DM Tchernobog |

Apologies for not posting. This is Czernebog
A Password issue has locked my other account momentarily so I had to make new email and paizo account in order to post. I'll have access to the other one within a day or two. Please send all messages to this one and apologies for any inconvenience this has caused you guys.

Regina, the Ethermancer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Right-o. It's a holiday anyway, so I suppose we'll just go ahead and relax for now.

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To anyone that loves Figs, the Kickstarter for Kingdom Death: Monster 1.5 was just launched and they also have a Black Friday sale on their webstore.
To compare, the original Kicksarter finished at just over $2 Million USD. This Kickstarter beat that in 2 hours.
And it's not even been 6 hours and they're almost at $3 Million.

Era Naucht |

I'd probably wind up murdering myself trying to put those together. I'll hit up my kickstarter buddy with a link, though. He might be interested :P

Era Naucht |


Regina, the Ethermancer |

I am extremely bad at being comforting - but I will try to be entertaining, so that if I can't wipe away a tear, I can at least give you a smile. o wo/

Jacqueline Artorias |

Yeah, we probably should start looking for a new GM. I would suggest opening up a recruitment thread.

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So um, maybe something like:
"Strange Aeons group looking for replacement GM
We have just started this AP [insert link] (we're only in the second room) and our GM appears to have unfortunately vanished. Would anyone be willing to run us through this AP?
[provides links to current characters]"
Any suggestions?

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The recruitment thread for the other game has so many characters applying and a very quiet GM, I'm not even sure it will get off the ground. So I've scan read your game thread, read the start of the AP Book 1 and getting to see what you may be coming up against next.
I've looked at the character sheets of some of the players and come across a lot of stuff I will have to have a good look at. A lot of character choices that are new to me and one third party from what I make out. I will have to look at before I could even begin to start you off, at least need another week before I would even consider starting.
So you can see what I'm like as a GM (and there's plenty to improve), this is where I took over the Giantslayer AP when a GM went missing. It was a mutual thing, I took over their game, whilst one of their players took over our game, as we were both playing under the same original GM. Having been in many games where a GM goes missing and all a players effort and investment in their character is lost, I like the idea of keeping an existing group going.
As a GM I'm looking to make the game fun and dangerous, sometimes I even stick to the guidelines, I mean rules, in the CRB.
Anyway, thought I'd give you all a chance to have a look and decide if you'd want to continue to play with me as a GM and give myself some further time to get to grips with your game. I will monitor your discussion thread to get your reactions, comments etc.

Regina, the Ethermancer |

Yeah, Regina here's a third-party class - although the math for it is pretty solid. XD I can explain in more detail if you'd like, but the brief version...
The Ethermancer is primarily a ranged damage class, with its basic offense being a single-target touch attack that doesn't get iteratives. It has a small side of buffs, debuffs, and utility, and it can also adjust its offense in various ways to adapt to the situation (such as by changing the damage type, or adding certain conditions). It's an all-day class, but its abilities have a major limit in the form of the Ethermancer's class resource pool, which refills slower than they'd like to spend power. In other words, there's a pretty hard cap on how many 'extras' my attacks can have before I need to recharge (and it's not very high). The character shouldn't be any more problematic than a Kineticist would be.
There's also a link to the wiki in her profile (under homepage URL, top right) if you'd like to see the class and its options in more detail.

Era Naucht |

As I haven't really played through Giantslayer, I'll avoid looking into it ;) I don't really want to spoil it for myself. :) Just suffice to say I'm happy to have a DM at all. :)

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OK, I just pulled out of the recruitment into Strange Aeons because a) I have another game and b) I'd rather try my hand at GMing you guys.
My current load is:
GMing 1 game
Player in 3 games I really want to play
Player in 1 game that looks like its really dead or incredibly slow.
Its fair to say this game will have the lowest of those piorities for a while, so posting will be litte slower than I would like (once per work day and once over the weekend). I don't want to pressurize myself into not enjoying the games, but I will give it my best shot in those conditions.
Cann't say fairer than that, oh later this month there's a 5 day Pathfinder and other RPGs convention I should be attending.

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Please can you make sure you can see the battlemat ...
You should be able to move your character tokens as well ...
Please try and can everyone post here so I can start you up again ...
I will start you up and then catch up and learn as we go along ...
Once we get the players back in here, I'll put the first game post up ...
We are starting in the ground floor of the Briarstone Asylum, you have all your equipment back and any animal companions/pets etc. Hope this is OK with you guys, it is just a very easy place to restart.
P.S. I've PM'ed you all so hope to see all the players back here gathering soon.

Era Naucht |

Can move, and can certainly fail fort saves. :)

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Just need Lady Quinn to sign in and we're all present, I heard from Beatrix the Lost over PM, so expect Beatrix to be here soon.
Hope to get the first proper post tonight, (UK Time)
@Regina, yes if you have a character image, I can make a token for it and use that.

Regina, the Ethermancer |

Right here. XD
(Also at the top of her profile for easy access if you ever lose it.)

Lady Quinn |

Present, sorry for the delay. I can access the slides and move my icon looks nice
also Quinn is using the VMC rules so if you want me to get rid of that I'll need to redo her sheet, she also took a modified version of the human racial feature called fae touched: She has permanent darkvision but without any of the other buffs
if any of that is a problem please let me know