DM Tobi |

Thanks all for joining me for this. To let you know this is my first time running a game by PbP.
I will post as often as I can, I'm usually on most nights after I get my little one down, so I check the boards often. I'm hoping everyone can do at least 1 post a day, but if you all can post more, I'll post more.
I'd like everyone to please put a post with the following info:
Player name:
Character Name:
PFS #:
Day Job Roll:
And any default action that your character would do if you can't get around to post for a bit.
Thanks again all.

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Player name: Zan Thrax
Character Name: Oster
PFS #: 89041 - 11
Faction: Taldor
Day Job Roll: None right now. Stabbing people is his day job.
When not otherwise occupied, Oster spends his time either sharpening his sword, practicing his fighting form, or looking for places that enemies could be hiding, waiting to spring out and attack the soft southerners that are his fellow Pathfinders.
Oster's Character Sheet Of interest mainly for the art. Wasn't really able to come very close for my avatar image.

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Player name: James Reimers (AKA Schiffer)
Character Name: Hargev, "The Wolf Child", and Flat-Tooth
PFS #: 124065-2
Faction: Andoran
Day Job Roll:Day Job: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21 <-----Herbalist
I made some changes to my character again, but I'm done for real this time. Went from NG to CN, from Grand Lodge to Andoran, and changed one of my skill ranks. Now for real im ready to go

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Player Name : Lenus
Character Name : Aldrea
PFS : 59626-6
Day Job - Bounty Hunter : DJR: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
Look around for enemies. Stealth to position so she can shoot from max 30ft away.

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Prob some guy/girl trying to rob a bank or some other important person. Prob shot his leg or shoulder. Bullets are a very nice method to explain why stealing is bad

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So we have a druid, a gunslinger and a fighter....I'll stat up my life necromancer for some arcane diversion in the party then instead of bringing another fighter.
I'm at GMT+1 and normally check/post a few times a day, it's going to take a bit longer today to stat up my char since I'll be home late tonight and till have access to my books..it might take till tomorrow before I'm done but we can start with the introduction.

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GMT +2

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Tobi, what stats do you want in the little gray area under my name?
Also, do you want me and Akela to roll init separately and should I make a second alias for Aekla?
As for actions ill take if i cannot post. I'll heal those i need to but Hargev and Akela are brothers (in their eyes) and they will both stick together the best that they can.
In fact, here is my handle Animal check to see if Akela knows to heel without Hargev casting "Speak with Animals"
Handle Animal DC 15: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Akela doesn't heel yet, ill role for it again at the end of the adventure to represent a weeks worth of work teaching him

DM Tobi |

If you could put this in that would be great.
gender race class hp/hp; AC N,t,ff F, R, W; Init ; Perc ; low-light vision; attack or other important feature.
And actually if you could do an alias for Aekla, that would be great. As for the init, I think you roll init seperately for yourself and for the animal companion, but I'm not entirely sure.

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Player name; Revvy Bitterleaf
Character: Lysassa
PFS nr; 13475-13
Faction: Quadiran
Day Job (craft alchemy)1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26
Somehow I lost my char info..I guess because I forgot to save..but I think it's all there now

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okay cool. im not changing anything i was just wondering if a day had passed yet.
Anyway next question is do we have to wait to go in that order? or can i act with the characters that had higher initiative than the dogs and then wait with those who didn't?

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just want to make sure. we will be finished before games day? if so, about how long?

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no worries. was just curious if i can sign up thats all :P i have lots of others :P

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Out for the weekend. Will be back on Sunday. But I don’t know how reception will be where we are heading. Will catch up if I can. Bot/NPC my character if needed

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Back. And glad I didnt miss much

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Just to let you know, I don't know how much access I will have to the internet this weekend. I might not be able to post till Sunday afternoon. Maybe I'm able to log in sooner, but wanted to give you a heads up in case I don't
NPC me if needed, looking at our current situation my next action will most likely to either heal someone with infernal healing (heals 1 and gives fast healing 1 for 10 rounds) or use disrupt undead +1 vs touch AC to hit, 1d6+1 damage

DM Tobi |

Hey guys, with the 2nd PbP gameday coming up I wanted to ask you guys. There is an optional encounter coming up, do you want to go through that or just continue on. Depending on how often we can post I'm not sure on ending the game before the gameday starts.
So it's up to you guys on if you want to do the extra fight or not. Just let me know.

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I'm fine either way. While I did try to conditionally sign Oster up for a game, it filled up with characters that will definitely be available right away anyhow. And since I've probably over-committed myself for the event anyhow, I'm not worried about leaving Oster on the shelf during the event.

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Dont care either, i have characters in the game day :)

DM Tobi |

So guys, since it looks like we'll be done before too much longer. I was looking at signing up to run a game for the PBP gameday if you're interested.
The Cyphermage Dilemma is the one I was thinking of doing. So if anyone you want to jump in on that, let me know and I'll save you a spot.

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Interested. Will sign Aldrea up for now, but i might change it to Sutekh. His game also almost done :)