Jadrenka the Crone

Lysassa's page

278 posts. Organized Play character for Revvy Bitterleaf.


David knott 242 wrote:

One unresolved issue is how many racial hit points to give a homebrew race. I thought I saw a pattern in the core + legacy races in the Starfinder Core Rulebook, but Alien Archive races do not follow any pattern that I can see.

Yeah that's more or less my issue, I want to make a bunch of my own races for my own setting that have flavor and are interesting but not unbalanced. I do have confidence that if I were to just wing it I wouldn't put out anything unbalanced, I had a few races I'd made for Pathfinder before their RP system that turned out to be within the range I wanted them to be when they were "audited" with the RP system. But still, I'd rather do it right the first time.

Xuldarinar wrote:

Far as stats go for making new races, just make sure they net a +2 (+2 to two and -2 to one, +4 to one and -2 to one, +2 to any... ect.) After point buy, it really all balances out...

Far as your particular desire for a tested method of converting monsters to player races, all I can say is: Compare the races presented in the Alien Archive to their monster entries. Im sure something could be developed for at least weaker monsters. And just because monsters are handled differently doesn't mean their statistics couldn't be plugged into a character sheet.

I'm not too worried about the stats, I noticed the net +2 trend as well. What I am worried about is the balancing of other various abilities. Using the Race points system of pathfinder was solid for that game but I was hoping for something like that for Starfinder as well.

I've been holding off on running anything for Starfinder until we got a little more material for it. As robust as the base starfinder setting is at the moment, I've been waiting for the tools I need to make my own stuff. Alien Archive looked like it might provide me with the material I need to start fleshing out my own ideas for playable races rather than using those for the pact worlds.

But instead what we got was a system that treats its monsters with a slightly varied system than that of the players, which is fine. I don't dislike the system they have put forth for it's specific purpose, but what I want to do is make things for players to pick up and use. But how?

I might have missed it, if so, I apologize in advance. I want to keep creation of new material as "by the book" as I possibly can, so the idea of just kinda guessing or using pathfinder methods isn't something I want to do. I want a tried and true method of creating new playable races for Starfinder.

Did I miss it in the alien archive? Is there a method to reverse engineer "monster" stat blocks for playable races? Is this just something that hasn't been provided yet? Any input would be helpful as this is more or less the main thing that is preventing me from moving forward with my own game.

I sort of missed the window on the playtest and batting around all of the ideas but I think the community can still be of some use in getting ball park ideas on some things.

First off, I'd like to take the "Long-Step" ability that Fey creatures can have in the Fey creature template in to a racial ability with an RP cost. I initially wanted to compare it to other abilities in the Fey Creature list but it seems that each of the abilities is pretty different in capability and pricing. Any ideas on what Long-Step would cost?

Additionally I had an idea for a racial trait that would allow a race to take feats that they usually would not be able to take. Such as a race that would be able to take Item Creation feats despite not being a caster. An ability that allows the race to sort of "Emulate" the Item creation through the crafting skill, but balancing it a bit by still requiring the feat but waiving the caster pre-requisite. Any ideas on that sort of ability and its RP cost?

Finally is the RP cost of a racial ability that would allow a race to substitute one ability score for another for a specific skill check. Or what it would cost to allow a race to add the bonus of a second score to a skill check for a specific utility. IE a race that while using Craft for Repair would be able to "Threaten" the offending item in to co-operating with its own repair.(Adding a charisma bonus to the Int Bonus of the Craft for repair) Sort of a supernatural ability with a specific use. Where would this rate in the pricing?