The Avalon Chronicles

Game Master lynora

This is a high level rules light game set in a school for magical kids, kinda a mash-up of Soul Eater, Harry Potter, and X-Men. :)

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Male Half-Elf

Acting instead of thinking, Michael reaches out and grabs Kitty's shoulders a second after she catches Saffire, pulling her back. He stares at the drake in disbelief.

"That is not a jump you want to try making, Saffire. Do you even know if your wings work?"

"You okay?" He asks Kitty, face going slightly red as he realizes he hasn't let her go yet. He hastily drops his hands to his sides.

Image (doesn't have wings)

Saffire made a contrite wail, and then tried to flap his wings to take off. He struggled and strained but couldn't quite make it. Embarrassed he climbed back into Kitty's pocket and curled up into a ball.

Kitty blushed. "I'm so sorry. I was just as foolish as Saffire. I could have easily fallen if you hadn't caught me...thank you," she said, hugging him and giving him a kiss on the cheek, then blushing all over again.

Male Half-Elf

"I couldn't let you fall." Michael replies, face just as red. "Imagine how red my face would be explaining why the library roof needs to be washed!"

"Assuming I didn't jump after you to try and catch you."

Male Kitsune (9-tailed) Professor of Eastern Philosophy and Planar studies (?)Sorceror/(?)Flowing Monk
narrator wrote:
Genosuke wrote:
Good question...Lyn, a little help here. Has he diplayed anything over and beyond the scope of a normal kitsune, or is it just that he's not the appropriate age for the number of tails/power he has?

For the second time today I discover that my email has lost something. :(

Can you resend the kitsune info? I thought it was there but much like last week's microbio notes, it's gone. Also it didn't save when I tried to download it. I need to see that file again before I can comment on where his abilities differ from normal since I don't remember what normal is. :(

I don't have the file with me at work. What was your intent? If its just that he's too young to have 5 tails, i can adlib a bit. If he's displayed Champ abilities, jsut tell me what geno may have seen, and I can go with that :P

Image (doesn't have wings)
Michael Dacamara wrote:

"I couldn't let you fall." Michael replies, face just as red. "Imagine how red my face would be explaining why the library roof needs to be washed!"

"Assuming I didn't jump after you to try and catch you."

She laughed nervously and hugged him tighter.

"Well, I'm glad I'm not a mess on the library roof. And don't you dare ever do something that stupid. I couldn't stand it if something bad happened to you."

Genosuke wrote:
narrator wrote:
Genosuke wrote:
Good question...Lyn, a little help here. Has he diplayed anything over and beyond the scope of a normal kitsune, or is it just that he's not the appropriate age for the number of tails/power he has?

For the second time today I discover that my email has lost something. :(

Can you resend the kitsune info? I thought it was there but much like last week's microbio notes, it's gone. Also it didn't save when I tried to download it. I need to see that file again before I can comment on where his abilities differ from normal since I don't remember what normal is. :(
I don't have the file with me at work. What was your intent? If its just that he's too young to have 5 tails, i can adlib a bit. If he's displayed Champ abilities, jsut tell me what geno may have seen, and I can go with that :P

Yes, he's shown some Champion abilities, but I don't know exactly what since I don't know what normal is...for hope probably morale boosting effects mostly.

Male Half-Elf

"Stupid? Nah, I would have figured something out, I'm super smart, remember?"

"I do have something I want to tell you. Two actually. The first one is that if I ever forget you, you can hit me, okay? As hard as you want." He lets her go and seems sad as he leans against the railing. "The second thing is.. well, I don't want anything bad to happen to you either, and I think things are going to get heated soon. I've told you I don't want you in it, so, if it comes to it, I want you to deny your friends with me. I don't want you getting hurt because of me."

Image (doesn't have wings)
Michael Dacamara wrote:

"Stupid? Nah, I would have figured something out, I'm super smart, remember?"

"I do have something I want to tell you. Two actually. The first one is that if I ever forget you, you can hit me, okay? As hard as you want." He lets her go and seems sad as he leans against the railing. "The second thing is.. well, I don't want anything bad to happen to you either, and I think things are going to get heated soon. I've told you I don't want you in it, so, if it comes to it, I want you to deny your friends with me. I don't want you getting hurt because of me."

Her eyes widened in shock and then narrowed. She looked really, really angry. She slapped him across the face, hard.

"You're not getting rid of me that easy! I really like you, and I'm not going anywhere! I'm not going to deny being friends with you or leaving you behind so if you don't want to hurt me, you better think of some other way to protect me! You're stuck with me so you better just deal with it!"

Male Half-Elf

Michael, shocked, touches his cheek and cringes before his anger shows.

"Get rid of you? I grab you to keep you from possibly falling to your death and you think I'm trying to get rid of you!? This is my fight Kitty! What if I'm the one who ends up hurting you? I couldn't live with that!"

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Image (doesn't have wings)
Michael Dacamara wrote:

Michael, shocked, touches his cheek and cringes before his anger shows.

"Get rid of you? I grab you to keep you from possibly falling to your death and you think I'm trying to get rid of you!? This is my fight Kitty! What if I'm the one who ends up hurting you? I couldn't live with that!"

She hugged him tightly. "Whether I go or stay is my decision to make, not yours. Even if you don't like me back, I still like you just as much. And I know that you would never deliberately hurt me. I'm willing to risk it, so don't you dare tell me to go away or pretend I don't know you, not ever!" she said, trying really hard not to let him see the tears that kept leaking out no matter how much she told herself not to cry.

Male Elf Bard 20
Fieri del Sol wrote:

"Hey," she said, gracefully plopping into a chain at the same table. "Nice trick with the floating books. I was hoping you might be feeling in a more teachy mood now," she added with a charming smile.

He looks up at the books. He stops humming and they fall back into place.

"Oh that, seems your books dont get read enough so they like to dance. Normally it only happens to a few but if I sing the whole place goes nuts. I take it you make use of screens here more then tomes. As for teaching it depends on what you want to learn, I dont even know if you have any skill. Do you at least know how to read and write music, if so do you have any samples of your work?"

Gaelvin Sieti wrote:
Fieri del Sol wrote:

"Hey," she said, gracefully plopping into a chain at the same table. "Nice trick with the floating books. I was hoping you might be feeling in a more teachy mood now," she added with a charming smile.

He looks up at the books. He stops humming and they fall back into place.

"Oh that, seems your books dont get read enough so they like to dance. Normally it only happens to a few but if I sing the whole place goes nuts. I take it you make use of screens here more then tomes. As for teaching it depends on what you want to learn, I dont even know if you have any skill. Do you at least know how to read and write music, if so do you have any samples of your work?"

"Somehow I knew you would ask that," she said, carelessly tossing a notebook onto the table. "That's my most recent stuff."

There's enough there to show that she knows music well and has a decent amount of talent as a songwriter.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Half-Elf
Kitty Tanaka wrote:
She hugged him tightly. "Whether I go or stay is my decision to make, not yours. Even if you don't like me back, I still like you just as much. And I know that you would never deliberately hurt me. I'm willing to risk it, so don't you dare tell me to go away or pretend I don't know you, not ever!" she said, trying really hard not to let him see the tears that kept leaking out no matter how much she told herself not to cry.

"I... I..." Michael finds it very hard to form words with his chest hurting so much in response to Kitty's words. He returns the hug, holding on to her tightly. He could tell he was crying, but she wasn't looking and he didn't care, so he let the tears fall. "I hope you never regret taking that risk then..."

Image (doesn't have wings)

Saffire shivered inside the pocket. He almost hurt his person. That made him bad. But the maker was bad sometimes, and his person still liked the maker. She would still like Saffire too? He could be good again. He grabbed a handkerchief out of the pocket and carried it in his teeth as he climbed up his person's sweatshirt. He headbutted his person lightly on her chin and meeped at her. She looked at him and laughed.

"Oh, Saffire," she said, taking the handkerchief and using it to wipe her eyes. "It's okay. I'm not mad at you."
She looked up and saw that Michael had been crying too, and she smiled at him as she wiped his tears away.
"Oh, no, you're crying too? This won't do. No more crying now. I want to enjoy this time together. And that way I won't regret anything later on."

Male Half-Elf

"Let's forget about this then and go get something to eat. I think I said something along the lines of gobbledygook that translated meant 'food', didn't I?" Michael scratches Saffire behind his ears... flaps... whatevers and gives the little drake a mental 'thanks'.

Image (doesn't have wings)

Saffire trilled happily. His person and the maker were both happier now and nobody was mad at him anymore. The only thing missing was fish. Then it would be perfect.

"Food sounds like a good idea now," she said, putting Saffire on her shoulder and taking Michael's hand. "I believe you even said something about it being pretty long as there's some sort of fish for Saffire," she added with a chuckle.

Male Kitsune (9-tailed) Professor of Eastern Philosophy and Planar studies (?)Sorceror/(?)Flowing Monk
Headmaster Ryo wrote:
Genosuke wrote:
"Have you any questions for me?"
"Only one. What powers has Keme exhibited up to now? It would be helpful to know what to expect so I can rearrange his classes accordingly."

"He has exhibited normal abilities for a 5 tail. The problem is, he's much, much to young to have 5 tails. He also has other abilites from a source I don't understand, but mostly those are benficial to tohers around him, not unlike a master bard."

Male Half-Elf
Kitty Tanaka wrote:
"Food sounds like a good idea now," she said, putting Saffire on her shoulder and taking Michael's hand. "I believe you even said something about it being pretty long as there's some sort of fish for Saffire," she added with a chuckle.

"I think we can manage that." Michael says as they walk back down the stairs. He pushes the shelf back in front of the door and takes Kitty's hand again, this time leading her through the city to a small cafe/diner type building called the "Inland Sea" where Michael is greeted(to his embarrassment), by one of the mermaids swimming around and taking orders. She winks at him after seating them and taking their orders and swims off, the air acting just like water for her.

"I swear flirting mermaids were not the reason I like this place!" He tells Kitty quickly. "She just likes to tease me!"

Genosuke wrote:
"He has exhibited normal abilities for a 5 tail. The problem is, he's much, much to young to have 5 tails. He also has other abilites from a source I don't understand, but mostly those are benficial to tohers around him, not unlike a master bard."

"It sounds like this school is the perfect place for him then. The number of tails could be a genetic mutation or simply a his power responding to something. The abilities from the other source though... I have a suspicion, but I'll need to talk to someone else to confirm it."

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Image (doesn't have wings)
Michael Dacamara wrote:

"I think we can manage that." Michael says as they walk back down the stairs. He pushes the shelf back in front of the door and takes Kitty's hand again, this time leading her through the city to a small cafe/diner type building called the "Inland Sea" where Michael is greeted(to his embarrassment), by one of the mermaids swimming around and taking orders. She winks at him after seating them and taking their orders and swims off, the air acting just like water for her.

"I swear flirting mermaids were not the reason I like this place!" He tells Kitty quickly. "She just likes to tease me!"

Kitty giggled. "It's okay, I think this place is really cool...although I think Saffire is drooling over the waitress for a whole different reason," she teased, keeping a tight hold on her familiar who was convinced that mermaids were just really big fish.

Male Unknown 16 Invulnerable Rager/ 16 Hex Crafter Magus

After speaking of his sword Enre remembers he forgot to ask the Headmaster about his belongs saying good bye to Ryuzo before handing back to the Headmaster's office. When he gets near the office he hears voice coming from inside guessing that the Headmaster is speaking to someone he waits. He thinks to himself "It will be good to feel the weight of my sword once again. I can also give gifts to people I make friends to. I wonder if they would like them." He stills there thinking of all the gifts he could give while waiting to speak to the Headmaster.

Male Kitsune (9-tailed) Professor of Eastern Philosophy and Planar studies (?)Sorceror/(?)Flowing Monk
Headmaster Ryo wrote:
Genosuke wrote:
"He has exhibited normal abilities for a 5 tail. The problem is, he's much, much to young to have 5 tails. He also has other abilites from a source I don't understand, but mostly those are benficial to tohers around him, not unlike a master bard."
"It sounds like this school is the perfect place for him then. The number of tails could be a genetic mutation or simply a his power responding to something. The abilities from the other source though... I have a suspicion, but I'll need to talk to someone else to confirm it."

Looks relieved

"Good. It seems I did make the right decision. Thank you, Headmaster."

Male Dhampir Champion of Darkness, Order of the Gunslinger initiate
Tamrin - Gunslinger of Tomorrow wrote:
Asch Redgrave wrote:
"Ya, I feel better than I have in a long time…though no one warned me just how bad it tastes." He says with a grimace. "I'm also being reenrolled in meditation classes and The Headmaster wanted to see me I think he is going to go all telepathic and see in my head…or something."

Tamrin just looks at his wayward apprentice for a moment, then sighs.

"Alright. Those are all wise precautions to take, so we'll go with those. If there is any change at all, we need to know about it ASAP so it can be handled before we have another incident like this again. Deal?"

"Yes sir."

Male Elf Bard 20
Fieri del Sol wrote:

"Somehow I knew you would ask that," she said, carelessly tossing a notebook onto the table. "That's my most recent stuff."

There's enough there to show that she knows music well and has a decent amount of talent as a songwriter.

"Well I am glad that this school seems to do its job. But while you have talent that does not amount to skill. If push came to shove I would choose skill. Your too raw, without refinement you can never create something that will endure much less touch someone's soul. A good artist can stir the soul yet a true artist reveals the soul, in such a way that even that soul was unaware of it."

He smacks his hand to his head.

"By all the planes of creation, I've turned into my teacher! I blame you woman!"

He points an accusing finger at Fieri. A book soars over the stacks smacking Gaelvin in the back of the head. A sueeshing sound can be heard coming from that direction. He recovers quickly rubbing his head.

"Ah the price of dramatics."

He picks up the book and places it into a stack.

"We need to arrange somewhere that we can work. Also I would suggest you work on a masterpiece. It does not need to be your life's greatest work but it should be something you pour over and attempt to perfect to the best of your ability. That more then anything will help your skills and the result will be detailed evaluation of your current level. Any questions, complaints, or threats upon my life?"

Gaelvin Sieti wrote:

"We need to arrange somewhere that we can work. Also I would suggest you work on a masterpiece. It does not need to be your life's greatest work but it should be something you pour over and attempt to perfect to the best of your ability. That more then anything will help your skills and the result will be detailed evaluation of your current level. Any questions, complaints, or threats upon my life?"

"Why would I complain? The teaching I got as a child was much too rigid. Anything that deviated from the accepted style was seen as wrong. So I've had a lot of catching up to do when it comes to learning musical styles and theory. I'm grateful for the help. Anyways, as far as a place...we have a rehearsal space in the basement. I practice with the rest of the band three evenings a week, so that leaves two evenings and I have a free period after any of those times will work...oh, and make sure not to go to the wrong room. Some of those rooms are for combat training of the extra intense type. I'll show you which one it is."

"Just one's okay if I want to write music that's loud and defiant, right? Cause I am soooo done with chamber music."

Fieri del Sol wrote:
"Just one's okay if I want to write music that's loud and defiant, right? Cause I am soooo done with chamber music."

Why are you even being defiant anyway? Marrying Emre is not an option anymore. And it's not like the entirety of the Sunwake/Antairus family wouldn't back you up.

Genosuke wrote:

Looks relieved

"Good. It seems I did make the right decision. Thank you, Headmaster."

"It is not a problem. After all, this is what my school is for. Now, I'm not sure how long it took you to get here, but if you would like something to eat I can make a door that goes straight to the cafeteria. We have recipes from all over Agartha because of our students, so I doubt it would be hard to find something to your liking. You can also make requests from the cooks if you want."

Agarthian Storyteller wrote:
Fieri del Sol wrote:
"Just one's okay if I want to write music that's loud and defiant, right? Cause I am soooo done with chamber music."
Why are you even being defiant anyway? Marrying Emre is not an option anymore. And it's not like the entirety of the Sunwake/Antairus family wouldn't back you up.

Beause I like the sound? No, really, I like rock music and it's usually pretty defiant in nature....I'm not actually being defiant as much lately in case you missed the part where I actually did my homework o.O .....;P

Male Half-Elf
Kitty Tanaka wrote:
Kitty giggled. "It's okay, I think this place is really cool...although I think Saffire is drooling over the waitress for a whole different reason," she teased, keeping a tight hold on her familiar who was convinced that mermaids were just really big fish.

"Don't eat the merfolk, Saffire." Michael says with a wag of his finger. "Just because a part of them looks like fish doesn't mean they are."

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Image (doesn't have wings)
Michael Dacamara wrote:
Kitty Tanaka wrote:
Kitty giggled. "It's okay, I think this place is really cool...although I think Saffire is drooling over the waitress for a whole different reason," she teased, keeping a tight hold on her familiar who was convinced that mermaids were just really big fish.
"Don't eat the merfolk, Saffire." Michael says with a wag of his finger. "Just because a part of them looks like fish doesn't mean they are."

Saffire mewled disappointed. He watched the swishing fish tail of the mermaid could something so obviously a fish not be a fish???

Kitty giggled. "Guess we better order soon or he really will try to bite the waitstaff."

Male Kitsune (9-tailed) Professor of Eastern Philosophy and Planar studies (?)Sorceror/(?)Flowing Monk
Headmaster Ryo wrote:
Genosuke wrote:

Looks relieved

"Good. It seems I did make the right decision. Thank you, Headmaster."
"It is not a problem. After all, this is what my school is for. Now, I'm not sure how long it took you to get here, but if you would like something to eat I can make a door that goes straight to the cafeteria. We have recipes from all over Agartha because of our students, so I doubt it would be hard to find something to your liking. You can also make requests from the cooks if you want."

"I would appreciate that, thank you, and good day." He'll head to the cafeteria.

Male Human (Mole Zoanthrope) 16 Monk/Ninja

Ryuzo will spend the rest of the day in his classes, avoiding the lycan pack where possible.

"I hope your stay here is a good one."

Enre wrote:
After speaking of his sword Enre remembers he forgot to ask the Headmaster about his belongs saying good bye to Ryuzo before handing back to the Headmaster's office. When he gets near the office he hears voice coming from inside guessing that the Headmaster is speaking to someone he waits. He thinks to himself "It will be good to feel the weight of my sword once again. I can also give gifts to people I make friends to. I wonder if they would like them." He stills there thinking of all the gifts he could give while waiting to speak to the Headmaster.

"Enre?" Ryo says as he opens the door his second-newest student is at. "Come in. How are you liking the school so far?"

Male Kobold (Adult Black dragon) Gestalt Sorceror/Oracle Necromancer; Champion of Death

He laid curled up on the floor, trying to rest, waiting for the worst to be over. The growth pains he could handle, even bear proudly as a badge of honor, but he didn't remember the itch to be quite this bad. Several times as he's watched patches of dry dull scales fall away revealing shiny, new ebon scales has he sat like a dog scratching hard to reach areas with his claws. He decided to try to read or do homework to take his mind of of the itch. 'I don't know how one is supposed to sleep through this...' he thinks to himself. He took comfort that it would be over soon...

Male Half-Elf
Michael Dacamara wrote:
She winks at him after seating them and taking their orders and swims off, the air acting just like water for her.

Already got that covered. I assume Michael would repeat Kitty's order so it's not forgotten.

"Don't worry about that. You may not have noticed it, but the air acts like water here. I don't think Saffire has any experience in underwater predation yet." Michael demonstrates by pushing against his seat and floating up slowly before returning to his seat. "In related news, our food's here. I haven't been here for a while, but I remember that the shrimp is delicious."

Image (doesn't have wings)

Saffire pounced on a shrimp, oblivious to the fact that he was floating above the table as he savaged his food.

"'re right, it's delicious," she said eating with more than a bit more deorum than her familiar.

Male Elven (reincarnated - originally Human) Fighter 5 / Wizard 10 / Arcane Gunslinger 10 / Arcane Gunmaster 5
Asch Redgrave wrote:
Tamrin - Gunslinger of Tomorrow wrote:

Tamrin just looks at his wayward apprentice for a moment, then sighs.

"Alright. Those are all wise precautions to take, so we'll go with those. If there is any change at all, we need to know about it ASAP so it can be handled before we have another incident like this again. Deal?"

"Yes sir."

"Good. Now you just have one task to complete before you get these back," he says as Asch's Caster and gunbelt disappear into the gunmaster's duster.

"You're going to apologize to Michael Dacamara today for your part in what happened, and hopefully he will do the same so we can bury this proverbial hatchet. And yes, I will be there for it. I'm setting it up for after dinner tonight in one of the Parent-Teacher conference rooms. Keep your schedule open - I'll message you when it's time to meet."

"Now - if there isn't anything else broken, wrong or generally screwed up beyond belief, I'd like to go check up on Amada and see how she's doing, then have a nice dinner with my wife."

Male Half-Elf
Tamrin - Gunslinger of Tomorrow wrote:
"You're going to apologize to Michael Dacamara today for your part in what happened, and hopefully he will do the same so we can bury this proverbial hatchet. And yes, I will be there for it."

Great Tapio that's harsh! Why do I have to apologize for being provoked? Ugh, teachers just don't get it sometimes...

Male Unknown 16 Invulnerable Rager/ 16 Hex Crafter Magus
Headmaster Ryo wrote:

"Enre?" Ryo says as he opens the door his second-newest student is at. "Come in. How are you liking the school so far?"

"I got to talk to a few people. One guy growled at one of the people I was speaking with, which I thought that was rude. I came to ask if my belongs had arrived yet. I asked someone and they said that I could carry my sword around." Enre waits for the Headmaster to answer him.

"Oh, I had thought you noticed. The student I told you about said he wouldn't mind having a roommate, so I sent your belongings to your room. The map should have shown that, and the way there from your current location. It's acceptable to carry your sword around, and you are bound to use it in Advanced PE anyway if your reflexes aren't good."

Male Unknown 16 Invulnerable Rager/ 16 Hex Crafter Magus

"Oh, no I was trying to make new friends so I did not look at the map. I get to use it in Advanced PE? Sounds bit odd but okay. Thank you Headmaster" Turning to leave he remembers something "No one was hurt trying to carry my belongs correct?" He hopes no one was hurt trying to lift his sword.

When they Headmaster answers him, Enre will say goodbye than head to his room to get his sword. Under warping it in puts the massive blade on his back before heading out his room once again. He than tries to find the people Ryuzo spoke about, Fei, Ephebe, and Ephebe's kobold friend.

"No, no one was hurt."

Male Elven (reincarnated - originally Human) Fighter 5 / Wizard 10 / Arcane Gunslinger 10 / Arcane Gunmaster 5
Michael Dacamara wrote:
Tamrin - Gunslinger of Tomorrow wrote:
"You're going to apologize to Michael Dacamara today for your part in what happened, and hopefully he will do the same so we can bury this proverbial hatchet. And yes, I will be there for it."
Great Tapio that's harsh! Why do I have to apologize for being provoked?

A question that I hope you will bring up at the meeting. But even if you don't, I've already got that angle covered. ;)

Image (doesn't have wings)

"Are you from this town?" she asks, suddenly realizing she hadn't asked before. "You seem to be really familiar with it, but I know that doesn't necessarily mean anything...I don't even know if you have any family at all, except you men tioned your dad once.... Anyways, this place seems nice and I bet it would be a great place to open up a magical pet store someday," she said quickly trying to change the subject so it wouldn't seem like she was prying too much.

Imagefemale weredragon (amethyst) gestalt Soulknife17/oracle10/divine gunslinger7

The empty corridor suddenly had someone walking down it. A girl wearing a dark purple leather outfit, clearly made just for her. Her short hair was kept off of her face with barrettes. She leaned against the wall, trying to adjust to the time difference. What had felt like weeks to her hadn't actually taken much real time at all...only a couple of hours really. No matter how many times she did this it was still disorienting.

Male Half-Elf

"Nah, I'm not from around here. I'm from a little forest city called Anderail to the west. I just know this city because I use it to escape from the school every now and then."

Male Half-Elf
Tamrin - Gunslinger of Tomorrow wrote:
But even if you don't, I've already got that angle covered. ;)

This is bound to be a fun time...[/eye roll]

Male Unknown 16 Invulnerable Rager/ 16 Hex Crafter Magus

Going to go with Ephebe is in the same corridor as Enre if not well can fix that later.

Seeing a girl seem sick Enre walks up to her and asks "Are you alright?" He looks her over to see if he can notice any injures or if she looks paler than normal to answer for why she seems sick. Once he is done looking he looks at her face once again "Hey you want me to take you to the nurse or somewhere to rest?"

Perception:1d20 + 17 ⇒ (10) + 17 = 27

Male Elven (reincarnated - originally Human) Fighter 5 / Wizard 10 / Arcane Gunslinger 10 / Arcane Gunmaster 5
Michael Dacamara wrote:
Tamrin - Gunslinger of Tomorrow wrote:
But even if you don't, I've already got that angle covered. ;)
This is bound to be a fun time...[/eye roll]

Since I'm making Asch do something he doesn't want to do at all and that will dent his pride for a while....yes, I actually thought you would enjoy it a bit. Savoring a wee bit of catharsis, and all that... ;P

Male Kobold (Adult Black dragon) Gestalt Sorceror/Oracle Necromancer; Champion of Death
Enre wrote:

Going to go with Ephebe is in the same corridor as Enre if not well can fix that later.

Seeing a girl seem sick Enre walks up to her and asks "Are you alright?" He looks her over to see if he can notice any injures or if she looks paler than normal to answer for why she seems sick. Once he is done looking he looks at her face once again "Hey you want me to take you to the nurse or somewhere to rest?"


She's in another realm with her patron atm, not the school :P

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