
Era Naucht's page

153 posts. Alias of Hotaru of the Society.


Human HP 9/9 Pres 4/7

AC/Touch/Flat/CMD 13/12/11/12 | Fort/Ref/Will +02/+02/+02 | Init +03


Trained Skills:
+9: Disable Device; +8: C(Mechanical), Linguistics, K(Arcana, Engineering, Religion), Spellcraft; +5: Perception; +3: Stealth

Homepage URL

Character Sheet

About Era Naucht

Prepared Spells:
0th: Detect Magic, Light, Jolt
1st: Grease, Enlarge Person, Empty Divination

Alignment: Lawful, Neutral - Era respects the laws of nature and magic, and lives an incredibly structured life. She believes strongly in personal freedoms, but also believes that some could, and perhaps should, sacrifice freedoms for the greater good.
Race: Human
Race Powers:
Bonus Feat: False Focus.
Skilled: +1 skill rank per level.

Size: Medium
Initiative: +3 ( +2 Dex +1 Wizard )
Senses: Low-Light Vision, Perception +4

• Wizard (Pact Wizard)
Favored Class: +1 HP
Class 1: Wizard ( Pact Wizard )
• Effortless Magic: Prepare all spells in 15 minutes, or one spell per minute.
• Patron Spells: Era has been selected by a Patron of Time.
• Arcane Bond: Era has a Familiar, a capable owl named Tally.
• Arcane School: Era is schooled in the Foresight focus of Divination and is opposed to Enchantment and Necromancy.
• Forewarned: Era may always act in the surprise round and gains a bonus to her initiative based on her level (1).
• Prescience: As a free action, Era may roll a d20 at the start of her turn and utilize that d20 for any roll later within the following round, seven times per day.

Str: 10 ( +0 ), Dex: 14 ( +2 ), Con: 14 ( +2 ), Int: 18 ( +4 ), Wis: 10 ( +0 ), Cha: 10 ( +0 )

Armor Class: 12 (10 Base, 2 Dex, 0 Armor )
• Touch: 12 ( 10 Base, 2 Dex)
• Flat Footed: 10 ( 10 Base, 1 Armor )

CMD: 12 (10 Base, 2 Dex ) Flat: 10

Hit Points: 09 ( HD 06, Con 02, FC 01 )

• Fort: +02 ( 0 Base + 2 Con + 0 Race )
• Refl: +02 ( 0 Base + 2 Dex + 0 Race )
• Will: +02 ( 2 Base + 0 Wis + 0 Race )

BAB: +0 ( Tertiary )

Move Speed: 30 ft

CMB: +0 ( 0 with weapon ) ( 0 Base + 0 Str )

Attack Routines:
• Dagger +0 Attack, 1d4 (Cold Iron) or 1d4-1 (Silver), 19-20/x2

Prepared Wizard Spells
• Three Cantrips: Detect Magic, Light, Jolt
• Two First Level Spells + One Divination Spell: Grease, Enlarge Person, (Blank Divination)

Feats:( 1 Level, 0 Race, 0 Class )
False Focus: Era may use the holy symbol tattoo on her hand as a Divine Focus rather than utilizing the material components of a spell valued 25gp or less.
Technologist: Era is able to interact with technology without penalty.

Skills: ( 2 Class, 4 Int, 2 DM, 0 Favored Class )
Disable Device: +9
Knowledge (Arcana): +9
Knowledge (Engineering): + 9
Knowledge (Religion): +9
Craft (Mechanical): +8
Spellcraft: +8
Stealth: +6
Perception: +4
Local Ties: +3 to Disable Device and Disable Device is a class skill.
Seeker: +1 Perception and Perception is a class skill for you.

• Common
• Draconic
• Hallit
• Gnome
• Read Lips
• Androffan
• Dwarven
Equipment: ( Light Load )
Capacity: 0/33/66/100/100/200/500

Bronze Holy Symbol Tattoo ( 25 GP )
Spellbook ( 3# )
Daggers, Silver and Cold Iron ( 2# )
Haramaki ( 1# )
Backpack ( 2# )
Canteen ( 1# )
4 Ordinary Seeming Keys ( 1# )
Traveller's Spellbook ( 1# )
Charcoal ( 2 pieces )
Waterproof Bag ( .5# )
Flint and Steel
Belt Pouch
Spell Component Pouch
2 Trail Rations

At Home:
Ink and Pen
Iron Pot
Mess Kit
9 Torches
3 Trail Rations

Height: 5'9"
Weight: 160 lbs
Age: 25ish

Spells Known:


Level 0:
Resistance: V/S/DF Dăinui
Acid Splash: V/S Disolva
Drench: V/S Scufunda
Detect Magic: V/S Tu Esti
Detect Poison: V/S Găsi Venin
Read Magic: V/S/DF Arcana Culege
Daze: V/S/DF Stai
Breeze: V/S/DF Sufla
Dancing Lights: V/S Moroi
Flare: V Bliț
Light: V/DF Lumină
Penumbra: V/S/M Umbră
Ray of Frost: V/S Rece
Scoop: V/S Căuş
Spark: V or S Aprinde
Ghost Sound: V/S/DF Cioc Cioc
Haunted Fey Aspect: S
Bleed: V/S Sabota
Disrupt Undead: V/S Hristos
Touch of Fatigue: V/S/DF şubrezi
Jolt: V/S Zdruncina
Mage Hand: V/S Prinde
Mending: V/S Depana
Message: V/S/DF şuşui
Open/Close: V/S/DF Pivot
Root: V/S/DF Postură
Arcane Mark: V/S Marka
Prestidigitation: V/S Arta Simpla

First Level Spells:

Crafter's Fortune: V/S/DF Strălucire
Grease: V/S/DF Alunecos
Mage Armor: V/S/DF Cuirasă
Comprehend Languages*: V/S/DF Culege Înţelegere
Technomancy*: V/S/DF Prelucra
Color Spray: V/S/DF Culori Frumoase
Enlarge Person: V/S/DF Umfla
Silent Image: V/S/DF Înşelăciune

Book Keeping:
Platinum: 000
Gold: 004
Silver: 005
Copper: 000

Background (NOW WITH 3000% more TIME):
Era has been around for a long time. From all accounts, she’s been here since she was eight years old, appearing atop the blackened hill in what appeared to be barely worn clothing. The child was hysterical, they couldn’t find their parents, and had no idea where they’d gone, once they were able to calm her a bit (enticing her with a clockwork horse), they got the full story. There had been a rumbling, followed by an intense flash of light. ‘It got really hot, and then it wasn’t’... and then she was here. The child insisted that she knew where she lived and that her parents had said to tell an officer if she ever got lost. She was exceptionally bright, even at that age.

But… she was wrong. There was no house at that address - in truth, the manor that sat there had been there for the better part of the century, but that didn’t deter the child with the vivid imagination. It was only through the head priest’s assistance that the truth was found: Era’s supposed parents had been killed during the first flare-up of the Blackened Hill since Torch had been settled… and Era Naucht had been assumed equally destroyed bodily in the ensuing eruption - the better part of a century earlier. Yet, here the young child was, without a mark on her, save for the holy symbol of Brigh tattooed in bronze on the back of her hand - a tattoo that would mysteriously grow with her as she aged.

Fast forward more than a decade… and the young woman, formerly a ward of the church, has begun to make a name for herself as a talented inventor and capable wizard. Era is incredibly driven when it comes to discovering and learning about her environment. Time spent with Khonnir has engendered in her an understanding of the technology far beyond her capability to produce - something that both frustrates her and spurs her forward - and time with the leader of the local church has spurred her towards better understanding her own limitations. What she makes needs to work, though it doesn’t need to perform a function of its own. A function will be found for a device in time. She shares all that she learns with the person who raised her - as is Brigh’s teaching.

She is deeply religious (beyond skin-deep), and energetic. She is joined by an owl named Tally, who seems quite capable with a spanner in her own right.

Era is above-average in height and slightly underweight - though not malnourished. She favors pastel colours in her wardrobe with stark whites and blacks. She carries a messenger bag under one arm, which contains her spellbook, canteen, and four bronze keys. On the opposite side, she carries a pair of daggers, one silver, one cold iron. Her right-handed glove is fingerless, while her left hand is completely gloveless - instead adorned in a Cog tattoo formed from bronze ink. Otherwise, none of her pale skin is visible below collarbone level.

Era is accompanied by an equally inquisitive owl named Tally. Like Era, Tally is 'dressed' in primarily black and white feathers, though will occasionally utilize prestidigitation to change its own colouring.

Tally the Owl (OR MAYBE NOT)
Owl Rising Little Owl First, Level Get on My, Init 3, HP 4/4, DR ALL OF IT, Speed 10 / 60 F
AC 15, Touch 15, Flat-footed 12, CMD 9, Fort 2, Ref 5, Will 4, CMB -4, Base Attack Bonus 0
2 Talons +5 (1d4-2, x2)
(+3 Dex, +2 Size)
Abilities Str 6, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 6, Wis 15, Cha 6
Condition None
Skill Focus (Craft Mechanical)
Cooperative Crafting
Team Mate
At Will - Prestidigitation, Open/Close
+19: Stealth; +10: Perception; +7: Fly; +5: Craft,+4: Disable Device, -1: K(Arc, Eng, Rel), Spellcraft, Linguistics;