Skill - 100
Common Lore (Machine Cult) - Skill - 100
Sound Constitution x 2 - Talent - 200

Rank 2 - 500 - 999 - Mech-Wright
Tech Use +10 - Skill - 100
Security - Skill - 100
Sound Constitution - Talent - 100
Medicae - Skill - 100
Trade (Armourer) - Skill - 100

Rank 3 - 1000 - 1999 - Electro-Priest
Lumien Charge - Talent - 200
Common Lore (Tech) +10 - 100
Lumien Blast - Talent - 200
Mechadendrite (Medicae) - Talent - 200
Trade (Armourer) +10 - Skill - 100
Forbidden Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus) - Skill - 100
Mechadendrite (Utility) - 100

Rank 4 - 2000 - 2999 - Secutor
Sound Constitution - Talent - 100
The Flesh Is Weak 1 - Talent - 100
The Flesh Is Weak 2 - Talent - 100
Total Recall - Talent - 100
Toughness Increase +5 - 100
Intelligence Increase +5 - 100
Common Lore (Machine Cult) +10 - Skill - 100
Logic +10 - Skill - 100
Security +10 - 100
Security +20 - 100

Rank 5 - 3000 - 4999 - Myrimidon
Machinator Array - Talent - 500
Heavy Weapon Training (Las) - Talent - 200
Ballistic Skill Increase +5 - 250
Weapon Skill Increase +5 - 250
Sound Constitution x 2 - Talent - 200
Jaded - Talent - 100
Master Chirugeon - Talent - 100
Gun Blessing - Talent - 100
Common Lore (Machine Cult) + 20 - Skill - 100
Orthoproxy - Talent - 100
Fearless - Talent - 100

Rank 6 - 5000 - 6999 - Centurius
Ballistic Skill Increase - 500
Weapon Skill Increase - 500
Demolition - Skill - 100
Demolition +10 - Skill - 100
Tech Use +20 - Skill - 100
Intimidate - Skill - 100
Dodge - Skill - 300
Forbidden Lore (Archeotech) - Skill - 300

Rank 7 - 7000 - 9999 - Magnus - Malatek
Ballistic Skill Increase - 750
Weapon Skill Increase - 750
Intelligence Increase - 250
Toughness Increase - 250
Inquiry - Skill - 100
Deceive - Skill - 100
Armour of Contempt - Talent - 100
The Power Without - Talent - 200
Scrutiny - Skill - 100
Medicae +10 - Skill - 100
Search - Skill - 100
Maglev Grace - Talent - 200

Rank 8 - 10,000 - 12,999 - Magos Militant
Sound Constitution x 2 - Talent - 200
Forbidden Lore (Archeotech) +10 - 100
Forbidden Lore (Archeotech) +20 - 100
Exotic Weapon Training (Integrated Ranged Weapons) - Talent - 100
Exotic Weapon Training (Integrated Melee Weapons) - Talent - 100
Peer (Academics) - Talent - 100
Peer (Inquisition) - Talent - 100
Scholastic Lore (Legend) - Skill - 100
Scholastic Lore (Legend) +10 - Skill - 100
Forbidden Lore (Warp) - Skill - 100
Forbidden Lore (Warp) +10 - Skill - 100
Forbidden Lore (Daemonology) - Skill - 100
Search +10 - Skill - 200
Search +20 - Skill - 200
The Power Within - Talent - 200
Strong Minded - Talent - 100
Awareness - Skill - 200
Melee Weapon Training (Power) - Talent - 200
Luminen Shield - Talent - 200
Luminen Barrier - Talent - 400

Rank 9 - 13,000 - 16,999 - Magos
Willpower Advance - 100
Willpower Advance - 250
Chem Use - Skill - 200
Chem Use +10 - Skill - 200
Driving Mastery - Mastery Skill - 500
Energy Cache - Talent - 200
Interrogation - Skill - 100
Interrogation +10 - Skill - 200
Deceive +10 - Skill - 200
Medicae +20 - Skill - 200
Forbidden Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus) - Skill - 100
Trade (Armour) +20 - Skill - 100

Strikingly tall, Rakavet often towers over normal humans, and has a heavy, muscular physique usually hidden beneath his robes. His dark skin is slightly sallow from too many hours indoors, working away at various experiments and theories. His head is clean shaven and his eyes a glowing, almost luminous green. He also has, when needed, aple white Electoo Inductors that appear in patterns across his face, body and limbs, forming arcane equations and prayers to the Omnissian in machine cant and binary.

Rakavet is heavily augmented, as befits a Tech-Priest of his station. However, he has taken some pains to retain at least the majority of his human appearance. His face is currently unaugmented, bar his eyes, and his limbs are formed to look similar to human ones in shape and colour. Despite this they are obviously augmetics when seen up close. He also has sub-dermal armour plating, creating bulges beneath his skin.

Most notably, Rakavet has the cyber mantle all member of the Mechanicus has, his taking the form of a heavy set of metal and machinery running down his spine. From this there are various data ports and sockets, as well as the three mechadendrites he currently uses, arranged in a triangular fashion.

Rakavet will often wear the dragonscale armour of his order, the fine silver set covered in his red robes of office and bearing the Opus Mechanicus. The helmet is unusually smooth, with a single sensor in it’s centre. Rakavet also keeps a well made and maintained set of carapace armour for more subtle missions.


It often surprises people how personable Rakavet is. Although certainly not the most friendly of humans, he certainly isn’t as cold or socially awkward as most Tech-Priests, having made some effort to retain his humanity despite his augmetics. He refuses to undergo the Rite of Pure Thought, and has only allowed a Cortex Implant to keep his brain truly working.

Still, Rakavet is fanatically devoted to the Omnissiah, and views both alien technology and that tainted by the warp as abominable. His personal belief is that the Omnissiah intended to Mechanicus to show the future of mankind via the merging of flesh and machine, not the supplantation of flesh by machine, citing the various, disastrous attempts to make artificial life and the fact that the pinacles of technology require both as evidence.

He is also vaguely heretikal in his belief that the Mechanicus should serve more as doctors that priests to machines, understanding their function and how to make them run most efficiently rather than simply tending to their spirits with prayers and performing maintenance as ritual.

Currently cut off from the bulk of the Mechanicus and considered a borderline Heretek by some within his own order, Rakavet has only become more dogged in his personal beliefs.

Born among the Facotrums and Titan Bays of Opus Macharius, it was no great shock to anyone when Rakavet Kaldaria was discovered to be Fit For Purpose and inducted into the ranks of the Machine Cult. A strong body combined with a superior mind meant that he was an ideal candidate. Within due course he received the first of the Omnissiah’s gifts, the basic augmentation common to all Tech-Priests, and was assigned to the service of the Legio Venetor, providing maintenance and blessings to the ground forces of the Skiitari.
Rakavet therefore grew up in the shadow of the greatest of the Omnissiah’s bounty, his mightiest avatars of war. Even if too junior to service the great machines he had the privilege of watching the mightiest engines of war take life and walk, heard the talk of their crews and Enginseers; He hoped, one day, to serve on one himself.

During a campaign to retake the War World of Protasia the Legio Venetor was dispatched, in the hope that the Titans would quell any further notions of rebellion through their sheer dominance of the battlefield. With no Titans to face them the only danger lay in the larger defenses. It should have been a simple campaign with no losses.

It therefore came as a shock when rumours reached the main force that the Warlord Titan Sanctus Espiritus had been felled. But the leaders of the expedition didn’t confirm the news. No one was sure what was happening. Until Rakavet and several of his fellows were called into service.

It turned out the Titan had been badly damaged, one leg stuck within a simple enough trap. Essentially Sanctus Espiritus had been lured onto a mineshaft large enough to enclose it’s foot rigged with a huge quantity of explosives on top functioning as a massive mine. The charge was detonated and the Titan’s leg was noc trapped and damaged, unable to pulled out. Skiitari forces guarding the God-Machine were besieged.

And most worryingly, the expedition has been placed in the hands of an Ordo Malleus Inquistor named Copain rather than being left in the hands of the Mechanicus. It was he who had ordered a small cadre of field-ready Tech-Priests to be gathered. He didn’t say why.

A small fleet of Valkyrie transports guarded by Vulture Gunships was dispatched to rescue the downed machine. As they approached it soon became obvious that the defenders had been forced to withdraw into the God-Machine itself. The Titan’s weapons were functional, but ineffective at such close ranges. And around it were the rebel forces and...something else. Writing that made organic eyes weep and cybernetic ones show static. Something horrible.

As they approached, Inquisitor Copain explained what he needed of the Tech-Priests. What was happening below, he claimed, was a summoning ritual. The rebels were attempting to call into being a daemon within the blessed Titan. Worse, they wanted to modify it’s Void Sheilds into the opposite of a Geller Field, creating a patch of the Immaterium in the real world. Copain claimed it was insane, with no chance of success...but Chaos, as he called the enemy, sometimes thrived on the impossible.

If the Titan was tainted, there would be no way to bring it back into Imperial service. It would be lost. And it had to be ensured that the enemy didn’t get it’s might, either - such a Daemon Engine would be a terrible weapon.

Either the Tech=Priests saved Sanctus Espiritus, or they would kill it.
The bulk of the Inquistorial forces were sent to press the rebel. Copain himself attacked the ritual. And Rakavet was one of the Tech-Priests assigned to rig the mighty Titan’s core with enough explosives to reduce it to slag.

It was because of this that Rakavet was spared when the Rebels finally broke through and began to board Sanctus Espiritus. He heard across the Vox as his fellow Tech-Priests tried to fight back or finish the final repairs to bring the leg back online. He heard there screams and there prayers. And he heard, with a sickening finality, the voice of the Princeps as he calmly announced that the cockpit was under attack at that moment.

The explosives set and his task complete, Rakavet attempted to fight his way to continue the repairs, but was wounded and dragged back to a Valkyrie by a retreating defender. In a dazed, pain fuelled nightmare he watched as the transport departed. And therefore saw what rose when the ritual was completed. Sanctus Espiritus stood with a groan of metal and the sickening sound of ripping flesh. The voices of her crew screamed out one last time as the corrupted Titan rose, and that scream kept going, refusing to stop.

Rakavet looked down at the remote in his hand. And he pushed the trigger.

Deep within a core pulsing now with the energies of Chaos the charges detonated. Machine and Daemon-flesh alike were incinerated by a blast as hot as many suns as raw plasma errupted into the machine. And in a flash Sanctus Espiritus, the rebel army and the imperial forces were gone.

Copain was one of the few other survivors of the ordeal. Most of the survivors were Mind-Cleansed, but Rakavet was allowed to retain his knowledge in exchange for service with the Inquisitor. Shaken, he accepted. The encounter had left him questioning much of what he knew. The Inquisition would have answers, although Rakavet doubted they would be pleasant ones.

During his services, Rakavet chose to follow the Omnissiah as an Engine of War, joining the Elite ranks of the Secutors and forging himself into a destroyer. But he kept his mind clear of further augmentation. He had started to question the superiority of the machine over flesh in all things.

As he studied and learned from forbidden archives and strange places, Rakavet came to the conclusion that all past attempts to rid the machine of the weakness of flesh had ended in disaster. Indeed, wasn’t the Omnissiah in his manifestation as the Imperial Emperor considered one of the great heroes? Yet the Iron Men, pure machine beings, had nearly ended humankind.

Equally, the greatest of the machines built now - the vast warships and the Titans - required humans as much as the humans needed them. Rakavet began to conclude that it was not the removal of flesh that made a Tech-Priest closer to understanding, but rather the balance of mortal and eternal machine in one form.

Equally, he began to conclude that acting as priests to Machines wasn’t the only way. Instead of acting like a preacher, begging the machine-spirits for help, was it not wiser to make sure there physical form was perfect? Didn’t the Credo Mechanicus teach that all machine-spirits were the Machine God’s children? Then why were some so stubborn and unwilling to help? Rakavet came to a radical conclusion - that just like an ill patient, in pain and suffering, was often irritable and difficult, so too would a machine whose physical form was not in balance behave improperly.

Therefore, by tending more to the physical condition of the machine the spirit would better serve. Obviously, it would be insane to ignore the machine spirit completely, but the time spent of difficult ritual would be better spent on making sure everyone was perfect.

Thanks to his work with the Inquisition, Rakavet was now ranked as a Magos. But equally, the Mechanicus distrusted him. They had gotten wind of his research into Archeotech long forbidden, and his strange ideas. Although not declared a heretek, the Mechanicus began to view Rakavet with suspicion. This forced him to turn once again to the Inquisition as one of the few organizations that could, and would, support him.

Male Forge World Omnicron -DX Born Verispex Adept FP 3/5

Ok here is Gaius, Appearance and history are done; stats are done; skills and talents are still need tweaking (mostly to include errata stuff); Experience and gear are yet to do.
Will keep working on it,but have had a couple of busy night shifts, so got less done than planned.

I should be good at knowledge (funny that!), medicae and investigation.

Male Forge World Omnicron -DX Born Verispex Adept FP 3/5

Also forgot to say that, I know backgrounds usually come at rank 1, but i figured the hook worked better to explain Gaius' movement into the inquisition and so have taken it later. (Figured it doesn't really matter due to our starting level)

Yea..that's fine, if you took a background, it could've happened anywhere on your timeline, shouldn't matter really, just story stuff.

Also, currently working on the Inquisitor for Yuugasa.

Wounds: 15/15, Fate: 3/3, AP: 5 [All] (Vindicare Stealth Suit)

Cool. I'm very excited to see the Inquisitor as it's such an interesting character idea. If you need any help with it I'd be happy to. (Though having said that, I'm not sure how I would be able to, but if you can think of something, let me know!)

One thing I noticed, maybe others caught it, but stuff you missed in an alt. rank is not double price according to book, thats a RT thing i thought carried over, but I just read its only +50xp to buy things you missed in an alt. rank, so people might need to adjust their xp spent if you did that. Good news more xp, bad news, go back and subtract.

Male Forge World Omnicron -DX Born Verispex Adept FP 3/5

Bonus! I had an annoying 50 hanging about.
I spotted it, but thought it was just your own house rule.

Hmmm, interesting, I thought it was that way too...and I almost always play Dark Heresy over Rogue Trader.

I'll sort it out in a bit.

Wounds: 15/15, Fate: 3/3, AP: 5 [All] (Vindicare Stealth Suit)

Adjusted xp expenditures (which didn't change much) and took Ignatus-pattern Power Armor (with Hexagrammic Wards) for my Near Unique equipment slot. That leaves a Very Rare slot, which I'd like to fill up with something non-combat oriented since, for a guy that's mostly geared around avoiding combat, Phineus is already well suited for when that plan fails.

A Sky Eye from Page 153 of the Inquisitor's Handbook? It's essentially a tiny flying drone you can use as a scout.

Been procrastinating on this for too long.
tossed what I have done onto the profile and hopefully get the rest done in the next day with it looming on me like that.

Jovians skills/stats are mostly done. Need to select Psyker powers but I pretty much know the ones I'm going to be taking.
Unfortunately I ended up spending a significant chunk of my experience I would be using on skill boosts and social talents in order to have physical scores worth using Biomancy with.
Though Jovian is garbage at speaking due to stacking fellowship penalties from his homeworld.

Getting a Psyker wounds enough to survive getting shot at this level is rather painful experience wise. best I could manage was +8 wounds, and that required some finessing.

Bit stumped on item selection for him beyond stat boosting (Or unnatural stat granting) grafts.
Any mechanical replacements, dermal armor and other such stuff is likely to get in the way when changing shapes and such with biomancy, so I'm avoiding it in order to not cause that problem.

Only item outside of grafts that I see can grant extra toughness is the Gun-Nun's amulet of Ophelia. Being a near unique item and highly sacred to the order it would be an exceptionally bad move for a psyker to possess such an item.
Want to steal their fancy blessed coat as well but this is also something that would get the psyker shot.

Thinking a Force Gauntlet will be his 'Nice' weapon option that grants a clean death as he burns people from the inside out with warp power.
Getting hit by the Hammerhands power is a messy way to die.

Wounds: 15/15, Fate: 3/3, AP: 5 [All] (Vindicare Stealth Suit)
Rakavet wrote:
A Sky Eye from Page 153 of the Inquisitor's Handbook? It's essentially a tiny flying drone you can use as a scout.

I considered a Sky Eye, but I thought I'd keep the more tech-oriented surveillance to the Tech guys in the group. Phineus does have a Vox-theif and Vox Pickup though. I guess I could set it up to be a spotter. I'll have to think about it more.

Female Human, Gunmetallican

I was considering the Sky-Eye as well. I also got a Vox-Thief and a Vox-Caster.

I did mostly get combat gear, since we do seem to be lacking in muscle.

Jovian, I kind of feel your pain into wanting to rob the Munitorum of the Abbey. I was considering borrowing the Amulet of Ophelia as well, but with being a hiver, Federica's TB is, sadly, 2, so it's probably wasted.

Which reminds me, stock up on de-tox.

I think we're mostly ready, bar some gear. Though, that is quite the problem with high-level campaigns, having to think of all the stuff we should've picked up in the past.

Gauis, I think that, considering your backstory with the Inquisitor and Federica's backstory, the Sister is going to have quite the respect, since you pretty much started her on her way to be a Palatine. As for the fateful encounter with the Sorcerer, I think it's fitting for it to have Toth using the Warpsmith as a bait to remove the Adepta support from the Inquisitor's retinue in a chess move.

Rakavet, I really like the concept of the "Strong body, strong spirit" belief in the Omnissiah. It's a unique twist on the concept of Imperial technology.

Thanks. It makes a lot of sense for someone with a strong knowledge of actual medicine to start applying some of the same ideas to Tech, especially if he's not easily supervised due to, say, being off working with the Inquisition.

If I may suggest, everyone who hasn't already rifled through should check out the Frontier World section of the Inquisitor's Handbook. It's got some really useful stuff, like the Calixian Survival Pack and Armoured Beetle Tents. If we all have one of those plus a few Camp Warders we can set up pretty nifty campsite when we need to.

Also, boss dude, are we still getting our own ship, and are we still in charge of it? I've only got the Rogue Trader core book, so I'm not too shiny with ships I'm afraid, but I can help with names. I am an archaeologist in the real world, so I know some Latin. And calling a Inquisition Warship Anima Libera is always funny and ironic. Although that's technically Italian rather than Latin, since Free is Liberum.

We could also call it the 01010010 01100001 01101011 01100001 01110110 01100101 01110100 01110011 00100000 01000010 01100001 01100100 01100001 01110011 01110011 00100000 01110011 01101000 01101001 01110000 00101110.

Wounds: 15/15, Fate: 3/3, AP: 5 [All] (Vindicare Stealth Suit)

I figured I'd stick to the big items that Phineus would normally want to keep around. Anything else we shouldn't have too much trouble picking up if the situation warrants it. For instance, if we find out we're going to need to camp out, we can work on getting a bunch of camping gear.

That's true, although I would suggest some emergency supplies. I've been in too many games where you end up in the wilderness with only what you were carrying to not have enough equipment to choke a Hive Tyrant.

Female Human, Gunmetallican

From what I've gathered, all we need to do is wait for Jovian to finalise his character sheet, and for our Lady Inquisitor to show up and do the same.

There's a lot of heretics with un-ventilated heads, which is definitely a problem that we need to see to.

In fairness, I'm not sure I can aim for the head. But I can pretty much promise some ventilation will happen.

Wounds: 15/15, Fate: 3/3, AP: 5 [All] (Vindicare Stealth Suit)

I'm all for emergency supplies, and ventilation.

WS- 41, BS- 28, S- 42, T- 41, Ag- 31, Int- 39, Per- 26, WP- 42, Fel- 46, Wounds 12/15, FP 0/2, Awareness: 6/16(sight) Reasonable Commissar

Here is your humble interrogator, all the crunch is done now, I just need to fill in a few details, like what some skills does or some weapons stats.

Cool, I'll check your profile next, in the morning or at work tom. It's 2am here, I live in China, so I'm heading to bed.

Didn't quite finish up today, had to search in the books b/c i lost my notes, finally got most things cut, pasted, and copied, so now need to trim the fat and present. Should be finished tom and then I'll be able to concentrate on others profiles.

Female Noble Born Human Imperial Psyker

It's all good, thanks for working with me on my character=)

Good to see you active inquisitor.
Now if only I could get a solid block of time to myself and actually finish the heap that is my profile we can get rolling soon.

Jovian Krylov wrote:

Good to see you active inquisitor.

Now if only I could get a solid block of time to myself and actually finish the heap that is my profile we can get rolling soon.

Got some stuff for your PC and profile, will PM later. Nearly done with Inquisitor, just figuring out which powers to take and then I'll have it off to Yuugassa to finish up history.

How are others coming? Still some incomplete profiles, hopefully people can give me an idea on a time frame for finishing...I'd like to start after the weekend, begins some intros and settings.

Female Noble Born Human Imperial Psyker
Jovian Krylov wrote:

Good to see you active inquisitor.

I've been here, just working stuff out with the GM so there isn't much to say yet as even my story may be fleshed out alot. =)

Unless you find a problem, I'm done.

Female Human, Gunmetallican

Sooo... Anyone has background/relationship ideas about the other characters and how they interact? I'll post mine tomorrow, since it's getting late in here, but I think it'd be fun!

Sister Federica Del Vecchio wrote:
Sooo... Anyone has background/relationship ideas about the other characters and how they interact? I'll post mine tomorrow, since it's getting late in here, but I think it'd be fun!

I've got some ideas brewing but I'm tired at the moment, will start in on them once I get some good sleep=)

Gonna try and post my connection thoughts tonight too.

Wounds: 15/15, Fate: 3/3, AP: 5 [All] (Vindicare Stealth Suit)

Sorry about the silence, was just working out some things behind the curtain. :)

I'm all for connections. I've deliberately left a lot of open spots in Phineus' background fro that and am extremely flexible.

Female Human, Gunmetallican

Well, here's my general thoughts.

Gaius Haxtes:
Federica was probably recruited into the Inquisitor's (Then Interrogator) Narraku during Gaius' long stint on Scintilla. Therefore, she realizes that Gaius is probably the main reason she's reached her particular position. Probably would see him as a boss figure, or, depending on how keen he is on giving orders, a wise councillor. (Not a mentor, but someone to ask when in doubt for matters outside her expertise.)

Inquisitor Narraku:
I think she sees Narraku as someone considerably higher in the ranks. I don't see many opportunities for them to have met and worked side-by-side. She does however understand that without Inquisitor backing, her path would've been greatly different, therefore I see the relation as half-professional, half-respectful.

Jovian Krylov:
I could see the idea as having Federica's first mission on Scintilla as a connection between her, Gaius and Jovian. I could see Jovian taking part as an Acolyte of Groal at the time, using his Psykana bodyguard training to be assigned to Gaius' protection. In such case, I can't really put my finger on what the interaction between Federica and Joivan would be, probably her being incredibly terrified at his psyker powers, learning that psykers are (generally) people too, and then being shocked by his disappearance (severance package). Could see him as a 'friend' kind of character.

I can't really come up with ideas for Phineas, Marleno and Rakavet.

WS- 41, BS- 28, S- 42, T- 41, Ag- 31, Int- 39, Per- 26, WP- 42, Fel- 46, Wounds 12/15, FP 0/2, Awareness: 6/16(sight) Reasonable Commissar

Well, I envisioned Mr Marleno has being a bit of a loner throughout his carrier, due to his habit of being an only survivor.
That said, if someone comes up with a link, I'd be more than happy to explore it.
I just have not really thought much in that direction myself.

Wounds: 15/15, Fate: 3/3, AP: 5 [All] (Vindicare Stealth Suit)

For the most part, Phineus' career has been spent as an attachment to an existing team rather than as a full team member. He's done a lot of different undercover work in support of others. So he could either have infiltrated a heretic cult after a character had found it or he could have done the ground work for when a character (or characters) went in and cleaned up a problem.

Prior to being trained in the temple he wasn't well known as a fighter. Not that he hadn't killed or carried out assassinations, just that a straight up fight has never been his style. This is a reputation that he's carried for a while and one that he's more than happy to keep up. So it's possible that he has a poor reputation with another member of the group if they think of him as someone that tries to avoid conflicts and bringing the fight to the enemies of the Imperium. On the other hand, he does have a good reputation for getting the job done, no matter what the cost.

Just some things for everyone, working on profiles and going through what I see.

Phineus Faeyd is complete.

His profile is a good model others can use to know what I like and expect in your profiles. Please make sure you have an XP tree and list things that give/gave you bonuses to PC creation so its easy to starting points and add up all the bonuses and things to make sure the end product is correct.

As for your history: Some suggestions above fit. I was thinking you did some clean up whenever others stories were involved, and through your actions you learned more than you should. You were recruited into something, but your more black ops, not knowing much more than that. You've had interaction with the Interrog. and Inquisitor, working closely with them.

Now due to your high profile activity and the life you once lead no longer an option, how about personal body guard of the Inquisitor? She is handicapped and not made for direct combat and confrontation, perhaps you'd be her right hand man? Also, your shadow recruitment means you could be together, or about to be, up to GM, and she can let you in on things now that it'll be avoidable, your assistance gives you access and knowledge to too much without her full trust it would be a difficult relationship, but with a common bond of your secret ties, then you two could be in it together and you loyally devoted to her and the cause. Hiding the evidence and cleaning up to keep things secret and control information.

Just a few thoughts, feel free to include/rewrite/ignore.

@Sister Vecchio:
You don't have many skills besides fighting, which makes you a less valuable member, despite your faith and the benefits of your devotion that could aid in combat, you have no other useufl skills for use in downtime, just keep that in mind. I'm fine with it..but you might be bored when there isn't something to shoot.

Your two most useful skills are Search and Scrutiny, but your Per is 33, with 10 bonus from something, but in your profile you list your Per as 53 with those two skills..something I'm missing? Maybe you meant 33? Please clarify or correct that.

You took exotic weapons (exitus) training, but that isn't gonna be available for your PC, neither the training nor the weapons.

With your unique ability to requisition anything from your order, I need to balance it. You can have anything, just not everything. You start off with 8 pistols I think, a few basic, and some melee...Its excessive, especially all at BQ.

You may have 4 pistols, the special ones that use dual shot talent must be taken in pairs, so you could have a pair of both, but no other pistols. Chainswords and lathe blades? You can have the chainsword from your Sisters, and one lathe blade if you like.

No angelus bolter. If you want a single shot bolter then you would need it from your order armoury or just stick with the Storm Bolter. The Angelus bolter is an illegal weapon and so is the ammo, both hard to aquire and seemingly out of character for your deveoted sister.

Lastly, you get 4 BQ weapons that are Very rare and Up, other things at next level of craftsmanship below BQ from your order. We can work on a balance and how you'd keep such a cache of weapons away from your order.

Don't know what Blessed wings are, couldn't find them or a reference. Please point me to where I can find them and I'll consider those for your PC. Initial thoughts are no, as you've got enough pistols that are specific for your order and seem more likely to be trained in. The melee qualities of unwieldy seemed to limit your melee ability while using those, so not sure why you use them or what there is to gain.

Everything else seemed fine.

Rosarius will be RT conversion field rules

Anyone taking a Forcefield may only take it at common, meaning overload on 1-10. They're a headache enough and don't want them to be used to make you invincible. You've got a lot of options and starting gear choices, so please keep forcefields at common quality. If you have a forcefield with less than 50 rating, then you may have a higher quality one, but nothing should give more than 40% protection (50 rating, overload 1-10 common shield, or BQ forcefield with rating 30, overload 1, etc)

Thats a few down, going for dinner and I'll knock out a few more when I return.

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