Anthony Dawson Zeitlin |
The Dawnfower Dervish archetype grants it at level 1, replacing bardic Knowledge. XD A lot of people confuse the archetype with the Dervish Dancer and I can understand why. Dawnflower is a bit less in some ways, bit more in others, and has the added limitation of a character having to Worship Sarenrae and be unable to go against her morals and so on. All in all I prefer Dawnflower. The Dervish Dancer has more abilities to it and makes a stronger fighter in the end, but it doesn't have nearly as much flavor in my opinion.
Megekki |
I'd like to toss Megekki's mask into the ring. He'll need a rebuild, he was a 12-pt rolled build with some odd house-rules used. I'll get to that soon. Please stop me if he's unsuitable, though. As a Human Scarred Witch Doctor (Racial Heritage holding open that door), I know he may smell too strongly of cheese-of-the-month. He was a 12pt build, standing next to 34s, is my defense.
Meg starts as a Witch, then takes a level of Cleric (Sivanah), maybe more. If an underpowered build would be a liability later on, maybe best not to take Meg.
Heofthehills |
I wouldn't dare. She does enough to get punished as it is. That being said:
Seamus, what is the time frame we are looking at? Is it pre-Rise, post Rise and pre-Jade/Shattered?
I ask because I'm trying to finalize my reasoning for being in Sandpoint and I have several story hooks but each depends on the time frame. Character is worked out in my head though, just need to finalize some details and I will post him when I get home from work.
Urban Ranger-Archer path, but playing him as a switch.
John Stout |
I'm going to apply with a merchant-cum-sorcerer who is in Sandpoint for mercantile reasons when he hears about the gems. Although his initial motivation shall be entirely financial, I believe that along the way he shall slowly become aware that there are bigger things at stake.
He's going to be fairly optimised, certainly more so than my usual characters, but it is a play style that I want to try out. He'll have a rather large modifier to Diplomacy; is that something that you want to avoid, Seamus?
Orren Idleveil |
Orren Idleveil wrote:A very interesting character! Never seen someone choose to be a cleric of Nethys before either so that's quite curious there. I'd imagine Joshua would try to get stories out of Orren. Lots of em. And between the road calling em both and their wish to spread good I'd imagine you'd ve right about them getting along.Paulicus' Theurge-to-be: Orren Idleveil!
The backstory ended up longer than I expected. Everthing is complete except for purchases. It's late here, so I'll do that tomorrow.
Joshua- I think we'd get along well enough for a shared background.
I wanted to try a mystic theurge, so who seemed like the perfect deity? Nethys of course! All things magic, I'm telling ya, fascinating stuff it is...
I had similar thoughts. Orren travels, but not often outside of Varisia and the neighboring countries, so someone like Joshua from a far-off land, bringing strange new cultures to the area would be an amazing source. His starkly different method of magic would be of great interest as well, and you'd get pestered with all sorts of specific spellcraft-y questions :P
I could seem them teaming up to take on mutual threats as well, when their paths cross (such as, say, a goblin infestation in sandpoint!) I know Orren would appreciate having someone with more martial skills than he, as well.
Anthony Dawson Zeitlin |
That'll be interesting. Joshua knows the basics of his magic at best. XD I'm playing it like he feels out his magic, given that the source is his strength of personality and all, so a more science-y person coming in and asking questions might open up his horizons a bit.
He isn't from a far off land himself, but he has been to a couple, and he likes collecting stores so he's got a lot of those!
Seamus Greenbottle |
I'm going to apply with a merchant-cum-sorcerer who is in Sandpoint for mercantile reasons when he hears about the gems. Although his initial motivation shall be entirely financial, I believe that along the way he shall slowly become aware that there are bigger things at stake.
She was in Sandpoint during the goblin menace and helped fight it off. Once news spread about the Stone tome, she decided that was interesting and decided to investigate it further.
Please remember that, as noted in the original description of the campaign, the adventure starts before anyone knows anything about the stones, so they should not be included in any motivations your characters have.
He's going to be fairly optimised, certainly more so than my usual characters, but it is a play style that I want to try out. He'll have a rather large modifier to Diplomacy; is that something that you want to avoid, Seamus?
I'll have to take a look to give any guarantees, but having a high diplomacy will be very well suited for this campaign. In fact, I think this campaign will play to everyone's strengths at different times, so it'll be good to have a party that's diverse.
Nahal Sakashi |
Nahal Sakashi wrote:She was in Sandpoint during the goblin menace and helped fight it off. Once news spread about the Stone tome, she decided that was interesting and decided to investigate it further.Please remember that, as noted in the original description of the
campaign, the adventure starts before anyone knows anything about
the stones, so they should not be included in any motivations your
characters have.
Missed that; here's a new version that stops earlier. It is vague, I'm just trying not to assume anything.
Walter das Sombras |
I didn't realize another theurge had arrived!
Actually it was you who arrived my friend, I was already here ^_^
But you would probably not have noticed, since there's only a short mention in my background about going for the theurge. After all, it's one of the most random careers of all, and Venator had not planned going for it.Good luck for both of us! How would two Mysthic Theurges fit into a campaign?!
Lukas Halvson |
I feel you on dream characters Jia. My current mountain is a Aasimar cleric/rogue using minor magic and daylight to hit arcane trickster by level 6, and go 'divine' trickster the rest of the way with the Trickster mythic path. To quote The Giant of OotS fame, why should arcane casters have all the fun?
Lukas Halvson |
I honestly HATE that the SLA rule exists...but it hasn't prevented me from using it to make one character playable.
Yeah, I had pretty much the same reaction upon reading about it. 'What?! That's ridiculous! ...but it would make that character I've wanted to run with work...maybe just once...'
Nahal Sakashi |
Ahh... and here I am with an underpowered CRB Rogue.
[rant]I actually feel like I'd be happier if we were to stick with the CRB. I can work all my previous GURPS characters into CRB-only characters, but then my Fighter/Mage elf would be useless against the Dervish Dancer Magus.[/rant]
I trust the GM to balance it all.
hustonj |
Dream characters? Role-playing is a communal story-telling experience, right?
Dream characters are, in my mind, imperfect creatures going out into the world and facing things (situations, monsters, people, etc.) bigger than they ever thought they would see, and managing to overcome the majority of these things despite how difficult they prove. The story is supposed to control the game, because the story is the entire reason the game exists. Mechanics are an implementation of a character concept.
What is the story basis for such cobbled together mechanical monstrosities as were being discussed above? I'm not claiming that having one is impossible, not even close! I just have a hard time identifying what it might be on my own, though. If I can't get an idea of the story basis for a character within the communal story, then I have a hard time interacting with that character, because I have no idea how to treat them or to respond to them.
One of the marvels of this hobby, though, is that there is, truly, only one wrong way to play the game. That's selfishly, where the involvement and entertainment of the other participants gets in your way. Everything else is just about preferences. Finding a group with at least similar preferences keeps the game a LOT more fun.
KatsuneSage |
You have a good point in the first and third paragraphs, but I personally dont agree with the second paragraph's views. I believe that no one's character could be a 'cobbled together monstrosity'. I personally find that a bit condescending and rude. We are all here to have a good time, as you say in the third part of your post.
I think everyone has a dream character they want to make, I know I have a few, but that is their dream. If that means the person is optimized then so be it, its a dream. This game is about living out dreams in the first place. Adventures, feats, and magic we could never do. There is nothing monstrous about making the character you want to play in a dream world.
Paulicus |
@hustonj, Katsune:
I agree with you both (it seems to me that most characters have a sold backstory in this thread, though I admit I haven't read them all by a shot). Though I believe RPGs are a bit more than communal storytelling, at the least. If we just wanted to tell stories, we could do that without dice or mechanics. We have the mechanics to add a sense of chance and/or control over the world. We may get lucky and perform better than expected. We also have a chance to fail where a story might not.
I'm sure there are some who play much closer to the 'communal storytelling' end of the spectrum (vs tactical combat simulator), but I would guess that most groups aren't fully at that end.
Personally, I prefer to play closer to that end. I can't help but get excited about interesting mechanics and making characters effective at what I want them to do within their background though, and enjoy mechanics/tactical combat almost as much as the RP.
some recent FAQs have suggested SLAs can count as arcane or divine depending on the spell lists they appear on, and apparently the devs decided they didn't mind. this thread has references.
Orren Idleveil |
That'll be interesting. Joshua knows the basics of his magic at best. XD I'm playing it like he feels out his magic, given that the source is his strength of personality and all, so a more science-y person coming in and asking questions might open up his horizons a bit.
He isn't from a far off land himself, but he has been to a couple, and he likes collecting stores so he's got a lot of those!
I had wondered where he was from. I just assumed Qadira, incorrectly I guess!
I wouldn't call Orren/me "sciency," but he's very interested in knowledge and would probably ask a lot of questions of Joshua. Especially since his style of magic is almost the total opposite of Orren's. That's interesting to think his questions might open up some mental doors for Joshua! I could see the curiosity about bardic magic being part of the reason for Orren's awakening sorcerer powers. Ooooh, the possibilities!
Good luck to you, my friend! I'd relish the opportunity to adventure with you.
Jia Li |
I've only recently started Pathfinder and only on these boards, but I think dream characters are about wonderment. They excite my imagination like superheroes did when I first started to read comics.
I did quite a bit of reading before I worked up the courage to submit a character for a game. I read how multiclassing is bad, healers suck, and optimizing is the devil's work. Nuts to all that I say. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be a badass, for whatever value of badass you can imagine -- whether that is superb combatant or peerless healer. I guess there would be something wrong if you were actively working against the enjoyment of others, but I don't believe that is synonymous with having a build concept you want to try out given the opportunity.
Your mileage may vary.
hustonj |
I don't expect everyone to agree with my views. That's why I made sure to include the final paragraph. I didn't want to let anyone walk away with the misconception that I was telling them how to play this game.
I DID try to communicate what I look for in the game, and compared it to what other people's posts seem to indicate they are looking for in a game. Everything else anyone took away from that is based on their own baggage.
Noro_Kas |
ok looking over the submissions now I wonder...
am I the only melee character? (I mean primarily melee not the yeah I can deal damage as well as cast spells. etc.
guess my chances are fair.
of course been down that road before.. applied with the only divine caster and was passed up in favor of 2 paladins instead.
"Fingers" Mitchell |
Presenting "Fingers" Mitchell, lock-breaker, pocket-picker and rogue extraordinare. Not much of a do-gooder, he's not above stealing a pinch to survive, or knocking over a merchant stall or two. Perhaps even running a con, if the bird is fat enough.
Campaign sounds fun, I run several games so post regularly, looking forward to playing, especially a home-brew which will offer new stories.
LMK if you have questions.
Nahal Sakashi |
ok looking over the submissions now I wonder...
am I the only melee character? (I mean primarily melee not the yeah I can deal damage as well as cast spells. etc.
Well, I plan to lend you a hand; you take the hits and I hit them from the back. Deal?
Oh, and talking about competition...