Jarrus Darkhaven |

"Ye got be pegged wrong. Besmara's been kind to let me be free on the big blue." he says, rolling up his sleeve and showing the tattoo of Besmara's symbol, a skull and crossbones, on the inside of his left forearm. Then takes another swig and tops both his and Sandara's mugs up again.
"Nah, the married life, tis not for I. Blood and water. That's my lot in life. Live each day like it's yer last."
After her question of the pistol, he draws both of the pistols he has out. His old one which has a few dents and many stains and scratches from it and lays it on the barrel before them, then the new one he places besides it. He looks at them and his eyes grow somber and dark. He takes another swig and tops it up again whish seems to loosen him up a little more.
He looks off far out to see and speaks like he's talking to the ocean instead of Sandara.
"I was taken to sea, like many a child I s'pose. Stripped from the arms of me mother. The man that done it had a gun, a pistol, which took my family from me. I aim to use it to take 'is life from him. All told I actually hate the damn things. But not many can use 'em that well, which, as it turns out, isn't my problem aye."[b] He turns back to Sandara. [b]"I don' tell many that story. On a night like this is's not one for joyous occasions."
He takes another swig.
"Y'know what we should do, we should enter this barge into the Free Captains regatta. I've always wanted ta race in that."

Sandara Quinn __ |

"Ye couldn't come up with something more light-hearted? All the world is a drama. Let's drink on the death of that man. May he die at yer hands." she drinks out her mug again. "Ye know. I have this" she says showing her flag "because Besmara saved my Father after I prayed to her. I worship her ever since. And now she called me to the sea." she tells. "That is cool!"

Estelle Numbduster |

Estelle comes to the meal late, having been inspecting the ship for any other damage and to make a list of what they will need once they hit port.
"Why are we drinkin' to ta cap'n? Pass me a drink den."
Estelle walks over to where Jarus and Sandara are sitting and drinking, grabbing a space cup and pouring some for herself.
"Cap'n all seems good ere on the ship, gots a list o' supplies we will need once we it port."

Jarrus Darkhaven |

Jarrus gives a wink to the Captain after she yells. "Yer the best Cap'n we've ever had so everyone let's give a cheers to the Cap'n!" Jarrus says loudly and give a wink and a nudge to Sandara as everyone toasts.

Sandara Quinn __ |

"Cheers Captain." Sandara toasts and drinks.
"Aye Captain, yer the best Captain there is. But all toasts ta ye have ta be to the Captain. Toasts to Besmara go to our pirate goddess. May she always always be enough water beneath our keel and rich loot on our way." Sandara adds another toast.

Lito de'Anora |

As he finishes his dinner he looks over at the crew.
Rosie, do ye still have that fiddle?
I wouldn't object if ye were to strike up a lively tune.

Lito de'Anora |

As the music starts to play, Lito gets up and grabs a cup of rum.
Perform Dance: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25
Then he starts to dance. At first it's just a silly thing that looks like he's trying to balance the cup and not spill it while dancing to the tune, but as the song goes on it gets more complex until he's sliding down the rails and doing backflips off the mast all the while keeping the cup from spilling.
He ends with a bow that seems to overbalance but that turns into a summersault and end with him sitting on the deck mug raised and not a drop spilled.
To the Crew of The Man's Promise. May the days ahead bring us smooth sailing and plenty of treasure.

GM Foxy |
That's funny. I thought we sit under deck at a long table. Trytton may have assumed we're in the captains cabin or wanted to move the loot sharing there and you put it on deck. Shows that I have to be more clear about the surroundings. But as you're the first to explicitly state the location dinner is on deck from now on :D

Estelle Numbduster |

I as well, but I mean you could have gone with Trytton in to the Captains cabin to look at the loot.

Besmara __ |

Is there someone else who wants to rub it in that I'm the only one who thought it is under deck? :P
"Let's move to my cabin and take a look at what we got. If ye behave and keep off my bed ye can all come and we'll see what's for whom. But don't get yer hopes up. Most will go to those who were in the fight." Besmara invites the crew to her cabin.
Once everyone who wants is there and it is pretty crowded Besmara takes a look at the pile and then at Jarrus holding out her hand.

Trytton |

As everyone makes there way into the captains cabin they can see a massive pile of goods arranged on the table in the center of the room.
There are four clear piles on the table.
One of the piles is a small collection of armor. A normal leather jerkin and some dull metal bracers.
In another pile stand 3 vials of clear liquid, 2 with a slight blue tinge to them, and the third glowing with a pale light from within.
The third pile is more interesting as it is a collection of weapons laid as neatly as can be in the space provided. They are spaced evenly so one could inspect them evenly. Most impressive of the weapons is a harpoon made from the jagged, scrimshaw-carved tusk of a narwhal attached to a 50-foot length of woven sinew.
The fourth, and by far the largest pile is divided into a few sub-piles if you will. There are 30 piles of gold coins, 10 high each and a few in a shorter pile, and 21 piles of silver coins with one on it's own. Next to the coins stands a collection of precious materials, from obsidian to pearls. Next is an ornate scabbard followed by a ceremonial weapon. Beyond that lie some worked wooden rods and a piece of driftwood.
The next sub-pile is a collection of small trinkets: buckles, buttons and rings. A tankard and some well built manacles stand next to 8 fine garments, on top of which stands a waxed bag.
Finally stands a collection of bones and teeth from various animals all carved or worked in some way or another.
black tentacles 1
blur 1
color spray 1
daylight 1
enlarge person 1
hypnotism 1
slow 1
touch of idiocy 1
vampire touch 1

Besmara __ |

"Wow. Lito, would you please tell what's of worth here?" Besmara asks. "And you could do some sorting before putting it here. I don't need to decide what happens to scrap metal." she tells Trytton with a look at the rusty daggers and the spearhead.
She still holds her hand out to Jarrus for him to hand the pistol over.

Jarrus Darkhaven |

Sorry just got home now
Jarrus goes with Sandara into the cabin and when he see's the Captain with her hand out, he smiles and pulls the pistol out and flips it in his hand so that he hands it to her with the grip/handle first. And then gives her the Spyglass as well, then takes a step back and leans with his back against the wall.

Lito de'Anora |

Lets see what we have here.
Lito casts detect magic.
First he examines the armor.
Spellcraft Bracers: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
the Bracers are magic but I'm not sure what they do.
Next he examines the potions.
Spellcraft Clear: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
Spellcraft Clear: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26
Spellcraft Clear: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22
Spellcraft Glowing: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
We already knew the two blue potions are water breathing. The other vials are <GM insert info here>.
He moves on to the weapons.
Spellcraft Harpoon: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25
Spellcraft Bolts: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
Spellcraft Gun: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29
Spellcraft ???: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18
Lets see, The Harpoon is a small Vindictive Harpoon, Nice piece there. The Pistol is more accurate (+1), the bolts are also magic, but I'm not sure what they do. <GM add anything else I know here.>
He moves to the Misc Stuff.
Spellcraft Wand Mage Armor: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21
Spellcraft Wand Summon Natures Ally: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26
Spellcraft Estelle's Silver Ring: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11
Spellcraft Feather: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28
For the other stuff... This is a wand of Mage Armor, This a wand of Summon Nature's Ally II, and then there is the wand of curing that I have. He takes it out and sets it on the table. As well as the magical silver ring that Estelle grabbed in the ghoul's house. He points to her finger.It does something, but I'm not sure what.
And that feather, hmmm its.... Oh there's an Anchor in here! Cast it down on the ground and it becomes a full size boat anchor for 24 hours.
Then of course Captain, I already told you about the skull. It has 10 arcane spells written on it.

Besmara __ |

Trassure bookkeeping is Trytton's Job now. But you can look it up yourself on the Quartermaster Spreadsheet linked above.
Besmara weighs the pistol in er hand, cocks it and aims at a portrait at the wall as if she knew what she does. "Tis a nice weapon. Anyone but Jarrus who can use such a thing? No? Then you get ta keep it fer now." she states and hands it back.
"The harpoon goes into the treasure chest to pay for repairs and upgrades for our ship. The scroll skull too, as it's not practical to take that along to cast it in battle. Besides that, who sees something that would aid him or her with the daily job or pirate fights?"

Trytton |

"We should see if any of the crew are capable of the magic on the skull? I know some people can learn magics from scrolls." Trytton suggests as he moves the harpoon and skull one side.
Prof Merchant to appraise?: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
"I also think we should give the crew a portion of the gold. They can't spend it, but it will boost morale."

Lito de'Anora |

The only thing I could possibly have a use for is the wand of summons and one of those fine made non magical daggers. But I am perfectly happy letting the wand go to pay for ship upgrades.

Estelle Numbduster |

so we still don't know what my ring does eh? I don't even remember what is on the thing haha
Estelle just watches as the trade goes on, "Notin' I can be usin' so sell it as ye will."

Trytton |

"Trying them on might help us figure out what they do." Trytton says as he fastens the bracers to his forearms.
Once they are fastened he stands there waiting to see what happens. After a moment he seems to see clearer and hear better.
"They have made me see better." Trytton says looking around

Besmara __ |

"Isn't that what goggles are for?" Besmara asks. Looking at the huge pile of useless stuff Besmar orders "Keep the wands and potions we can use and pack the rest up for plunder. Share the gold in equal parts with the whole crew so they can pay their drinks once we're on the docks."
Lito, you are not able to use the summon wand as it is summon nature's ally. Only for druids and rangers. Or were you planning on UMDing it?

Estelle Numbduster |

Estelle will wave off any offer of gold, "Buy me some training weapons so I can get ye all inta fighting order"
Estelle then leans back in the cabin and drinks some of the rum

GM Foxy |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
After all these days full of toiling, danger and excitement follow two relaxed days. There is steady wind but the sea is calm. No other vessels cross the path of the man's promise. On the second day the ship sails close to the Slithering Coast to not miss the well hidden docks of Rickety Squibs.
In the evening the lookout reports a sighting. A bay or something. Rounding the tall headland reveals a hidden cove at the mouth of a wide jungle river, its sluggish brown waters staining the waters of the blue sea like an ugly bruise. A series of docks has been built upon this estuary, with buildings concealed beneath the overhanging limbs of the jungle beyond. A wooden watchtower stands upon the promontory of the headland, carefully concealed among the trees to provide a clandestine view of the seas.
As the Man’s Promise sails past the headland, a checkered flag of yellow and red is raised above the tower on the promontory, and an answering flag of blue is hoisted upon a yardarm at the docks ahead. A number of humanoid
figures emerge from the shaded buildings and gather on a pier. A small, single-masted longboat soon sets out from the boathouse on the estuary to meet the Man’s Promise, and its crew hails the ship, asking them to drop anchor to discuss terms.