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@Lady Quinn ... no I've seen the rules, having dark vision is obviously a plus, because you'll see the evil and feel its effects before the others ...
@Regina ... your token is changed ...

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Remember you have found all your equipment and clothing in the downstairs cellar. Sorry I kind of mucked up on the handover and should have continued exploring the last room with the chute and dead bodies, but it made it easier to wave a GM wand over the remainder of that.
Thanks everyone for the fort save .... ;-)

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Just noticed you can move your tokens out into the courtyard if you like .. ;-)
Here's some GM thoughts on how he likes to do things...
If you say in your text you are the last out, I will take that to mean your token will end up on the new square if all others have moved out.
If you say you follow behind someone, then your token will follow them out.
I will move tokens for party members that don't move, but act in the text or don't reply so that the party stays together and the move reflects their action, obviously within the rules of the game.
I want to try and keep the story moving on and not wait for the game mechanics.
When it comes to initiative order, I tend to have one initiative for all of a monster type, so if there are 3 orcs and 1 bugbear I will roll 1 initiative for the orcs and then another for the bugbear. I will roll your initiatives but don't expect you to post in that order, so just make you posts and I'll interpret any conflicting posts in initiative order.
So if you are fighting 2 orcs and 2 characters attack orc 1, but it dies after the first attack, then player 2's attack will be directed to the second orc.
So my mantra is to make it as exciting as possible for you, or for this one as scary as possible too...

Regina, the Ethermancer |

Seems reasonable enough. XD I usually go the even simpler route and just do block initiative - players act, then the enemies, and that's a round.

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Seems reasonable enough. XD I usually go the even simpler route and just do block initiative - players act, then the enemies, and that's a round.
It usually ends up that way .... :-)

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Need to get a new map up ....
... hope it appears when I get home from work .. :-)

Regina, the Ethermancer |

That reminds me - you should probably contact the staff, since you inherited this campaign. XD
Did you inherit a play-by-post?
If you are the GM for a play-by-post campaign but didn't start the thread, please email community@paizo.com.
We need:
> A link to your profile page (click on your name at the top where it says "Welcome, your name!"
> A link to the gameplay and discussion threads for the campaigns you have inherited.
Just copy and paste these links from the address bar in your browser, please.
That'll let you link our maps up to the top of the campaign, etc. XD Pretty useful overall.

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@Regina Cool, never done that before on my inherited games...

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Got home from work tonight absolutely knackered ...
apologies plan to get it done tomorrow now ... fingers crossed
but did get a note sent off to change the GM for the game ...

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Will wait for a few more to reply... before moving you up.
Decide which door you will start your search or go.
We seem to have lost Beatrix...
And a mystery roll 1d6 ⇒ 4

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Next week from Wednesday to Sunday I'm at an RPG & games Convention. I will be taking my laptop with me so I'm hoping it will not halt anything in the game. This is just a warning in case I have difficulty with internet connections etc...

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will post tomorrow,sorry for the delay

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Will wait for Sad and Lady Q to have their goes.

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Sorry, when I saw the post originally it had the monsters going before us. Will get a post up in a bit.
Sorry my mistake, when I did the order, I forgot to say its all your turns....
So Lady Q and Era can go before I post next ....

Era Naucht |

Era went :) She drew her weapon and did the knowledge check. I suppose using the standard to 'fight defensively' is also worthwhile. But there's no sense in her moving into the room where there's no space, now. :)

Era Naucht |

Yeah, I know, intent had been to 'move in' when someone else did, but then it was suddenly full, soooo...

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At convention til Moday, its taking all my time, I woill be back on Monday. Sorry guys, if I didn't tel you before, I thought i'd have internet access at the con.

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Sorry about the delay, still working out how best to manage the map, think I've got it now. I'm pretty useless at image manipulation, but looking like I can do it more easily now. Will add more at lunchtime.
Has Beatrix turned up, or did one of you move the character token?
Bit confused as there wasn't a post from Beatrix.

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I'm thinking to recruit a replacement for Beatrix, we should have any problem getting a new character involved before it goes too long.
Which is why I ask, if Beatrix returned then I'm all for getting her back in the game, otherwise do you want a replacement?

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We're down to 4, so I guess it would depend on if the others want someone. Do you know anyone that would be interested in joinig?
I don't think you counted yourself, ... ;-)
1. Era-Wizzy,2. Jac-melee magic,
3. Lady Q-big hits little magic,
4. regina-weird stuff,
5. Sat-religious hitter
So 5 is good, but 6 is generally better for when characters go missing for a while.
Not that I'm planning ahead, but as far as missing goes, I will go missing in August...

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Holiday with my wife and some family, followed later by going to Silverstone for a few days for the MotoGP. MotoGP = camping, drinking and motorbikes OH YEAH!!!!
I might be able to continue with the holiday, but not sure at the moment.... but just putting the 'missing' as RL happening sometimes.
Just for any that are interested this is from Detect Magic spell, note what gives off auras.
Detect Magic
Spell or Object Aura Power - Functioning spell (spell level)
Faint 3rd or lower
Moderate 4th–6th
Strong 7th–9th
Overwhelming 10th+ (deity-level)
Spell or Object Aura Power - Magic item (caster level)
Faint 5th or lower
Moderate 6th–11th
Strong 12th–20th
Overwhelming 21st+ (artifact)

Regina, the Ethermancer |

It's fairly normal to have one or two people disappear soon after the start of a game - four is actually a pretty good number in PBP, and those who stay past a couple of weeks are usually pretty solid about continuing. ^^
Incidentally, Regina's mostly a ranged hitter. XD With a small side of buffs, debuffs, and battlefield control - but none of those are really the 'focus' of her class, and she can't do them nearly as consistently.

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You know I have difficulty working out the Regina slot .. ;-)
Going with the flow ^_^_^

Regina, the Ethermancer |

In fairness, I can't blame you for that. XD Most people aren't as familiar with 3PP classes as they are with Paizo's offerings, after all - which is part of why I'm so willing to answer any questions you might have about my character, how they work, how you can expect them to perform, what future options I'm likely to take, and so on. I certainly don't want any of her tactics to come as a surprise to you, so I'm happy to explain in any level of detail you want. o wo/

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I should be getting Paizo's Horror book in the next week, (its in the post), so I will be able to make use of its contents then ... more horors for you to face ... ;-)

Era Naucht |

Mythweavers, the place I host my character sheets, has had a major data loss. This won't really affect Era much as I'd already maneuvered most of her information onto Paizo, but I'll need to rebuild the character sheet as I find the time.

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No worries Era, but the fun is about to start ...
Forgot to create the token I need ... should be coming later today, when I get home.

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@Era ... On your Paizo character sheet, it looks as though you haven't added your 3 opposition schools of magic. Is it possible to have them written on the Paizo character sheet please.

Era Naucht |

Two: Abjuration and Necromancy. I'm really regretting that necromancy thing, though. Now that I'm seeing the gap in ability to keep people alive. :P
I'll try to find a spot for it tonight.

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That's the other Pact wizard .. sorry

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I'll be back to move you on after the weekend, as I'm out for the weekend.
Hope you didn't mind me being quiet as I hoped you'd have some party time ...
Didn't get time yesterday as I my RL Rise of the Runelords game had a quick session ...

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What crafts or Profession's do you guys have ... (in this context guys includes males and females) ...
To save me looking at all your character sheets ...

Era Naucht |

Just alchemy, which doesn't really connect, here. :)