Space Trip - Star Trek PbtA

Game Master MCKhaos

Current Rules | Technobabble Generator

This is the discussion thread.

Go ahead and introduce your characters here.

Human | Essence: Wesley Crusher | Majors: Astrogation/Diplomacy | Ship Station: None | Minor: None | Severe: None

Since everyone makes a character in this game (including the first GM), here is my character.

Ensign Donny Hock. Usually found at astrometrics, the science station or at the helm. Admitted to the Academy at an unusually young age, the USS [we need a ship name] is his first posting. His parents put him into through an illegal genetic modification program as a young child, but Donny has no idea.

I don't want to explain character creation (playtest and all), but I did want to explain how to make an alias on these forums. These let you "speak" as your character name/avatar.

When you are logged in, click on my account along the top. Scroll down and "Create New Alias." Choose your name, and then you have a chance to choose your avatar. You can't upload your own photos, but there are many options. You won't find any klingons, so if you decide to be non-humanish species you may have to just skip having an avatar.

Save your alias. Then in this thread make a new post but do "Post As [New Alias]".

Once the post is up, click on your Alias name, then click on "Profile." Put your key information in the "Race" box. Essence, Majors, Conditions, etc. For example, in "Race" for this character, I put in "Essence: Wesley Crusher | Majors: Astrogation/Diplomacy | Ship Station: None | Minor: None | Severe: None"

Click "show" to show formatting information for your posts. It's fairly simple.

Rolling dice is super easy.

[.dice=What I'm doing]2d6+2[/.dice]

Remove the periods and that becomes:

What I'm doing: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (6, 2) + 2 = 10

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Human | Essence: Wesley Crusher | Majors: Astrogation/Diplomacy | Ship Station: None | Minor: None | Severe: None

Let's go with one of the iconic ships. Should we have a Galaxy class (TNG Enterprise), Defiant (DS9 Defiant), or a Intrepid class (USS Voyager)?

Lt. (j.g.) | Bajoran | Essence: Odo | Majors: Security/Espionage | Ship Station: Tactical 1 | Minor: None | Severe: None

Time for dice ... Magick!: 3d12 + 6 ⇒ (12, 1, 10) + 6 = 29

I'll vote for Defiant-class ... no kids and heavy weapons!

Current Rules | Technobabble Generator

The rules are linked in the campaign info tab.

Also linked in this post right under "Starfleet Command." 25ug/edit?usp=sharing

I'll make my avatar later, in a rush today! TTYS.

Current Rules | Technobabble Generator

Should we play as Captain Worf's crew on the actual USS Defiant post DS9?

Current Rules | Technobabble Generator
Starfleet Command wrote:
Should we play as Captain Worf's crew on the actual USS Defiant post DS9?

Bah, my ST knowledge check failed. The original Defiant was destroyed during DS9's run.

Apparently in the DS9 novels, the second Defiant goes on a 3 month long exploration mission into the gamma quadrant. That could be a cool setting for our game.

Current Rules | Technobabble Generator

Also, if you post in the gameplay thread, even just a placeholder, you will be subscribed to the game and get notifications of new posts on your campaign tab.

Male Essence: Scotty | Majors: Tactical/Security | Ship Station: None | Minor: None | Severe: None

Colonel Verelon of Andoria, Reporting in.

Male Essence: Scotty | Majors: Tactical/Security | Ship Station: None | Minor: None | Severe: None

When I post, do I have to do all that crazy formatting if I'm not rolling dice?

Current Rules | Technobabble Generator
Colonel Verelon wrote:
When I post, do I have to do all that crazy formatting if I'm not rolling dice?

What kind of crazy formatting? Generally, I use normal text for narration, [.b]bold[/.b] for speaking, and [.i]italics[/.i] for internal thoughts (remove the periods to make it work). You don't have to do that though.

Current Rules | Technobabble Generator

Still waiting on a few more of our players to create their characters and make their first posts. Then we'll get started.

Current Rules | Technobabble Generator

I updated the rules to make them look pretty. The "Current Rules" links have been updated.

Female Trill | Lt. Cmdr. | Essence: Riker | Majors: Diplomacy, Command

Lieutenant Commander Siarzad Kol, reporting for duty.

Male Human | Essence: Leonard McCoy | Majors: Medical/Science | Ship Station: Science | Minor: None | Severe: None

Ernest Gibson, here. Equally likely to be caught jawing at a cute nurse or nursing a sore jaw after a good night out.

Current Rules | Technobabble Generator

Eeee, typos throughout that gameplay post.

lol, format fail. That's what I get for posting from the hotel computer while hurrying out the door to a meeting. Rather than edit it (gasp) to remove the errant /, I'll just let you all laugh at me.

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