The Confirmation 5-08 Table A (Inactive)

Game Master TobiasBlues

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Sovereign Court

Male Human (Ulfen) Viking 12/12 hp; AC 20, 12t, 18ff; 4F, 2R, -1W; +2 Init; +4 Perc

You at least had a chance of hitting the DC Lysassa. It's out of the realm of possibility for Oster

Sense Motive: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (5) - 1 = 4

The Exchange

Female Human
AC: 20, T: 15, FF: 15; HP: 20/20; F:5, R:7, W:2 (*+2 vs Audio Effects); CMD 16; CMB +2; Init: +6 ; Perc: +7(+2)
Musket Master 2
Acrobatics +9, Craft Alchemy +5, Intimidate +3, Knowledge Local +6, Profession +6, Stealth +10, Survival +7, Perception +7 (*+2 if audio)

SM: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21

She new what was happening, but the hit really hurt, so she steps away from the creature, 5ft step, and fires before moving as far as she could She wont make it to you guys, AoO would also hurt

RTA: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
Damage: 1d12 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13


The Exchange

Female Wizard 3 (1/2 Orc) hps:22/23 (+1 NL) AC15 (FF14/Touch11/CMD10) Fort+5, Ref+4 Will+6 Init+1 Perc.+1; Darkvision

@Aldrea. You can't 5ft step when your also moving, so you either do a withdraw or you 5ft step and make the attack. Sorry (or your move and attack..which most likely will provoke...)

And actually all that green area that she's in is difficult terrain. But she is also considered in cocealment due to the underbrush so the minotaur can't AoO on her.

But yes she can't 5ft step AND move. So I'll leave it up to you Aldrea, do you want to 5ft and shoot (which will give the minotaur some cover due to the underbrush) or move and then shoot (which will also more than likely give the minotaur some cover)?

The Exchange

Female Human
AC: 20, T: 15, FF: 15; HP: 20/20; F:5, R:7, W:2 (*+2 vs Audio Effects); CMD 16; CMB +2; Init: +6 ; Perc: +7(+2)
Musket Master 2
Acrobatics +9, Craft Alchemy +5, Intimidate +3, Knowledge Local +6, Profession +6, Stealth +10, Survival +7, Perception +7 (*+2 if audio)

Bah. Will just move and shoot then

Okay, I'll take the rolls you did and use them.

Aldrea moves through the underbrush, the Minotaur seeing the opportunity to strike, but growls in frustration as he can't get a clean path to make the attack.

Finding a suitable spot, Aldrea turns and fires at the minotaur, scoring another hit against the massive creature and drawing another howl of pain. The creature glares at Aldrea then back at the others and finally toward the prone Janira, you can almost feel the minotaurs mind working.

Turn Order: Janira, Hargev, Aldrea(10), Akela, Minotaur(22), Oster, Lysassa

New Map
Aldrea let me know if that works for you for placement? Hargev and Akela are up then the Minotaur.

The Exchange

Female Human
AC: 20, T: 15, FF: 15; HP: 20/20; F:5, R:7, W:2 (*+2 vs Audio Effects); CMD 16; CMB +2; Init: +6 ; Perc: +7(+2)
Musket Master 2
Acrobatics +9, Craft Alchemy +5, Intimidate +3, Knowledge Local +6, Profession +6, Stealth +10, Survival +7, Perception +7 (*+2 if audio)

sure. Its fine

Liberty's Edge

Male Shoanti Wolf Shaman/1 HP: 13/13/ AC:16/ T:14/ F:12/ Fort+3 Ref+3 Will+5/CMD:15/Init+3/Perc+7

Sorry, just got off of a long day at work.
Short Spear: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 41d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Hargev and Akela move as one, striking and biting at the Minotaur.

Male Wolf Animal/2 HP:11/17 / AC:14/ T:12/ F:12/ Fort+5 Ref+5 Will+1/CMD:14/Init+2/Perc+5 Low-Light vision, Scent

Hargev's spear doesn't find its mark, but Akela goes for the beast's legs, trying to bite them out from underneath him.

Bite+Trip: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 121d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 51d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

New Map

As Akela rushes in within the beasts reach, the minotaur sees an openning and swings at the wolf.

AoO: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

And misses horribly, but the attack is enough that Akela is unable to clamp down on the monster's leg.

Regaining it's balance, the minotaur lashes out at Hargev.

Attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

But again, the creature's fatigue seems to throw it's aim off as the axe blade swings wide of Hargev.

Turn Order: Janira, Hargev, Aldrea(10), Akela, Minotaur(22), Oster, Lysassa

Sovereign Court

Male Human (Ulfen) Viking 12/12 hp; AC 20, 12t, 18ff; 4F, 2R, -1W; +2 Init; +4 Perc

Okay, I guess we go to giant monster instead.

Oster moves across the log (Acrobatics: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (11) - 1 = 10) to a position beside the druid and his animal companion, then swings his longsword as hard as he can, hoping to put the beast down before it can kill any of the party members.

Longsword, Power Attack: 1d20 + 5 - 1 ⇒ (4) + 5 - 1 = 8
Slashing Damage: 1d8 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 4 + 2 = 12

New Map

The Exchange

Female Wizard 3 (1/2 Orc) hps:22/23 (+1 NL) AC15 (FF14/Touch11/CMD10) Fort+5, Ref+4 Will+6 Init+1 Perc.+1; Darkvision

Lysassa moves forward and screams in a direct line over the heads of her companions straight at the minotaur

(Casting ear piercing scream)

Sonic damage: 1d6 ⇒ 3 DC 16 fort save for half damage, if the save if failed -> Dazed for 1 round.

new map

Save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

Oster stalks in close to the minotaur, swinging his longsword, but hte attack misses the beast. As he is recovering, Lysassa finishes her spell and the minotaur reacts, reeling from the effects of the spell.

Round 3
Turn Order: Janira, Hargev, Aldrea(10), Akela, Minotaur(25), Oster, Lysassa

The Exchange

Female Wizard 3 (1/2 Orc) hps:22/23 (+1 NL) AC15 (FF14/Touch11/CMD10) Fort+5, Ref+4 Will+6 Init+1 Perc.+1; Darkvision

Lysassa sees the minotaur start to stare off into the distance for a second.

"Quick, while he's distracted by the stunning sound I send around inside his head. We can move past him and surround him without him being able to do anything about it."

Okay gonna bot Hargev and Akela. Aldrea can go whenever in here too.

Taking Lysassa's advice, Hargev moves around to the other side of the minotaur before both he and Akela attack.

Akela bite: 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 + 2 = 23 damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Trip: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Akela bites into the minotaur's leg hard, but can't get the leverage on the larger creature to bring it down.

Hargev attack: 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 + 2 = 5 damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

Hargev stabs at the beast as Akela bites down, but his spear is batted away by the minotaur's axe.

Actually guys, just go ahead and do your actions. The minotaur is dazed so can't do anything this turn.

Turn order: Janira, Hargev, Aldrea(10), Akela, Minotaur(30), Oster, Lysassa

Updated Map

Sovereign Court

Male Human (Ulfen) Viking 12/12 hp; AC 20, 12t, 18ff; 4F, 2R, -1W; +2 Init; +4 Perc

Oster 5' steps into the space that Hargev has just vacated, swinging his sword as he goes.

Fall down you big ugly bastard!

Sword, PA, TWF, flanking: 1d20 + 5 - 1 - 2 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 5 - 1 - 2 + 2 = 10
slashing: 1d8 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 4 + 2 = 11
Shield Bash, PA, TWF, flanking: 1d20 + 3 - 1 - 2 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 3 - 1 - 2 + 2 = 17
bludgeoning: 1d3 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 3 + 1 = 6

New Map

The Exchange

Female Wizard 3 (1/2 Orc) hps:22/23 (+1 NL) AC15 (FF14/Touch11/CMD10) Fort+5, Ref+4 Will+6 Init+1 Perc.+1; Darkvision

Lysassa points a finger at the minotaur's gut and send sickening thoughts towards him

(Casting sickening ray at the minotaur - DC 16 fort save or he is sickend for 1 minute).

The Exchange

Female Human
AC: 20, T: 15, FF: 15; HP: 20/20; F:5, R:7, W:2 (*+2 vs Audio Effects); CMD 16; CMB +2; Init: +6 ; Perc: +7(+2)
Musket Master 2
Acrobatics +9, Craft Alchemy +5, Intimidate +3, Knowledge Local +6, Profession +6, Stealth +10, Survival +7, Perception +7 (*+2 if audio)

RTA: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26

Another resounding sound fills the air as she shoots the beast again!

Damage: 1d12 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

Lysassa's words flow through the air and after a moment the minotaur begins to cough and retch from the spell.

Just as he starts, another retort from Aldrea's musket fills the clearing as the bullet slams into the minotaur's chest, staggering it before the massive beast slumps to the ground. It's still breathing but not moving.

Okay minotaur is down, combat is over. What would you guys like to do?

Liberty's Edge

Male Shoanti Wolf Shaman/1 HP: 13/13/ AC:16/ T:14/ F:12/ Fort+3 Ref+3 Will+5/CMD:15/Init+3/Perc+7

Hargev moves to the halfling and cast cure light wounds on her, "Live small one, live to hunt another day."

cure light wounds: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

doubt that's enough to wake her up...

The Exchange

Female Wizard 3 (1/2 Orc) hps:22/23 (+1 NL) AC15 (FF14/Touch11/CMD10) Fort+5, Ref+4 Will+6 Init+1 Perc.+1; Darkvision

Lysassa moves over to the halfling and tries to find out if she is still alive.

"Could someone please take away that big axe from the minotaur?. Just in case he wakes up and holds a grudge against us."

Hargev's magic flows into the halfling, closing some of the smaller wounds, but she doesn't stir.

Damage taken: Janira(11)

@Lysassa: As you move to inspect the halfling woman, you can quickly see that she is breathing.

The Exchange

Female Wizard 3 (1/2 Orc) hps:22/23 (+1 NL) AC15 (FF14/Touch11/CMD10) Fort+5, Ref+4 Will+6 Init+1 Perc.+1; Darkvision

"It seems fortune favors the bold, Janira is still alive."

Lysassa will cast infernal healing on Janira, she will heal 1 hp (thanks to my life school) and then gain fast healing 1 for 10 rounds

"Is anyone else hurt?" Lysassa looks around the group

Sovereign Court

Male Human (Ulfen) Viking 12/12 hp; AC 20, 12t, 18ff; 4F, 2R, -1W; +2 Init; +4 Perc

Oster speaks to Janira while pulling a potion from his pocket. Foolish halfling woman should not fight minotaurs alone. Here, this is your potion; you are lucky we were able to kill it in time.

Janira's cure light potion: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

Hmm. Still she sleeps.

If no one else cures her enough to get her on her feet, Oster will carry her with his weapon arm. I didn't notice Lysassa's infernal healing. I suppose Janira ought to wake up in just a minute or so.

With the application of the spell and the potion, in a few moments the halfling's eyes open. She blinks slowly then with a start sits up looking around, her eyes finally falling onto the fallen form of her foe.

"Hmmm, glad to see that you found your way out when you did. Thank you for your assistance."

Janira slowly stands, she still looks tired, but the wounds slowly begin to heal and color begins to return to her face.

"So, I hope you found out a few things about the caves and didn't just rush through them to help me out. Tell me what you've learned."

The Exchange

Female Human
AC: 20, T: 15, FF: 15; HP: 20/20; F:5, R:7, W:2 (*+2 vs Audio Effects); CMD 16; CMB +2; Init: +6 ; Perc: +7(+2)
Musket Master 2
Acrobatics +9, Craft Alchemy +5, Intimidate +3, Knowledge Local +6, Profession +6, Stealth +10, Survival +7, Perception +7 (*+2 if audio)

She puts the gun to the temple of the beast and makes sure its dead
Coup de Grace: 4d12 + 4 ⇒ (12, 3, 12, 8) + 4 = 39

Was in a accident yesterday, so will post again after weekend. And yes, I'm okay. Just muscles and such that are sore. :)

Sovereign Court

Male Human (Ulfen) Viking 12/12 hp; AC 20, 12t, 18ff; 4F, 2R, -1W; +2 Init; +4 Perc
DM Tobi wrote:
"Tell me what you've learned."

First, we found a cloak in a pit. Then wall drawings. Then a gillman. It didn't fight us; was praying to a map of Absalom. It told us that someone desecrated the caves. We fought skeletons and zombies, then found dead vampire man. Maybe he was one who desecrated cave?

Anyhow, after that, we heard you fighting with minotaur, but got attacked by giant snot monster before we could get here. And the rest you already know. I will write story out later; will sound better in Skald. Lysassa has many drawings, and also cloak.

Liberty's Edge

Male Shoanti Wolf Shaman/1 HP: 13/13/ AC:16/ T:14/ F:12/ Fort+3 Ref+3 Will+5/CMD:15/Init+3/Perc+7

Hargev nods and nods and nods as Oster explains their adventure, "Exactly right, snot monsters." and then Hargev bursts out laughing.

Male Wolf Animal/2 HP:11/17 / AC:14/ T:12/ F:12/ Fort+5 Ref+5 Will+1/CMD:14/Init+2/Perc+5 Low-Light vision, Scent

When Janira wakes, Akela timidly walks up, sniffs her, and then begins licking her face, to which Hargev just laughs.

The Exchange

Female Wizard 3 (1/2 Orc) hps:22/23 (+1 NL) AC15 (FF14/Touch11/CMD10) Fort+5, Ref+4 Will+6 Init+1 Perc.+1; Darkvision

Lysassa nods at Oster's word and shows the notes she made from the miniature town as well as showing the cloak we found inside the caves.

Janira takes in all that Oster tells her. "Hmmm a snot monster. That will be an interesting addition to the Lodge's books. But it does sound like you were able to explore much of the cave system and fins out quiet a bit from the gillman."

As she looks over Lysassa's drawing, Janira continues. "So it sounds like your confirmation is all but done. Do you feel like you have explored the caves enough, and followed the tenants of the society, Explore, Report, and Cooperate? If so we can start our journey back."

"Oh and so you know. For your actions, I plan to give you not only any support I can give you on upcoming missions, but also the best recommendation that I can. For both your adherence to the tenants, and for your heroism in fighting a foe such as that to save me. Thank you all."

Okay guys. So do you want to call it or go back and explore the other cave passage? Right now that's completely optional. I will start getting the chronicles written up. If everyone can just make sure that their character numbers are accurate. I'll post in the discussion board with links to them when I get them done (hopefully by tonight in case youw ant to play these guys in another game in the gameday.) Thanks everyone for the game, it was great.

The Exchange

Female Wizard 3 (1/2 Orc) hps:22/23 (+1 NL) AC15 (FF14/Touch11/CMD10) Fort+5, Ref+4 Will+6 Init+1 Perc.+1; Darkvision

"Maybe the gillman is more open to talking to you. He wasn't unfriendly to us..bu I got the feeling he didn't like us that much either. If we realy want to find out what he was doing there we might be better off sending a more diplomatic party to meet him."

Thanks for running, it was fun ;) And I just checked, info that I posted in the discussion thread is still accurate

Sovereign Court

Male Human (Ulfen) Viking 12/12 hp; AC 20, 12t, 18ff; 4F, 2R, -1W; +2 Init; +4 Perc

If Janira's satisfied with our report, then Oster's satisfied that the place is sufficiently explored. And we reported to her, and cooperated to kill stuff. As far as Oster's concerned, he's met the requirements.

Okay got the chronicles done. I'll post them if everyone wants to call the game done.

Liberty's Edge

Male Shoanti Wolf Shaman/1 HP: 13/13/ AC:16/ T:14/ F:12/ Fort+3 Ref+3 Will+5/CMD:15/Init+3/Perc+7

Hargev sighs, "Can we at least take it slow. I enjoyed being back in the forest."

Janira laughs, "I think I would like that too, Hargev. We will take it slow."

The journey back to Absalom is uneventful, and true to her word Janira does take a bit more time on the way back, letting Hargev enjoy the forest more.

Once safely back in the Grand Lodge, Master of Scrolls Kreighton Shaine
inquires excitedly about what the PCs found and asks to see their notes.
Leafing through the notes provided, Kreighton smiles widely.

"I have to say, the notes you have taken are impressive. They will go to improve the knowledge that the lodge has on these items. And I believe we will be sending more people to do more in depth research of the cave you found. I am proud of you all to have the forethought to write your observations down when you had them. Sometimes it can be difficult to remember what you had for breakfast the day before, let alone remember what you were thinking when you deciphered the inscriptions."

"Oh and now since you are the foremost authority on the cave, I believe you all should be the one to name the cave. So think about it and let me know."

[ooc]Great game guys. I'll put links up to the chronicle sheet in the discussion board. Look them over and make sure I got everything right.[/occ]

Three days later, you are brought before the masters, Kreighton Shaine, Marcos Farabellus, and Aram Key. In turn, each of you is confirmed as a full Pathfinder field agent. As part of this ceremony you are given a personalized wayfinder (like the one Janira had) with this final bit of wisdom.

"Remember, Pathfinder. This is not only a symbol of the Pathfinder's trade, but also a reminder of the three principle duties: Explore, Report, Cooperate."

The Exchange

Female Wizard 3 (1/2 Orc) hps:22/23 (+1 NL) AC15 (FF14/Touch11/CMD10) Fort+5, Ref+4 Will+6 Init+1 Perc.+1; Darkvision

Lysassa nods
"We will try to remember the lessons we have learned today."

Liberty's Edge

Male Shoanti Wolf Shaman/1 HP: 13/13/ AC:16/ T:14/ F:12/ Fort+3 Ref+3 Will+5/CMD:15/Init+3/Perc+7

Hargev is awkward at the ceremony, "Thank you." he says as he is handed his wayfinder.

"The caves should be named 'The Caves of Man' for all the pictures of man on the walls."

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