Zatinya |
Zaza trusts the clever Hadha to conceal the contraband very effectively. She replies to the guard in plain, efficient tones. "Spices for the market, good sir," she says, in accented Taldane. "To sell in Alton, or points north if the supply does not sell here."
Versatile Performance (perform sing) to bluff: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21

Shalazat Al-Rayd |

300 bonus XP each to Hadha and Zaza for getting the party through the checkpoint.
The guards nod and allow you to continue into town. Soon you find an inn and stable your camels there. You rest then begin selling your wares. Shalazat explains more details of the mission to you "The opening to the tunnel is somewhere outside of town. We were not able to extract the exact location nor the number of Drow who have come through. The prisoner did explain to us, however, that Drow came through the tunnel, captured or killed someone outside of town, and assumed their identity. We must discover who in this town has been replaced by Drow and eliminate the underworlders."
Skill challenge! Everyone make two different skill checks that could be related to this, e.g. diplomacy to gather info, sense motive to verify info, perception, etc. The DC is 15 and we need 6 successes in ten attempts.

Hadha Al-Yatim |

Hadha nods and starts asking discrete questions of those who prefer to remain unseen. Those in power often ignore those with none, to their detriment. Hadha thinks he Knows a Guy or two.
Kn.Local: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20
kn. nobility: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
If anyone can Aid that Know: nobility we could have two successes there.

Amari Al'Fahd |

Knowing from their previous mission that Zaza is likely to go out, talking to people, Amari decided to stick to her side.
Protecting her was one reason.
Making sure the intel she would gather is trustworthy another. Not because he could not trust the temperamental shadow, but to make sure that she would not be lied at by anyone she interviewed.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15
During their walk around the market, he will take particular notice of any beings buying expansive wine and food, remembering well the expensive goods the false Elder had with him. Anyone fitting this schema will be looked over with intense scrutiny.
Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27
+2 from me

Shadows of Sand GM |

In this case, no aids on the skill challenge checks as they each reflect significant effort and busyness for each of you. 3 successes and 1 failure.
Just an interesting note, Amari, the false elder actually had Drow wine that he'd brought from the Darklands but he had falsely labeled it as Taldane.

Zatinya |
Zaza, as usual, is quick to start chatting in town, taking the opportunity to get to know some of the locals and find out any useful rumors. Though she is careful to try and blend in, to try and not draw too much attention to herself or Amari.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (14) + 15 = 29
Disguise: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26

Shadows of Sand GM |

Five successes and one failure. Agaban and Lo'laan still to go.

Lo'Laan Jin |

Survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 7 + 2 = 13
Lo has serenity track through town, hoping to trace the scent of the wine to another Drow. Meanwhile the hunter attempts to interpret the reactions of the local populace regarding their presence here.

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Walking the market looking at different wares and stalls.
Merchants would need something to take back...not just something to sell...wonder if there is anything else interesting in this market.
Appraise: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10 Cover Related though seems wasn't really useful...just hope he doesn't end up buying something that would cost them money.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25 Skill check for mission
Knowledge (nobility): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19 Attempting to remember if anyone would be a better target than others...mission related

Shadows of Sand GM |

Collective success.
You determine that the following locals went missing for a few days then turned back up without explanation:
Swain Thompson: Shopkeeper
Janet Albrecht: Shopkeeper
Moses Fallion: Bartender
Joshua Demure: Shepherd
You could find one of these individuals without much difficulty if you like as they all have jobs in town.
During your investigations, you notice a tall bald black man, dressed in a scruffy long leather duster covering a chain shirt. He wears a mace at his side and carries himself as it the weight of the world rests on his shoulders. Head down, shoulders slumped, walks with a long gait and appears like he doesn't pay attention to a thing. But he seems to be in the same locations as you somewhat more frequently than you'd expect.
You can also ask about this man if you like.

Zatinya |
As everyone shares their information, Zaza mentions quietly to the others.
"Have you noticed that tall, bald man that's been hanging around us? Has a weapon and armor, a bit of a warrior type. What do you think his deal is? Seems like he's been watching us a little too closely. Maybe I should find an excuse to say hello?"

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Assuming we are back in our room...also just wondering since we are in Taldane would the Al-Fahd be recognizable as something from their Qadira or would we still be fairly safe to use at will?
Seems to be a little to easy to spot in a crowd, though never really caught him looking straight at me too often...wonder how he found each of us when we were separated and searching for information.
Turning briefly to Shalazat.
Do we want to try to catch one of the four identified or split up and hit multiple at the same time...course need to make sure our interested maybe third party doesn't interrupt us either.
Sending up a brief prayer for guidance.
Think we need to catch our friend first for my vote...don't like unknowns still out there and hopefully nothing we did would have spooked the dark elves.

Shalazat Al-Rayd |

Most probably wouldn't recognize Al-Fahd sign language as anything but unusual. I'd say it's probably a DC 25 K local to know what it is.
Shalazat shakes her head. "We need to move quickly. If anything happens, the Drow will disappear. I will pursue two of the targets on my own. You decide your own course of action."

Zatinya |
I agree we should assume we are in our own room.
"Okay, we can focus on finding our drow and worry about the man watching us later. Maybe it makes sense to split up and use our strengths. I like having Hadha shadow Swain or Janet. I propose that I talk to patrons of the bar where Moses works, to see if they think he's different. If Amari wants to try intimidation, might be best to kidnap Joshua since there aren't as many people around a shepherd. Agaban and Lo can back us up or try their own strategies. If we get a lead on any of our three targets, then we're set. If not, we can go after the fourth target. Sound like a plan?"

Shalazat Al-Rayd |

Yes that's totally reasonable that you are conversing in private.
Shalazat shakes her head. "Investigating alone is one thing but I would not have you five split up to try to take one of these. If they do turn out to be an enemy agent..." She shakes her head. "We do not have enough intelligence to make such an attack short-handed without unnecessary risk. The five of you should fight together."

Hadha Al-Yatim |

Who said anything about fighting? I was thinking strict recon. Observe and report.
Hadha is already thinking through ways to track the targets without being seen. Also, I'm going to need to visit a bank later.

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Thinking a little more himself.
If we are going to attempt a kidnapping have to assume the Shepard would be easiest if we can catch him outside town tending his flock...shop and bar keepers would be a little harder to isolate I feel...might also give us a chance to see how interested our third party is if he follows us outside the city also.
Pausing a little longer and seeming to talk to himself.
Though might need a reason for us to head out of town so the guards dont ask questions...or find another way to sneak out of the town maybe.

Amari Al'Fahd |

Amari follows the discussion for some time, pondering their options.
As a short break in the discussion comes up, he starts signing quickly.
<Abduction is our last resort.
I would prefer to shadow our targets first as well.
And I agree with honored Shalazat, we should stick together in teams of two or more, whatever we are doing.
Going alone is too risky.
Let us keep a low profile at first, gather intel by talking and shadowing.
Then strike hard and fast together once we identified the targets.>

Shadows of Sand GM |

I'll allow a little more time to discuss your plan before proceeding. Say, 24 hours. At that time, I will narrate forward with whatever seems to be your plan. If you decide on a plan before then, I'll run with that before the 24 hrs is up.

Zatinya |
Zaza nods in agreement. "Right, investigation first. Fighting should happen as a group so we aren't overcome. And like Agaban says, it's a little harder to leave town and come back, so maybe we save the shepherd for last?"
"Why don't we pair up, then? Me and Agaban can investigate the bartender, since that requires the least stealth. Lo and Serenity can shadow one shopkeeper, while Amari and Hadha shadow another. Report back here with whatever information we find."

Hadha Al-Yatim |

stealth synergy: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (9) + 13 = 22
kn:local: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19
Hadha sets out with Amari and seems to melt into the crowds. He was in his element here. He first goes to a bank and exchanges some of his gold for silver. He then seeks out some of the homeless and beggars of the city, a faction that few even saw, much less payed attention to. He greased a few palms and quickly had the attention of the larger community. He pays to have them keep an eye on all the targets in the city with a small bonus thrown in for their discretion.

Zatinya |
Zaza patronizes the bar where their bartender suspect works. She befirends the folks that look to be regulars to the bar, and after getting them a round of drinks, tries to casually steer the conversation into the topic of why the bartender disappeared and whether he seemed different after his return.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (9) + 16 = 25
She keeps a wary eye for anyone who might suspect her true motives.
Sense Motive (Versatile Performance): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (8) + 13 = 21
If Agaban wants to join her, she'll help Agaban join the conversation also. If he prefers some distance, Zaza plays along as well.

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Giving Zaza a bit of a lead entering the tavern to draw the majority of the patrons focus before entering himself and finding a table close to a wall. Agaban situates himself where he can see most if not all of the room before pulling out his journal and starts making short entries into it, if one is looking across the table they would notice a series of shorthand notes and equivalent but two clear columns with various figures like a detailed oriented merchant might have to keep track of trends and merchandise.
However, he continues to look up at the crowd that has drawn towards his companion and watches to make sure no one is attempting to either attack or sneak off from the main room.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26

Lo'Laan Jin |

Stealth: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25
Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
Lo'Laan keeps his distance watching the shopkeeper from afar. He puts his training to the test as he searches for anything out of the ordinary with his suspect.

Shadows of Sand GM |

Together, the shadows are very stealthy and observant. Moses Fallion and Swain Thompson are observed entering an empty-looking warehouse on the southern edge of town.

Hadha Al-Yatim |

Hadha takes a look around to see what can be learned from the exterior of the building including any additional entrances, open windows, etc.
stealth: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (9) + 13 = 22
perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29

Shadows of Sand GM |

Haha sees old barrels scattered around the warehouse and notes a main entrance and a rear entrance. It seems to have been out of use for some years and there are no windows.

Hadha Al-Yatim |

Hadha reaches up to the largest stone on the head of his crystal staff and closes his eyes. The main crystal, a light blue stone with white streaks, detaches and grows thin, spider-like legs of odd, white stuff.
Everyone, meet Rocky. He's going to do some more scouting for us.
The stone crawls to the ground and uses its legs to climb its way to the roof.

Shadows of Sand GM |

Hadha, I need some more info on the ability you're using so I know what it can do and find for you.
"Rocky" heads up onto the roof but you don't hear anything of note from here.

Shadows of Sand GM |

Rocky lets Hadha know there are no trapdoors or others means of entry or exit on the roof.

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Assuming Zaza and Agaban meet Hadha and others outside the warehouse shadowing Moses?
Signing to Hadha.
One would think spies would watch the back way even more carefully but generally it is still the best way to go about this...Also, want to sit back in some shadows to wait for the rest of the group and to make sure no one else is entering/exiting for a little bit.

Amari Al'Fahd |

Remembering their first mission, Amari proposes:
<Regardless of the path we choose, we should bar the other exit to keep the prey from escaping.
Hadha, could you break the lock of the door, so it won't open?>

Shadows of Sand GM |

Thompson came in the front way and Fallion the back way.
What would you like to do now? If you wait until night fall, one or more of them will probably leave in the hours until then, just so you know.

Amari Al'Fahd |

<Shall we attempt to enter carefully to maybe gather some additional intel by overhearing their conversation or go in loud and fast?
Also: Mage Armor please :-)
I'll offer to take lead then, considering that my AC is higher than anyone else's and I do no longer suffer from being in melee with enemies.

Zatinya |
<Quiet but fast> suggests Zaza in response.
Preparing for battle, Zaza casts Mage Armor on Amari and Serenity. (6 charges remain.)
UMD: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (19) + 13 = 32
UMD: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25
She casts Heightened Awareness on herself. She will use it on the next initiative roll for a +4 bonus. (49 charges remain.)
She uses the Staff of Beast Power on Amari to cast Fox's Cunning. (+4 Wis.)

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Agreeing with the plan Agaban quickly signs
Bless or no?
Assuming with Zaza mostly wand/items that there wouldn't be as much somatic components so just checking before I cast bless if the rest of the party wants the extra noise...expect if to last most of the encounter considering the duration.

Amari Al'Fahd |

Ohh, I forget about that buff, thanks Zaz.
<Do it. Unless you shout your prayer, they should not hear it over the background noise of the village.>
Once the prayer is spoken, Amari enters through the Hadha-opened door - crouched with the first arrow of the day already on the string.
Stealth Synergy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27

Shadows of Sand GM |

What do you guys say to Ag's question? And it sounds like you're heading in so let's get stealth checks from everybody and let me know what you're looking to do as you enter, like Amari did.

Hadha Al-Yatim |

Stealth synergy: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (19) + 13 = 32 - Ohhh ya!
My buffs are all minute/lvl. So I'll buff when we actually make contact.
Hadha first checked the door to see if it's unlocked.
If it's not: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23
Then he dashes to the nearest cover and eats for a clean shot inside of 30 feet.
Kn check to identify any figures I happen to spot: 1d20 ⇒ 18+8 or 9

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Nevermind about the Bless...for some reason thought it was 1 round/level but it is 1 min so would only last for 5 minutes before it expired...could do sun metal but that would be bad for stealth...flaming weapons aren't really able to be hidden.
Entering behind Amari; Agaban rethinks his early question and decides that with an unknown amount of time before contact might be made it would be better to hold on to his spells.
Stealth (synergy): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
As he enters the door he attempts to step to the side to make room for the rest of the group and to gain another angle of attack with either his longspear or a spell depending on what they find on the other side.