Grimwold Starforge |

Hmm we kind of need to work out what false information we are going to give about our encounter with the pirates... We also need the Headsman's assistance with the repairs to the excelsior. So what can we tell him that could draw out the mole?

DM Jelani |

Honestly I'm considering ending this game. Three of the five players haven't posted in ten days and I'm too busy to put in the effort of writing material from scratch for players who can't meet me halfway effort wise. Seems like for months now the only time I can get people to post reliably (aka often and with substance) is when we're in combat.
Also I've had a real life group start up and that's taking a lot of my gaming time. Is anyone besides Horus and Kimefe even still around?

Grimwold Starforge |

Sorry Jelani, I'm still here, though I've had a hectic three weeks or so. House hunting, moving all my stuff into storage, more house hunting, work and no broardband. We finally got approved for a house and we're moving again this Friday. Yay!

Leo Gotrum |

I underestimated how much attention my last exam required and to be honest forgot about all pathfinder activities, sorry. I would like to continue, if you are interested. It has been an interesting game so far, I really enjoy the space setting.

DM Jelani |

Still haven't heard from Mordanna but I think what I'll do is come up with the next adventure and then just fast forward a bit. I have a vague idea for where this goes next but it'll take me a bit to flesh it out. I did a bunch of planning when we first started playing but now we've caught up to that and I've been too busy with other games to keep ahead of us.

Mordanna Na'Tal |

Sorry bout not posting lately. I recently was sick with the flu which made me tire very easily for a couple weeks after that. Couple that with busy at work makes for being tired a lot.
I am willing to continue though.

DM Jelani |

Okay guys. I've got my real life game today, but sometime this coming week I should be able to move this on. Hopefully sooner rather than later. We're finished on Cygnuss, so a couple quick wrap up posts, then back to Vega for your reward and next assignment. I'm gonna retrofit the Excelsior to make sure there are enough weapons for everyone to use one if they want it, and you're going to get a full crew compliment now that the ship has proven its value. That means several hundred 'red shirts' running around following your orders. Then it'll be on to the actual mission of the ship, exploring deep space with its gate drive.
Any suggestions for this game while we're in this transition period?
Eoriel - Thanks for your patience, sorry this is taking so long. I think I'll just have you assigned to the ship back on Vega. It's easier than explaining why the Guild would be giving another employee to the FEF. Can we tweak the backstory to have him locked up on Vega and accepting a plea deal to join the FEF instead of serving his sentence?

DM Jelani |

Agreed. Perhaps switch up your roles on the ship to be more of an 'away team' type deal? There are two reason I haven't been DMPCing more. A) I hate doing it, it takes a ton of time (which I don't really have due to the amount of games I've got going on) and makes me responsible for your character's actions. B) Most of the non-combat decisions are coming down to being made by Leo because he's the senior officer.
If you were all still officers, but of equal rank, and not involved in direct decision making for the ship as a whole it would make things go faster I think. If Ageera is in charge (ie the person all of you report to) and the ship's AI and crew run day-to-day stuff, then the PCs can function more like a traditional D&D party without waiting for one PC to make decisions.
In combat, I'm fine with DMPCing people who haven't posted. Especially if it's one person holding up the fight.
I found a pre-published sci-fi adventure in an old issue of Dungeon. I'm going to convert it for this. It'll probably take me a while to finish, but since the pace of PBP is pretty slow we can get started again before I'm totally done converting it.

DM Jelani |

I was making some NPCs for the next adventure and I noticed a couple mistakes in my rules documents.
The martial hero should get a bonus feat at first and second level, then every even numbered level thereafter. Just like a fighter.
I never specified weapon groups for the weapon training class feature feat. They are pistols, carbines, rifles, melee, and explosives.
Finally, I slightly redid the armor section of the equipment. I changed ballistic armor to give DR, and the others to provide energy resistance of the appropriate type. This brings it more in line with normal pathfinder rules, without changing how it previously functioned.

DM Jelani |

Okay, it's become apparent to me that don't really have the time for all the games I'm running and this is the least active one. So I'm going to go ahead and close it down. This was actually my first, and longest running PBP game to date. Thanks so much for helping me to test out my sci-fi rules everyone. If I ever have the time to start another game with these rules I'll let you all know.
Eoriel, I'm especially sorry to you! I made you wait so long and then you only got to post a couple times. Hope we can play together in some other games in the future.
See you all around the boards, may all your rolls be critical hits!