The Confirmation 5-08 Table A (Inactive)

Game Master TobiasBlues

Hey all, a new GM here wanting to get his feet wet. I'm looking to run The Confirmation, I have 2 to 3 spots filled but I am still looking for a few more players.

Please let me if you're interested and what character you would like to try out. This is a Tier 1-2 scenario that is repeatable for lvl 1 characters and can be played once as a lvl 2.

Liberty's Edge

Here i am! it's schiffer if ya'll didn't know

Scarab Sages

I am ready Good sir

Liberty's Edge

i just realized that i haven't gotten my stats up yet. Ill put them up tomorrow

Not a problem Hargev. Still waiting on replies from the others that I contacted. Hopefully we'll get enough people.

The Exchange

Why not. Musket Master lvl2 :)

Scarab Sages

Checking in, just need to decide which of my 2 new lvl 1's I want to play/fit best with the rest of the party (dwarf headbutting fighter or a life necromancer) and put those stats up.

And before I forget, thanks for running.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

I guess this is PFS then?

Sovereign Court

Yes it is Wolfwaker.

Silver Crusade

Bowing humbly,
"Offering you my sword. Caikahn of Nerosyan. Paladin for Ragathiel."

Liberty's Edge

Alright my stats are finished up and i'm ready to go

If there's still a spot open, I'd love to bring a Magus, but I do have some other level 1 characters prepared.

Sovereign Court

Oster's been training to be a Pathfinder for a while now. Time for him to get Confirmed!

Okay so far we got:

Hargev (Druid 1) - Schiffer
Kyroden Hawkstorm (Witch 1/Alchemist 1) - Trailjava
Aldrea (MusketMaster 2) - Seth 86
Caikahn Bloodsword (Paladin 1) - Jellyroll1970
Unknown - Revvy
Magus - Straff
Oster (Viking 1) - Zan

That's 7 and I'm waiting to hear back from one other person. So I could always split and run 2 tables.

Grand Lodge

Straff here.

At your service good sir.

Alright, well still hoping to hear from 1 more, but I can get 1 table started.

Hargev, Aldrea, Revvy, and Oster. I'll start with you 4.

Discussion board is here

Scarab Sages

I here still!

Scarab Sages

I'm willing to join if you're running a second group. I've heard good things about this one.

Alright Professor, That fills the table.

Kyroden, Kaikahn, Straff, Professor please head over here for your game. And thank you for your patience.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32

If you have another slot, I have a second level alchemist who would love to help!

Sorry James. If everyone responds back I should have 4 for the second table.

Sorry for taking so long. ATT is doing something, until they finish I don't have home internet. Can still check in from work on most days though.

I have a tiefling oracle that will eventually mix with monk but I need to digitize her. I should have her up tomorrow.

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